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package Test::Run::Core;

use strict;
use warnings;

use Moose;


use vars qw($VERSION);

use MRO::Compat;

use List::MoreUtils ();

use Fatal qw(opendir);

use Time::HiRes ();
use List::Util ();

use File::Spec;

use Test::Run::Assert;
use Test::Run::Obj::Error;
use Test::Run::Straps;
use Test::Run::Obj::IntOrUnknown;

=head1 NAME

Test::Run::Core - Base class to run standard TAP scripts.

=head1 VERSION

Version 0.0304


$VERSION = '0.0304';


    # For VMS.
    delete $ENV{HARNESS_ACTIVE};

has "_bonusmsg" => (is => "rw", isa => "Str");
has "dir_files" => (is => "rw", isa => "ArrayRef", lazy => 1,
    default => sub { [] },
has "_new_dir_files" => (is => "rw", isa => "Maybe[ArrayRef]");
has "failed_tests" => (is => "rw", isa => "HashRef");
has "format_columns" => (is => "rw", isa => "Num");
has "last_test_elapsed" => (is => "rw", isa => "Str");
has "last_test_obj" => (is => "rw", isa => "Test::Run::Obj::TestObj");
has "last_test_results" => (is => "rw", isa => "Test::Run::Straps::StrapsTotalsObj");
has "list_len" => (is => "rw", isa => "Num", default => 0);
has "max_namelen" => (is => "rw", isa => "Num");

# I don't know for sure what output is. It is Test::Run::Output in
# Test::Run::Plugin::CmdLine::Output but could be different elsewhere.
has "output" => (is => "rw", isa => "Ref");
has "_start_time" => (is => "rw", isa => "Num");
has "Strap" => (is => "rw", isa => "Test::Run::Straps",
    lazy => 1, builder => "_get_new_strap"
has "tot" => (is => "rw", isa => "Test::Run::Obj::TotObj");
has "width" => (is => "rw", isa => "Num");

# Private Simple Params of _get_private_simple_params
has "Columns" => (is => "rw", isa => "Num", default => "80");
has "Debug" => (is => "rw", isa => "Bool");
has "Leaked_Dir" => (is => "rw", isa => "Str");
has "NoTty" => (is => "rw", isa => "Bool");
has "Switches" => (is => "rw", isa => "Maybe[Str]", default => "-w",);
has "Switches_Env" => (is => "rw", isa => "Maybe[Str]");
has "test_files" => (is => "rw", isa => "ArrayRef");
has "test_files_data" => (is => "rw", isa => "HashRef",
    default => sub { +{} },
has "Test_Interpreter" => (is => "rw", isa => "Maybe[Str]");
has "Timer" => (is => "rw", isa => "Bool");
has "Verbose" => (is => "rw", isa => "Bool");

sub _get_new_strap
    my $self = shift;

    return $self->create_pluggable_helper_obj(
            id => "straps",
            args => {},

=head2 BUILD

For Moose.


    my $self = shift;

            id => "straps",
            base => "Test::Run::Straps",
            collect_plugins_method => "private_straps_plugins",

            id => "failed",
            base => "Test::Run::Obj::FailedObj",
            collect_plugins_method => "private_failed_obj_plugins",

            id => "test",
            base => "Test::Run::Obj::TestObj",
            collect_plugins_method => "private_test_obj_plugins",

            id => "tot",
            base => "Test::Run::Obj::TotObj",
            collect_plugins_method => "private_tot_obj_plugins",

            id => "canon_failed",
            base => "Test::Run::Obj::CanonFailedObj",
            collect_plugins_method => "private_canon_failed_obj_plugins",

            name => "fail_other_except",
            format => "Failed %(_get_fail_test_scripts_string)s%(_get_fail_tests_good_percent_string)s.%(_get_sub_percent_msg)s\n"

    return 0;

=head2 $self->helpers_base_namespace()

See L<Test::Run::Base::PlugHelpers>.


sub helpers_base_namespace
    my $self = shift;

    return "Test::Run::Core::__HelperObjects";

=head2 Object Parameters

These parameters are accessors. They can be set at object creation by passing
their name along with a value on the constructor (along with the compulsory
C<'test_files'> argument):

    my $tester = Test::Run::Obj->new(
            'test_files' => \@mytests,
            'Verbose' => 1,

Alternatively, before C<runtests()> is called, they can be set by passing a
value to their accessor:


=over 4

=item C<$self-E<gt>Verbose()>

The object variable C<$self-E<gt>Verbose()> can be used to let C<runtests()>
display the standard output of the script without altering the behavior
otherwise.  The F<runprove> utility's C<-v> flag will set this.

