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# Contrary to its name, this script is concerned not so much with 64-bit IV/UV,
# more with IV/UV being a'long long int' (or not).

use warnings;
use strict;
use Math::MPFR qw(:mpfr);
use Config;
#use Devel::Peek;

print "1..7\n";

print  "# Using Math::MPFR version ", $Math::MPFR::VERSION, "\n";
print  "# Using mpfr library version ", MPFR_VERSION_STRING, "\n";
print  "# Using gmp library version ", Math::MPFR::gmp_v(), "\n";

my $_64 = Math::MPFR::_has_longlong();

if($_64){warn "long long int support detected\n"}
else {warn "long long int support is absent\n"}


my $ok = '';

if($_64) {
  use integer;
  my $pp1;
  my $int1 = Math::MPFR->new(2 ** 57 + 12345);
  $int1 *= -1;
  if($int1 == -144115188075868217
     && $int1 == "-144115188075868217"
    ) {$ok = 'a'}

  if($Config::Config{cc} eq 'cl') {
    $pp1 = Rmpfr_integer_string($int1, 10, GMP_RNDN);
  else {$pp1 = Rmpfr_get_sj($int1, GMP_RNDN)}
  if($pp1 == -144115188075868217) {$ok .= 'b'}

  $pp1 += 14;

  my $int2 = Rmpfr_init();
  if($Config::Config{cc} eq 'cl') {
    Rmpfr_set_str($int2, $pp1, 10, GMP_RNDN);
  else {Rmpfr_set_sj($int2, $pp1, GMP_RNDN)}
  if($int2 == $pp1
     && $int2 - $int1 - 14 == 0
     && !($int2 - $int1 - 14)
     ) {$ok .= 'c'}

  if($Config::Config{cc} eq 'cl') {
    eval{Rmpfr_set_sj_2exp($int2, $pp1, 2, GMP_RNDN);};
    if($@ =~ /not implemented on this build of perl/ && $@ !~ /\- use/) {$ok .= 'd'}
    else {print $@, "\n"}
    eval{Rmpfr_set_uj_2exp($int2, $pp1, 2, GMP_RNDN);};
    if($@ =~ /not implemented on this build of perl/ && $@ !~ /\- use/) {$ok .= 'e'}
    else {print $@, "\n"}
  else {
    Rmpfr_set_sj_2exp($int2, $pp1, 2, GMP_RNDN);
    if($int2 == $pp1 * 4) {$ok .= 'de'}

  if($ok eq 'abcde') {print "ok 1\n"}
  else {print "not ok 1 $ok\n"}

$ok = '';

if($_64) {

  my $int3 = Rmpfr_init();
  my $pp2 = 2 ** 57 + 12345;
  $pp2 *= -1;
  if(Math::MPFR::_itsa($pp2) == 2) {$ok = 'AB'}
  else {
    if($Config::Config{cc} eq 'cl') {$ok = 'ab'} # Skip
    else {
      Rmpfr_set_sj($int3, ~0, GMP_RNDN);
      if($int3 == -1) {$ok = 'a'}

      Rmpfr_set_sj_2exp($int3, ~0, 2, GMP_RNDN);
      if($int3 == -4) {$ok .= 'b'}

  if(lc($ok) eq 'ab') {print "ok 2\n"}
  else {print "not ok 2 $ok\n"}

$ok = '';

if($_64) {
  my ($int, $discard) = Rmpfr_init_set_ui(2, GMP_RNDN);
  my $pint = -144115188075868217;

  if(Math::MPFR::_itsa($pint) == 2) {$ok .= 'a'}

  $int *= $pint;

  if($int == -288230376151736434
     && $int <= -288230376151736434
     && $int >= -288230376151736434
     && ($int <=> -288230376151736434) == 0
     && ($int <=> -288230376151736435) == 1
     && $int != -288230376151736435
    ) {$ok .= 'b'}

  $int += $pint;

  if($int == -432345564227604651
     && ($int <=> -432345564227604651) == 0
     && ($int <=> -432345564227604649) == -1
     && $int != -432345564227604653
    ) {$ok .= 'c'}

