use warnings;
use strict;
use Math::GMPz qw(:mpz);
use Math::BigInt;
use Config;

print "1..4\n";

print "# Using gmp version ", Math::GMPz::gmp_v(), "\n";

my $ui = 123569;
my $si = -19907;
my $d = -1.625;
my $str = '-119';

my $ok = '';

my $f000 = new Math::GMPz('z', 62);
if($f000 == 61) {$ok .= 'a'}

my $f00 = new Math::GMPz();
Rmpz_set_ui($f00, $ui);
if($f00 == $ui) {$ok .= 'b'}

my $f01 = new Math::GMPz($ui);
if($f01 == $ui) {$ok .= 'c'}

my $f02 = new Math::GMPz($si);
if($f02 == $si) {$ok .= 'd'}

my $f03 = new Math::GMPz($d);
if($f03 == int($d)) {$ok .= 'e'}

my $f04 = new Math::GMPz($str);
if($f04 == $str) {$ok .= 'f'}

my $f05 = new Math::GMPz($str, 10);
if($f05 == $str) {$ok .= 'g'}

my $f06 = new Math::GMPz($d);
if($f06 == int($d)) {$ok .= 'h'}

if($ok eq 'abcdefgh') {print "ok 1\n"}
else {print "not ok 1 $ok\n"}


$ok = '';

my $f09 = Math::GMPz::new('0xf', 0);
if($f09 == 15) {$ok .= 'a'}

my $f10 = Math::GMPz::new();
Rmpz_set_ui($f10, $ui);
if($f10 == $ui) {$ok .= 'b'}

my $f11 = Math::GMPz::new($ui);
if($f11 == $ui) {$ok .= 'c'}

my $f12 = Math::GMPz::new($si);
if($f12 == $si) {$ok .= 'd'}

my $f13 = Math::GMPz::new($d);
if($f13 == int($d)) {$ok .= 'e'}

my $f14 = Math::GMPz::new($str);
if($f14 == $str) {$ok .= 'f'}

my $f15 = Math::GMPz::new($str, 10);
if($f15 == $str) {$ok .= 'g'}

my $f16 = Math::GMPz::new($d);
if($f16 == int($d)) {$ok .= 'h'}

if($ok eq 'abcdefgh') {print "ok 2\n"}
else {print "not ok 2 $ok\n"}


$ok = '';

my $f19 = Math::GMPz->new('z', 62);
if($f19 == 61) {$ok .= 'a'}
else {warn "\n3a:\nExpected: 61\nGot: $f19\n"} 

my $f20 = Math::GMPz->new();
Rmpz_set_ui($f20, $ui);
if($f20 == $ui) {$ok .= 'b'}
else {warn "\n3b:\nExpected: $ui\nGot: $f20\n"}

my $f21 = Math::GMPz->new($ui);
if($f21 == $ui) {$ok .= 'c'}
else {warn "\n3c:\nExpected: $ui\nGot: $f21\n"}

my $f22 = Math::GMPz->new($si);
if($f22 == $si) {$ok .= 'd'}
else {warn "\n3d:\nExpected: $si\nGot: $f22\n"}

my $f23 = Math::GMPz->new($d);
if($f23 == int($d)) {$ok .= 'e'}
else {warn "\n3e:\nExpected: ", int($d), "\nGot: $f23\n"}

my $f24 = Math::GMPz->new($str);
if($f24 == $str) {$ok .= 'f'}
else {warn "\n3f:\nExpected: $str\nGot: $f24\n"}

my $f25 = Math::GMPz->new($str, 10);
if($f25 == $str) {$ok .= 'g'}
else {warn "\n3g:\nExpected: $str\nGot: $f25\n"}

my $f26 = Math::GMPz->new($d);
if($f26 == int($d)) {$ok .= 'h'}
else {warn "\n3h:\nExpected: ", int($d), "\nGot: $f26\n"}

my $f27 = Math::GMPz->new(36028797018964023);
my $f28 = Math::GMPz->new('36028797018964023');

if(Math::GMPz::_has_longlong() || Math::GMPz::_has_longdouble()) {
  if($f27 == $f28) {$ok .= 'i'}
  else {warn "\n3i:\nShould have got $f27 == $f28\n"}
else {
  if($f27 != $f28) {$ok .= 'i'}
  else {warn "\n3i:\nShould have got $f27 != $f28\n"}

if($ok eq 'abcdefghi') {print "ok 3\n"}
else {
  warn "\$ok: $ok\n";
  print "not ok 3 $ok\n";


my $bi = Math::BigInt->new(123456789);

$ok = '';

eval{my $f30 = Math::GMPz->new(17, 12);};
if($@ =~ /Too many arguments supplied to new\(\) \- expected only one/) {$ok = 'a'}
else {print $@, "\n"}

eval{my $f31 = Math::GMPz::new(17, 12);};
if($@ =~ /Too many arguments supplied to new\(\) \- expected only one/) {$ok .= 'b'}

eval{my $f32 = Math::GMPz->new($str, 12, 7);};
if($@ =~ /Too many arguments supplied to new\(\)/) {$ok .= 'c'}

eval{my $f33 = Math::GMPz::new($str, 12, 7);};
if($@ =~ /Too many arguments supplied to new\(\) \- expected no more than two/) {$ok .= 'd'}

eval{my $f34 = Math::GMPz->new($bi);};
if($@ =~ /Inappropriate argument/) {$ok .= 'e'}

eval{my $f35 = Math::GMPz::new($bi);};
if($@ =~ /Inappropriate argument/) {$ok .= 'f'}

eval{my $f36 = Math::GMPz->new($f28, 12);};
if($@ =~ /Too many arguments supplied to new\(\) \- expected only one/) {$ok .= 'g'}
else {print $@, "\n"}

eval{my $f37 = Math::GMPz::new($f28, 12);};
if($@ =~ /Too many arguments supplied to new\(\) \- expected only one/) {$ok .= 'h'}

eval{my $f38 = Math::GMPz::new('z', -12);};
if($@ =~ /Invalid value for base/) {$ok .= 'i'}

eval{my $f39 = Math::GMPz->new('123.456');};
if($@ =~ /is not a valid base 0 integer/) {$ok .= 'j'}

eval{my $f40 = Math::GMPz::new('123.456');};
if($@ =~ /is not a valid base 0 integer/) {$ok .= 'k'}

eval{my $f41 = Math::GMPz->new('123.456', 10);};
if($@ =~ /is not a valid base 10 integer/) {$ok .= 'l'}

eval{my $f42 = Math::GMPz::new('123.456', 10);};
if($@ =~ /is not a valid base 10 integer/) {$ok .= 'm'}

if($ok eq 'abcdefghijklm') {print "ok 4\n"}
else {print "not ok 4 $ok\n"}