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use strict;
use warnings;

# should be 43.
use Test::More tests => 43;

use XML::LibXML;
use IO::File;

ok(1, ' TODO : Add test name');

my $html = "example/test.html";

my $parser = XML::LibXML->new();
    my $doc = $parser->parse_html_file($html);
    # TEST
    ok($doc, ' TODO : Add test name');

my $fh;

open $fh, '<', $html
    or die "Can't open '$html': $!";

my $string;
    local $/;
    $string = <$fh>;

seek($fh, 0, 0);


ok($string, ' TODO : Add test name');

my $doc = $parser->parse_html_string($string);


ok($doc, ' TODO : Add test name');

undef $doc;

$doc = $parser->parse_html_fh($fh);


ok($doc, ' TODO : Add test name');


# parsing HTML's CGI calling links

my $strhref = <<EOHTML;

        <a href="http:/">

my $htmldoc;

eval {
    local $SIG{'__WARN__'} = sub { };
    $htmldoc = $parser->parse_html_string( $strhref );

# ok( not $@ );
ok( $htmldoc, ' TODO : Add test name' );

# parse_html_string with encoding
# encodings
    if (! eval { require Encode; })
        skip("Encoding related tests require Encode", 14);
    use utf8;

    my $utf_str = "ěščř";

    # w/o 'meta' charset
    $strhref = <<EOHTML;

    # TEST

    ok( Encode::is_utf8($strhref), ' TODO : Add test name' );
    $htmldoc = $parser->parse_html_string( $strhref );
    # TEST
    ok( $htmldoc && $htmldoc->getDocumentElement, ' TODO : Add test name' );
    # TEST
    is($htmldoc->findvalue('//p/text()'), $utf_str, ' TODO : Add test name');

    $htmldoc = $parser->parse_html_string( $strhref,
            encoding => 'UTF-8'
    # TEST
    ok( $htmldoc && $htmldoc->getDocumentElement, ' TODO : Add test name' );
    # TEST
    is($htmldoc->findvalue('//p/text()'), $utf_str, ' TODO : Add test name');

    my $iso_str = Encode::encode('iso-8859-2', $strhref);
    $htmldoc = $parser->parse_html_string( $iso_str,
            encoding => 'iso-8859-2'
    # TEST
    ok( $htmldoc && $htmldoc->getDocumentElement, ' TODO : Add test name' );
    # TEST
    is($htmldoc->findvalue('//p/text()'), $utf_str, ' TODO : Add test name');

    # w/ 'meta' charset
    $strhref = <<EOHTML;
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;

    $htmldoc = $parser->parse_html_string( $strhref, { encoding => 'UTF-8' });
    # TEST
    ok( $htmldoc && $htmldoc->getDocumentElement, ' TODO : Add test name' );
    # TEST
    is($htmldoc->findvalue('//p/text()'), $utf_str, ' TODO : Add test name');

    $iso_str = Encode::encode('iso-8859-2', $strhref);
    $htmldoc = $parser->parse_html_string( $iso_str );
    # TEST
    ok( $htmldoc && $htmldoc->getDocumentElement, ' TODO : Add test name' );
    # TEST
    is($htmldoc->findvalue('//p/text()'), $utf_str, ' TODO : Add test name');

    $htmldoc = $parser->parse_html_string( $iso_str, { encoding => 'iso-8859-2',
            URI => 'foo'
        } );
    # TEST
    ok( $htmldoc && $htmldoc->getDocumentElement, ' TODO : Add test name' );
    # TEST
    is($htmldoc->findvalue('//p/text()'), $utf_str, ' TODO : Add test name');
    # TEST
    is($htmldoc->URI, 'foo', ' TODO : Add test name');

# parse example/enc_latin2.html
# w/ 'meta' charset
    use utf8;
    my $utf_str = "ěščř";
    my $test_file = 'example/enc_latin2.html';
    my $fh;

    $htmldoc = $parser->parse_html_file( $test_file );
    # TEST
    ok( $htmldoc && $htmldoc->getDocumentElement, ' TODO : Add test name' );
    # TEST
    is($htmldoc->findvalue('//p/text()'), $utf_str, ' TODO : Add test name');

