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package BPM::Engine::Role::HandlesTaskdata;
    $BPM::Engine::Role::HandlesTaskdata::VERSION   = '0.01';
    $BPM::Engine::Role::HandlesTaskdata::AUTHORITY = 'cpan:SITETECH';

use namespace::autoclean;
use Moose::Role;
use Data::GUID;
use Try::Tiny;

requires qw/

before 'execute_task' => sub {
    my ($self, $task, $activity_instance) = @_;

    my $pi       = $self->process_instance or die("Process instance not found");
    my $process  = $self->process          or die("Process not found");
    my $activity = $activity_instance->activity or die("Activity not found");
    my $tdata    = $task->task_data;
    my $mtype    = $task->task_type eq 'Send' ? 'Message' : 'MessageIn';

    my $args = {
        meta => {
            # XXX Do GUID somewhere else (exec_impl) or not at all (same as activity_instance->id)?
            id   => Data::GUID->new()->as_string,
            name => $task->task_name
                || $activity->activity_name
                || $activity->activity_uid,
            type                => $task->task_type,
            process_id          => $pi->process_id,
            process_instance_id => $pi->id,
            activity_id         => $activity->id,
            token_id            => $activity_instance->id,
            task_id             => $task->id,            
        parameters => $task->actual_params, # XXX expression ApplicationFormalParams
        message    => _message($self, $tdata->{$mtype}, $process, $pi),
        service    => _service($tdata->{'WebServiceOperation'}),        
        performers => _performers($activity->participants_rs),
        users      => _performers($task->participants_rs),
#            $process->participants_rs(
#                { participant_uid => $tdata->{Performers}->{Performer} }
#                )
#            ),

    $activity_instance->update({ taskdata => $args });

sub _performers {
    my $p_rs = shift;
    return [ map { _performer($_) } $p_rs->all ];
    #my @p = ();
    #while (my $rec = $p_rs->next) {
    #    push(@p, _performer($rec));
    #    }
    #confess("Performers not found") unless scalar @p;
    #return \@p;

sub _performer {
    my $rec = shift or confess("Need performer");
    return {
        id            => $rec->id,
        type          => $rec->participant_type,
        uid           => $rec->participant_uid,
        description   => $rec->description,
        ext_reference => $rec->attributes
            ? $rec->attributes->{ExternalReference} : undef,

sub _message {
    my ($self, $msg, $process, $pi) = @_;

    return unless $msg;

    my $res = {};

    my $aparams  = $msg->{ActualParameters}->{ActualParameter};
    if ($aparams) {
        $res->{args} = _message_params($self, $pi, $aparams);

    foreach my $prop (qw/Id Name FaultName/) {
        $res->{ lc($prop) } = $msg->{$prop} if $msg->{$prop};

    foreach my $prop ('To', 'From') {
        if ($msg->{$prop}) {
            my $prt = $process->participants_rs
                ->find({ participant_uid => $msg->{$prop} })
                or die("No participant found for '$prop' " . $msg->{$prop});
            $res->{ lc($prop) } = _performer($prt);

    return $res;

sub _message_params {
    my ($self, $pi, $params) = @_;

    my @results = ();
    foreach my $attr (@$params) {
        my $output;
        if ($attr->{ScriptType} && $attr->{ScriptType} =~ /xslate/i) {
            try {
                $output = $self->evaluator->render($attr->{content});
            catch {
                $output = "SCRIPT ERROR $_ "; 
                #warn Dumper $attr->{content};                
                #$output = $attr->{content};
        elsif ($attr->{content} =~ /\./) {
            #die("Dotted content needs ScriptType");
            try {            
                $output = $self->evaluator->dotop($attr->{content});
            catch {
                $output = "SCRIPT.DOTTED ERROR $_";                
        else {            
            $output = $pi->attribute($attr->{content})->value;

        # XXX expression
        push(@results, $output);

    return \@results;

sub _service {
    my $svc = shift or return;

    my $end = $svc->{Service}->{EndPoint}->{ExternalReference};

    return {
        name          => $svc->{Service}->{ServiceName},
        operation     => $svc->{OperationName},
        port          => $svc->{Service}->{PortName},
        type          => $svc->{Service}->{EndPoint}->{EndPointType},
        ext_reference => {
            xref      => $end->{xref},
            location  => $end->{location},
            namespace => $end->{namespace},

no Moose::Role;



=encoding utf-8

=head1 NAME

BPM::Engine::Role::HandlesTaskdata - ProcessRunner role for storing task data


This L<ProcessRunner> role fills the C<taskdata> attribute of an
ActivityInstance before C<execute_task()> is called.

This taskdata hash has the following keys:

=over 4

=item meta

This is a hash with the following keys:

=over 4

=item * id

Generated UUID for this task instance

=item * name

The task or activity name, or the activity uid

=item * type

The task type

=item * process_id

The id of the process

=item * process_instance_id

The id of the process instance

=item * activity_id

The id of the activity

=item * token_id


=item * task_id

The id of the task definition


=item message

A hash representing the Message or MessageIn to send to the service.
Keys: to, from, faultname, name, args, id

=item service

Representation of the WebServiceOperation from task_data in Result::ActivityTask

=over 4

=item * name

=item * type

=item * operation

=item * port

=item * ext_reference: a hash with keys C<xref>, C<namespace> and C<location>


=item performers

List of participants representing the activity performers

=item users

Task performers (as children of TaskUser or TaskManual)

=item parameters

ActualParameters for a TaskApplication-type task


=head1 AUTHOR

Peter de Vos, C<< <> >>


Copyright (c) 2010, 2011 Peter de Vos C<< <> >>.

This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See L<perlartistic>.
