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=head1 NAME

WWW::Splunk::API - Splunk REST client


L<WWW::Splunk::API> is a low-level interface to Splunk
log search engine. It deals with HTTP communication as well as
working around certain interface glitches.

See L<>
for API definition.

This module is designed to be Splunk API version agnostic.


package WWW::Splunk::API;

use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request::Common;
use Text::CSV;
use WWW::Splunk::XMLParser;
use Carp;

use strict;
use warnings;

our $VERSION = '2.06';
our $prefix = '/services';

=head2 B<new> (F<params>)

A constructor.

  my $splunk = new WWW::Splunk::API ({
          host    => $host,
          port    => $port,
          login   => $login,
          password => $password,
          unsafe_ssl => 0,
          verbose => 0,

sub new
	my $class = shift;
	my $self = shift;

	$self->{port} ||= 8089;
	$self->{host} ||= 'localhost';
	$self->{url} ||= 'https://'.$self->{host}.':'.$self->{port};
	$self->{verbose} ||= 0;

	# Set up user agent unless an existing one was passed
	unless ($self->{agent}) {
		$self->{agent} = new LWP::UserAgent
			(ssl_opts =>  {verify_hostname => (not $self->{unsafe_ssl})});
		$self->{agent}->cookie_jar ({});
		$self->{agent}->credentials (
			delete ($self->{host}).':'.(delete $self->{port}),
			delete $self->{login},
			delete $self->{password},
		) if exists $self->{login};
		$self->{agent}->agent ("$class/$VERSION ");

	bless $self, $class;

=head2 B<delete> (F<parameters>)

Wrapper around HTTP::Request::Common::DELETE ().

sub delete
	my $self = shift;
	print "DELETE" if $self->{verbose};
	$self->request (\&DELETE, @_);

=head2 B<post> (F<parameters>)

Wrapper around HTTP::Request::Common::POST ().

sub post
	my $self = shift;
	print "POST" if $self->{verbose};
	$self->request (\&POST, @_);

=head2 B<get> (F<parameters>)

Wrapper around HTTP::Request::Common::GET ().

sub get
	my $self = shift;
	print "GET" if $self->{verbose};
	$self->request (\&GET, @_);

=head2 B<head> (F<parameters>)

Wrapper around HTTP::Request::Common::HEAD ().
Not used anywhere in splunk API

sub head
	my $self = shift;
	print "HEAD" if $self->{verbose};
	$self->request (\&HEAD, @_);

=head2 B<put> (F<parameters>)

Wrapper around HTTP::Request::Common::PUT ().
Not used anywhere in splunk API

sub put
	my $self = shift;
	print "PUT" if $self->{verbose};
	$self->request (\&PUT, @_);

=head2 B<request> (F<method>, F<location>, [F<data>], [F<callback>])

Request a Splunk api and deal with the results.

Method can be either a L<HTTP::Request> instance (see L<HTTP::Request::Common>
for useful ones), or a plain string, such as "GET" or "DELETE."

Optional F<data> is has reference gets serialized into a request body for POST
request. Use I<undef> in case you don't have any data to send, but need to
specify a callback function in subsequent argument.

Call-back function can be specified for a single special case, where a XML stream
of <results> elements is expected.

sub request {
	my $self = shift;
	my $method = shift;
	my $location = shift;
	my $data = shift;
	my $callback = shift;

	my $url = $self->{url}.$prefix.$location;
	if ($self->{verbose}) {
		print " $url\n";
		if (defined $data) {
			foreach my $key (sort keys %$data) {
				my $value = $data->{$key};
				$value =~ s/\n/ /msg;
				print "- $key => $value\n";

	# Construct the request
	my $request;
	if (ref $method and ref $method eq 'CODE') {
		# Most likely a HTTP::Request::Common
		if (! defined $data) {
			$request = $method->($url);
		} else {
			$request = $method->($url, $data);
	} else {
		# A method string
		$request = new HTTP::Request ($method, $url);

	my $content_type = '';
	my $buffer;

	$self->{agent}->remove_handler ('response_header');
	$self->{agent}->add_handler (response_header => sub {
		my($response, $ua, $h) = @_;

		# Do not think of async processing of error responses
		return 0 unless $response->is_success;

		my $content_type_header = $response->header('Content-Type') // '';
		if ($content_type_header =~ /^([^\s;]+)/) {
			$content_type = $1;
		} elsif ($response->code ne 204) {
			# Sometimes splunk return HTTP 204 NO CONTENT during poll_search() call,
			# Content-Type header is empty in this case. We must not croak in this case.
			croak "Missing or invalid Content-Type: $content_type_header";

		if ($callback) {
			$response->{default_add_content} = 0;
			$buffer = "";

	$self->{agent}->remove_handler ('response_data');
	$self->{agent}->add_handler (response_data => sub {
		my ($response, $ua, $h, $data) = @_;

		return 1 unless defined $buffer;
		$buffer .= $data;
		foreach (split /<\/results>\K/, $buffer) {
			unless (/<\/results>$/) {
				$buffer = $_;

			my $xml = XML::LibXML->load_xml (string => $_);
			$callback->(WWW::Splunk::XMLParser::parse ($xml));

		return 1;
	}) if $callback;

	# Run it
	my $response = $self->{agent}->request ($request);
	croak $response->header ('X-Died') if $response->header ('X-Died');

	# Deal with HTTP errors
	unless ($response->is_success) {
		my $content = WWW::Splunk::XMLParser::parse ($response->content)
			if $response->header ('Content-Type') =~ /xml/;
		my $error = "HTTP Error: ".$response->status_line;
		$error .= sprintf "\n%s: %s",
			$content->findvalue ('/response/messages/msg/@type'),
			$content->findvalue ('/response/messages/msg')
			if eval { $content->isa ('XML::LibXML::Document') }
				and $content->documentElement->nodeName eq 'response';
		croak $error;

	# We've gotten the response already
	return if $callback;

	# Parse content from synchronous responses
	# TODO: use callback and m_media_type matchspecs
	if ($content_type eq 'text/xml') {
		my $xml = XML::LibXML->load_xml (string => $response->content);
		my @ret = WWW::Splunk::XMLParser::parse ($xml);
		return $#ret ? @ret : $ret[0];
	} elsif ($response->code eq 204) {
		# "No content"
		# Happens when events are requested immediately
		# after the job is enqueued. With a text/plain content type
		# Empty array is the least disturbing thing to return here
		return ();
	} elsif ($content_type eq 'text/plain') {
		# Sometimes an empty text/plain body is sent
		# even without 204 return code.
		return ();
	} else {
		# TODO: We probably can't do much about RAW
		# format, yet we could parse at least JSON
		croak "Unknown content type: $content_type";

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<WWW::Splunk>, L<sc>

=head1 AUTHORS

Lubomir Rintel, L<< <> >>,
Michal Josef Špaček L<< <> >>

The code is hosted on GitHub L<>.
Bug fixes and feature enhancements are always welcome.

=head1 LICENSE

 This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
