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package Class::Accessor::Assert;
use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw(Class::Accessor Class::Data::Inheritable);
use Carp qw(croak confess);
our $VERSION = '1.41';

sub _mk_accessors {
    my ( $self, $maker, @fields ) = @_;
      unless $self->can("accessor_specs");

    my %spec = $self->parse_fields(@fields);
    $self->accessor_specs( { %spec, %{ $self->accessor_specs || {} } } );

    $self->SUPER::_mk_accessors( 'rw', keys %spec );

        no strict 'refs';

        # additional methods for magic array methods
        my $class = ref $self || $self;
	# Note how we curry the subs with the lexical "$field":
	# The subs are closures and therefore have access to their lexical
	# scope. Clarity suffers from this, but the performance should be
	# about 25% higher than a cleaner approach due to a saved subroutine
	# call for every ary_*(...) call.
        for my $field ( grep { $spec{$_}{array} } keys %spec ) {
	    # foo_push sub
            *{"${class}::${field}_push"} = sub {
                my ( $self, @values ) = @_;
                $self->{$field} = [] unless defined $self->{$field};
                push @{ $self->{$field} }, @values;
	    # foo_pop sub
            *{"${class}::${field}_pop"} = sub {
                my ( $self ) = @_;
                return pop @{ $self->{$field} || [] };
	    # foo_unshift sub
            *{"${class}::${field}_unshift"} = sub {
                my ( $self, @values ) = @_;
                $self->{$field} = [] unless defined $self->{$field};
                unshift @{ $self->{$field} }, @values;
	    # foo_shift sub
            *{"${class}::${field}_shift"} = sub {
                my ( $self ) = @_;
                return shift @{ $self->{$field} || [] };

sub new {
    my ( $self, $stuff ) = @_;
    my $not_a_void_context = eval { %{ $stuff || {} } };
    croak "$stuff doesn't look much like a hash to me" if $@;
    if ( $self->can("accessor_specs") ) {
        my $spec = $self->accessor_specs;
        for my $k ( keys %$spec ) {
            confess "Required member $k not given to constructor"
              if $spec->{$k}->{required}
              and not exists $stuff->{$k};
            confess "Member $k needs to be of type " . $spec->{$k}->{class}
              if exists $spec->{$k}->{class}
              and exists $stuff->{$k}
              and !UNIVERSAL::isa( $stuff->{$k}, $spec->{$k}->{class} );
    return $self->SUPER::new($stuff);

sub set {
    return shift->SUPER::set(@_) unless $_[0]->can("accessor_specs");
    my ( $self, $key ) = splice( @_, 0, 2 );
    my $spec = $self->accessor_specs;
    return $self->SUPER::set( $key, @_ )
      if !exists $spec->{$key}
      or @_ > 1;    # No support for arrays
    confess "Member $key needs to be of type " . $spec->{$key}->{class}
      if defined $_[0]
      and exists $spec->{$key}->{class}
      and !UNIVERSAL::isa( $_[0], $spec->{$key}->{class} );

    $_[0] = [ $_[0] ]
      if defined $_[0]
      and $spec->{$key}->{array}
      and ref $_[0] ne 'ARRAY';

    $self->{$key} = $_[0];

sub get {
    return shift->SUPER::get(@_) unless $_[0]->can("accessor_specs");
    my ( $self, $key ) = splice( @_, 0, 2 );
    my $spec = $self->accessor_specs;
    return $self->SUPER::get( $key, @_ )
      if !exists $spec->{$key}
      or @_ > 1;    # No support for arrays
    if ( $spec->{$key}{array} ) {
          ? @{ $self->SUPER::get( $key, @_ ) || [] }
          : $self->SUPER::get( $key, @_ );
    else {
        $self->SUPER::get( $key, @_ );

sub parse_fields {
    my ( $self, @fields ) = @_;
    my %spec;
    for my $f (@fields) {
        my $orig_f = $f;    # For error reporting
        my %subspec;

        # All the tests go here
        $subspec{required} = $f =~ s/^\+//;
        $f =~ s/=(.*)// and $subspec{class} = $1;
        $subspec{array} = $f =~ s/^\@//;
        $f =~ /^\w+$/
          or croak "Couldn't understand field specification $orig_f";
        $spec{$f} = \%subspec;
    return %spec;


=head1 NAME

Class::Accessor::Assert - Accessors which type-check


  use Class::Accessor::Assert;
  __PACKAGE__->mk_accessors( qw( +foo bar=Some::Class baz @bits ) );


This is a version of L<Class::Accessor> which offers rudimentary
type-checking and existence-checking of arguments to constructors
and set accessors. 

To specify that a member is mandatory in the constructor, prefix its
name with a C<+>. To specify that it needs to be of a certain class
when setting that member, suffix C<=CLASSNAME>. Unblessed reference
types such as C<=HASH> or C<=ARRAY> are acceptable.

To specify that a member is an array, prefix its name with a C<@>.
These members also have the following four special methods that wrap
the builtin array operations C<push>, C<pop>, C<unshift>, and 

    # for a @bits member:
    print $y->bits_pop;
    print $y->bits_shift;

The C<@> can be combined with the C<+> prefix to make a member that
is an array that you must set in the constructor. The C<+> must 
precede the C<@>.

    # 'foo' is required in the constructor
    __PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw( +@foo ));

=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 AUTHOR

This module is maintained by

  Steffen Mueller, accessor-module at steffen-mueller dot net

Original author is

  Simon Cozens,

Please direct inquiries, bug reports, etc. towards the maintainer, not the
original author. Simon no longer provides support for this module, so please
respect that.


Copyright 2003 by Simon Cozens

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself. 
