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package Parse::ExuberantCTags::Merge;

use 5.006001;
use strict;
use warnings;

our $VERSION = '1.01';
use constant DEBUG => 0;

use constant SMALL_DEFAULT       => 2**22;
use constant SUPER_SMALL_DEFAULT => 2**17;

use constant FILENAME            => 0;
use constant SORTED              => 1;

use constant MRG_LINE            => 0;
use constant MRG_FH              => 1;

use Class::XSAccessor
  constructor => 'new',
  accessors => {
    small_size_threshold       => 'small_size_threshold',
    super_small_size_threshold => 'super_small_size_threshold',
    tempdir                    => 'tempdir',

use Carp ();
use File::Temp ();
use File::Spec ();
use Parse::ExuberantCTags::Merge::SimpleScopeGuard;

sub add_file {
  my $self = shift;
  my $file = shift;
  Carp::croak("Need file argument")
    if not defined $file;
  Carp::croak("Input file '$file' does not exist")
    if not -f $file;
  my %opts = @_;
  my $sorted = $opts{sorted};

  $self->{files} ||= [];
  push @{$self->{files}}, [$file, $sorted];

sub write {
  my $self = shift;
  my $outfile = shift;
  Carp::croak("Need output file argument")
    if not defined $outfile;

  # determine temporary directory
  my $tmpdir = $self->tempdir;
  if (not defined $tmpdir or not -d $tmpdir) {
    $tmpdir = File::Spec->tmpdir();

  my $total_size = 0;
  my $sorted_size   = 0;
  my $unsorted_size = 0;
  my @sorted;
  my @unsorted;

  my $files = $self->{files};
  Carp::croak("Need input files")
    if not defined $files or @$files == 0;

  # only one sorted input file => copy
  if (@$files == 1 and $files->[0][SORTED]) {
    warn "Only one sorted input file => copying" if DEBUG;
    my $infile = $files->[0][FILENAME];
    open my $fh, '<', $infile
      or die "Opening input file '$infile' for reading failed: $!";
    open my $ofh, '>', $outfile
      or die "Opening output file '$outfile' for writing failed: $!";

    print $ofh "!_TAG_FILE_SORTED	1	  /0=unsorted, 1=sorted/\n";

    local $/ = \1000000;
    while (<$fh>) {
      print $ofh $_;
    close $fh;
    close $ofh;
  # calculate the file sizes
  foreach my $file (@$files) {
    my $fname = $file->[FILENAME];
    my $s = -s $fname;
    $total_size += $s;
    if ($file->[SORTED]) {
      $sorted_size += $s;
      push @sorted, $fname;
    else {
      $unsorted_size += $s;
      push @unsorted, $fname;

  # get size thresholds
  my $threshold_super_small = $self->super_small_size_threshold();
  $threshold_super_small = SUPER_SMALL_DEFAULT if not defined $threshold_super_small;
  my $threshold_small = $self->small_size_threshold();
  $threshold_small = SMALL_DEFAULT if not defined $threshold_small;
  warn "Thresholds: tiny=$threshold_super_small small=$threshold_small" if DEBUG > 1;

  # storage of temporary files and guard to clean them up on scope exit
  my @tmpfiles;
  my $guard = Parse::ExuberantCTags::Merge::SimpleScopeGuard->new(files => \@tmpfiles);

  # select sort strategy

  # everything small, sort all in memory regardless
  if ($total_size < $threshold_super_small) {
    warn "Total size < super-small-threshold => memory sort" if DEBUG;
    open my $ofh, '>', $outfile
      or die "Could not open output file '$outfile' for writing: $!";
    return $self->_memory_sort($ofh, @sorted, @unsorted);
  # This must handle the unsorted files
  if (@unsorted) {
    warn "There are unsorted files..." if DEBUG;
    if ($unsorted_size < $threshold_small) {
      # unsorted files are small and will be sorted in memory
      warn "Unsorted files small => memory sort" if DEBUG;
      my ($tfh, $tmpfile);
      if (@sorted) { # if there are sorted files (must be largish), use a tempfile
        ($tfh, $tmpfile) = File::Temp::tempfile(
          "ctagsSortXXXXXX", UNLINK => 0, DIR => $tmpdir
        push @tmpfiles, $tmpfile;
      else { # unsorted only => use real output file
        open $tfh, '>', $outfile
          or die "Could not open output file '$outfile' for writing: $!";
      $self->_memory_sort($tfh, @unsorted);
      close $tfh;
      if (not @sorted) { # only unsorted data => done!
        return 1;
      push @sorted, $tmpfile;
      $sorted_size += -s $tmpfile;
    elsif ($sorted_size < $threshold_small) {
      # handle everything with Sort::External
      # don't bother with merge-sorting the small sorted files
      warn "Sorted files small or not existant => external sort for all" if DEBUG;
      open my $ofh, '>', $outfile
        or die "Could not open output file '$outfile' for writing: $!";
      return $self->_external_sort($ofh, @unsorted, @sorted);
    else {
      # both are large. First do an external sort on the unsorted files,
      # then do a merge sort
      warn "potentially large files => external sort for unsorted files" if DEBUG;
      my ($tfh, $tmpfile) = File::Temp::tempfile(
        "ctagsSortXXXXXX", UNLINK => 0, DIR => $tmpdir
      push @tmpfiles, $tmpfile;
      $self->_external_sort($tfh, @unsorted);
      close $tfh;
      push @sorted, $tmpfile;
      $sorted_size += -s $tmpfile;
  } # end if there is unsorted data

