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# Let the code begin...

require 5.003;
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;

if (system("which wget > /dev/null")) {

    print <<EOM;

 ** WARNING **

Your system does not have the wget executable - this is required if you
intend to build your own go-database. If you do intend to query a
pre-built database, you may continue safely.

wget comes as standard on most linux distributions. You should be able
to find a copy for more unixes. If you use OS X, wget is available via



my $p = "XML::LibXSLT";
if (!eval "require $p") {

    print <<EOM;

WARNING: ** You do not have XML::LibXSLT installed **

This is required if you intend to build your own go-database. If you
do intend to query a pre-built database, you may continue
safely. However, the test suite will not work.

if (!$ENV{GO_ROOT}) {

    print <<EOM;

 ** WARNING **

You do not have the environment variable GO_ROOT set. This is required
for building the database, so that the system known where the XSL
files live.

You should set this to wherever your go-dev distribution lives; eg

  setenv GO_ROOT $HOME/go-dev/

If you are having problems installing XML::LibXSLT, please consult



my $p = "DBIx::DBStag";
if (!eval "require $p") {
    print <<MSG;

 ** WARNING **

You do not have DBIx::DBStag

This is required for some of the tests in the test suite, and for
building the GO Database. If you intend to use a pre-built database,
you can ignore these errors.



$do_autoload_finesse = 0;
$NAME     = 'GO';
$VERSION  = "0.01";

if( $do_autoload_finesse == 1 ) {
    fatal("Autoload finessing does not work at the moment!");


# (plagiarised from the bioperl Makefile.PL)

sub check_package {
    my ($name,$str) = @_;

    ($ver,$desc,$expl,$module) = split( /\// , $str);
    if( !eval "require $name") {
	print "** WARNING **\n  External Module $name, $desc,\n is not installed on this computer.\n\n\n";
	return 1;

    return 0;

if( $do_autoload_finesse ) {

    print "GO module installation\nPreparing modules for AUTOLOADing...";
    `perl -p -i.bak -e 's/#__END__/__END__/'`;
    print "done.\n\n";

$error = 0;
foreach $name ( keys %packages ) {
    if( &check_package($name,$packages{$name}) == 1 ) {
	$error = 1;
if (check_package('GO::Model::Graph','go-perl')) {
    print <<GO_PERL

You do not appear to have the go-perl module loaded, or if you do, you
have not set PERL5LIB appropriately

go-perl is required for go-db-perl

Please read the installation instructions, either online

or locally; see the dir


our $CONF = "t/go-test.conf";
use lib '.';
use GO::Admin;

my $admin = GO::Admin->new;

if (-f $CONF) {

#if (-f "t/") {
#    eval {
#        require "t/";
#    };
#    warn($@) if $@;

print <<INTRO_MSG;

go-db-perl: Gene Ontology Database API

Online documentation -

Local documentation  - see 

In order to test and install the API, you need database creation
privileges on a mysql database server. this is so that I can build a
few test databases to check everything is working. if you dont have
network access to any nearby servers, consider installing mysql
locally - see

you will also need read access to a fully populated GO database. You can use
the main GO one or populate your own from the exports here:


my $default = $admin->dbhost || "localhost";
print "\nmysql server address [$default]:";
my $svr = <STDIN>;
chomp $svr;
if (!$svr) {$svr = $default}

$default = $admin->dbname || "go";
print "\nname of readonly populated GO database[$default]:";
my $db = <STDIN>;
chomp $db;
if (!$db) {$db = $default}

$default = $admin->dbuser || "";
print "\nname of dbuser (optional)[$default]:";
my $dbuser = <STDIN>;
chomp $dbuser;
if (!$dbuser) {$dbuser = $default}

$default = $admin->dbauth || "";
print "\ndb password (optional)[$default]:";
my $dbauth = <STDIN>;
chomp $dbauth;
if (!$dbauth) {$dbauth = $default}

#if (!$ENV{GO_ROOT}) {
if (!$admin->godevdir) {
   print <<MSG1;

 ** WARNING **

You do not have the environment variable GO_ROOT set; you should
set this to wherever you have the go-dev repository checked out
(this should be the directory one above this one)


#open(F, ">t/");
#print F '$ENV{GO_DATABASE_SERVER}="'.$svr."\";\n";
#print F '$ENV{GO_TEST_READONLY_DATABASE_NAME}="'.$db."\";\n";

if( $error == 1 ) {
    print <<QQ_ERROR_QQ;


   There are some external packages, listed above, which GO

   The installation of these external packages is very simple. You
   can find them at

   please read the file INSTALL


              NAME	=> 'GO',
	      'DISTNAME'         => "go-db-perl",
	      'ABSTRACT'     => 'GO-DB Perl',
	      'AUTHOR'       => 'Chris Mungall <cjm at fruitfly dot org>',
	      'VERSION_FROM' => "GO/",
              PREREQ_PM => {
                            'Carp' => '0.0/Carp',
                            'DBI' => '0.0/DBI for DbUtils::SqlWrapper',
                            'Set::Scalar' => '0.0/Scalar',
                            'Digest::MD5' => '0.0/MD5',
                            'Data::Stag'  => '0.0/Stag',
                            'DBIx::DBStag'  => '0.06',
#                            'go-perl' => '0.05',
                            'Bio::Seq' => '0.0/bioperl',
                            'FreezeThaw' => '0.0',
              'dist'      => {  COMPRESS     => 'gzip -9f',
                                SUFFIX       => '.gz', 
                                DIST_DEFAULT => 'all tardist',
              'realclean'  => {  FILES        => join(' ',@BACKUP_FILES) }

sub cleanup {
my $sig = @_;
print "\n** [$0] Caught a SIG$sig -- cleaning up and shutting down.\n";


sub MY::postamble {

pod :: \ < MANIFEST
