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# ###################################################################### Otakar Smrz, 2003/01/23
# Encoding of Arabic: Dil Parkinson's Notation ###################################### 2006/02/03

# $Id: 179 2007-01-14 00:23:25Z smrz $

package Encode::Arabic::Parkinson;

use 5.008;

use strict;
use warnings;

use Scalar::Util 'blessed';

our $VERSION = do { q $Revision: 179 $ =~ /(\d+)/; sprintf "%4.2f", $1 / 100 };

use Encode::Encoding;
use base 'Encode::Encoding';


our $enmode;
our $demode;

our $optxml;

our %modemap = (

        'default'       => 0,
        'undef'         => 0,

        'fullvocalize'  => 0,
        'full'          => 0,

        'nowasla'       => 4,

        'vocalize'      => 3,
        'nosukuun'      => 3,

        'novocalize'    => 2,
        'novowels'      => 2,
        'none'          => 2,

        'noshadda'      => 1,
        'noneplus'      => 1,

# use subs 'encoder', 'decoder';    # ignores later prototypes

sub encoder ($);    # respect prototypes
sub decoder ($);    # respect prototypes

sub import {            # perform import as if Encode were used one level before this module

    $optxml = defined $_[1] && $_[1] eq ':xml' ? 1 : 0;


    splice @_, 1, 1;

    require Encode;

    Encode->export_to_level(1, @_);

sub encode ($$;$) {
    my (undef, $text, $check) = @_;

    $_[1] = '' if $check;                   # needed by in-place edit

    return encoder $text;

sub decode ($$;$) {
    my (undef, $text, $check) = @_;

    $_[1] = '' if $check;                   # needed by in-place edit

    return decoder $text;

sub enmode ($$;$$) {
    my ($cls, $mode, $xml, $kshd) = @_;

    $cls = blessed $cls if ref $cls;
    $xml = $optxml unless defined $xml;

    $mode = 'undef' unless defined $mode;
    $mode = $modemap{$mode} if exists $modemap{$mode};

    no strict 'refs';

    my $return = ${ $cls . '::enmode' };

    if (defined $mode) {

        ${ $cls . '::enmode' } = $mode;

        my @set = (

                ( $kshd
                    ? ''
                    : q [\x{0640}] ) .
                q [\x{0623}\x{0624}\x{0625}] .
                q [\x{060C}\x{061B}\x{061F}] .
                q [\x{0621}\x{0622}\x{0626}-\x{063A}\x{0641}-\x{064A}] .
              # q [\x{067E}\x{0686}\x{0698}\x{06A4}\x{06AF}] .
                q [\x{0660}-\x{0669}] .
                q [\x{0671}] .
                q [\x{0651}] .
                q [\x{064B}-\x{0650}\x{0670}] .
                q [\x{0652}] .
                ( $kshd
                    ? q [\x{0640}]
                    : '' )


                ( $kshd
                    ? ''
                    : q [_] ) .
                ( $xml
                    ? q [LWE]
                    : q [LWE] ) .
                q [,;?] .
                q [CMYAbQtVjHxdvrzspSDTZcgfqklmnhwey] .
              # q [PJRVG] .
                q [0-9] .
                ( $mode == 0
                    ? q [O]
                    : q [A] ) .
                ( $mode == 1
                    ? ''
                    : q [~] . ( $mode == 2
                                    ? ''
                                    : q [NUIauiR] . ( $mode == 3
                                                        ? ''
                                                        : q [o] ) ) )


        undef &encoder;

        eval q /

            sub encoder ($) {

                $_[0] =~ tr[/ . $set[0] . q /]
                           [/ . $set[1] . q /]d;

                return $_[0];

    return $return;

sub demode ($$;$$) {
    my ($cls, $mode, $xml, $kshd) = @_;

    $cls = blessed $cls if ref $cls;
    $xml = $optxml unless defined $xml;

    $mode = 'undef' unless defined $mode;
    $mode = $modemap{$mode} if exists $modemap{$mode};

    no strict 'refs';

    my $return = ${ $cls . '::demode' };

    if (defined $mode) {

        ${ $cls . '::demode' } = $mode;

        my @set = (

                ( $kshd
                    ? ''
                    : q [_] ) .
                ( $xml
                    ? q [LWE]
                    : q [LWE] ) .
                q [,;?] .
                q [CMYAbQtVjHxdvrzspSDTZcgfqklmnhwey] .
              # q [PJRVG] .
                q [0-9] .
                q [O] .
                q [~] .
                q [NUIauiR] .
                q [o] .
                ( $kshd
                    ? q [_]
                    : '' )


