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## File: $Id: 10474 2008-01-04 19:09:48Z spadkins $

use App::Repository::DBI;

package App::Repository::MySQL;
$VERSION = (q$Revision: 10474 $ =~ /(\d[\d\.]*)/)[0];  # VERSION numbers generated by svn

@ISA = ( "App::Repository::DBI" );

use strict;

=head1 NAME

App::Repository::MySQL - a MySQL database, accessed through the Repository interface


   use App::Repository::MySQL;

   (see man pages for App::Repository and App::Repository::DBI for additional methods)




The App::Repository::MySQL class encapsulates all access to a MySQL database.


sub _connect {
    &App::sub_entry if ($App::trace);
    my $self = shift;

    if (!defined $self->{dbh}) {
        my $dsn = $self->_dsn();
        my $attr = $self->_attr();

        while (1) {
            eval {
                $self->{dbh} = DBI->connect($dsn, $self->{dbuser}, $self->{dbpass}, $attr);
                $self->{dbh}{mysql_auto_reconnect} = 1;
            if ($@) {
                delete $self->{dbh};
                if ($@ =~ /Lost connection/ || $@ =~ /server has gone away/) {
                    $self->{context}->log("DBI Exception (retrying) in _connect(): $@");
                else {
                    $self->{context}->log("DBI Exception (fail) in _connect(): $@");
                    die $@;
            else {
        die "Can't connect to database" if (!$self->{dbh});

    &App::sub_exit(defined $self->{dbh}) if ($App::trace);
    return(defined $self->{dbh});

sub _dsn {
    &App::sub_entry if ($App::trace);
    my ($self) = @_;

    my $dbdriver   = "mysql";
    $self->{dbdriver} = $dbdriver if (!$self->{dbdriver});

    my $dsn = $self->{dbdsn};
    if (!$dsn) {
        my $dbhost     = $self->{dbhost};
        my $dbport     = $self->{dbport};
        my $dbsocket   = $self->{dbsocket};
        my $dbname     = $self->{dbname};
        my $dbuser     = $self->{dbuser};
        my $dbpass     = $self->{dbpass};
        my $dbschema   = $self->{dbschema};
        my $dbioptions = $self->{dbioptions};

        die "ERROR: missing DBI driver and/or db name [$dbdriver,$dbname] in configuration.\n"
            if (!$dbdriver || !$dbname);

        # NOTE: mysql_client_found_rows=true is important for the following condition.
        # If an update is executed against a row that exists, but its values do not change,
        # MySQL does not ordinarily report this as a row that has been affected by the
        # statement.  However, we occasionally need to know if the update found the row.
        # We really don't care if the values were changed or not.  To get this behavior,
        # we need to set this option.

        $dsn = "dbi:${dbdriver}:database=${dbname}";
        $dsn .= ";host=$dbhost" if ($dbhost);
        $dsn .= ";port=$dbport" if ($dbport);
        $dsn .= ";mysql_socket=$dbsocket" if ($dbsocket);
        $dsn .= ";$dbioptions" if ($dbioptions);
        $dsn .= ";mysql_client_found_rows=true";

    &App::sub_exit($dsn) if ($App::trace);

sub _last_inserted_id {
    my ($self, $table) = @_;

sub _mk_select_sql_suffix {
    &App::sub_entry if ($App::trace);
    my ($self, $table, $options) = @_;
    my $suffix = "";
    $options = {} if (!$options);
    if ($options->{endrow}) {
        $suffix = "limit $options->{endrow}\n";
    &App::sub_exit($suffix) if ($App::trace);

# $insert_sql = $rep->_mk_insert_row_sql ($table, \@cols, \@row);
sub _mk_insert_row_sql {
    &App::sub_entry if ($App::trace);
    my ($self, $table, $cols, $row, $options) = @_;

    $self->_load_table_metadata($table) if (!defined $self->{table}{$table}{loaded});
    my $dbh = $self->{dbh};

    my ($sql, $values, $col, $value, $colnum, $quoted);
    #print $App::DEBUG_FILE "_mk_insert_row_sql($table,\n   [",
    #    join(",",@$cols), "],\n   [",
    #    join(",",@$row), "])\n";

    if ($#$cols == -1) {
        $self->{error} = "Database->_mk_insert_row_sql(): no columns specified";
    my $tabcols = $self->{table}{$table}{column};
    my $insert = $options->{replace} ? "replace" : "insert";

