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<title>PkgForge - Incoming Queue Processor</title>

<h1>Package Forge - The Incoming Queue Processor</h1>

Once a user has submitted a job into the incoming directory it is
picked up by the incoming queue processor. The submitted job goes
through a number of stages of processing and validation before tasks
are registered for each target platform and architecture required.

Typically the incoming queue processor runs as a single daemon, on a
server usually referred to as the PkgForge <em>master</em>. The daemon
will scan the incoming job directory and form a queue from all the
jobs found within. It will process each of these jobs in turn, the
processing sequence is based on the order in which
the <code>readdir</code> function returns them (usually alphabetical
based on your locale). Once all discovered jobs have been processed it
will wait for a certain amount of time (controlled by
the <em>poll</em> option) before doing another scan.

<h2>The Processing Stages</h2>

<p>The processing of a submitted job can be broken down into a number
of basic stages:</p>

  <li><a href="#stage1">Discovery</a></li>
  <li><a href="#stage2">Loading</a></li>
  <li><a href="#stage3">Validation</a></li>
  <li><a href="#stage4">Transfer</a></li>
  <li><a href="#stage5">Registration</a></li>
  <li><a href="#stage6">Clean-Up</a></li>

<h3><a name="stage1">Stage 1: Discovery</a></h3>

In the first stage <strong>any</strong> directory which is discovered
within the incoming job directory is considered to contain a new
job. Anything which is not a directory will have been discarded when
the queue of jobs was formed.

<h3><a name="stage2">Stage 2: Loading</a></h3>

An attempt will be made to load each potential job directory into
a <code>PkgForge::Job</code> object. If the loading fails this will
not be initially considered as a complete failure. A <em>soft</em>
failure will have occurred where the job will be allowed to remain in
the incoming directory, in an unloadable form, for up to 5 minutes
(controlled by the <em>wait_for_job</em> option). This waiting is done
because the new jobs are typically submitted over a network filesystem
and it will take a finite amount of time for all the necessary files
to become available.

Once a job has been successfully loaded into
a <code>PkgForge::Job</code> object the next stage is to check that
the identifier string has not been previously used in the job
registry. If it has not been seen previously then the new job will be
added into the registry database. An entry is added to
the <code>job</code> table for the new identifier along with copies of
the information in a subset of the options which are specified in the
job metadata. Only the information necessary to schedule the job is
added (e.g. submission time, submitter name, job size). It is not
intended to be a complete copy of the job metadata.</p>

Once a new job has been successfully added into the registry it is in
the <em>incoming</em> state.

If the job identifier had been previously seen or it was not possible
to add the new job to the registry then an immediate <em>hard</em>
failure will occur and there will be no further attempts to process
the job. In that situation the job will then move immediately to the
Clean-Up stage.

<h3><a name="stage3">Stage 3: Validation</a></h3>

Once a new job has been loaded it is necessary to validate the
associated payload. This is done by calling the <code>validate</code>
method on the <code>PkgForge::Job</code> object. Firstly this method
checks to see if a 

  <li>The job must contain at least one source package.</li>
  <li>The SHA1 sum of each source package file must be correct.</li>
  <li>The source package must be valid.</li>

Presently the checking of the SHA1 sum for each source package is
purely to ensure that the file is the same as that submitted by the
user. This ensures that it is not still in transit and has not been
corrupted. The system has been designed to make it possible to add
support for the user to digitally sign the job manifest. Currently it
would be possible to alter both a source package and the associated
manifest after the user has completed their submission. A
digitally-signed manifest could be used to guarantee that no tampering
has occurred.

Each source package is represented by a Perl class which implements
the <code>PkgForge::Source</code> Moose role. The role requires that
the class <strong>must</strong> implement a <code>validate</code>
method which returns true or false to indicate whether or not the
source package is valid. Currently only the SRPM file type is
supported. For that class the following validity checks are done:

  <li>The file name must have a <code>.src.rpm</code> suffix.</li>
  <li>The file must exist.</li>
  <li>The file must be a valid Source RPM.</li>
  <li>The SRPM must contain a file which has the <code>.spec</code>

If a new job has passed all the validation checks then it will be
marked as <em>valid</em> in the registry database. If the new job has
failed any checks then, as with the loading stage, it will initially
be considered a <em>soft</em> failure and the job will be left in the
incoming queue up to the time specified in
the <code>wait_for_job</code> option. With each queue run it will be
reconsidered to see if it has become valid. This allows time for the
complete submission of files over a slow network when a network
filesystem is being used. Once that time limit is exceeded then
a <em>hard</em> failure will have occurred and the job will be marked
in the registry database as <code>invalid</code>. The job would then
move immediately the Clean-Up stage.

<h3><a name="stage4">Stage 4: Transfer</a></h3>

Once the job has been validated it is copied to the directory
where <em>accepted</em> jobs are stored. Throughout the copying
process the new <code>PkgForge::Job</code> object for the recently
validated job is kept in memory. Once the copying is complete this
object is used to, once more, check the SHA1 sums of the copied source
files to ensure that no tampering or corruption has occurred. This
object is also used to write-out a new job metadata file into the
accepted job directory.

The intention is that, for security, only the user which the incoming
queue processor runs as is permitted to write into the accepted job
directory. If a standard, local unix filesystem is being and anything
else is run as the same user then this probably does not give much
extra confidence. However, if something like AFS is being used then
there can be a high-level of trust in the data integrity of the
accepted job directory if the write/insert access is highly

If, for any reason, the transfer fails, then the processing of this
job will be considered to have failed. It will then be marked in the
registry database as being in the <em>failed</em> state and it will be
moved immediately to the Clean-Up stage.

<h3><a name="stage5">Stage 5: Registration</a></h3>

Once a job has been validated and accepted then <em>tasks</em> can be
registered for each platform. Terminology is used here to avoid
confusion, a <em>task</em> is purely a <em>job</em> which has been
registered for a specific platform/architecture. It should be noted
that a job can be considered completely valid but not result in the
registration of any tasks. In that case nothing will actually be done
with the submitted job and its source packages.

As part of the processing instructions specified by the user, each
submitted job has a list of applicable platforms and a list of
applicable architectures. Typically, these might actually be just the
special &quot;<em>all</em>&quot; string in both cases, as expected,
this signifies that tasks should be registered for all platforms
and/or architectures. There is plenty of scope for a user to be able
to specify and restrict the sets of platforms and architectures for
which tasks should be registered, this is fully described in
the <a href="/doc/job.html">job documentation</a>. The sets of target
platforms and architectures are computed by examining the list of
available, active, platforms in the registry database and applying the
filters specified by the user for the new job.

Note that having a task registered for an active platform does not
guarantee that a build daemon is currently available for that
platform. It is perfectly acceptable to queue tasks for a platform
which currently has no build daemons registered. It may also, of
course, be the case that a build daemon is busy or currently
unavailable due to maintenance. It is also worth noting that a
platform may have multiple build daemons. It is not possible to
guarantee which build daemon will accept a particular task, as they
should all have identical build environments this should not cause
problems. Full details of the task scheduling is available in
the <a href="/doc/server/builder.html">build daemon</a>

Once tasks have been successfully registered the new job will be
marked in the registry database as being in the <em>registered</em>
state.  If, for any reason, the task registration fails, then the
processing of this job will be considered to have failed. It will then
be marked in the registry database as being in the <em>failed</em>
state and it will be moved immediately to the Clean-Up stage.

<h3><a name="stage6">Stage 6: Clean-Up</a></h3>

The final stage, no matter which final state a submitted job has
achieved, is the clean-up of the incoming queue directory. The
directory for the submitted job and all of the contents will be
