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package WWW::Yahoo::Groups;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';

=head1 NAME

WWW::Yahoo::Groups - Automated access to Yahoo! Groups archives.


    my $y = WWW::Yahoo::Groups->new();
    $y->login( $user => $pass );
    $y->list( 'Jade_Pagoda' );
    my $email = $y->fetch_message( 2345 );

    # Error catching
    my $email = eval { $y->fetch_message( 93848 ) };
    if ( $@ and ref $@ and $@->isa('X::WWW::Yahoo::Groups') )
        warn "Problem: ".$@->error;


C<WWW::Yahoo::Groups> retrieves messages from the archive of Yahoo
Groups. It provides a simple OO interface to logging in and retrieving
said messages which you may then do with as you will.

=head2 Things it does

=over 4

=item *

B<Handles access to restricted archives.> It lets you login.

=item *

B<Handles the intermittent advertisements.> It notes that it got one and
progresses straight to the message.

=item *

B<Handle adult confirmation requests.> It just goes straight on.

=item *

B<Handles attachments.> We get the source which happens to be the raw stuff.

=item *

B<Sanity checking.> Could be improved, but it will generally barf if it
doesn't understand something.

=item *

B<Header restoration.> I've found that some groups' archives have
unusually corrupted headers. Evidently it would be beneficial to
restore these headers. As far as I can tell, it comes from not
being a moderator on the lists in question.


=head1 USAGE

Try to be a well behaved bot and C<sleep()> for a few seconds (at least)
after doing things. It's considered polite. There's an
L<autosleep|/"autosleep"> method that should be useful for this.
Recently, this has been set to a default of 1 second. Feel free to tweak
if necessary.

If you're used to seeing munged email addresses when you view
the message archive (i.e. you're not a moderator or owner of
the group) then you'll be pleased to know that
C<WWW::Yahoo::Groups> can demunge those email addresses.

All exceptions are subclasses of C<X::WWW::Yahoo::Groups>, itself a
subclass of C<Exception::Class>. See L<WWW::Yahoo::Groups::Errors> for


=head2 I<Spidering Hacks>, by Kevin Hemenway and Tara Calishain

I<Spidering Hacks> from O'Reilly
(L<>) is a great book for anyone
wanting to know more about screen-scraping and spidering.

There is a WWW::Yahoo::Groups based hack by Andy Lester:

=over 4

=item 44 Archiving Yahoo! Groups Messages with WWW::Yahoo::Groups



and two hacks, not related to this module, by me, Iain Truskett:

=over 4

=item 19 Scraping with HTML::TreeBuilder

=item 57 Related Products with Alexa



our $VERSION = '1.91';

use Carp;
use HTTP::Cookies;
use HTML::Entities;
use Params::Validate qw( :all );
use WWW::Yahoo::Groups::Mechanize;

require WWW::Yahoo::Groups::Errors; 

=head1 METHODS

=head2 Constructor

=head3 new

Create a new C<WWW::Yahoo::Groups> robot.

    my $y = WWW::Yahoo::Groups->new();

It can take a has of named arguments. Two arguments are defined:
C<debug> and C<autosleep>. They correspond to the methods of the same

    my $y = WWW::Yahoo::Groups->new(
        debug => 1,
        autosleep => 4,


sub new
    my $class = shift;
    my %args = ( debug => 0, autosleep => 1, @_ );
    my $self = bless {}, $class;
    my $w = WWW::Yahoo::Groups::Mechanize->new();
    $self->debug( $args{debug} );
    $self->autosleep( $args{ autosleep } );
    return bless $self, $class;

=head2 Options

=head3 debug

Enable/disable/read debugging mode.

    $y->debug(0); # Disable
    $y->debug(1); # Enable
    warn "Debugging!" if $y->debug();

The C<debug> method of the current L<agent|/agent> object will
be invoked with the truth of the argument. This usually means


sub debug
    my $self = shift;
    if (@_) {
	my $true = ($_[0] ? 1 : 0);
	$self->{__PACKAGE__.'-debug'} = $true;
	$self->agent->debug( $true );

=head3 autosleep

If given a parameter, it sets the numbers of seconds to sleep.
Otherwise, it returns the number. Defaults to 1 second.