=item C<$self-E<gt>Leaked_Dir()>

When set to the name of a directory, C<$tester> will check after each
test whether new files appeared in that directory, and report them as

  LEAKED FILES: scr.tmp 0 my.db

If relative, directory name is with respect to the current directory at
the moment C<$tester-E<gt>runtests()> was called.  Putting the absolute path
into C<Leaked_Dir> will give more predictable results.

=item C<$self-E<gt>Debug()>

If C<$self-E<gt>Debug()> is true, Test::Run will print debugging information
about itself as it runs the tests.  This is different from
C<$self-E<gt>Verbose()>, which prints the output from the test being run.

=item C<$self-E<gt>Columns()>

This value will be used for the width of the terminal. If it is not
set then it will default to 80.

=item C<$self-E<gt>Timer()>

If set to true, and C<Time::HiRes> is available, print elapsed seconds
after each test file.

=item C<$self-E<gt>NoTty()>

When set to a true value, forces it to behave as though STDOUT were
not a console.  You may need to set this if you don't want harness to
output more frequent progress messages using carriage returns.  Some
consoles may not handle carriage returns properly (which results in a
somewhat messy output).

=item C<$self-E<gt>Test_Interprter()>

Usually your tests will be run by C<$^X>, the currently-executing Perl.
However, you may want to have it run by a different executable, such as
a threading perl, or a different version.

=item C<$self-E<gt>Switches()> and C<$self-E<gt>Switches_Env()>

These two values will be prepended to the switches used to invoke perl on
each test.  For example, setting one of them to C<-W> will
run all tests with all warnings enabled.

The difference between them is that C<Switches_Env()> is expected to be
filled in by the environment and C<Switches()> from other sources (like the


=head2 METHODS

Test::Run currently has only one interface method.

=head2 $tester->runtests()

    my $all_ok = $tester->runtests()

Runs the tests, see if they are OK. Returns true if they are OK, or
throw an exception otherwise.


=head2 $self->_report_leaked_files({leaked_files => [@files]})

[This is a method that needs to be over-rided.]

Should report (or ignore) the files that were leaked in the directories
that were specifies as leaking directories.


=head2 $self->_report_failed_with_results_seen({%args})

[This is a method that needs to be over-rided.]

Should report (or ignore) the failed tests in the test file.

Arguments are:

=over 4

=item * test_struct

The test struct as returned by straps.

=item * filename

The filename

=item * estatus

Exit status.

=item * wstatus

Wait status.

=item * results

The results of the test.



=head2 $self->_recheck_dir_files()

Called to recheck that the dir files is OK.


sub _recheck_dir_files
    my $self = shift;

    if (defined($self->Leaked_Dir()))
        return $self->_real_recheck_dir_files();

sub _calc_leaked_files_since_last_update
    my $self = shift;

    my %found;

    @found{@{$self->_new_dir_files()}} = (1) x @{$self->_new_dir_files()};


    return [sort keys(%found)];

sub _real_recheck_dir_files
    my $self = shift;


            leaked_files => $self->_calc_leaked_files_since_last_update()

sub _update_dir_files
    my $self = shift;


    # Reset it to prevent dangerous behaviour.


sub _glob_dir
    my ($self, $dirname) = @_;

    my $dir;
    opendir $dir, $dirname;
    my @contents = readdir($dir);

    return [File::Spec->no_upwards(@contents)];

sub _get_num_tests_files
    my $self = shift;

    return scalar(@{$self->test_files()});

sub _get_tot_counter_tests
    my $self = shift;

    return [ tests => $self->_get_num_tests_files() ];

sub _init_tot_obj_instance
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->create_pluggable_helper_obj(
            id => "tot",
            args => { @{$self->_get_tot_counter_tests()} },

sub _init_tot
    my $self = shift;

sub _tot_inc
    my ($self, $field) = @_;


sub _tot_add_results
    my ($self, $results) = @_;

    return $self->tot->add_results($results);

sub _create_failed_obj_instance
    my $self = shift;
    my $args = shift;
    return $self->create_pluggable_helper_obj(
            id => "failed",
            args => $args,