  # at this point, there should be only sorted files
  # left => merge sort
  warn "running merge sort" if DEBUG;
  open my $ofh, '>', $outfile
    or die "Could not open output file '$outfile' for writing: $!";

  return $self->_merge_sort($ofh, @sorted);

sub _merge_sort {
  warn "running _merge_sort" if DEBUG;
  my $self = shift;
  my $ofh = shift;
  my @infiles = @_;

  print $ofh "!_TAG_FILE_SORTED	1	  /0=unsorted, 1=sorted/\n";

  local $/ = "\n";

  # get the first lines and create a list of simple structs for sorting
  my @files =
    map {
      open my $fh, '<', $_ or die "Can't open input file '$_' for reading: $!";
      my $first = <$fh>;
      $first = <$fh> if $first =~ /^!_TAG_FILE_SORTED\t/; # skip magic line
      [$first, $fh]

  # initial sort of the first lines
  @files = sort {$a->[MRG_LINE] cmp $b->[MRG_LINE]} @files;
  # keep sorting until all sources run out
  while (@files) {
    # first file in the list always has the next "lowest" line
    my $next = $files[0];
    print $ofh $next->[MRG_LINE];

    # fetch a new line for this file handle
    my $fh = $next->[MRG_FH];
    $next->[MRG_LINE] = <$fh>;
    if (not defined $next->[MRG_LINE]) {
      # eof, lose the file
      splice(@files, 0, 1);

    # one pass of bubble sort to propagate the new line to its place
    for (my $i = 1; $i < @files; ++$i) {
      if (($files[$i-1][MRG_LINE] cmp $files[$i][MRG_LINE]) == 1) {
        my $tmp = $files[$i-1];
        $files[$i-1] = $files[$i];
        $files[$i] = $tmp;
      } else {
  } # end while there are files


sub _external_sort {
  warn "running _external_sort" if DEBUG;
  my $self = shift;
  my $ofh = shift;
  my @infiles = @_;

  print $ofh "!_TAG_FILE_SORTED	1	  /0=unsorted, 1=sorted/\n";

  require Sort::External;
  my $exsort = Sort::External->new(
    mem_threshold => 1024**2 * 32, # todo: configuration

  local $/ = "\n";
  foreach my $infile (@infiles) {
    open my $fh, '<', $infile
      or die "Could not open input file '$infile' for reading: $!";
    my $first_line = <$fh>;
    $exsort->feed($first_line) if $first_line !~ /^!_TAG_FILE_SORTED/;
    while (<$fh>) {
    close $fh;
  while (defined($_ = $exsort->fetch)) {
    print $ofh $_;


sub _memory_sort {
  warn "running _memory_sort" if DEBUG;
  my $self = shift;
  my $ofh = shift;
  my @infiles = @_;

  local $/ = "\n";
  my @records;
  foreach my $infile (@infiles) {
    open my $fh, '<', $infile
      or die "Could not open input file '$infile' for reading: $!";
    my $first_line = <$fh>;
    push @records, $first_line if $first_line !~ /^!_TAG_FILE_SORTED/;
    push @records, <$fh>;
    close $fh;
  @records = sort @records; # check fast inplace sort
  print $ofh "!_TAG_FILE_SORTED	1	  /0=unsorted, 1=sorted/\n";
  print $ofh @records;



=head1 NAME

Parse::ExuberantCTags::Merge - Efficiently merge large exuberant ctags files


  use Parse::ExuberantCTags::Merge;
  my $merger = Parse::ExuberantCTags::Merge->new();
  $merger->add_file('perltags.old',  sorted => 0);
  $merger->add_file('',  sorted => 1);
  $merger->add_file('perltags.new2', sorted => 1);
  # potentially add more files...
  # sorting happens only when you call 'write':


This Perl module is intended to merge multiple I<exuberant ctags> files.
The synopsis says all about the interface. In order to be as efficient
as possible, the module uses different sort methods depending on the
input data. In the general case, it will use the L<Sort::External>
module to process the data. There are a few exceptions:

=over 4

=item Pre-sorted input files

If two or more input files contain sorted data, we use the
a merge sort to efficiently sort them before merging
with the remaining data.

=item Small input files

If the total size of the input files is small, we load them into
memory and use Perl's fast sort function. Default limit: C<2^21B == 4MB>.

=item Super-small input files

If the total size of the input files is extremely small, we ignore
whether they're sorted or not and simply resort to Perl's sort.
Default limit: C<2^17B == 128kB>.


The sorting modules are loaded at run-time on demand only.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new

Creates a new merger object.

=head2 add_file

Adds a file to the merging process. First argument must be the
file name followed by an optional named argument 'sorted' (default: false)
which affects the way the data will be merged. Mixing sorted with unsorted
files is possible and will produce a sorted output.

Pre-sorted files are naturally somewhat faster to merge.

=head2 small_size_threshold

Set this to the threshold under which the total size of the
input files is to be considered small enough to be sorted in
memory (see above). The default should be fine.

=head2 super_small_size_threshold

Set this to the threshold under which the total size of the
input files is to be considered small enough to be sorted in
memory regardless of whether the input was partly sorted (see above).
The default should be fine.

This makes more sense than it sounds. Perl's sort function is fast.
For small amounts of data, its low overhead wins significantly over
the sort complexity.

=head2 tempdir

You can use this to set the location of the temporary files that are
used for sorting and merging large files. By default, it goes into

=head1 TODO


=head1 SEE ALSO

Exuberant ctags homepage: L<>

Wikipedia on ctags: L<>

Module that can produce ctags files from Perl code: L<Perl::Tags>

Module that can parse exuberant ctags files: L<Parse::ExuberantCTags>

Sorting modules: L<Sort::External>, L<File::MergeSort> (though we use
a home-grown merge-sort)


=head1 AUTHOR

Steffen Mueller, E<lt>smueller@cpan.orgE<gt>


Copyright (C) 2009 by Steffen Mueller

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.6 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
