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#!/usr/bin/perl -T

# This script tests the HTMLDocument interface of HTML::DOM.
# For the other features, see document.t and html-dom.t.

use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use lib 't';

use HTML::DOM;

# -------------------------#
use tests 1; # constructor

my $doc = new HTML::DOM referrer => 'the other page',
                        url      => 'http://name:pwd@localhost:12345/1234';
isa_ok $doc, 'HTML::DOM';

	<body id=soma>
		<div><form id=form1><img id=eikona1></form>
		     <div><object id=applet1></object>
		<applet id=applet2></applet>
		<form id=form2></form>
		<div><img id=eikona2></div>
			<a href="#" name=hahaha id=anchorlink>aoeu</a>
				<area alt="" id=link2>
			<a name=onethoenh id=anchor2></a>
			<a href="about:blank" id=link3></a>

# -------------------------#
use tests 18; # simple attributes (not HTMLCollections or cookie)
#     (not including the weird ones [fgColor, et al.]; see below for those)

is    title $doc, 'Titlos', 'title';
is $doc->title('new title'), 'Titlos', 'set title';
is    title $doc, 'new title', 'see whether the title was set';
is title $doc, '', 'title returns "" when the title element is empty';
is $doc->title, "", 'title returns "" when there is no title element';
 my $title_elem = $doc->find('head')->find('title');
 ok $title_elem && $title_elem->innerHTML eq 'sclext',
  'arg to title creates a title elem under head if it does not exist';
is ref $doc->title, "", 'retval of title is a string after ref assignment';
ok eval{$doc->as_text}, 'as_text does not die because of ref assignment';
 my $other = new HTML::DOM;
 # Make sure it is empty.  Currently it is empty at this point, but that
 # may change in a future version.
 $other->removeChild($other->firstChild) while $other->content_list;
 my $e = $other;
 ok +($e = $e->firstChild) && $e->tag eq 'html',
    'title creates <html> elem in empty doc';
 ok +($e = $e->firstChild) && $e->tag eq 'head',
    'title creates <head> elem in empty doc';
 ok +($e = $e->firstChild) && $e->tag eq 'title',
    'title creates <title> elem in empty doc';
 ok $e && $e->innerHTML eq 'Cyclopedia',
    'contents of that <title> elem';

# These three are read-only:

$doc->referrer(1234); # should be a no-op
is referrer $doc, 'the other page', 'referrer';
$doc-> domain(1234); # should be a no-op
is domain   $doc, 'localhost', 'domain';
$doc-> URL(1234); # should be a no-op
is URL      $doc, 'http://name:pwd@localhost:12345/1234', 'URL';

is body $doc ->id, 'soma',                                'body';
	my $new_body = $doc->createElement('body');
	is +(my $body = $doc->body($new_body))->id, 'soma', 'set body';
	is $doc->body, $new_body, 'see whether body was set';
	# put the old one back

# -------------------------#
use tests 10; # HTMLCollection attributes

# list context
is_deeply [map id $_, images $doc], ['eikona1','eikona2'], 'images (list)';
is_deeply [map id $_, applets$doc], ['applet1','applet2'],'applets (list)';
is_deeply [map id $_, links $doc], ['anchorlink','link2','link3'],
	'links (list)';
is_deeply [map id $_, forms $doc], ['form1','form2'], 'forms (list)';
is_deeply [map id $_, anchors$doc], ['anchorlink','anchor2'],
	'anchors (list)';

# scalar context
is_deeply [map id $_, @{images $doc}], ['eikona1','eikona2'],
	'images (scalar)';
is_deeply [map id $_, @{applets$doc}], ['applet1','applet2'],
	'applets (scalar)';
is_deeply [map id $_, @{links $doc}], ['anchorlink','link2','link3'],
	'links (scalar)';
is_deeply [map id $_, @{forms $doc}], ['form1','form2'],
	'forms (scalar)';
is_deeply [map id $_, @{anchors$doc}], ['anchorlink','anchor2'],
	'anchors (scalar)';

# ~~~ Perhaps I should save the collection objects, try removing some of
#     these elements, and then see whether the collections automatically
#     updated.