sub _create_test_obj_instance
    my ($self, $args) = @_;
    return $self->create_pluggable_helper_obj(
            id => "test",
            args => $args,

sub _is_failed_and_max
    my $self = shift;

    return $self->last_test_obj->is_failed_and_max();

sub _strap_test_handler
    my ($self, $args) = @_;




sub _strap_header_handler
    my ($self, $args) = @_;

    my $totals = $args->{totals};

    if ($self->Strap()->_seen_header())
        warn "Test header seen more than once!\n";


    if ($totals->in_the_middle())
        warn "1..M can only appear at the beginning or end of tests\n";


sub _tap_event_strap_callback
    my ($self, $args) = @_;


    return $self->_tap_event_handle_strap($args);

sub _tap_event__calc_conds
    my $self = shift;

        { cond => "is_plan", handler => "_strap_header_handler", },
        { cond => "is_bailout", handler => "_strap_bailout_handler", },
        { cond => "is_test", handler => "_strap_test_handler"},

sub _tap_event_handle_strap
    my ($self, $args) = @_;
    my $event = $args->{event};

    foreach my $c (@{$self->_tap_event__calc_conds()})
        my $cond = $c->{cond};
        my $handler = $c->{handler};

        if ($event->$cond())
            return $self->$handler($args);

=begin _private

=over 4

=item B<_all_ok>

    my $ok = $self->_all_ok();

Tells you if the current test run is OK or not.


sub _all_ok
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->tot->all_ok();



sub _get_dir_files
    my $self = shift;

    return $self->_glob_dir($self->Leaked_Dir());

sub _calc_strap_callback_map
        "tap_event"        => "_tap_event_strap_callback",
        "report_start_env" => "_report_script_start_environment",
        "could_not_run_script" => "_report_could_not_run_script",
        "test_file_opening_error" => "_handle_test_file_opening_error",
        "test_file_closing_error" => "_handle_test_file_closing_error",

sub _strap_callback
    my ($self, $args) = @_;

    my $type = $args->{type};
    my $cb = $self->_calc_strap_callback_map()->{$type};

    return $self->$cb($args);

sub _inc_bad
    my $self = shift;



sub _ser_failed_results
    my $self = shift;

    return $self->_canonfailed()->get_ser_results();

sub _get_current_time
    my $self = shift;

    return Time::HiRes::time();

sub _set_start_time
    my $self = shift;

    if ($self->Timer())

sub _get_failed_with_results_seen_msg
    my $self = shift;

            ? $self->_get_failed_and_max_msg()
            : $self->_get_dont_know_which_tests_failed_msg()

sub _get_dont_know_which_tests_failed_msg
    my $self = shift;

    return $self->last_test_obj->_get_dont_know_which_tests_failed_msg();

sub _get_elapsed
    my $self = shift;

    if ($self->Timer())
        return sprintf(" %8.3fs",
            $self->_get_current_time() - $self->_start_time()
        return "";

sub _set_last_test_elapsed
    my $self = shift;


sub _get_copied_strap_fields
    return [qw(Debug Test_Interpreter Switches Switches_Env)];

sub _init_strap
    my ($self, $args) = @_;

    $self->Strap()->copy_from($self, $self->_get_copied_strap_fields());

sub _get_sub_percent_msg
    my $self = shift;

    return $self->tot->get_sub_percent_msg();

sub _handle_passing_test
    my $self = shift;


sub _does_test_have_some_oks
    my $self = shift;

    return $self->last_test_obj->max();

sub _process_passing_test
    my $self = shift;

    if ($self->_does_test_have_some_oks())

sub _process_test_with_some_oks
    my $self = shift;

    if ($self->last_test_obj->skipped_or_bonus())
        return $self->_process_skipped_test();
        return $self->_process_all_ok_test();

sub _process_all_ok_test
    my ($self) = @_;
    return $self->_report_all_ok_test();

sub _process_all_skipped_test
    my $self = shift;



sub _fail_other_get_script_names
    my $self = shift;

    return [ sort { $a cmp $b } (keys(%{$self->failed_tests()})) ];

sub _fail_other_print_all_tests
    my $self = shift;

    for my $script (@{$self->_fail_other_get_script_names()})

sub _fail_other_throw_exception
    my $self = shift;

    die Test::Run::Obj::Error::TestsFail::Other->new(
        {text => $self->_get_fail_other_exception_text(),},

sub _process_skipped_test
    my ($self) = @_;

    return $self->_report_skipped_test();

sub _time_single_test
    my ($self, $args) = @_;