    $sql = "$insert into $table\n";
    $values = "values\n";
    for ($colnum = 0; $colnum <= $#$cols; $colnum++) {
        $col = $cols->[$colnum];
        if (!defined $row || $#$row == -1) {
            $value = "?";
        else {
            $value = $row->[$colnum];
            if (!defined $value) {
                $value = "NULL";
            else {
                $quoted = (defined $tabcols->{$col}{quoted}) ? ($tabcols->{$col}{quoted}) : ($value !~ /^-?[0-9.]+$/);
                if ($quoted) {
                    $value = $dbh->quote($value);
        $sql .= ($colnum == 0) ? "  ($col" : ",\n   $col";
        if ($tabcols->{$col}{dbexpr_update}) {
            $value = sprintf($tabcols->{$col}{dbexpr_update}, $value);
        $values .= ($colnum == 0) ? "  ($value" : ",\n   $value";
    $sql .= ")\n";
    $values .= ")\n";
    $sql .= $values;

    if (!$options->{replace} && $options->{update}) {
        my $update = $options->{update};
        $sql .= "on duplicate key update";
        my $first_update_column = 1;
        for ($colnum = 0; $colnum <= $#$cols; $colnum++) {
            $col = $cols->[$colnum];
            if (!ref($update) || $update->{$col}) {
                $sql .= "," if (!$first_update_column);
                $first_update_column = 0;
                $sql .= "\n   $col = values($col)";
        $sql .= "\n";

    &App::sub_exit($sql) if ($App::trace);

# $insert_sql = $rep->_mk_insert_rows_sql ($table, \@cols, \@rows, \%options);
# i.e. $options->{replace}
sub _mk_insert_rows_sql {
    &App::sub_entry if ($App::trace);
    my ($self, $table, $cols, $rows, $options) = @_;

    $self->_load_table_metadata($table) if (!defined $self->{table}{$table}{loaded});
    my $dbh = $self->{dbh};

    if ($#$cols == -1) {
        if ($#$rows > -1 && ref($rows->[0]) eq "ARRAY") {
            die "_mk_insert_rows_sql(): no columns specified";
        else {
            $cols = [ keys %{$rows->[0]} ];
    my $column_defs = $self->{table}{$table}{column};

    my $insert = $options->{replace} ? "replace" : "insert";
    my $sql = "$insert into $table\n  (" . join(", ", @$cols) . ")\nvalues\n";
    my ($value, $colnum, $quoted, $row, $col);
    if ($rows && $#$rows > -1 && ref($rows->[0]) eq "ARRAY") {
        for (my $rownum = 0; $rownum <= $#$rows; $rownum++) {
            $row = $rows->[$rownum];
            for ($colnum = 0; $colnum <= $#$cols; $colnum++) {
                $col = $cols->[$colnum];
                $value = $row->[$colnum];
                if (!defined $value) {
                    $value = "NULL";
                else {
                    $quoted = (defined $column_defs->{$col}{quoted}) ? ($column_defs->{$col}{quoted}) : ($value !~ /^-?[0-9.]+$/);
                    if ($quoted) {
                        $value = $dbh->quote($value);
                if ($column_defs->{$col}{dbexpr_update}) {
                    $value = sprintf($column_defs->{$col}{dbexpr_update}, $value);
                $sql .= ($colnum == 0) ? "  ($value" : ", $value";
            $sql .= ($rownum < $#$rows) ? "),\n" : ")\n";
    else {  # if $row is a HASH or OBJECT ...
        for (my $rownum = 0; $rownum <= $#$rows; $rownum++) {
            $row = $rows->[$rownum];
            for ($colnum = 0; $colnum <= $#$cols; $colnum++) {
                $col = $cols->[$colnum];
                $value = $row->{$col};
                if (!defined $value) {
                    $value = "NULL";
                else {
                    $quoted = (defined $column_defs->{$col}{quoted}) ? ($column_defs->{$col}{quoted}) : ($value !~ /^-?[0-9.]+$/);
                    if ($quoted) {
                        $value = $dbh->quote($value);
                if ($column_defs->{$col}{dbexpr_update}) {
                    $value = sprintf($column_defs->{$col}{dbexpr_update}, $value);
                $sql .= ($colnum == 0) ? "  ($value" : ", $value";
            $sql .= ($rownum < $#$rows) ? "),\n" : ")\n";
    if (!$options->{replace} && $options->{update}) {
        my $update = $options->{update};
        $sql .= "on duplicate key update";
        my $first_update_column = 1;
        for ($colnum = 0; $colnum <= $#$cols; $colnum++) {
            $col = $cols->[$colnum];
            if (!ref($update) || $update->{$col}) {
                $sql .= "," if (!$first_update_column);
                $first_update_column = 0;
                $sql .= "\n   $col = values($col)";
        $sql .= "\n";
    &App::sub_exit($sql) if ($App::trace);