# -------------------------#
use tests 4; # URL and referrer with a response object

	skip 'HTTP::Re(sponse|quest) not installed', 4,
		unless eval{require HTTP::Response; require HTTP::Request};

	(my $response = new HTTP::Response 202)->request(new HTTP::Request
		GET => 'http://localhost:5432/' # pgsql?
		,[Referer => 'about:blank']
			# seems odd that about:blank has a link on it :-)
	my $doc = new HTML::DOM response => $response;

	is URL $doc, 'http://localhost:5432/', 'inferred URL';
	is referrer $doc, 'about:blank', 'inferred referrer';

	# clobber that doc
	$doc = new HTML::DOM	
		response => $response
	,	referrer => 'http://soiiiiiiiihososbmaoeshb/'
	,	url      => ''

	is URL $doc, '',
		'explicit url overrides response object';
	is referrer $doc, 'http://soiiiiiiiihososbmaoeshb/',
		'explicit referrer overrides response object';

# -------------------------#
use tests 8; # cookies

# Some things here are stolen from LWP's t/base/cookies.t.

my $year_plus_one = (localtime)[5] + 1900 + 1;

# $doc has no cookie jar
is $doc->cookie('PART_NUMBER=ROCKET_LAUNCHER_0001; path=/'), '',
    'set cookies without a cookie jar';
is $doc->cookie(), '',
    'get cookies without a cookie jar'; # and test result of prev statement

	eval 'require "HTTP/$" for qw/Cookies Response Request/';
	skip 'HTTP::(Cookies|Re(sponse|quest)) not installed', 6 if $@;

	my $jar = new HTTP::Cookies;

	(my $response = new HTTP::Response 202)->request(new HTTP::Request
		GET => 'http://localhost/'
	my $doc = new HTML::DOM response => $response, cookie_jar=>$jar;

	is $doc->cookie(
		'cookie1=val1; ' .
		'path=/; ' .
		"expires=Wednesday, 09-Nov-$year_plus_one 23:12:40 GMT"
	), '', 'set NS-style cookie';

	is $doc->cookie(
		'cookie2=val2; ' .
		'path=/; ' .
		"expires=Wednesday, 09-Nov-$year_plus_one 23:12:40 GMT"
	), 'cookie1=val1',
	   'set another NS-style cookie';

	is join(';', sort split /;/, $doc->cookie),
		'get cookies';

	is join(';', sort split /;/, $doc->cookie(
		'cookie3=val3; Version="1"; path="/"; Max-Age=86400'
	)), 'cookie1=val1;cookie2=val2', 'set RFC-???? cookie';
		# can't remember the RFC number and can't be bothered to
		#  look it up

	is join(';', sort split /;/, $doc->cookie),
		'get cookies after added with both syntaxes';

	(my $response2 = new HTTP::Response 202)->request(
	  my $request = new HTTP::Request GET => 'http://localhost/ooo'
	my $doc2 = new HTML::DOM response => $response2, cookie_jar=>$jar;

	is join(';', sort split /;/, $doc2->cookie),
		'get cookies after making a request with the cookie jar';
		# ->cookie used to list cookies in the $request as well,
		#  due to the way it clones it and adds cookies.

# -------------------------#
use tests 20; # open, close, unbuffaloed write(ln)

# Buffaloed write is tested in html-dom.t together with
# elem_handler with which it is closely tied.
# Actually, that type of write is no longer buffered, but I like the term
# ‘buffaloed’, so I’ll keep using it. :-)

	my $response = \'esnopser'; # This isn't a response object, but
	                            # that doesn't matter;
	my $jar = \'raj';
	my $doc = new HTML::DOM url=>'lru', referrer => 'rerrefer',
		response => $response, cookie_jar=>$jar;

	is $doc->write('<p id=para></p>'), undef,
		'write (parse/unbuffaloed)';

	is $doc->close, undef, 'close';

		'close calls eof';

	isa_ok $doc->getElementById('para'), 'HTML::DOM::Element',
		'write actually worked like parse!';

	is $doc->open, undef, 'return value of open';

	is $doc->getElementById('p'), undef,
		'seems that open() clobbered everything';
	my($_response, $_jar) = do {
		package HTML::DOM; # we need this to circumvent %{}
		@$doc{map "_HTML_DOM_$_", qw/response jar/}  # overloading
	is $response, $response,
		'except the response object';
	is $jar, $jar, 'and the cookie jar';
	is $doc->URL, 'lru', 'oh, and the URL, too!';
	is $doc->referrer, 'rerrefer',
		'I nearly forgot--the referrer as well, of course.';
	ok $doc->documentElement->isa('HTML::DOM::_TreeBuilder'),
		'Ah, I see we have our tree builder back again!';
	is $doc->documentElement->parent, $doc,
		'the HTML elem\'s parent is the document';
		# that one wasn't working in 0.005
	# Let's write something, close it, write again, and close again and
	# see whether the first write's HTML code was clobbered.

