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#!perl -w

use strict; 

use Time::Piece;
use Date::Parse;

use WWW::Topica;
use Email::Simple; 
use Email::LocalDelivery;


=head1 NAME

topica2mail - convert a Topica mailing list into a mail box

=head1 USAGE

    topica2mail <list-id> <mailbox> [login] [password] [ -d ] [ -l ] [ -s <start> ] [ -e <end> ]

=head1 OPTIONS

=head2 list-id

The name of the list

=head2 mailbox

The mailbox you want to deliver the mail into. 
Will automatically prepend the year and the month so


will turn into


etc etc

=head2 login

Your login email address. 

If you don't pass in your login and password you may not be able to read some lists.

=head2 password

Your password

If you don't pass in your login and password you may not be able to read some lists.

=head2 -d

Debug - print out debug messages where appropriate

=head2 -l 

Local - use the local test files (for testing, obviously)

=head2 -s <start>

Which mail offset to start from

=head2 -e <end>

Which mail offset to end on

=head1 AUTHOR

Simon Wistow <>


Copyright (c), 2004 - Simon Wistow

Distributed under the same terms as Perl itself


my $email;
my $pass;
my $list  = shift || die "You must pass a list name\n";
my $out   = shift || die "You must pass a mailbox\n";

if (@ARGV && $ARGV[0] !~ /^-/ && $ARGV[1] !~ /^-/) {
    $email = shift;
    $pass  = shift;

my %opts = (
                list     => $list,
                email    => $email,
                password => $pass,
                debug    => 0,
                local    => 0,

while (my $arg = shift @ARGV) {
    if ($arg eq '-d') {
        $opts{debug} = 1;
    } elsif ($arg eq '-l') {
        $opts{local} = 1;
    } elsif    ($arg eq '-s') {
        $opts{first} = shift;
    } elsif    ($arg eq '-e') {
        $opts{last} = shift;
    } else {
        die "Confused by $arg - bailing out\n";


my $topica = WWW::Topica->new(%opts);

print "\n\n" if $opts{debug};

my $counter  = 1;
while (my $rfc822 = $topica->mail) {
    my $mail = Email::Simple->new($rfc822);

    my $date = $mail->header("date");
    my $time = str2time($date);
    my $tp   = Time::Piece->new($time);

    my $mbox = sprintf "%s-%.4d-%.2d", $out, $tp->year, $tp->mon;

    print     "\t\t". $counter++.") ".
               $mail->header("from")." - ". 
               $mail->header("subject")." - ". 
               $mail->header("date")." to $mbox\n\n";

    Email::LocalDelivery->deliver($mail->as_string, $mbox) 
        || die "Couldn't deliver mail to $mbox\n";
