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package Myco::Entity;

# $Id:,v 1.6 2006/03/31 19:12:57 sommerb Exp $
# See license and copyright near the end of this file.

=head1 NAME

Myco::Entity - common base class for all Myco entity classes.


 ### Entity class definition

 package Myco::Foo;
 use base qw(Myco::Entity);

 # Start building metadata
 my $metadata = Myco::Entity::Meta->new
  ( name => __PACKAGE__,
    tangram => { table => 'Foo' }

 $metadata->add_attribute(name => 'attr1', type => 'string');
 $metadata->add_attribute(name => 'attr2', type => 'string');

 #    class-specific methods defined ...

 # Fill in $schema with all added_attributes and discover other metadata

 ### Entity class usage

 use Myco::Foo;

 # Constructor
 $obj = Myco::Foo->new;
 $obj = Myco::Foo->new(attr1 => value, attr2 => value);

 # Access class metadata (see Myco::Entity::Meta)
 $meta = Myco::Foo->introspect;
 $meta = $obj->introspect;

 # Accessors
 $obj->get_attr1;              # get attribute value
 $obj->set_attr1('value');     # set attribute value

 # Instance methods
 $id = $obj->save;             # update object's state in persistent
                               # storage, create new record if needed;
                               # returns object's Tangram id
 $obj->modify(attr1 => val, attr2 => val);
 $object_id = $obj->id;
 $obj->is_transient;           # returns true if object is in Tangram
                               # transient storage

 ## object retrieval (see class Myco documentation
 #    for full detail)

 $obj = Myco->load($object_id);

 # fetch all objects of given type
 @objects = Myco->select(ref $obj);


Provides, via inheritence, common interface in support of basic lifecycle
needs for myco entity objects.

This is accomplished through the encapsulation of the CPAN module
Class::Tangram which provides a basis for "in-memory" object behavior.
Consult its documentation for details on schema definition syntax,
getter/setter behavior, check functions, etc.

The common interface for object persistence behavior (referred within
myco as "transaction" behavior) is provided through defintion of a handful
of related instance methods.  This is done with reliance on the services of
the class Myco, which encapsulates the functionality of Tangram::Storage and
provides system-wide connection handling.


### an object of this class ISA
use base qw(Class::Tangram);

### Module Dependencies and Compiler Pragma
use warnings;
use strict;
use Myco::Exceptions;
use Set::Object;
use Tangram::Type::TimeAndDate;
use Myco::Entity::Meta;

# Any other entity class dependencies must appear after next section
#  this class (next line) doesn't want the 'template' attribs
use Myco::Entity::Event;
use Myco::Util::DateTime;

use constant EVENT => 'Myco::Entity::Event';
use constant DATETIME => 'Myco::Util::DateTime';

### Template attributes (_added_ [not inherited] to scheme of all sub-classes)
my $md = Myco::Entity::Meta->new
  ( name => __PACKAGE__ );

$md->add_attribute(name => 'owner_',
                   template => 1,
		   type => 'ref',
		   tangram_options => {  class => 'Myco::Person', },

$md->add_attribute(name => 'changedate_',
                   template => 1,
		   type => 'rawdatetime',
$md->add_attribute(name => 'changedby_',
                   template => 1,
		   type => 'ref',
		   tangram_options => {  class => 'Myco::User', },

$md->add_attribute(name => 'createdate_',
                   template => 1,
		   type => 'rawdatetime',
$md->add_attribute(name => 'createdby_',
                   template => 1,
		   type => 'ref',
		   tangram_options => {  class => 'Myco::User', },


### Entity class dependencies
# See bogus (compile loop breaking) placement of
#     Myco::UI::Auth loading in new()

### Class variables
my $_event_cache;


Class meta data and object schema definition is managed via
L<Myco::Entity::Meta|Myco::Entity::Meta>.  Typical
class setup begins like this:

 package Foo;
 use base qw(Myco::Entity);
 my $metadata = Myco::Entity::Meta->new
  ( name => __PACKAGE__,
    tangram => { table => 'foo' }

The 'tangram' parameter passes in an anonymous hash containing a
L<Class::Tangram|Class::Tangram>-style schema definition [but --without-- a
'fields' key!].  The creation of the $metadata object is normally followed
by one or more calls to C<$metadata-E<gt>add_attribute()> each of which
adds an attribute to the schema, along with establishing associated metadata.

At the very end of the class file comes the following, which triggers a
final phase of metadata discovery and makes the object schema active.


=head2 Class setup in Class::Tangram $schema style

Alternately the schema may be specified as a fully laid-out $schema data
structure, with no C<$metadata->E<gt>add_attribute() calls.  In this
case the C<activate_class()> method will parse $schema and fill out the
$metadata object with what it finds.  This may be of use when converting
an existing class or when the Class::Tangram style is simply preferred.

=over 4

=item B<import_schema> [deprecated]


Informs Class::Tangram about classE<39>s schema so it can take care of
in-memory behavior.  ***If Myco::Entity::Meta is in use then direct
use of this method should be avoided.


sub import_schema {



=over 4

=item B<new>

 $obj = Myco::Foo->new;
 $obj = Myco::Foo->new(attr1 => value, attr2 => value);

Object constructor.  See Class::Tangram documentation.  Will throw an
exception if a required attribute is missing from parameter list.