                ( $kshd
                    ? ''
                    : q [\x{0640}] ) .
                q [\x{0623}\x{0624}\x{0625}] .
                q [\x{060C}\x{061B}\x{061F}] .
                q [\x{0621}\x{0622}\x{0626}-\x{063A}\x{0641}-\x{064A}] .
              # q [\x{067E}\x{0686}\x{0698}\x{06A4}\x{06AF}] .
                q [\x{0660}-\x{0669}] .
                ( $mode == 0
                    ? q [\x{0671}]
                    : q [\x{0627}] ) .
                ( $mode == 1
                    ? ''
                    : q [\x{0651}] . ( $mode == 2
                                    ? ''
                                    : q [\x{064B}-\x{0650}\x{0670}] . ( $mode == 3
                                                        ? ''
                                                        : q [\x{0652}] ) ) )


        undef &decoder;

        eval q /

            sub decoder ($) {

                $_[0] =~ tr[/ . $set[0] . q /]
                           [/ . $set[1] . q /]d;

                return $_[0];

    return $return;



=head1 NAME

Encode::Arabic::Parkinson - Dil Parkinson's transliteration of Arabic


    $Revision: 179 $        $Date: 2007-01-14 01:23:25 +0100 (Sun, 14 Jan 2007) $


    use Encode::Arabic::Parkinson;          # imports just like 'use Encode' would, plus more

    while ($line = <>) {                    # Dil Parkinson's mapping into the Arabic script

        print encode 'utf8', decode 'parkinson', $line;

    # shell filter of data, e.g. in *n*x systems instead of viewing the Arabic script proper

    % perl -MEncode::Arabic::Parkinson -pe '$_ = encode "parkinson", decode "utf8", $_'

    # employing the modes of conversion for filtering and trimming

    Encode::Arabic::enmode 'parkinson', 'nosukuun', 'LWE xml';
    Encode::Arabic::Parkinson->demode(undef, undef, 'strip _');

    $decode = "AiqoraLo hRvaA Ol_n~a_S~a bi___OnotibaAhI.";
    $encode = encode 'parkinson', decode 'parkinson', $decode;

    # $encode eq "AiqraL hRvaA Aln~aS~a biAntibaAhI."


Dil Parkinson's notation is a one-to-one transliteration of the Arabic script for Modern Standard
Arabic, using lower ASCII characters to encode the graphemes of the original script.


Similar to that in L<Encode::Arabic::Buckwalter|Encode::Arabic::Buckwalter>.


The module exports as if C<use Encode> also appeared in the package. The other C<import> options are
just delegated to L<Encode|Encode> and imports performed properly.

The B<conversion modes> of this module allow to override the setting of the C<:xml> option, in addition to
filtering out diacritical marks and stripping off I<kashida>. The modes and aliases relate like this:

    our %Encode::Arabic::Parkinson::modemap = (

            'default'       => 0,   'undef'         => 0,

            'fullvocalize'  => 0,   'full'          => 0,

            'nowasla'       => 4,

            'vocalize'      => 3,   'nosukuun'      => 3,

            'novocalize'    => 2,   'novowels'      => 2,   'none'          => 2,

            'noshadda'      => 1,   'noneplus'      => 1,


=item enmode (I<$obj,> $mode, $xml, $kshd)

=item demode (I<$obj,> $mode, $xml, $kshd)

These methods can be invoked directly or through the respective functions of L<Encode::Arabic|Encode::Arabic>. The
meaning of the extra parameters follows from the L<examples of usage|/SYNOPSIS>.


=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Encode::Arabic|Encode::Arabic>, L<Encode|Encode>, L<Encode::Encoding|Encode::Encoding>

Xerox Arabic Home Page  L<>

=head1 AUTHOR

Otakar Smrz, L<>

    eval { 'E<lt>' . ( join '.', qw 'otakar smrz' ) . "\x40" . ( join '.', qw 'mff cuni cz' ) . 'E<gt>' }

Perl is also designed to make the easy jobs not that easy ;)


Copyright 2006-2007 by Otakar Smrz

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