  $int -= $pint;

  if($int == -288230376151736434
     && $int == "-288230376151736434"
     && ($int <=> -288230376151736434) == 0
     && ($int <=> -288230376151736435) == 1
     && $int != -288230376151736435
    ) {$ok .= 'd'}

  $int += 12345;
  $int /= $pint; # $int is no longer an integer value

  if($int < 2
     && $int > 1.99
     && $int > "1.99"
     && $int <= 2
     && $int >= 1.99
     && ($int <=> 1.99) == 1
     && ($int <=> 2) == -1
    ) {$ok .= 'e'}


  $int = 2;
  my $temp = Math::MPFR->new();

  $temp = $int * $pint;

  if(!($] < 5.007 && !Math::MPFR::_has_longdouble() && Math::MPFR::_has_longlong())) {
    if($temp == -288230376151736434
       && $temp != -288230376151736435
      ) {$ok .= 'f'}

    $temp = $temp + $pint;

    if($temp == -432345564227604651
       && $temp != -432345564227604653
      ) {$ok .= 'g'}

    $temp = $temp - $pint;

    if($temp == -288230376151736434
       && $temp != -288230376151736435
      ) {$ok .= 'h'}
  else {
    warn "Skipping tests 3f to 3h as they fail on perl 5.6\nbuilt with -Duse64bitint but without -Duselongdouble\n";
    $ok .= 'fgh';


  $temp = $temp + 12345;
  $temp = $temp / $pint; # $temp no longer an integer value

  if($temp < 2
     && $temp > 1.99
     && $temp <= 2
     && $temp <= "2"
     && $temp >+ 1.99
    ) {$ok .= 'i'}

  $pint *= -1;

  $temp = atan2(99999, $pint);

  if($temp > 6.938824e-13
     && $temp < 6.938825e-13
     && $temp >= 6.938824e-13
     && $temp <= 6.938825e-13
     && ($temp <=> 6.938825e-13) == -1
     && ($temp <=> 6.938824e-13) == 1
    ) {$ok .= 'j'}

  if($int) {$ok .= 'k'}
  $int *= 0;
  if(!$int) {$ok.= 'l'}

  my $temp2 = Math::MPFR->new($pint);

  my $pint2;
  if($Config::Config{cc} eq 'cl') {
    $pint2 = Rmpfr_integer_string($temp2, 10, GMP_RNDN);
  else {$pint2 = Rmpfr_get_sj($temp2, GMP_RNDN)}

  if(!($] < 5.007 && !Math::MPFR::_has_longdouble() && Math::MPFR::_has_longlong())) {
    if($pint2 == $pint
       && $pint2 < $pint + 1
       && $pint2 > $pint - 1
      ) {$ok .= 'm'}
  else {
    warn "Skipping test 3m as it fails on perl 5.6\nbuilt with -Duse64bitint but without -Duselongdouble\n";
    $ok .= 'm';

  my $temp3 = new Math::MPFR($pint);

  if($temp3 == $temp2) {$ok .= 'n'}

  if($ok eq 'abcdefghijklmn') {print "ok 3\n"}
  else {print "not ok 3 $ok\n"}

$ok = '';

if($_64) {
  my $int3 = Math::MPFR->new();
  if($Config::Config{cc} eq 'cl') {
    eval{Rmpfr_set_sj($int3, ~0, GMP_RNDN);};
    if($@ =~ /not implemented on this build of perl \- use/) {$ok = 'a'}
    eval{Rmpfr_set_uj($int3, ~0, GMP_RNDN);};
    if($@ =~ /not implemented on this build of perl \- use/) {$ok .= 'b'}
    eval{Rmpfr_get_sj($int3, GMP_RNDN);};
    if(!$@) {$ok .= 'c'}
    eval{Rmpfr_get_uj($int3, GMP_RNDN);};
    if(!$@) {$ok .= 'd'}

    if($ok eq 'abcd') {print "ok 4\n"}
    else {print "not ok $ok\n"}
  else {
    warn "Skipping test 4 - 'cl' compiler not used\n";
    print "ok 4\n";

