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use strict;
use warnings;

package histify;
our $VERSION = '1.05';

use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions);
use Pod::Usage qw(pod2usage);
use Math::SimpleHisto::XS;
use Math::SimpleHisto::XS::CLI qw(:all);

  my $opt = {},
  'soot', # This is undocumented on purpose. Use at your own risk.

pod2usage({-verbose => 2}) if $opt->{man};
pod2usage({-verbose => 0}) if $opt->{help};
if ($opt->{dump_as_input} and grep exists($opt->{$_}), qw(xw max min nbins random)) {
    -exitval => 1,
    -verbose => 0,
    -message => '--dump-as-input is not compatible with the --xw, --max, --min, --nbins or --random options'
$opt->{nbins} = 10 if not defined $opt->{nbins} and not $opt->{dump_as_input};
$opt->{dump} = $opt->{dump_as_input} = 1 if $opt->{pipe};


=head1 NAME

histify - generate simple histograms from streamed data


  generator | histify [--nbins=X] [--min=X] [--max=X] \
                      [--cumulative] \
                      [--desc=<center|left|right|number|range|none>] \
                      [--xw] [--dump-as-input] [--dump] [--pipe] \
                      [--rebin=X] [--random=X]

Reads whitespace-separated numbers from STDIN and generates a
histogram. If no histogram boundaries are specified using
options, the number of bins defaults to 10 and the min/max are
extracted from the data. That means reading all data into
memory. If you specify min/max, the program works with constant
memory overhead.

Prints the resulting histogram contents one bin per line.

Using --desc=<type> adds an extra column to the output before the
histogram content (separated by a tab) that can be any one of:
The bin "number", the bin "center", the "left" bin boundary,
the "right" bin boundary, or the bin "range" (lower and upper
boundary separated by a comma).

The --xw option will cause histify to read alternating X values
and weights instead of just X values from STDIN. This is useful
for re-binning partially aggregated input data.

The --dump-as-input (or -d) option indicates that the input will
not be of the form outlined above, but instead be the dump of a
L<Math::SimpleHisto::XS> histogram of any format supported by the
module. At this time, this option is not compatible with the
C<--xw, --max, --min, --nbins> options. The --dump option
changes the output from a TSV format to a JSON dump that will
be readable with --dump-as-input. The --pipe option enables both
--dump-as-input and --dump.
When the --dump-as-input option is enabled, then each line on STDIN
may contain a histogram dump. If there is more than one, then
histify will attempt to add the histograms. They must contain data in
identical binning.

The --cumulative option causes C<histify> to calculate the cumulative
histogram of the input.

The --rebin option causes C<histify> to rebin the histogram after
the fact by a given factor which must be a divisor of the original
number of bins.

The --random option makes C<histify> create a new histogram with the
supplied parameters (default: 10 bins between 0 and 1) and the
provided number of random fills (default: 1000).


my $readall = (!defined($opt->{min}) || !defined($opt->{max}));

my $hist;

if ($opt->{dump_as_input}) {
  $hist = histogram_from_dumps_fh(\*STDIN);
elsif (exists $opt->{random}) {
  $hist = histogram_from_random_data($opt, $opt->{random});
else {
  if ($readall) { # We don't know either min or max or neither
    $hist = histogram_slurp_from_fh($opt, \*STDIN);
  else { # we have proper histogram boundaries
    $hist = histogram_from_fh($opt, \*STDIN);

$hist = $hist->rebin($opt->{rebin}) if $opt->{rebin};

$hist = $hist->cumulative() if $opt->{cumulative};

if ($opt->{soot}) {

if (exists $opt->{dump}) {
  my $type = $opt->{dump};
  $type = 'json' if not defined $type or $type eq '';
  print $hist->dump($type), "\n";

my $desc = lc($opt->{desc}||'');
if ($desc eq '' or $desc eq 'none') {
  print "$_\n" for @{ $hist->all_bin_contents };
elsif ($desc =~ /^(?:center|number|left|right|range)$/) {
  my $content = $hist->all_bin_contents;
  my $descriptions;
  if    ($desc eq 'center') { $descriptions = $hist->bin_centers; }
  elsif ($desc eq 'number') { $descriptions = [0..$hist->nbins-1]; }
  elsif ($desc eq 'left')   { $descriptions = $hist->bin_lower_boundaries; }
  elsif ($desc eq 'right')  { $descriptions = $hist->bin_upper_boundaries; }
  elsif ($desc eq 'range')  { $descriptions = [ map $hist->bin_lower_boundary($_).",".$hist->bin_upper_boundary($_), 0..($hist->nbins-1) ] }

  foreach my $bin (0..$hist->nbins-1) {
    print "$descriptions->[$bin]\t$content->[$bin]\n";
else {
  die "Invalid description mode";