# Constants


See Class::Tangram for other available methods.

=head2 new

  $obj->set(attribute => $value, ...);

Constructs the new object. Overrides C<Class::Tangram::set()> in order to
initiate the Event Cache.


sub new {

    # Don't want this here... but it'll do for now
#    require Myco::UI::Auth;

    my $invocant = shift;
    my $class = ref $invocant || $invocant || '';

    my $entity = $class->SUPER::new(@_);

#    # find the immediate caller
#    my $i = 0;
#    $i++ while UNIVERSAL::isa( $entity, scalar(caller($i)) || ";->" );
#    unless ( caller($i) =~ /Tangram/ ) {
#        $entity->set_createdate_( DATETIME->date('YYYY-MM-DD') );
#        my $u = Myco::UI::Auth->get_current_user;
#        $entity->set_createdby_($u) if $u;
#    }

    unless ($class eq EVENT) {
        $_event_cache =  EVENT->get_event_cache
          unless $_event_cache;
        # Initiate the Event Cache with a 'Create' event.
        EVENT->new( entity => $entity, kind => 1 );
    return $entity;

    my $self = shift;
    # Check if this is itself an event object
    unless (ref $self eq EVENT) {
        delete $_event_cache->{"$self"} if exists $_event_cache->{"$self"};

=head2 set

  $obj->set(attribute => $value, ...);

Sets the value of an attribute. Overrides C<Class::Tangram::set()> in order to
enforce access control.


sub _set {
    my $self = shift;
    # No point in continuing if they're not specifying any attributes to set!
    return unless @_;
    if (my $u = Myco::UI::Auth->get_current_user) {
        # Check for access.
        my $md = $self->introspect;
        my $uroles = $u->get_roles_hash;
      CLASS: {
            if (%$uroles) {
                my $al = $md->get_access_list;
                # If there are no roles on this class, jump out of the block.
                # This should probably be changed at some point so that the
                # access becomes better enforced.
                last CLASS unless $al->{rw} || $al->{ro};
                # Only check read/write for set().
                my $croles = $al->{rw} || [];
                foreach my $cr (@$croles) {
                    # If the role exists, class-level access is granted. Jump
                    # out of this block.
                    last CLASS if $uroles->{$cr};
                # If we get here, they simply don't have permission to access
                # objects of this class.
                  (error => "You do not have permission to edit " .
                   ref $self . " objects");
        } # CLASS:
        # Okay, if we get here, they have permission to access objects of
        # this class. Now let's check the attributes they're trying to
        # set.
        my $attrs = $md->get_attributes;
        my %params = @_;
        my @nope;
      ATTR: {
            foreach my $attr (keys %params) {
                my $al = $attrs->{$attr}->get_access_list;
                # If there are no attribute roles, skip to the next
                # attribute. This should probably be changed at some point
                # so that the access becomes better enforced.
                next ATTR unless $al->{rw} || $al->{ro};
                # Only check read/write for set().
                if (my $aroles = $al->{rw}) {
                    foreach my $ar (@$aroles) {
                        # Skip to the next attribute if they have permission to
                        # access the current attribute.
                        next ATTR if $uroles->{$ar};
                        # Otherwise, save this attribute name.
                        push @nope, $attr;
                } else {
                    # No read/write roles, so access is denied.
                    push @nope, $attr;
        } # ATTR:
        # Now check to see if we grabbed any attributes that they can't
        # access.
        if (@nope) {
            my $pl = $#nope == 0 ? '' : 's';
            local $" = "', '";
                ( error => "You do not have permission to edit the '@nope' " .
                  "attribute$pl of " . ref $self . " objects");
    # Put each attribute in the event cache before leaving to do the SUPER::set
    if (ref $self ne EVENT) {
        my %params = @_;
        foreach my $attr (keys %params) {
            # implement code to:
            # skip if the object does not have an ID (i.e. its only transient)
#            _build_event_cache( $self, $attr, $params{$attr} );

    # We now return to our regularly-scheduled set method.

=head2 get

  my $value = $obj->get($attribute);

Returns the value of an attribute. Overrides C<Class::Tangram::get()> in order
to enforce access control.


