The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
# See lib/ExtUtils/ for details of how to influence
# the contents of the Makefile that is written.

require 5.010;

    'NAME' => 'Task::Biodiverse::NoGUI',
    'VERSION_FROM' => 'lib/Task/Biodiverse/', # finds $VERSION
    ($] ge '5.005') ? (
        'AUTHOR' => 'Shawn Laffan (',
        'ABSTRACT' => 'Task for Biodiverse dependencies for non-GUI use',
    : (),
    META_MERGE => {
        'meta-spec' => { version => 2 },
        resources => {
            repository => {
                type => 'git',
                url  => '',
                web  => '',
            bugtracker => {
                web => '',
    PREREQ_PM => {
        "Data::DumpXML" => "0",
        "Math::Random::MT::Auto" => "6.21",
        "Text::CSV_XS" => "1.04",
        "DBD::XBase" => "0",
        "HTML::QuickTable" => "0",
        "YAML::Syck" => "1.29",
        "Clone" => "0.35",
        "Regexp::Common" => "0",
        "rlib" => "0",
        "Test::Lib" => "0",
        "parent" => "0",
        "Readonly" => "0",
        "URI::Escape::XS" => "0",
        "Statistics::Descriptive" => "3.0608",
        "Geo::Converter::dms2dd" => "0",
        "Text::Wrapper" => "0",
        "Exporter::Easy" => "0",
        "Exception::Class" => "0",
        "Math::Polygon" => "0",
        "File::BOM" => "0",
        "Math::Polygon" => "0",
        "Path::Class" => "0",
        "Tree::R" => "0",
        "Geo::ShapeFile" => "2.60",
        "Geo::Shapefile::Writer" => "0",
        "List::MoreUtils" => "0.410",
        "List::Util" => "1.41",
        "Class::Inspector" => "0",
        "autovivification" => "0.15",
        "List::BinarySearch" => "0.25",
        "List::BinarySearch::XS" => "0.09",
        "Spreadsheet::Read" => "0.60",
        "Spreadsheet::ReadSXC" => "0",
        "Spreadsheet::ParseExcel" => "0",
        "Spreadsheet::ParseXLSX" => "0",
        "Spreadsheet::XLSX" => "0",
        "Data::Alias" => "0",
        "Data::Section::Simple" => "0",
        "Test::Deep" => "0",
        "Test::NoWarnings" => "0",
        "Perl::Tidy" => "0",
        "Test::Most" => "0",
        "Devel::Symdump" => "0",
        "File::Compare" => "0",