#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More tests => 69;

use Data::Dumper;
use Kx;

#my $k = new Kx(host=>"localhost", port=>2080);
#my $k = new Kx(host=>"localhost", port=>2222, 'userpass' => 'markpf:letmein', check_for_errors=>1);
my $k = new Kx( host => "localhost", port => 2222, check_for_errors => 1 );
ok( defined $k, 'New' );

my $rv = $k->connect;
ok( defined $rv, 'Connect' );
die "Can't connect to KDB+ " unless $rv;

# Big bang test straight up, Stuff a hash of interetsing stuff into Kdb+
# and get it back for comparision, restuff it then compare it in Kdb+
# and get the result back. Then test to see its OK
my %p = (
    '' => [ 'Changes', 'K-0.01.tar.gz', 'K.bs' ],
    'K.c' => [ { 'K.o' => 'K.xs' }, { 'MANIFEST' => 'META.yml' }, 'Makefile' ],
    'Makefile.PL'      => 'README',
    'a.out'            => 'accessors-c.inc',
    'accessors-xs.inc' => 'blib',
    'c.c'              => 'c.o',
    'const-c.inc'      => 'const-xs.inc',
    'fallback'         => 'filename',
    'k.h'              => 'kc.o',
    'ktrace.out'       => 'lib',
    'libkdb.a'         => 'pm_to_blib',
    'ppport.h'         => 't',
    'test.c'           => { '20' => 'twenty', '30' => [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] },
my $kz = $k->perl2k( \%p );
$k->cmd( '{a::x}', $kz->kval );
my $p = $k->cmd('a');
$kz = $k->perl2k($p);
$k->cmd( '{b::x}', $kz->kval );

my $r = $k->cmd('asc a = asc b');
is( $r->{''}[0],   1, "[0]" );
is( $r->{''}[1],   1, "[1]" );
is( $r->{''}[2],   1, "[2]" );
is( $r->{'test.c'}{'30'}[0],    1, "test.c{30}[0]" );
is( $r->{'test.c'}{'30'}[1],    1, "test.c{30}[1]" );
is( $r->{'test.c'}{'30'}[2],    1, "test.c{30}[2]" );
is( $r->{'test.c'}{'30'}[3],    1, "test.c{30}[3]" );
is( $r->{'test.c'}{'30'}[4],    1, "test.c{30}[4]" );
is( $r->{'accessors-xs.inc'},   1, "accessors-xs.inc" );
is( $r->{'K.c'}[0]{'K.o'},      1, "K.c[0]{K.o}" );
is( $r->{'K.c'}[1]{'MANIFEST'}, 1, "K.c[1]{MANIFEST}" );
is( $r->{'K.c'}[2],             1, "K.c[2]" );

#st1      | ,0j        0 1j       0 1 2j     0 1 2 3j   0 1 2 3 4j 0 1 2 3 4 5..
#interface| interface0 interface1 interface2 interface3 interface4 interface5 ..
#st2      | ,0j        0 1j       0 1 2j     0 1 2 3j   0 1 2 3 4j 0 1 2 3 4 5..
my $x = {
    "interface" => [ map { "interface$_" } 0 .. 20 ],
    "st1"       => [ map { [ 0 .. $_ ] } 0 .. 20 ],
    "st2"       => [ map { [ 0 .. $_ ] } 0 .. 20 ],
$kz = $k->perl2k($x);
$k->cmd( '{aa::x}', $kz->kval );
$a = $k->cmd('aa');
is( $a->{st1}[4][4], $x->{st1}[4][4], "Dict of arrays" );

# Try a keyed table, selected many times
$k->cmd('l: ([a:1 2 3] b:4 5 6)');
$a = $k->cmd('l')             for ( 0 .. 100 );
$b = $k->cmd('select from l') for ( 0 .. 100 );
is( $a->{a}[2], $b->{a}[2], "keyed table elements the same" );

# Create Atoms
my $d = $k->bool(0);    # boolean
is( $d->val, 0, "Boolean" );

$d = $k->byte(100);     # char
is( $d->val, 100, "Byte" );

$d = $k->char( ord('a') );    # char
is( $d->val, ord('a'), "Char" );

$d = $k->short(20);
is( $d->val, 20, "Short" );

$d = $k->int(70);
is( $d->val, 70, "Int" );

$d = $k->long(93939);
is( $d->val, 93939, "Long" );

$d = $k->real(20.44);
like( $d->val, qr/^20\.44/, "Real" );

$d = $k->float(20.44);
like( $d->val, qr/^20\.44/, "Float" );

$d = $k->sym('mysymbol');    # A Kdb+ symbol
is( $d->val, 'mysymbol', "Symbol" );

$d = $k->date( 2007, 4, 22 );    # integer encoded date year, month, day
my @time = gmtime( $d->val );
$time[5] += 1900;
is( $time[5] . $time[4] . $time[3], "2007422", "Date" );

my $now = time;
$d = $k->dt($now);               # Kdb+ datetime from epoch
is( $d->val, $now, "DateTime" );