    $self->Strap->callback(sub { return $self->_strap_callback(@_); });

    # We trap exceptions so we can nullify the callback to avoid memory
    # leaks.
    my $results;
        if (! ($results = $self->Strap()->analyze_file($args->{test_file})))
                warn $self->Strap()->error(), "\n";

    # To avoid circular references

    if ($@ ne "")
        die $@;



sub _fail_no_tests_output
    my $self = shift;
    die Test::Run::Obj::Error::TestsFail::NoOutput->new(
        {text => $self->_get_fail_no_tests_output_text(),},

sub _failed_canon
    my $self = shift;

    return $self->_canonfailed()->canon();

sub _get_failed_and_max_msg
    my $self = shift;

    return   $self->last_test_obj->ml()
           . $self->_ser_failed_results();

sub _canonfailed
    my $self = shift;

    my $canon_obj = $self->_canonfailed_get_canon();


    return $canon_obj;
    # Originally returning get_ser_results, canon

sub _filter_failed
    my ($self, $failed_ref) = @_;
    return [ List::MoreUtils::uniq(sort { $a <=> $b } @$failed_ref) ];

sub _canonfailed_get_failed
    my $self = shift;

    return $self->_filter_failed($self->_get_failed_list());

=head2 $self->_calc_test_struct_ml($results)

Calculates the ml(). (See L<Test::Run::Output>) for the test.


sub _calc_test_struct_ml
    my $self = shift;

    return "";

sub _calc_last_test_obj_params
    my $self = shift;

    my $results = $self->last_test_results;

            map { $_ => $results->$_(), }
            (qw(bonus max ok skip_reason skip_all))
        skipped => $results->skip(),
        'next' => $self->Strap->next_test_num(),
        failed => $results->_get_failed_details(),
        ml => $self->_calc_test_struct_ml($results),

sub _get_fail_no_tests_run_text
    return "FAILED--no tests were run for some reason.\n"

sub _get_fail_no_tests_output_text
    my $self = shift;

    return $self->tot->_get_fail_no_tests_output_text();

sub _get_success_msg
    my $self = shift;
    return "All tests successful" . $self->_get_bonusmsg() . ".";

sub _fail_no_tests_run
    my $self = shift;
    die Test::Run::Obj::Error::TestsFail::NoTestsRun->new(
        {text => $self->_get_fail_no_tests_run_text(),},

sub _calc_test_struct
    my $self = shift;

    my $results = $self->last_test_results;


    return $self->last_test_obj(

sub _get_failed_list
    my $self = shift;

    return $self->last_test_obj->failed;

sub _get_premature_test_dubious_summary
    my $self = shift;



    return $self->_get_failed_and_max_params();

sub _failed_before_any_test_output
    my $self = shift;



    return $self->_calc_failed_before_any_test_obj();

sub _max_len
    my ($self, $array_ref) = @_;

    return List::Util::max(map { length($_) } @$array_ref);

# TODO : Add _leader_width here.

sub _get_fn_fn
    my ($self, $fn) = @_;

    return $fn;

sub _get_fn_ext
    my ($self, $fn) = @_;

    return (($fn =~ /\.(\w+)\z/) ? $1 : "");

sub _get_filename_map_max_len
    my ($self, $cb) = @_;

    return $self->_max_len(
        [ map { $self->$cb($self->_get_test_file_display_path($_)) }

sub _get_max_ext_len
    my $self = shift;

    return $self->_get_filename_map_max_len("_get_fn_ext");

sub _get_max_filename_len
    my $self = shift;

    return $self->_get_filename_map_max_len("_get_fn_fn");

=head2 $self->_leader_width()

Calculates how long the leader should be based on the length of the
maximal test filename.