    $htmldoc = $parser->parse_html_file( $test_file, { encoding => 'iso-8859-2',
            URI => 'foo'
    # TEST
    ok( $htmldoc && $htmldoc->getDocumentElement, ' TODO : Add test name' );
    # TEST
    is($htmldoc->findvalue('//p/text()'), $utf_str, ' TODO : Add test name');
    # TEST
    is($htmldoc->URI, 'foo', ' TODO : Add test name');

    open $fh, '<', $test_file
        or die "Cannot open '$test_file' for reading - $!";
    $htmldoc = $parser->parse_html_fh( $fh );
    close $fh;
    # TEST
    ok( $htmldoc && $htmldoc->getDocumentElement, ' TODO : Add test name' );
    # TEST
    is($htmldoc->findvalue('//p/text()'), $utf_str, ' TODO : Add test name');

    open $fh, '<', $test_file
        or die "Cannot open '$test_file' for reading - $!";
    $htmldoc = $parser->parse_html_fh( $fh, { encoding => 'iso-8859-2',
            URI => 'foo',
    close $fh;
    # TEST
    ok( $htmldoc && $htmldoc->getDocumentElement, ' TODO : Add test name' );
    # TEST
    is($htmldoc->URI, 'foo', ' TODO : Add test name');
    # TEST
    is($htmldoc->findvalue('//p/text()'), $utf_str, ' TODO : Add test name');

        my $num_tests = 2;
        if (1000*$] < 5008)
            skip("skipping for Perl < 5.8", $num_tests);
        elsif (20627 > XML::LibXML::LIBXML_VERSION)
            skip("skipping for libxml2 < 2.6.27", $num_tests);
        # translate to UTF8 on perl-side
        open $fh, '<:encoding(iso-8859-2)', $test_file
            or die "Cannot open '$test_file' for reading - $!";
        $htmldoc = $parser->parse_html_fh( $fh, { encoding => 'UTF-8' });
        close $fh;
        # TEST
        ok( $htmldoc && $htmldoc->getDocumentElement, ' TODO : Add test name' );
        # TEST
        is($htmldoc->findvalue('//p/text()'), $utf_str, ' TODO : Add test name');

# parse example/enc2_latin2.html
# w/o 'meta' charset
    use utf8;
    my $utf_str = "ěščř";
    my $test_file = 'example/enc2_latin2.html';
    my $fh;

    $htmldoc = $parser->parse_html_file( $test_file, { encoding => 'iso-8859-2' });
    # TEST
    ok( $htmldoc && $htmldoc->getDocumentElement, ' TODO : Add test name' );
    # TEST
    is($htmldoc->findvalue('//p/text()'), $utf_str, ' TODO : Add test name');

    open $fh, '<', $test_file
        or die "Cannot open '$test_file' for reading - $!";
    $htmldoc = $parser->parse_html_fh( $fh, { encoding => 'iso-8859-2' });
    close $fh;
    # TEST
    ok( $htmldoc && $htmldoc->getDocumentElement, ' TODO : Add test name' );
    # TEST
    is($htmldoc->findvalue('//p/text()'), $utf_str, ' TODO : Add test name');

        if (1000*$] < 5008)
            skip("skipping for Perl < 5.8", 2);
        # translate to UTF8 on perl-side
        open my $fh, '<:encoding(iso-8859-2)', $test_file
            or die "Cannot open '$test_file' for reading - $!";
        $htmldoc = $parser->parse_html_fh( $fh, { encoding => 'UTF-8' } );
        close $fh;
        # TEST
        ok( $htmldoc && $htmldoc->getDocumentElement, ' TODO : Add test name' );
        # TEST
        is($htmldoc->findvalue('//p/text()'), $utf_str, ' TODO : Add test name');

  # 44715

  my $html = <<'EOF';
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="">
<title>Test &amp; Test some more</title>
<p>Meet you at the caf&eacute;?</p>
<p>How about <a href="">this one</a>?
<input class="wibble" id="foo" value="working" />
  my $parser = XML::LibXML->new;
  eval {
    $doc = $parser->parse_html_string(
      $html => { recover => 1, suppress_errors => 1 }
  # TEST
  ok (!$@, 'No exception was thrown.');
  # TEST
  ok ($doc, ' Parsing was successful.');
  my $root = $doc && $doc->documentElement;
  my $val = $root && $root->findvalue('//input[@id="foo"]/@value');
  # TEST
  is ($val, 'working', 'XPath');

    # 70878

    SKIP: {
        skip("LibXML version is below 20708", 2) unless ( XML::LibXML::LIBXML_VERSION >= 20708 );

        my $html = q(<body bgcolor='#ffffff' style="overflow: hidden;" leftmargin=0 MARGINWIDTH=0 CLASS="text">);
        my $p = XML::LibXML->new;

        # TEST
        like( $p->parse_html_string( $html, {
                    recover => 2,
                    no_defdtd => 1,
                    encoding => 'UTF-8' } )->toStringHTML, qr/^\Q<html>\E/, 'do not add a default DOCTYPE' );

        # TEST
        like ( $p->parse_html_string( $html, {
                    recover => 2,
                    encoding => 'UTF-8' } )->toStringHTML, qr/^\Q<!DOCTYPE html\E/, 'add a default DOCTYPE' );