$d = $k->tm(100);                # Time type in milliseconds
is( $d->val, 100, "Milliseconds" );

# Simple lists
# Kx::ktn(type, length)
my $size = 20;
my $iter = 1000;
my $l    = $k->listof( $size, Kx::KS() );
for ( my $y = 0 ; $y < $iter ; $y++ ) {
    for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < $size ; $i++ ) {
        $l->at( $i, "symbol$i" );
for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < $size ; $i++ ) {
    $l->at( $i, "symbol$i" );
    is( $l->at($i), "symbol$i", "Simple List $i" );

# Add an extra symbol
my $sym = $k->sym("hi there");
my $perl_list = $l->list();
is( $l->at($size), 'hi there', "Add symbol to list" );

# Check out the dates now
$l = $k->listof( $size, Kx::KD() );
for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < $size ; $i++ ) {
    $l->at( $i, 2007, 4, $i + 1 );    # 20070401 -> 20070420
@time = gmtime( $l->at(19) );
$time[5] += 1900;
is( $time[5] . $time[4] . $time[3], "2007420", "Date list" );

# Add an extra date to the end of the list
$l->joinatom( $k->date( 2007, 4, 30 ) );
$perl_list = $l->list();
@time      = gmtime( $l->at($size) );
$time[5] += 1900;
is( $time[5] . $time[4] . $time[3], "2007430", "Add Date to list" );

# Create a mixed list and check it
$l = $k->listof( 3, 0 );    # 3 elemenst long type is 0
$l->at( 0, $k->float(5.0) );
$l->at( 1, $k->sym('five') );
$l->at( 2, $k->bool(1) );
is( $l->at(0), 5,      "Mixed list 0 is 5.0" );
is( $l->at(1), 'five', 'Mixed list 1 is "five"' );
is( $l->at(2), 1,      'Mixed list 2 is 1' );

# Create a Kdb+ symbol list from an array reference
my $arr = [qw/one two three four five six/];
$k->av2k( Kx::KS(), $arr );
is( $k->at(4), 'five', "Symbol list from Array ref" );
$perl_list = $k->list();

# Get the server's environmental details
my $ref = $k->tables;
print "Tables are: @$ref\n";
$ref = $k->funcs;
print "Functions defined are: @$ref\n";
$ref = $k->views;
print "Views defined are: @$ref\n";
$ref = $k->variables;
print "Variables defined are: @$ref\n";
$ref = $k->GMToffset;
print "GMToffset is $ref\n";

my $time = time;
$k->Tnew( name => "t", cols => [qw/tm k v/] );
$now = time;
my $c = 50;
my $z = ".z.z;" x $c;
for my $i ( 0 .. ( int( 1000 / $c ) ) ) {
    my @v = map { $_ * $i } ( 1 .. $c );
    my $key = join( " ", ($i) x $c );
print "Took ", time - $now, "s\n";
ok( $k->Tselect( 'a', "select from t where k=2" ), 'Select a' );

my $numrows = $k->Tnumrows('a');
ok( $numrows == 50, 'Numrows' );

my $numcols = $k->Tnumcols('a');
ok( $numcols == 3, 'Numcols' );

ok( $k->Tget('a'), 'Tget a' );
is( $k->Tindex( 3, 2 ), 8, 'Tindex a' );
is( $k->Theader()->[1], 'k', 'Theader a' );
is( $k->Tcol(1)->[20],  2,   'Tcol a' );
my $type = ( $k->Tmeta('a') )[0]->[1];
$type = 'z' if $type eq 'datetime';
is( $type, 'z', 'Tmeta a' );

# Check cmd()
$x = $k->cmd('count a');
is( $x, 50, 'cmd() Scalar' );

$x = $k->cmd('b: "abcd"');
$x = $k->cmd('b');
is( $x, 'abcd', 'cmd() char list' );

my $s = 'xyzzy';
my $val = $k->listof( length($s), Kx::KG() );
$x = $k->cmd( '{b:: x}', $val->kval );
$x = $k->cmd('b');
is( $x, $s, 'cmd() char, listof, setbin, k1' );

$s = 'xyzzy';
my $s1 = 'xyzzy';
$val = $k->listof( length($s), Kx::KG() );
my $val2 = $k->listof( length($s), Kx::KG() );
$x = $k->cmd( '{b:: x,y}', $val->kval, $val2->kval );
$x = $k->cmd('b');
is( $x, $s . $s1, 'cmd() char, listof, setbin, k2' );

my $rtn = $k->cmd('a');
is( $rtn->{'v'}[49], 100, 'cmd() table into hash' );
is( $k->Tindex( 3, 2 ), 8, 'cmd() then Tindex a' );

# Kx::kp(symbol)
# Kx::kpn(string, length)
# Extend Lists
# Kx::ja(klist, atom)
# Kx::js(klist, string)
# Kx::jk(klist, kobject)
# Dicts and Tables
# Kx::xT(dict)
# Kx::xD(keys, values)