sub _leader_width
    my $self = shift;

    return $self->_get_max_filename_len() + 3 - $self->_get_max_ext_len();

sub _strap_bailout_handler
    my ($self, $args) = @_;

    die Test::Run::Obj::Error::TestsFail::Bailout->new(
            bailout_reason => $self->Strap->bailout_reason(),
            text => "FOOBAR",

sub _calc_failed_before_any_test_obj
    my $self = shift;

    return $self->_create_failed_obj_instance(
                { $_ => Test::Run::Obj::IntOrUnknown->create_unknown() }
                qw(max failed)
            canon => "??",
            (map { $_ => "", } qw(estat wstat)),
            percent => undef,
            name => $self->_get_last_test_filename(),

sub _show_results
    my($self) = @_;



sub _is_last_test_seen
    return shift->last_test_results->seen;

sub _is_test_passing
    my $self = shift;

    return $self->last_test_results->passing;

sub _get_failed_and_max_params
    my $self = shift;

    my $last_test = $self->last_test_obj;

        canon => $self->_failed_canon(),
        failed => Test::Run::Obj::IntOrUnknown->create_int($last_test->num_failed()),
        percent => $last_test->calc_percent(),

# The test program exited with a bad exit status.
sub _dubious_return
    my $self = shift;



    return $self->_calc_dubious_return_ret_value();

sub _get_fail_test_scripts_string
    my $self = shift;

    return $self->tot->fail_test_scripts_string();

sub _get_undef_tests_params
    my $self = shift;

        canon => "??",
        failed => Test::Run::Obj::IntOrUnknown->create_unknown(),
        percent => undef,

sub _get_fail_tests_good_percent_string
    my $self = shift;

    return $self->tot->fail_tests_good_percent_string();

sub _get_FWRS_tests_existence_params
    my ($self) = @_;

            ? (@{$self->_get_failed_and_max_params()})
            : (@{$self->_get_undef_tests_params()})

sub _handle_runtests_error_text
    my $self = shift;
    my $args = shift;

    my $text = $args->{'text'};

    die $text;

sub _is_error_object
    my $self = shift;
    my $error = shift;

        Scalar::Util::blessed($error) &&

sub _get_runtests_error_text
    my $self = shift;
    my $error = shift;

            ? $error->stringify()
            : $error

sub _is_no_tests_run
    my $self = shift;

    return (! $self->tot->tests());

sub _is_no_tests_output
    my $self = shift;

    return (! $self->tot->max());

sub _report_success
    my $self = shift;
            'channel' => "success",
            'event' => { 'type' => "success", },


sub _fail_other_if_bad
    my $self = shift;

    if ($self->tot->bad)


sub _calc__fail_other__callbacks
    my $self = shift;

    return [qw(

sub _fail_other


sub _show_success_or_failure
    my $self = shift;

    if ($self->_all_ok())
        return $self->_report_success();
    elsif ($self->_is_no_tests_run())
        return $self->_fail_no_tests_run();
    elsif ($self->_is_no_tests_output())
        return $self->_fail_no_tests_output();
        return $self->_fail_other();

sub _handle_runtests_error
    my $self = shift;
    my $args = shift;
    my $error = $args->{'error'};

            'text' => $self->_get_runtests_error_text($error),

sub _get_canonfailed_params
    my $self = shift;

    return [failed => $self->_canonfailed_get_failed(),];

sub _create_canonfailed_obj_instance
    my ($self, $args) = @_;

    return $self->create_pluggable_helper_obj(
            id => "canon_failed",
            args => $args,

sub _canonfailed_get_canon
    my ($self) = @_;

    return $self->_create_canonfailed_obj_instance(

sub _prepare_for_single_test_run
    my ($self, $args) = @_;





sub _calc__run_single_test__callbacks
    my $self = shift;

    return [qw(

sub _run_single_test
    my ($self, $args) = @_;



sub _list_tests_as_failures
    my $self = shift;


sub _process_test_file_results
    my ($self) = @_;

    if ($self->_is_test_passing())


sub _check_for_ok
    my $self = shift;

    assert( ($self->_all_ok() xor keys(%{$self->failed_tests()})),
            q{$ok is mutually exclusive with %$failed_tests}



sub _calc_test_file_data_display_path
    my ($self, $idx, $test_file) = @_;

    return $test_file;

sub _get_test_file_display_path
    my ($self, $test_file) = @_;

    return $self->test_files_data()->{$test_file}->{display_path};

sub _calc_test_file_data_struct
    my ($self, $idx, $test_file) = @_;

        idx => $idx,
        real_path => $test_file,
        display_path => $self->_calc_test_file_data_display_path($idx, $test_file),

sub _prepare_test_files_data
    my $self = shift;

    foreach my $idx (0 .. $#{$self->test_files()})
        my $test_file = $self->test_files()->[$idx];