$ok = '';

if(!$_64) {
  my $int1 = Math::MPFR->new();

  eval{Rmpfr_set_uj_2exp($int1, 2 ** 23, 2, GMP_RNDN);};
  if($@ =~ /not implemented on this build of perl/i && $@ !~ /\- use/) {$ok .= 'a'}
  else {print $@, "\n"}

  eval{Rmpfr_set_sj_2exp($int1, 2 ** 23, 2, GMP_RNDN);};
  if($@ =~ /not implemented on this build of perl/i && $@ !~ /\- use/) {$ok .= 'b'}
  else {print $@, "\n"}

  if($ok eq 'ab') {print "ok 1\n"}
  else {print "not ok 1 $ok\n"}

  $ok = '';

  eval{Rmpfr_get_sj($int1, GMP_RNDN);};
  if($@ =~ /not implemented on this build of perl/i && $@ !~ /\- use/) {$ok .= 'a'}
  else {print $@, "\n"}

  eval{Rmpfr_get_uj($int1, GMP_RNDN);};
  if($@ =~ /not implemented on this build of perl/i && $@ !~ /\- use/) {$ok .= 'b'}
  else {print $@, "\n"}

  if($ok eq 'ab') {print "ok 2\n"}
  else {print "not ok 2 $ok\n"}

  $ok = '';

  eval{Rmpfr_set_sj($int1, 42, GMP_RNDN);};
  if($@ =~ /not implemented on this build of perl/i && $@ !~ /\- use/) {$ok .= 'a'}
  else {print $@, "\n"}

  eval{Rmpfr_set_uj($int1, 42, GMP_RNDN);};
  if($@ =~ /not implemented on this build of perl/i && $@ !~ /\- use/) {$ok .= 'b'}
  else {print $@, "\n"}

  if($ok eq 'ab') {print "ok 3\n"}
  else {print "not ok 3 $ok\n"}

  warn "Skipping test 4 - nothing to test\n";
  print "ok 4\n";


my $bits = $Config{ivsize} * 8;
my ($uhigh, $uhigh1, $uhigh2);
use integer;
my $temp = (2 ** ($bits - 2)) - 1;
$uhigh = (2 * $temp) + 1;
#$uhigh = (2 ** $bits) - 1;

$uhigh = (2 * $uhigh) + 1;


$uhigh1 = Math::MPFR->new($uhigh);
$uhigh2 = Rmpfr_init();
if(Math::MPFR::_has_longlong()) {
  Rmpfr_set_uj($uhigh2, $uhigh, GMP_RNDN);
else {
  Rmpfr_set_ui($uhigh2, $uhigh, GMP_RNDN);

if($] < 5.007 && !Math::MPFR::_has_longdouble() && Math::MPFR::_has_longlong()) {
  warn "Skipping tests 5 and 6 as they fail on perl 5.6\nbuilt with -Duse64bitint but without -Duselongdouble\n";
  print "ok 5\n";
  print "ok 6\n";
else {
  if(!Rmpfr_cmp($uhigh1, $uhigh2)) {print "ok 5\n"}
  else {
    warn "\n\$uhigh1: $uhigh1\n\$uhigh2: $uhigh2\n";
    print "not ok 5\n";

  if(Math::MPFR::_has_longlong()) {
    # No mpfr_cmp_uj() yet available
    if(!Rmpfr_cmp($uhigh1, Math::MPFR->new($uhigh))) {print "ok 6\n"}
    else {
      warn "\n\$uhigh1: $uhigh1\n\$uhigh: ", Math::MPFR->new($uhigh), "\n";
      print "not ok 6\n";
  else {
    if(!Rmpfr_cmp_ui($uhigh1, $uhigh)) {print "ok 6\n"}
    else {
      warn "\n\$uhigh1: $uhigh1\n\$uhigh: $uhigh\n";
      print "not ok 6\n";

if(Math::MPFR::_has_longlong()) {
  # No mpfr_cmp_uj() yet available
  if(!Rmpfr_cmp($uhigh2, Math::MPFR->new($uhigh))) {print "ok 7\n"}
  else {
    warn "\n\$uhigh2: $uhigh2\n\$uhigh: $uhigh\n";
    print "not ok 7\n";
else {
  if(!Rmpfr_cmp_ui($uhigh2, $uhigh)) {print "ok 7\n"}
  else {
    warn "\n\$uhigh2: $uhigh2\n\$uhigh: $uhigh\n";
    print "not ok 7\n";