# $nrows = $rep->_insert_rows ($table, \@cols, \@rows);
sub _insert_rows {
    &App::sub_entry if ($App::trace);
    my ($self, $table, $cols, $rows, $options) = @_;
    $self->{error} = "";
    my ($sql, $retval, $nrows_this_insert);
    my $dbh = $self->{dbh};
    return 0 if (!defined $dbh);

    my $nrows = 0;
    my $ok = 1;
    my $context_options = $self->{context}{options};
    my $debug_sql = $context_options->{debug_sql};
    my $explain_sql = $context_options->{explain_sql};
    my ($timer, $elapsed_time);
    if ($debug_sql) {
        $timer = $self->_get_timer();
    my $rows_ref = ref($rows);
    if ($rows_ref eq "ARRAY") {
        my $maxrows = $options->{maxrows} || 100;
        my $rownum = 0;
        my (@current_rows, $rownum2);
        while ($rownum <= $#$rows) {
            $rownum2 = $rownum + $maxrows - 1;
            $rownum2 = $#$rows if ($rownum2 > $#$rows);
            @current_rows = @{$rows}[($rownum .. $rownum2)];
            $nrows_this_insert = $#current_rows + 1;

            $sql = $self->_mk_insert_rows_sql($table, $cols, \@current_rows, $options);
            if ($debug_sql) {
                print $App::DEBUG_FILE "DEBUG_SQL: _insert_rows()\n";
                print $App::DEBUG_FILE $sql;
            ### TODO: make this work with regex for retry
            $retval = $dbh->do($sql);
            if ($debug_sql) {
                print $App::DEBUG_FILE "DEBUG_SQL: retval [$retval] $DBI::errstr\n";
                print $App::DEBUG_FILE "\n";

            # The MySQL "insert ... on duplicate key update ..." statement returns 2 rows affected
            # when the insert gets a collision and causes an update.  So we have to make this
            # adjustment.  I don't know if it affects the "replace ..." statement in a similar way,
            # but I figure this can't hurt.
            if ($options->{update} || $options->{replace}) {
                if ($retval > $nrows_this_insert) {
                    $retval = $nrows_this_insert;

            $nrows += $retval;
            $rownum += $maxrows;
        if ($nrows != $#$rows + 1) {
            $ok = 0;
        $self->{numrows} = $nrows;
    else {
        my ($fh);
        if (!$rows_ref) {
            my $file = $rows;          # assume it is a file name
            open(App::Repository::MySQL::FILE, $file) || die "Unable to open $file for reading: $!";
            $fh = \*App::Repository::MySQL::FILE;
        else {
            $fh = $rows;               # assume it is a file handle
        $rows = [];                    # we will be refilling this buffer
        my %options = ( %$options );   # make a copy so it can be modified
        $options{maxrows} = 100;
        $nrows = 0;
        while (1) {
            $rows = $self->_read_rows_from_file($fh, $cols, \%options);
            last if ($#$rows == -1);
            $sql = $self->_mk_insert_rows_sql($table, $cols, $rows, $options);
            if ($debug_sql) {
                print $App::DEBUG_FILE "DEBUG_SQL: _insert_rows()\n";
                print $App::DEBUG_FILE $sql;
            ### TODO: make this work with regex for retry
            $retval = $dbh->do($sql);
            if ($debug_sql) {
                print $App::DEBUG_FILE "DEBUG_SQL: retval [$retval] $DBI::errstr\n";
                print $App::DEBUG_FILE "\n";