sub _get {
    my $self = shift;
    # No point in continuing if they're not specifying an attributes to get!
    return unless $_[0];
    if (my $u = Myco::UI::Auth->get_current_user) {
        # Check for access.
        my $md = $self->introspect;
        my $uroles = $u->get_roles_hash;
      CLASS: {
            if (%$uroles) {
                my $al = $md->get_access_list;
                # Get the class roles or, if there are none, jump out of the
                # loop. This should probably be changed at some point so that
                # the access becomes better enforced.
                last CLASS unless $al->{rw} || $al->{ro};
                # We check both read/write and read only for the get() method.
                my $rw = $al->{rw} || [];
                my $ro = $al->{ro} || [];
                foreach my $cr (@$rw, @$ro) {
                    # Jump out of this block if they have permission.
                    last CLASS if $uroles->{$cr};
                # If we get here, they simply don't have permission to access
                # objects of this class.
                    (error => "You do not have permission to read " .
                     ref $self . " objects");
        } # CLASS:
        # Okay, if we get here, they have permission to access this class.
        # Now let's check the attributes they're trying to get.
        my $attrs = $md->get_attributes;
      ATTR: {
            # They can fetch only one attribute at a time, according to the
            # Class::Tangram spec for get().
            my $attr = $_[0];
            my $al = $attrs->{$attr}->get_access_list;
            # If there are no attribute roles, bugger out. This should
            # probably be changed at some point so that the access becomes
            # better enforced.
            last ATTR unless $al->{rw} || $al->{ro};
            # We check both read/write and read only for the get() method.
            my $rw = $al->{rw} || [];
            my $ro = $al->{ro} || [];
            foreach my $ar (@$rw, @$ro) {
                # Jump out of this block if they have permission.
                last ATTR if $uroles->{$ar};
            # If we get here, they don't have permission.
              (error => "You do not have permission to read the '$attr' " .
               "attribute of " . ref $self . " objects");
        } # ATTR:
    # We now return to our regularly-scheduled get method.

=over 4

=item B<save>

 $id = $obj->save;

Updates database state to be consistent with objectE<39>s current in-memory
representation.  If object is not already persistent, it is inserted into
the database.  The Tangram object ID is returned.


sub save {
    my $self = shift;

    use Myco;

#    my $u = Myco::UI::Auth->get_current_user || undef;
#    $self->set_owner_($u->get_person) if $u;

    if ( Myco->is_transient($self) ) {
#        $self->set_changedby_($u) if $u;
#        $self->set_changedate_( DATETIME->date('YYYY-MM-DD') );
    } else {

=item B<destroy>


Removes object from persistent storage and does its best to remove
it from memory as well.  This memory cleanup process includes:

=over 3

=item *

Clearing all attributes that hold references to other objects (via a call to $obj->clear_refs.  See L<Class::Tangram|Class::Tangram>).

=item *

Clearing the Tangram transient storage reference to object.

=item *

Setting to undef the caller object reference.  If no other references to
the object exist Perl will do its usual garbage collection.


This method is just an encapsulation of the call 'Myco->destroy($obj)'.


#Removes object from persistent storage and does the best it can to remove
#it from memory as well (as with any Perl data structure the object will not
#be freed from memory if any other references to it exist).

sub destroy { Myco->destroy($_[0]) }

# deprecated?
sub attr_kill_handle {
    return \ $_[0]->{$_[1]};

=item B<modify>

 $obj->modify(attr1 => value, attr2 => value);

Modifies one or more object attributes and updates objectE<39>s persistence
storage state as well.


sub modify {
	my ($self, %params) = @_;
	while ( my($key, $value) = each %params ) {

=item B<id>

 $id = $obj->id;

Returns the Tangram persistence object identifier (typcially for use with later
calls to Myco->load() ).


sub id { Myco->id($_[0]) };

=item B<is_transient>

 if ($obj->is_transient) { ... };

Returns true if object is currently in Tangram transient storage.


sub is_transient { Myco->is_transient($_[0]) };
=item B<introspect>

 $meta = Myco::Foo->introspect;
 $meta = $obj->introspect;

Returns the Myco::Entity::Meta metadata object that describes the
referent, or undef if none exists.


# introspect() is implemented in Myco::Entity::Meta, which installs
#   it in the entity class when $metadata->activate_class() is called.

# private...  [used by Myco::Program::enroll() ...]?
sub _remove_base_assoc_member {
    my ($self, $member, $group_arg) = @_;
    my $class = ref($self) || $self;
    if (!ref($self) && !$group_arg) {
          (error => "Method syntax error - ${class}->something needs a " .
                    "$class as second argument");
    my $group = $group_arg || $self;

    if ( $group_arg && (ref($group_arg) ne $class) ) {
#	my ($class, $sub) = @{ [ caller($self) ] }[0,3];
#       Myco::Exception::DataValidation->throw
#	  (error => "Method syntax error - ${class}->${sub} needs a " .
#                   "$class as a second argument");
#	$class =  ref $self;
	  (error => "Method syntax error - ${class}->something needs a " .
                    "$class as second argument");

    my $member_r = Myco->remote(ref $member);
    my $group_r = Myco->remote(ref $group);
    my $assoc_r = Myco->remote('Myco::Association');
    my $cur = Myco->cursor($assoc_r, ($member_r==$member)
			   & $member_r->{stuff}->includes($assoc_r)
			   & $group_r->{members}->includes($assoc_r)
			   & ($group_r==$group));
    my $assoc = $cur->current;
    return undef unless ($assoc);
    return 1;



Retrieval of objects from persistent storage is accomplished via related
class methods of the class Myco.  See L<Myco|Myco>.



Copyright (c) 2006 the myco project. All rights reserved.
This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.

=head1 AUTHOR

Charles Owens <>

=head1 SEE ALSO