        $self->test_files_data()->{$test_file} =
            $self->_calc_test_file_data_struct($idx, $test_file);

sub _calc__real_runtests__callbacks
    my $self = shift;


sub _real_runtests


sub runtests
    my $self = shift;

    local ($\, $,);

    eval { $self->_real_runtests(@_) };

    my $error = $@;

    my $ok = $self->_all_ok();

    if ($error)
        return $self->_handle_runtests_error(
                ok => $ok,
                error => $error,
        return $ok;

sub _get_bonusmsg
    my $self = shift;

    if (! defined($self->_bonusmsg()))

    return $self->_bonusmsg();

sub _autoflush_file_handles
    my $self = shift;


sub _init_failed_tests
    my $self = shift;


sub _prepare_run_all_tests
    my $self = shift;







# FWRS == failed_with_results_seen
sub _get_common_FWRS_params
    my $self = shift;

        max => Test::Run::Obj::IntOrUnknown->create_int(
        name => $self->_get_last_test_filename(),
        estat => "",
        wstat => "",
        list_len => $self->list_len(),

sub _get_failed_with_results_seen_params
    my ($self) = @_;


sub _failed_with_results_seen
    my $self = shift;




sub _get_failed_struct
    my ($self) = @_;

    if ($self->_get_wstatus())
         return $self->_dubious_return();
        return $self->_failed_with_results_seen();
        return $self->_failed_before_any_test_output();

sub _add_to_failed_tests
    my $self = shift;

    $self->failed_tests()->{$self->_get_last_test_filename()} =


sub _get_last_test_filename
    my $self = shift;

    return $self->last_test_results->filename();

sub _init_dir_files
    my $self = shift;

    if (defined($self->Leaked_Dir()))

sub _run_all_tests_loop
    my $self = shift;

    foreach my $test_file_path (@{$self->test_files()})
        $self->_run_single_test({ test_file => $test_file_path});

sub _run_all_tests__run_loop
    my $self = shift;

        sub {

sub _finalize_run_all_tests
    my $self = shift;


sub _calc__run_all_tests__callbacks
    my $self = shift;


sub _run_all_tests {


sub _get_dubious_summary_all_subtests_successful
    my ($self, $args) = @_;


        failed => Test::Run::Obj::IntOrUnknown->zero(),
        percent => 0,
        canon => "??",

sub _get_no_tests_summary
    my ($self, $args) = @_;

        failed => Test::Run::Obj::IntOrUnknown->create_unknown(),
        canon => "??",
        percent => undef(),

sub _get_dubious_summary
    my ($self, $args) = @_;

    my $method = $self->last_test_obj->get_dubious_summary_main_obj_method();

    return $self->$method($args);

sub _get_skipped_bonusmsg
    my $self = shift;

    return $self->tot->_get_skipped_bonusmsg();

sub _get_wstatus
    my $self = shift;

    return $self->last_test_results->wait;

sub _get_estatus
    my $self = shift;

    return $self->last_test_results->exit;

sub _get_format_failed_str
    my $self = shift;

    return "Failed Test";

sub _get_format_failed_str_len
    my $self = shift;

    return length($self->_get_format_failed_str());

sub _get_num_columns
    my $self = shift;

    # Some shells don't handle a full line of text well so we increment
    # 1.
    return ($self->Columns() - 1);

# Find the maximal name length among the failed_tests().
sub _calc_initial_max_namelen
    my $self = shift;

    my $max = $self->_get_format_failed_str_len();

    while (my ($k, $v) = each(%{$self->failed_tests()}))
        my $l = length($v->{name});

        if ($l > $max)
            $max = $l;



sub _calc_len_subtraction
    my ($self, $field) = @_;

    return $self->format_columns()
         - $self->_get_fmt_mid_str_len()
         - $self->$field()

sub _calc_initial_list_len
    my $self = shift;




sub _calc_updated_lens
    my $self = shift;


sub _calc_more_updated_lens
    my $self = shift;


        + $self->_get_fmt_mid_str_len()
        + $self->list_len()

sub _calc_fmt_list_len
    my $self = shift;


    if ($self->list_len() < $self->_get_fmt_list_str_len()) {
        if ($self->max_namelen() < $self->_get_format_failed_str_len())


sub _calc_format_widths
    my $self = shift;




sub _get_format_middle_str
    my $self = shift;

    return " Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  ";

sub _get_fmt_mid_str_len
    my $self = shift;

    return length($self->_get_format_middle_str());

sub _get_fmt_list_str_len
    my $self = shift;

    return length($self->_get_format_list_str());

sub _get_format_list_str
    my $self = shift;

    return "List of Failed";

sub _create_fmts
    my $self = shift;



sub _get_fail_other_exception_text
    my $self = shift;

    return $self->_format_self("fail_other_except");

sub _calc_dubious_return_ret_value
    my $self = shift;

    return $self->_create_failed_obj_instance(

sub _calc_dubious_return_failed_obj_params
    my $self = shift;


=head2 $self->_report_failed_before_any_test_output();

[This is a method that needs to be over-rided.]