            $nrows += $retval;
            if ($retval != $#$rows + 1) {
                $ok = 0;
        $self->{numrows} = $nrows;
        if (!$rows_ref) {
    if ($debug_sql) {
        $elapsed_time = $self->_read_timer($timer);
        print $App::DEBUG_FILE "DEBUG_SQL: total rows [$nrows] ($elapsed_time sec)\n";
    $self->{sql} = $sql;
    $self->{numrows} = $nrows;
    &App::sub_exit($nrows) if ($App::trace);

# This routine was written because a reliable data load method is
# needed for MySQL 5.1.14+.  There are instabilities in this beta
# version of software that cause "load data local infile" and 
# extended inserts to both hang the server.  Now I am trying to
# write the extended inserts out to a file and load it with the
# "mysql" client program.
# $nrows = $rep->insert_rows_mysql ($table, \@cols, \@rows);
sub insert_rows_mysql {
    &App::sub_entry if ($App::trace);
    my ($self, $table, $cols, $rows, $options) = @_;
    $self->{error} = "";
    my ($sql, $retval);
    my $dbh = $self->{dbh};
    return 0 if (!defined $dbh);

    my $nrows = 0;
    my $ok = 1;
    my $context_options = $self->{context}{options};
    my $debug_sql = $context_options->{debug_sql};
    my $explain_sql = $context_options->{explain_sql};
    my ($timer, $elapsed_time);
    if ($debug_sql) {
        $timer = $self->_get_timer();
    my $rows_ref = ref($rows);
    if ($rows_ref eq "ARRAY") {
        $sql = $self->_mk_insert_rows_sql($table, $cols, $rows, $options);
        if ($debug_sql) {
            print $App::DEBUG_FILE "DEBUG_SQL: _insert_rows()\n";
            print $App::DEBUG_FILE $sql;
        ### TODO: make this work with regex for retry
        $retval = $dbh->do($sql);
        if ($debug_sql) {
            print $App::DEBUG_FILE "DEBUG_SQL: retval [$retval] $DBI::errstr\n";
            print $App::DEBUG_FILE "\n";

        $nrows = $retval;
        $self->{numrows} = $nrows;
        if ($retval != $#$rows + 1) {
            $ok = 0;
    else {
        my ($fh, $sqlfh);
        my $file = $rows;          # $rows must be a file name
        open(App::Repository::MySQL::FILE, $file) || die "Unable to open $file for reading: $!";
        $fh = \*App::Repository::MySQL::FILE;
        open(App::Repository::MySQL::SQL, "| gzip > $file.sql.gz") || die "Unable to open $file.sql.gz for writing: $!";
        $sqlfh = \*App::Repository::MySQL::SQL;
        $rows = [];                    # we will be refilling this buffer
        my %options = ( %$options );   # make a copy so it can be modified
        $options{maxrows} = 100;
        $nrows = 0;
        while (1) {
            $rows = $self->_read_rows_from_file($fh, $cols, \%options);
            last if ($#$rows == -1);
            $sql = $self->_mk_insert_rows_sql($table, $cols, $rows, $options);
            print $sqlfh $sql, ";\n";
            $nrows += ($#$rows + 1);
        if (!$rows_ref) {
        my $cmd = "zcat $file.sql.gz | mysql --host=$self->{dbhost} --user=$self->{dbuser} --password=$self->{dbpass} $self->{dbname}";
        $retval = system($cmd);
        if ($retval) {
            $nrows = 0;
        $self->{numrows} = $nrows;
    $self->{sql} = $sql;
    $self->{numrows} = $nrows;
    &App::sub_exit($nrows) if ($App::trace);

sub _load_table_key_metadata {
    &App::sub_entry if ($App::trace);
    my ($self, $table) = @_;

    return if (! $table);
    my $table_def = $self->{table}{$table};
    return if (! $table_def);
    my $dbh = $self->{dbh};