    $y->autosleep( 5 ); # Set it to 5.
    sleep ( $y->autosleep() );

May throw C<X::WWW::Yahoo::Groups::BadParam> if given invalid parameters.

This is used by L<get|/get>. If C<autosleep> is set, then C<get> will
C<sleep()> for the specified period after every fetch.

Implemented by the object returned by L<agent|/agent>. By default this
means L<WWW::Yahoo::Groups::Mechanize/autosleep>.


sub autosleep { my $self = shift; $self->agent->autosleep(@_) }

=head2 Logging in and out

=head3 login

Logs the robot into the Yahoo! Groups system.

    $y->login( $user => $passwd );

May throw:

=over 4

=item *

C<X::WWW::Yahoo::Groups::BadFetch> if it cannot fetch any of the
appropriate pages.

=item *

C<X::WWW::Yahoo::Groups::BadParam> if given invalid parameters.

=item *

C<X::WWW::Yahoo::Groups::BadLogin> if unable to log in for some reason
(error will be given the text of the Yahoo error).

=item *

C<X::WWW::Yahoo::Groups::AlreadyLoggedIn> if the object is already
logged in. I intend to make this exception redundant, perhaps by
just making C<login> a null-op is we're already logged in, or by calling
L<logout|/logout> and then relogging in.



sub login
    my $self = shift;
    my %p;
    @p{qw( user pass )} = validate_pos( @_,
	{ type => SCALAR, }, # user
	{ type => SCALAR, }, # pass
    my $w = $self->agent();
    my $rv = eval {
	    "You must logout before you can log in again.")
		if $self->loggedin;

	$w->follow('Sign In');
	$w->field( login => $p{user} );
	$w->field( passwd => $p{pass} );
	if (my ($error) = $w->res->content =~ m!
	    \Q<font color=red face=arial><b>\E
		fatal => 1,
		error => $error);
	    while (my $url = $w->res->header('Location'))
		$self->get( $url );
	    if ( $w->content =~ m[
		]x )
		$self->{__PACKAGE__.'-loggedin'} = 1;
	    } else {
		    fatal => 1,
		    error => "Nope. That's not a good login.");
    if ($@) {
	die $@ unless ref $@;
	$@->rethrow if $@->fatal;
	$rv = $@;
    return $rv;

=head3 logout

Logs the robot out of the Yahoo! Groups system.


May throw:

=over 4

=item *

C<X::WWW::Yahoo::Groups::BadFetch> if it cannot fetch any of the
appropriate pages.

=item *

C<X::WWW::Yahoo::Groups::BadParam> if given invalid parameters.

=item *

C<X::WWW::Yahoo::Groups::NotLoggedIn> if the bot is already logged out
(or never logged in).



sub logout
    my $self = shift;
    my $w = $self->agent;
    validate_pos( @_ );
    my $rv = eval {
	    "You can not log out if you are not logged in.")
		unless $self->loggedin;
	delete $self->{__PACKAGE__.'-loggedin'};


	    "You can not log out if you are not logged in.")
		unless $w->follow('Sign Out');

	$w->follow('Return to Yahoo! Groups');
	my $res = $w->res;
	while ($res->is_redirect)
	    # We do this manually because it doesn't work automatically for
	    # some reason. I suspect we hit a redirection limit in LWP.
	    my $url = $res->header('Location');
	    $res = $w->res;
    if ($@) {
	die $@ unless ref $@;
	$@->rethrow if $@->fatal;
	$rv = $@;
    return $rv;

=head3 loggedin

Returns 1 if you are logged in, else 0. Note that this merely tests if
you've used the L<login|/login> method successfully, not whether the Yahoo!
site has expired your session.

   print "Logged in!\n" if $w->loggedin();


sub loggedin
    my $self = shift;
    validate_pos( @_ );
    if (exists $self->{__PACKAGE__.'-loggedin'}
	    and $self->{__PACKAGE__.'-loggedin'})
	return 1;
    return 0;

=head2 Setting target list and finding possible lists

=head3 list

If given a parameter, it sets the list to use. Otherwise, it returns
the current list, or C<undef> if no list is set.

B<IMPORTANT>: list name must be correctly cased as per how Yahoo! Groups
cases it. If not, you may experience odd behaviour.

    $y->list( 'Jade_Pagoda' );
    my $list = $y->list();

May throw C<X::WWW::Yahoo::Groups::BadParam> if given invalid parameters.

See also L<lists|/lists> for how to get a list of possible lists.


sub list
    my $self = shift;
    if (@_) {
	my ($list) = validate_pos( @_,
	    { type => SCALAR, callbacks => {
		    'defined and of length' => sub {
			defined $_[0] and length $_[0]
		    'appropriate characters' => sub {
			defined $_[0] and $_[0] =~ /^ [\w-]+ $/x;
		}}, # list
	delete @{$self}{qw( first last )};
	$self->{__PACKAGE__.'-list'} = $list;
    return $self->{__PACKAGE__.'-list'};

=head3 lists

If you'd like a list of the groups to which you are subscribed,
then use this method.

    my @groups = $w->lists();

May throw C<X::WWW::Yahoo::Groups::BadParam> if given invalid
parameters, or C<X::WWW::Yahoo::Groups::BadFetch> if it cannot fetch any
of the appropriate pages from which it extracts the information.

Note that it does handle people with more than one page of groups.


sub lists
    my $self = shift;
    validate_pos( @_ );
	"Must be logged in to get a list of groups.")
	    unless $self->loggedin;

    my %lists;

    my $next = '';
    my $group_RE = qr# /group/ ([\w-]+?) \Q?yguid=\E #x;
    my $w = $self->agent;
    do {
	$w->get( $next );
	undef $next;

	my @lists = map {
	    $_->url =~ $group_RE; $1;
	} $w->find_all_links(
	    url_regex => $group_RE,
	@lists{@lists} = 1;

	if (my $url = $w->find_link( text => 'Next' ) )
	    $next = $url->url;
    } until ( not defined $next );

    return (sort keys %lists);

=head2 List information

=head3 first_msg_id

Returns the lowest message number with the archive.

    my $first = $w->first_msg_id();

It will throw C<X::WWW::Yahoo::Groups::NoListSet> if no list has been
specified with L<lists|/lists>, C<X::WWW::Yahoo::Groups::UnexpectedPage> if
the page fetched does not contain anything we thought it would, and
C<X::WWW::Yahoo::Groups::BadFetch> if it is unable to fetch the page it


sub get_extent
    my $self = shift;
    validate_pos( @_ );
    my $list = $self->list();
	"Cannot determine archive extent without a list being specified.")
	    unless defined $list and length $list;

    my $w = $self->agent;
    $w->get( "$list/messages/1" );
    my ($first, $last) = $w->res->content =~ m!
	[^<]+? : \s+
	(\d+)-\d+ \s+ (?:of|de|von|di|/) \s+

	"Unexpected title format. Perhaps group has no archive.")
	    unless defined $first;

    @{$self}{qw( first last )} = ( $first, $last );
    return ( $first, $last );

sub first_msg_id
    my $self = shift;
    validate_pos( @_ );
    $self->get_extent unless exists $self->{first};
    return $self->{first};

=head3 last_msg_id

Returns the highest message number with the archive.

    my $last = $w->last_msg_id();
    # Fetch last 10 messages:
    for my $number ( ($last-10) .. $last )
        push @messages, $w->fetch_message( $number );

It will throw C<X::WWW::Yahoo::Groups::NoListSet> if no list has been
specified with L<lists|/lists>, C<X::WWW::Yahoo::Groups::UnexpectedPage> if
the page fetched does not contain anything we thought it would, and
C<X::WWW::Yahoo::Groups::BadFetch> if it is unable to fetch the page it


sub last_msg_id
    my $self = shift;
    validate_pos( @_ );
    $self->get_extent unless exists $self->{last};
    return $self->{last};

=head2 Fetching an actual message

=head3 fetch_message

Fetches a specified message from the list's archives. Returns it as
a mail message (with headers) suitable for saving into a Maildir.

    my $message = $y->fetch_message( 435 );

May throw any of:

=over 4

=item *

C<X::WWW::Yahoo::Groups::BadFetch> if it cannot fetch any of the
appropriate pages.

=item *

C<X::WWW::Yahoo::Groups::BadParam> if given invalid parameters.

=item *

C<X::WWW::Yahoo::Groups::NoListSet> if no list is set.

=item *

C<X::WWW::Yahoo::Groups::UnexpectedPage> if we fetched a page and it was
not what we thought it was meant to be.

=item *

C<X::WWW::Yahoo::Groups::NotThere> if the message does not exist in the
archive (any of deleted, never archived or you're beyond the range of
the group).



sub fetch_message
    my $self = shift;
    my ($number) = validate_pos( @_,
	{ type => SCALAR, callbacks => {
		'is positive integer' => sub { $_[0] =~ /^ (?!0+$) \d+ $/x },
	    } }, # number
    my $list = $self->list();
	"Cannot fetch a message without a list being specified.")
	unless defined $list and length $list;
    my $template = "$list/message/%d?source=1&unwrap=1";
    my $w = $self->agent;
    $w->get(sprintf $template, $number);
    my $res = $w->res;
    while ($res->is_redirect)
	# We do this manually because it doesn't work automatically for
	# some reason. I suspect we hit a redirection limit in LWP.
	my $url = $res->header('Location');
	$res = $w->res;
    my $content = $res->content;
    if ( $w->uri =~ m,/interrupt\?st,gsm )
	# If it's one of those damn interrupting ads, then click
	# through.
	$w->follow_link( url_regex => qr{ /\Q$list\E/message/\d+ }x );
	$res = $w->res;
	$content = $res->content;

    # See if it's a missing article.
    if ($content =~ m!
	\QMessage $number does not exist in $list\E
	    "Message $number is not there.");

    # Strip content boundaries
    $content =~ s/ ^ .*? \Q<!-- start content include -->\E //sx and
    $content =~ s/ \Q<!-- end content include -->\E .* $ //sx and

    # Strip table wrappings
    $content =~ s/ ^ .*? <table[^>]+> .*? <tt> //sx and
    $content =~ s! <br> \n <tt> !\n!xg and
    $content =~ s! <br> \n </td></tr> \n </table> .* $ !\n!sx and

    # Munge content
    $content =~ s{ <a \s+ href=" ([^"]+) "> ([^<]+) </a> }{
        $self->_check_protected($1,$2) }egx or
        "Message $number doesn't appear to be formatted as we like it.");

    for ($content)
        s! </tt> !!xg;
        s/ ^ (--\w+--) <br> \n /$1\n\n/mgx;
        s/ <BR>\n /\n/igx;
        s/ <BR> //igx;
        s{\Q<i>[\E(\QAttachment content not displayed.\E)\Q]</i>\E}{XXX $1 XXX\n}xg;
    $content = $self->reformat_headers( $content );

    # Return
    return $content;

=head3 reformat_headers

This does some simple reformatting of headers. Yahoo!Groups seems to
manage to mangle multiline headers. This is particularly noticable with
the C<Received> header.

The rule is that any line that starts with a series of lowercase
letters or hyphens that is B<NOT> immediately followed by a colon
is regarded as being part of the previous line and is indented with
a space character (as per RFC2822).

Input to this method should be a whole message. Output is that same
message, with the headers repaired.

This method is called by L<fetch_message|/fetch_message> but this was
not always the case. If you have archives that predate this implicit
call, you may want to run messages through this routine.


sub reformat_headers
    my ($self, $msg) = @_;

    my ($header, $body) = split /\n\n/, $msg, 2;

    $header =~ s/^ (?! (?:From\ |[a-z-]+:) ) / /igmx;
    $body = '' unless defined $body;

    return $header."\n\n".$body;

=head2 Other methods

=head3 fetch_rss

Returns the RSS for the group's most recent messages. See
L<XML::Filter::YahooGroups> for ways to process this RSS into
containing the message bodies.

    my $rss = $w->fetch_rss();

If a parameter is given, it will return that many items in the RSS file.
The number must be between 1 and 100 inclusive.

    my $rss = $w->fetch_rss( 10 );


sub fetch_rss
    my $self = shift;
    my %opts;
    @opts{qw( count )} = validate_pos( @_,
	{ type => SCALAR, optional => 1, callbacks => {
		'is positive integer below 101' => sub {
                    $_[0] =~ /^ (?!0+$) \d+ $/x and $_[0] <= 100
	    } }, # number
    #             href=";viscount=30">
    my $list = $self->list();
	"Cannot fetch a list's RSS without a list being specified.")
	    unless defined $list and length $list;
    my $url = "$list/messages?rss=1";
    $url .= "&viscount=$opts{count}" if $opts{count};
    my $w = $self->agent;
    $w->get( $url );
    my $content = $w->res->content;
	"Thought we were getting RSS. Got something else.")
            unless $content =~ m[^
                \Q<?xml version="1.0" ?>\E \s*
                \Q<rss version="2.0">\E    \s*
    return $content;


=head2 agent

Returns or sets the C<WWW::Mechanize> based agent. Not for general use.
If you must fiddle with it, your object's API must match that of
L<WWW::Yahoo::Groups::Mechanize> and L<WWW::Mechanize>.


sub agent
    my $self = shift;
    @_ ? ( $self->{agent} = $_[0], $self ) : $self->{agent};

=head2 get

Fetch a given URL. Delegated to L<WWW::Yahoo::Groups::Mechanize/"get">
(well, the C<get> method of the object returned by L<agent|/agent>).


sub get { my $self = shift; $self->agent->get(@_) }

=head2 decode_protected

This method does nothing as Yahoo changed their algorithm.


sub decode_protected
    my ($self, $code) = @_;

=head2 _check_protected

This checks whether a given URL is to a protected email or not. It
returns C<$text> regardless as I do not have a decoding algorithm for
Yahoo's updated encoding scheme.

    my $text = $self->_check_protected( $url, $text );


sub _check_protected
    my ( $self, $href, $text ) = @_;
    return $text;


=head1 THANKS

Simon Hanmer for having problems with the module, thus resulting in
improved error reporting, param validation and corrected prerequisites.
Since then, Simon also provided a basis for the L<lists|/lists> and
L<last_msg_id|/last_msg_id> methods and is causing me to think harder about my

Aaron Straup Cope (ASCOPE) for writing L<XML::Filter::YahooGroups>
which uses this module for retrieving message bodies to put into RSS.

Randal Schwartz (MERLYN) for pointing out some problems back in 1.4
and noting problems caused by the hash randomisation.

Ray Cielencki (SLINKY) for C<first_msg_id> and "Age Restricted" notice

Vadim Zeitlin for F<yahoo2mbox> from which I blatantly stole
some features.  (Well, I say I<stole> but F<yahoo2mbox> is
public domain).

Andy Lester (PETDANCE) for writing about this module in I<Spidering Hacks>.

iTerrence Brannon (TBONE) for reporting the example program
and empty body bugs.

=head1 BUGS

Support for this module is provided courtesy the CPAN RT system via
the web or email:

This makes it much easier for me to track things and thus means
your problem is less likely to be neglected.

Please include the versions of C<WWW::Yahoo::Groups> and Perl
that you are using and, if possible, the name of the group and
the number of any messages you are having trouble with.


Copyright E<copy> Iain Truskett, 2002-2003. All rights reserved.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.000 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.

The full text of the licenses can be found in the F<Artistic> and
F<COPYING> files included with this module, or in L<perlartistic> and
L<perlgpl> as supplied with Perl 5.8.1 and later.

=head1 AUTHOR

Iain Truskett <>

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<perl>, L<XML::Filter::YahooGroups>, L<>.

L<WWW::Mechanize>, L<Exception::Class>.