	$doc->write('<p>This is a new paragraph.</p>');
	is $doc->getElementsByTagName('p')->[0]->firstChild->data,
		'This is a new paragraph.',
		'write calls open if it feels the need.';

	is $@, '', 'redudant close() throws no errors';

	my $p_handler = sub { ++ $p's };
	$doc->elem_handler(p => $p_handler);
	$doc->open; # all the way up to 0.009, this would clobber the
	            # element handler
	$doc->write('<p>oenheuo<p>oenuth'); $doc->close;
	is $p's, 2, 'Our clobbered element handler bug is gone';
	# Bug in 0.011 (and probably much earlier): close is too good
	# about suppressing errors and eliminates all of them, even when
	# it shouldn’t.
	$doc->elem_handler(p => sub { die });
	ok !eval { $doc->close; 1 },
		'close doesn\'t erroneously suppress errors';

	is $doc->title, 'abc', 'multi-arg write';
	is $doc->find('script')->firstChild->data, "a\nb", 'writeln';
	is $doc->find('script')->firstChild->data, "a\nb",
	 'multi-arg writeln';

	# bug fixed in 0.036
	ok eval{$doc->close;1},
	  'Close does not die when doc elem does not exist';

# -------------------------#
use tests 8; # ^getElements?By(?!Class)

$doc->write('<p name=para>para 1</p><p name=para>para 2</p><p id=p>3');

{ package oVerload;
	use overload '""' => sub {${+shift}}, fallback => 1;

is_deeply [map data{firstChild $_}, getElementsByName $doc 'para'],
	['para 1', 'para 2'],
is_deeply [map data{firstChild $_}, getElementsByName $doc
                                    bless \do{my $v = 'para'}, 'oVerload'],
	['para 1', 'para 2'],
	'getElementsByName stringfication';
is_deeply [map data{firstChild $_}, @{
               getElementsByName $doc bless \do{my $v = 'para'}, 'oVerload'
	['para 1', 'para 2'],
	'getElementsByName stringfication in scalar context';
is $doc->getElementById('p')->firstChild->data, 3, 'getElementById';
is $doc->getElementById(bless \do{my $v = 'p'}, 'oVerload')->firstChild
	->data, 3, 'getElementById stringification';
for($doc->getElementById('p')) {
 my $x;
 is $doc->getElementById("".\$x), $_,
  "getElementById when the element's id is a reference";
$doc->innerHTML("<form id=phext><input id=sned>");

# We need to test forms specifically because of hash overloading (which
# broke this in a previous version).
is $doc->getElementById('phext'), $doc->body->firstChild,
  'getElementById with forms';
is $doc->getElementById('sned'), $doc->body->firstChild->firstChild,
  'getElementById return sub-elements of a form';

# -------------------------#
use tests 12; # getElementsByClassName

# Tests are based on examples in HTML 5 (21 Dec 2009 editor’s draft).

 <div id="example">
  <p id="p1" class="aaa bbb">
  <p id="p2" class="aaa ccc">
  <p id="p3" class="bbb ccc">

is_deeply [map id $_, getElementsByClassName $doc 'aaa'],
	['p1', 'p2'],
is_deeply [map id $_, getElementsByClassName $doc
                                    bless \do{my $v = 'aaa'}, 'oVerload'],
	['p1', 'p2'],
	'getElementsByClassName stringfication';
  [map id $_, @{
          getElementsByClassName $doc bless \do{my $v = 'aaa'}, 'oVerload'
  ['p1', 'p2'],
 'getElementsByClassName stringfication in scalar context';

  [map id $_, getElementsByClassName $doc 'ccc bbb'],
 'getElementsByClassName with multiple classes';

is getElementsByClassName $doc 'aaa,bbb'=>->length, 0,

# More tests, not based on HTML 5.

  <div id=commas class="aaa,bbb"></div>
  <div id=hyphen class="aaa-bbb"></div>
  <div id=vertab class="&#11;"></div>
@_ = getElementsByClassName $doc "aaa";
is @_, 0,
  'getElementsByClassName does not treat hyphen or comma as boundary';
@_ = getElementsByClassName $doc "aaa,bbb";
is @_, 1, 'successful getElementsByClassName with comma (elem count)';
is $_[0]->id, 'commas',
          'successful getElementsByClassName with comma (which elem)';
@_ = getElementsByClassName $doc "aaa-bbb";
is @_, 1, 'successful getElementsByClassName with hyphen (elem count)';
is $_[0]->id, 'hyphen',
          'successful getElementsByClassName with hyphen (which elem)';
@_ = getElementsByClassName $doc "\ck";
is @_, 1, 'successful getElementsByClassName with vtab (elem count)';
is $_[0]->id, 'vertab',
          'successful getElementsByClassName with vtab (which elem)';

# -------------------------#
use tests 24; # weird attributes (fgColor et al.)

$doc->write('<body alink=red background=white.gif bgcolor=white
                   text=black link=blue vlink=fuschia>');

is $doc->alinkColor('green'), 'red',           'set/get alinkColor';
is $doc->alinkColor,'green',                 , 'get alinkColor';
is $doc->background('black.gif'), 'white.gif', 'set/get background';
is $doc->background,'black.gif',             , 'get background';
is $doc->bgColor   ('black'),         'white', 'set/get bgColor';
is $doc->bgColor   ,'black',                 , 'get bgColor';
is $doc->fgColor   ('white'),         'black', 'set/get fgColor';
is $doc->fgColor   ,'white',                 , 'get fgColor';
is $doc->linkColor ('yellow'),         'blue', 'set/get linkColor';
is $doc->linkColor ,'yellow',                , 'get linkColor';
is $doc->vlinkColor('silver'),      'fuschia', 'set/get vlinkColor';
is $doc->vlinkColor,'silver',                , 'get vlinkColor';

for (qw<alinkColor background bgColor fgColor linkColor vlinkColor>) {
  is $doc->$_, "", "$_ is empty string when there is no body (nobody?)";

# After detaching the body with text before it.

$doc->write('  <body alink=red background=white.gif bgcolor=white
                   text=black link=blue vlink=fuchsia>');
for (qw<alinkColor background bgColor fgColor linkColor vlinkColor>) {
  $doc->$_("foo"); # This used to die, confused by
                   # <html><head></head><~text></~text></html>.
  is $doc->$_, "",
    "$_ is empty string when there is no body (during parsing)";

# -------------------------#
use tests 2; # hashness

$doc->write('<form name=fred></form><form name=alcibiades></form>');

is $doc->{fred}, $doc->forms->[0],           'hashness (1)';
is $doc->{alcibiades}, $doc->forms->[1],     'hashness (2)';

# -------------------------#
use tests 10; # innerHTML
	my $doc = new HTML::DOM;
		<a href=foo>hello<br>goodbye</a>
	ok $doc->innerHTML =~(
		join '\s*', "",
			qw| <!(?i)doctype html public(?-i) |,
			'"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"',
			qw| >
				<html> <head> <title></title> </head>
				<body> <p> <a href=(['"])foo\1
					>hello<br >goodbye</a>
				(?:</p>\s*)?</body> </html>
	), 'innerHTML serialisation'
		or diag ("got " .$doc->innerHTML);

	my $html = $doc->innerHTML;
	is $doc->innerHTML('<title></title><div>foo</div>'),$html,
		'retval of innerHTML with arg';
	is $doc->innerHTML,
	  'result of setting innerHTML';

		package StringObj;
		use overload '""' => sub { "#mi_down_0" }
	like eval{$doc->innerHTML}, qr/#mi_down_0/,
	 'innerHTML w/text nodes made from objs with string overloading';

	# Test for what I consider a bug in HTML::TreeBuilder, but which
	# others may not consider so....
	is $doc->find('p')->childNodes->length, 0, 'innerHTML round-trip';

	my $pre = $doc->createElement('pre');
	is $pre->innerHTML, "smed\ndrit", 'pre->innerHTML';

	# bug fixed in 0.036: innerHTML used to die without a
	# documentElement
	$doc->open; # reset
	is eval { $doc->innerHTML }, "",
	 'innerHTML retval when doc elem does not exist';
	is eval { $doc->innerHTML }, '<!--ploe-->',
	 "innerHTML uses the doc's other children even when doc-elemless";
	$doc->open; $doc->write('<!doctype html>'); $doc->close;
	like eval { $doc->innerHTML }, qr/^\s*<!doctype\s+html\s*>\s*\z/i,
	 'innerHTML includes the !doctype even when there is no doc elem';

	my $list = $doc->getElementsByTagName('br');
	$list->length; # cache the contents
	is @$list, 1, 'innerHTML resets node lists';

# -------------------------#
use tests 3; # location
	my $href;
	no warnings 'once';
	*MyLocation::href = sub { $href = $_[1] };
	my $doc = new HTML::DOM;
	is +()=$doc->location, 0, 'location returns nothing at first';
	$doc->set_location_object(my $loc = bless[],MyLocation::);
	is $doc->location, $loc,
		'set_location_object does what its name says';
	is $href, 'fooooooo', 'location(arg) forwards to href';

# -------------------------#
use tests 4; # lastModified
	my $doc = new HTML::DOM;
	is $doc->lastModified, '',
	 'lastModified when there is no response object';

	skip 'HTTP::Response not installed', 2,
		unless eval{require HTTP::Response};

	$doc = new HTML::DOM response => new HTTP'Response;
	is lastModified $doc, '',
	 'lastModified when response contains no mod time';

	my $response = new HTTP::Response;
	my $time = time;
	my ($s,$m,$h,$d,$mo,$y) = localtime $time;
	$mo += 1; $y += 1900;
	$doc = new HTML::DOM response => $response;
	like $doc->lastModified, qr|^\d\d/\d\d/\d{4,} \d\d:\d\d:\d\d|,
	 'format of lastModified';
	is join("-", map 0+$_, split /\D/, $doc->lastModified),
	   join("-", $d,$mo,$y,$h,$m,$s), "numbers in lastModified retval";