    # if not defined at all, try to get it from the database
    my (@primary_key, @alternate_key, @index, @key, $key_name, $non_unique);
    if ($table_def->{phys_table} && (! defined $table_def->{primary_key} || ! defined $table_def->{alternate_key})) {
        local $dbh->{FetchHashKeyName} = 'NAME_lc';
        my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SHOW INDEX FROM $table");
        my $hashes = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($sth, { Columns=>{} });
        foreach my $hash (@$hashes) {
             if ($key_name && $hash->{key_name} ne $key_name) {
                 if ($key_name eq 'PRIMARY') {
                     @primary_key = @key;
                 elsif ($non_unique) {
                     push(@index, [@key]);
                 else {
                     push(@alternate_key, [@key]);
                 @key = ();
             $non_unique = $hash->{non_unique};
             $key_name = $hash->{key_name};
             push(@key, $hash->{column_name});
         if ($key_name) {
             if ($key_name eq 'PRIMARY') {
                 @primary_key = @key;
             elsif ($non_unique) {
                 push(@index, [@key]);
             else {
                 push(@alternate_key, [@key]);
         $table_def->{primary_key} = \@primary_key if (!$table_def->{primary_key});
         $table_def->{alternate_key} = \@alternate_key if (!$table_def->{alternate_key} && $#alternate_key > -1);
    &App::sub_exit() if ($App::trace);

# The following patch purportedly adds primary_key() detection directly
# to the DBD where it belongs.  Until this is in, I may want to
# duplicate the code in this module.
#diff -ru DBD-mysql-2.9003/lib/DBD/ new/lib/DBD/
#--- DBD-mysql-2.9003/lib/DBD/  Mon Oct 27 14:26:08 2003
#+++ new/lib/DBD/   Tue Mar 2 08:03:17 2004
#@@ -282,7 +282,22 @@
#    return map { $_ =~ s/.*\.//; $_ } $dbh->tables();
#+sub primary_key {
#+    my ($dbh, $catalog, $schema, $table) = @_;
#+    my $table_id = $dbh->quote_identifier($catalog, $schema, $table);
#+    local $dbh->{FetchHashKeyName} = 'NAME_lc';
#+    my $desc_sth = $dbh->prepare("SHOW INDEX FROM $table_id");
#+    my $desc = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($desc_sth, { Columns=>{} });
#+    my %keys;
#+    foreach my $row (@$desc) {
#+        if ($row->{key_name} eq 'PRIMARY') {
#+            $keys{$row->{column_name}} = $row->{seq_in_index};
#+        }                          
#+     }
#+     my (@keys) = sort { $keys{$a} <=> $keys{$b} } keys %keys;
#+     return (@keys);
#sub column_info {
#    my ($dbh, $catalog, $schema, $table, $column) = @_;
#    return $dbh->set_err(1, "column_info doesn't support table wildcard")


=head1 Methods: Import/Export Data From File


# import_rows()

=head2 import_rows()

    * Signature: $rep->import_rows($table, $file);
    * Signature: $rep->import_rows($table, $file, $options);
    * Param:     $table        string
    * Param:     $file         string
    * Param:     $options      named
    * Param:     columns       ARRAY     names of columns of the fields in the file
    * Param:     import_method string    [basic=invokes generic superclass to do work,
                                          insert=loads with multiple-row inserts,
                                          <otherwise>=use "load data infile"]
    * Param:     local         boolean   file is on client machine rather than database server
    * Param:     replace       boolean   rows should replace existing rows based on unique indexes
    * Param:     field_sep     char      character which separates the fields in the file (can by "\t")
    * Param:     field_quote   char      character which optionally encloses the fields in the file (i.e. '"')
    * Param:     field_escape  char      character which escapes the quote chars within quotes (i.e. "\")
    * Return:    void
    * Throws:    App::Exception::Repository
    * Since:     0.01

    Note: If you want to call this with $options->{local}, you will probably
    need to make sure that mysql_local_infile=1 is in your DSN.  This might
    require a line like the following in your "app.conf" file.

      dbioptions = mysql_local_infile=1

    Sample Usage: 


    # root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash
    $rep->import_rows("usr", "/etc/passwd" ,{
        field_sep => ":",
        columns => [ "username", "password", "uid", "gid", "comment", "home_directory", "shell" ],


#    INTO TABLE tbl_name
#    [FIELDS
#        [TERMINATED BY 'string']
#        [[OPTIONALLY] ENCLOSED BY 'char']
#        [ESCAPED BY 'char' ]
#    ]
#    [LINES
#        [STARTING BY 'string']
#        [TERMINATED BY 'string']
#    ]
#    [IGNORE number LINES]
#    [(col_name_or_user_var,...)]
#    [SET col_name = expr,...)]

sub import_rows {
    &App::sub_entry if ($App::trace);
    my ($self, $table, $columns, $file, $options) = @_;
    $columns = $self->_get_default_columns($table) if (!$columns);

    my $nrows = 0;
    my $import_method = $options->{import_method} || $self->{import_method} || "";
    if ($import_method eq "basic") {
        $nrows = $self->SUPER::import_rows($table, $columns, $file, $options);
    elsif ($import_method eq "insert") {
        $nrows = $self->insert_rows($table, $columns, $file, $options);
    elsif ($import_method eq "insert_mysql") {
        $nrows = $self->insert_rows_mysql($table, $columns, $file, $options);
    else {
        my $local = $options->{local};
        $local = 1 if (!defined $local);
        my $local_modifier = $local ? " local" : "";
        my $sql = "load data$local_modifier infile '$file' into table $table";
        if ($options->{field_sep} || $options->{field_quote} || $options->{field_escape}) {
            $sql .= "\nfields";
            $sql .= "\n   terminated by '$options->{field_sep}'" if ($options->{field_sep});
            $sql .= "\n   optionally enclosed by '$options->{field_quote}'" if ($options->{field_quote});
            $sql .= "\n   escaped by '$options->{field_escape}'" if ($options->{field_escape});
        $sql .= "\n(" . join(",", @$columns) . ")\n";
        my $context_options = $self->{context}{options};
        my $debug_sql = $context_options->{debug_sql};
        my ($timer, $elapsed_time);
        if ($debug_sql) {
            $timer = $self->_get_timer();
            print $App::DEBUG_FILE "DEBUG_SQL: import_rows()\n";
            print $App::DEBUG_FILE $sql;
        eval {
            $nrows = $self->{dbh}->do($sql);
        if ($debug_sql) {
            $elapsed_time = $self->_read_timer($timer);
            print $App::DEBUG_FILE "DEBUG_SQL: import_rows=[$nrows] ($elapsed_time sec) $DBI::errstr : $@\n";
        die $@ if ($@);

    &App::sub_exit($nrows) if ($App::trace);

# export_rows()

=head2 export_rows()

    * Signature: $rep->export_rows($table, $file);
    * Signature: $rep->export_rows($table, $file, $options);
    * Param:     $table        string
    * Param:     $file         string
    * Param:     $options      named
    * Param:     columns       ARRAY     names of columns of the fields in the file
    * Param:     export_method string    [basic=invokes generic superclass to do work]
    * Param:     field_sep     char      character which separates the fields in the file (can by "\t")
    * Param:     field_quote   char      character which optionally encloses the fields in the file (i.e. '"')
    * Param:     field_escape  char      character which escapes the quote chars within quotes (i.e. "\")
    * Return:    void
    * Throws:    App::Exception::Repository
    * Since:     0.01

    Sample Usage: 


    # root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash
    $rep->export_rows("usr", "passwd.dat" ,{
        field_sep => ":",
        columns => [ "username", "password", "uid", "gid", "comment", "home_directory", "shell" ],


#SELECT ... INTO OUTFILE is the complement of LOAD DATA INFILE; the syntax for the
#export_options part of the statement consists of the same FIELDS and LINES clauses
#that are used with the LOAD DATA INFILE statement.
#See Section 13.2.5, .LOAD DATA INFILE Syntax..

#    select_expr, ...
#    [INTO OUTFILE 'file_name' export_options
#      | INTO DUMPFILE 'file_name']
#    [FROM table_references
#      [WHERE where_definition]
#      [GROUP BY {col_name | expr | position}
#        [ASC | DESC], ... [WITH ROLLUP]]
#      [HAVING where_definition]
#      [ORDER BY {col_name | expr | position}
#        [ASC | DESC] , ...]
#      [LIMIT {[offset,] row_count | row_count OFFSET offset}]
#      [PROCEDURE procedure_name(argument_list)]

sub export_rows {
    &App::sub_entry if ($App::trace);
    my ($self, $table, $params, $file, $options) = @_;

    if ($options->{export_method} && $options->{export_method} eq "basic") {
        $self->SUPER::export_rows($table, $file, $options);
    else {
        my $columns = $options->{columns} || $self->{table}{$table}{columns};
        my $where_clause = $self->_mk_where_clause($table, $params, $options);
        my $sql = "select\n   " . join(",\n   ", @$columns);
        $sql .= "\n$where_clause" if ($where_clause); 
        $sql .= "\ninto outfile '$file'";
        if ($options->{field_sep} || $options->{field_quote} || $options->{field_escape}) {
            $sql .= "\nfields";
            $sql .= "\n   terminated by '$options->{field_sep}'" if ($options->{field_sep});
            $sql .= "\n   optionally enclosed by '$options->{field_quote}'" if ($options->{field_quote});
            $sql .= "\n   escaped by '$options->{field_escape}'" if ($options->{field_escape});
        $sql .= "\n";
        my $context_options = $self->{context}{options};
        my $debug_sql = $context_options->{debug_sql};
        my ($timer, $elapsed_time);
        if ($debug_sql) {
            $timer = $self->_get_timer();
            print $App::DEBUG_FILE "DEBUG_SQL: export_rows()\n";
            print $App::DEBUG_FILE $sql;
        my ($retval);
        eval {
            $retval = $self->{dbh}->do($sql);
        if ($debug_sql) {
            $elapsed_time = $self->_read_timer($timer);
            print $App::DEBUG_FILE "DEBUG_SQL: export_rows=[$retval] ($elapsed_time sec) $DBI::errstr : $@\n";
    &App::sub_exit() if ($App::trace);

#| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys                       | key               | key_len | ref         | rows | Extra |
#|  1 | SIMPLE      | t1    | const | hotel_prop_ds_ak1,hotel_prop_ds_ie1 | hotel_prop_ds_ak1 |       9 | const,const |    1 |       |
sub explain_sql {
    my ($self, $sql) = @_;
    my $dbh = $self->{dbh};
    # NOTE: MySQL "explain" only works for "select".
    # We convert "update" and "delete" to "select" to explain them.
    if (defined $dbh) {
        if ($sql =~ s/^delete/select */is) {
            # do nothing
        elsif ($sql =~ s/^update\s+(.*)\sset\s+.*\swhere/select * from $1\nwhere/is) {
            # do nothing
        if ($sql =~ /^select/i) {
            my ($rows, $posskeys, $key, $keylen);
            eval {
                $rows = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("explain $sql");
            print $App::DEBUG_FILE "EXPLAIN_SQL: $DBI::errstr\n";
            if ($rows) {
                print $App::DEBUG_FILE "+----+-------------+----------------------+-------+----------------------+---------+----------+\n";
                print $App::DEBUG_FILE "| id | select_type | table                | type  | key                  | key_len |     rows |\n";
                print $App::DEBUG_FILE "+----+-------------+----------------------+-------+----------------------+---------+----------+\n";
                foreach my $row (@$rows) {
                    $key = $row->[5];
                    $keylen = length($key);
                    if ($keylen > 21) {
                       $key = substr($key,0,12) . ".." . substr($key,$keylen-7,7);
                    printf($App::DEBUG_FILE "|%3s | %-12s| %-21s| %-6s| %-21s|%8d |%9d | %s\n", @{$row}[0,1,2,3], $key, @{$row}[6,8]);
                print $App::DEBUG_FILE "+----+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n";
                print $App::DEBUG_FILE "| id | possible_keys/ref/extra\n";
                print $App::DEBUG_FILE "+----+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n";
                foreach my $row (@$rows) {
                    $key = $row->[5];
                    $posskeys = $row->[4];
                    $posskeys =~ s/\b($key)\b/[$key]/;
                    printf($App::DEBUG_FILE "|%3s | posskeys: %s\n", $row->[0], $posskeys);
                    printf($App::DEBUG_FILE "|%3s | ref:      %s; extra: %s\n", @{$row}[0,7,9]);
                print $App::DEBUG_FILE "+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n";
        else {
            $sql =~ /^\s*(\S*)/;
            print $App::DEBUG_FILE "EXPLAIN_SQL: Can't explain $1 statement.\n";