=head2 $self->_report_skipped_test()

[This is a method that needs to be over-rided.]

Should report the skipped test.


=head2 $self->_report_all_ok_test()

[This is a method that needs to be over-rided.]

Should report the all OK test.


=head2 $self->_report_all_skipped_test()

[This is a method that needs to be over-rided.]

Should report the all-skipped test.


=head2 $self->_report_single_test_file_start({test_file => "t/my_test_file.t"})

[This is a method that needs to be over-rided.]

Should start the report for the C<test_file> file.


=head2 $self->_report('channel' => $channel, 'event' => $event_handle);

[This is a method that needs to be over-rided.]

Reports the C<$event_handle> event to channel C<$channel>. This should be
overrided by derived classes to do alternate functionality besides calling
output()->print_message(), also different based on the channel.

Currently available channels are:

=over 4

=item 'success'

The success report.


An event is a hash ref that should contain a 'type' property. Currently
supported types are:

=over 4

=item * success

A success type.



=head2 $self->_report_final_stats()

[This is a method that needs to be over-rided.]

Reports the final statistics.


=head2 $self->_fail_other_print_top()

[This is a method that needs to be over-rided.]

Prints the header of the files that failed.


=head2 $self->_fail_other_report_test($script_name)

[This is a method that needs to be over-rided.]

In case of failure from a different reason - report that test script.
Test::Run iterates over all the scripts and reports them one by one.


=head2 $self->_fail_other_print_bonus_message()

[This is a method that needs to be over-rided.]

Should report the bonus message in case of failure from a different


=head2 $self->_report_tap_event($args)

[This is a method that needs to be over-rided.]

=head2 $self->_report_script_start_environment()

[This is a method that needs to be over-rided.]

Should report the environment of the script at its beginning.

=head2 $self->_handle_test_file_opening_error($args)

[This is a method that needs to be over-rided.]

Should handle the case where the test file cannot be opened.


=head2 $self->_report_test_progress($args)

[This is a method that needs to be over-rided.]

Report the text progress. In the command line it would be a ok $curr/$total
or NOK.

=head2 The common test-context $args param


=over 4

=item 'test_struct' => $test

A reference to the test summary object.

=item estatus

The exit status of the test file.


=head2 $test_run->_report_dubious($args)

[This is a method that needs to be over-rided.]

Is called to report the "dubious" error, when the test returns a non-true
error code.

$args are the test-context - see above.


=head2 $test_run->_report_dubious_summary_all_subtests_successful($args)

[This is a method that needs to be over-rided.]

$args are the test-context - see above.

=head2 $test_run->_report_premature_test_dubious_summary($args)

[This is a method that needs to be over-rided.]

$args are the test-context - see above.

=head2 opendir

This method is placed in the namespace by This entry is here just
to settle Pod::Coverage.



=head1 AUTHOR

Test::Run::Core is based on L<Test::Harness>, and has later been spinned off
as a separate module.

=head2 Test:Harness Authors

Either Tim Bunce or Andreas Koenig, we don't know. What we know for
sure is, that it was inspired by Larry Wall's TEST script that came
with perl distributions for ages. Numerous anonymous contributors
exist.  Andreas Koenig held the torch for many years, and then
Michael G Schwern.

Test::Harness was then maintained by Andy Lester C<< <andy at> >>.

=head2 Test::Run::Obj Authors

Shlomi Fish, L<> .

Note: this file is a rewrite of the original Test::Run code in order to
change to a more liberal license.

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to
C<bug-test-run at>, or through the web interface at
I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on
your bug as I make changes.

=head1 SUPPORT

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc Test::Run::Core

You can also look for information at:

=over 4

=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


=item * CPAN Ratings


=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker


=item * Search CPAN



=head1 LICENSE

This file is licensed under the MIT X11 License:
