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#!perl -T
do './t/' or die __DATA__

// See also the regexp tests in non-ecma.t.

function joyne (sep,ary) { // Unlike the built-in, this does not convert
	var ret = '';      // undefined to an empty string.
	if(!(ary instanceof Array))return ary;
	for(var i = 0; i<ary.length;++i)ret +=(i?sep:'')+ary[i]
	return ret

// ====================================================================
// The extra-ECMA properties of the RegExp constructor (those beginning
// with $ and, where applicable, their alphabetical counterparts)
// We have to put these at the top of the file to test the initial values.
// 31 tests (not including the first few tests that have their own counts)
// ====================================================================

vars = [ // there are 17 of these

// check for undeletability and initial values
// 34 tests
for(var i in vars)
 is(delete RegExp[vars[i]], false, vars[i] + ' is undeletable'),
 ok(RegExp[vars[i]] === '', vars[i] + ' is the empty string initially');

/(.)/.test("foo"); is(RegExp.$1, "f", '$1 after test');
  RegExp.$1.length, 1,
 'length of RegExp.$1 (and $1 is not booby-trapped)' // (At first I was
);                              // using Perl scalars internally instead of
            // JE::Strings, causing problems in cases like this.)

/(.)/.exec("oo"); is(RegExp.$1, "o", '$1 after exec')
"abcdefg".search(/(.)/); is(RegExp.$1, "a", '$1 after search')

// replace
is(RegExp.$1, "g", '$1 after global str replace')
is(RegExp.$1, "a", '$1 after single str replace')
var stuff = []
"abcdefg".replace(/(.)/g,function(){ stuff.push(RegExp.$1) });
is(stuff, 'a,b,c,d,e,f,g','$1 during global function replace')
stuff = []
"abcdefg".replace(/(.)/,function() { stuff.push(RegExp.$1) });
is(stuff, "a", '$1 after single replace with function')
name = 'only successful replacements must update the vars' // (at one point
// during developement, this caused ‘substr outside of string’ errors)
  RegExp['$`'] = 'abcdef';
 is(RegExp['$`'], 'abcdef', name)
}catch(ueo) { fail(name) }

"abcdefg".match(/(.)/); is(RegExp.$1, "a", '$1 after match')
is(RegExp.lastMatch, 'de', 'RegExp.lastMatch');
is(RegExp['$&'], 'de', 'RegExp["$&"]');
is(RegExp.lastParen, 'e', 'RegExp.lastParen');
is(RegExp['$+'], 'e', 'RegExp["$+"]');
is(RegExp.leftContext, 'abc', 'leftContext');
is(RegExp['$`'], 'abc', '$`');
is(RegExp.rightContext, 'fg', 'rightContext');
is(RegExp['$\''], 'fg', '$\'');
is(RegExp.$2, 'e', '$2');

// Aliasing
 = {
    lastMatch: '$&', lastParen: '$+', leftContext: '$`', rightContext: "$'"
 var i
 RegExp[i] = 'jile',
 is(RegExp[vars[i]], 'jile', vars[i] + ' is aliased to ' + i),
 RegExp[vars[i]] = 'squew',
 is(RegExp[i], 'squew', i + ' is aliased to ' + vars[i]),
  peval("($::other_je ||= new JE)->{RegExp}{'" + i + "'}"), RegExp[i],
  i + ' is not shared between envs'

// ===================================================
// 15.10.1 Pattern compilation
// 15 tests
// ===================================================

function tcp /*try compiling pattern*/(re,tn/*test name*/) {
	try{ RegExp(re); pass('compilation of ' + tn)}
	catch(foo){fail('compilation of ' + tn), diag(foo)}

tcp('foo|foo','two-part disjunction')
tcp('foo|foo|foo','three-part disjunction')
tcp('','empty pattern')
tcp('\nf\u0100\ud801.(foo)(?:foo)(?=foo)(?!foo)', 'atoms')
tcp("\\0\\98732", 'decimal escapes')
tcp("\\f\\n\\r\\t\\v", 'control escapes')
   +'\\cr\\cs\\ct\\cu\\cv\\cw\\cx\\cy\\cz', 'lc control letter escapes')
   +'\\cR\\cS\\cT\\cU\\cV\\cW\\cX\\cY\\cZ', 'uc control letter escapes')
tcp('\\x00\\u1234','hex & unicode escapes')
tcp('\\ \\\n\\.\\\ud801','identity escapes')
tcp('\\d\\D\\s\\S\\W\\W','character class escapes')
tcp('[foo][^bar][^][-][\nb][\u0100-\ud801][\1\b\f][\da-z]','char classes')


// ===================================================
// Disjunction
// 4 tests
// ===================================================

is(/foo|bar/.exec("foo")[0], 'foo',
	'disjunction w/left-hand side matching')
is(/foo|bar/.exec("bar")[0], 'bar',
	'disjunciton w/right-hand side matching')
is(/a|ab/.exec('abc'), 'a', 'disjunction (example in the spec.)')
	'disjunction (another example in the spec.)')

// ===================================================
// Alternative
// 2 tests
// ===================================================

is(new RegExp('').exec('abcdefg'), '', 'empty pattern')
is(/[xy]?(y|x)/.exec('yx')[1], 'x', 'backtracking within an alternative')

// ===================================================
// Term
// ===================================================

// 2 tests: Term :: Assertion
ok(/x\b/.exec('x '),'term with matching assertion')
ok(!/x\b/.exec('xy'),'term with failing assertion')

// 2 tests: Term :: Atom Quantifier
try{new RegExp('a{3,2}'); pass('skipped on this perl: {n,m} where n > m')}
catch(cold){ok(cold instanceof SyntaxError, '{n,m} where n > m')}
is(/f{0}/.exec('abcdefg'), '', 'quantifier with 0 max')

// 4 tests: RepeatMatcher
is(/f{0,3}/.exec('ffff'), 'fff',
	'greedy quantifier that reaches its maximum')
is(/o{0,3}/.exec('oo'), 'oo',
	'greedy quantifier that falls short of its maximum')
is(/f{1,3}?/.exec('ffff'), 'f',
	'stingy quantifier that meets its minimum')
is(/o{1,3}?$/.exec('oo'), 'oo',
	'stingy quantifier that exceeds its minimum')

// 7 tests: Examples from the spec.
is(/a[a-z]{2,4}/.exec('abcdefghi'), 'abcde', 'term (example in the spec.)')
is(/a[a-z]{2,4}?/.exec('abcdefghi'), 'abc',
	'term (stingy example in the spec.)')
is(/(aa|aabaac|ba|b|c)*/.exec('aabaac'), 'aaba,ba',
	'term (choice point ordering example)')
is('aaaaaaaaaa,aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'.replace(/^(a+)\1*,\1+$/,"$1"), 'aaaaa',
	'term (gcm example)')
	'zaacbbbcac,z,ac,a,undefined,c', 'capture erasure')
is(/(a*)*/.exec('b'), ',', 'term (infinite loop example)')
is(/(a*)b\1+/.exec('baaaac'), 'b,', 'term (second infinite loop example)')

// 9 tests: Some more capture erasure tests
	'capture erasure ((a)?b)+')
	'capture erasure ((a+)b)+')
is(joyne(',',/((?:|(a))b)+/.exec('abb')), 'abb,b,undefined',
	'capture erasure ((?:|(a))b)+')
	'capture erasure (a|(b))+')
is('cbazyx'.replace(/(a|(b))+/, "$1$2"), 'cazyx',
	'capture erasure with String.prototype.replace')
    function($and,$1,$2){return $1+$2}), 'cazyx',
   'capture erasure w/String.prototype.replace w/ a function replacement')
is(joyne(',','cbazyx'.split(/(a|(b))+/)), 'c,a,undefined,zyx',
	'capture erasure String.prototype.split')
is(joyne(',',/(?:a(b)?bc)+/.exec('abbcabc')), 'abbcabc,undefined',
	'capture erasure with backtracking')
is(joyne(',',/(?:a(b)?bc)+..c/.exec('abbcabc')), 'abbcabc,b',
	'make sure backtracking does not cause undue capture erasure')

// ===================================================
// Assertion
// ===================================================

// 7 tests: ^
is('foo\nbar'.search(/^/), 0, '^ at beginning of string')
is('foo\nbar'.search(/^/m), 0, '/^/m at beginning of string')
is('foo\nbar'.search(/.^/), -1, '^ without m fails after beginning')
is('foo\nbar'.match(/[^]^/m), '\n', '/^/m matches an lf')
is('foo\rbar'.match(/[^]^/m), '\r', '/^/m matches a cr')
is('foo\u2028bar'.match(/[^]^/m), '\u2028', '/^/m matches an ls')
is('foo\u2029bar'.match(/[^]^/m), '\u2029', '/^/m matches a ps')

// 7 tests: $
is('foo\nbar'.search(/$/), 7, '$ at end of string')
is('foobar'.search(/$/m), 6, '/$/m at end of string')
is('foo\nbar'.search(/$\n/), -1, '$ without m fails before end of str')
is('foo\nbar'.match(/$[^]/m), '\n', '/$/m matches an lf')
is('foo\rbar'.match(/$[^]/m), '\r', '/$/m matches a cr')
is('foo\u2028bar'.match(/$[^]/m), '\u2028', '/$/m matches an ls')
is('foo\u2029bar'.match(/$[^]/m), '\u2029', '/^/m matches a ps')

// 7 tests: \b
is('a'.search(/^\b/), 0, 'successful \\b at beginning of string')
is('a'.search(/\b$/), 1, 'successful \\b at end of string')
is('.'.search(/^\b/), -1, 'failed \\b at beginning of string')
is('.'.search(/\b$/), -1, 'failed \\b at end of string')
is('føø'.search(/(?!^)\b/), 1,
	'non-ASCII chars following \\b are not word chars')
is('føo'.search(/\b.$/), 2,
	'non-ASCII chars preceding \\b are not word chars')
	.search(/(?!^)\b/), 63, '\\b word chars');

// 7 tests: \B
is('.'.search(/^\B/), 0, 'successful \\B at beginning of string')
is('.'.search(/\B$/), 1, 'successful \\B at end of string')
is('a'.search(/^\B/), -1, 'failed \\B at beginning of string')
is('a'.search(/\B$/), -1, 'failed \\B at end of string')
is('føø'.search(/\B/), 2, // skips past fø
	'non-ASCII chars following \\B are not word chars')
is('ḟoo'.search(/(?!^)\B/), 2,
	'non-ASCII chars preceding \\B are not word chars')
	.match(/\B/g).length, 62, '\\B word chars');

// ===================================================
// Quantifiers
// 18 tests
// ===================================================

// {n,m} is tested above under Term

is(''.match(/.*/), '', '* minimum')
// We can’t actually test the maximum, because we would need an infinite
// string. This test should suffice, as it’s unlikely that anyone would put
// an arbitrary ‘68’ in the regexp.
   .match(/.*/)[0].length, 68, '* maximum')
is('aaaaaaaaaaaa'.match(/.*?/), '', '*? minimum')
is('aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab'.match(/.*?b/)[0].length, 27, '*? maximum')
is('1'.match(/(.*)(.+)/), '1,,1', '+ minimum')
   .match(/.+/)[0].length, 68, '+ maximum')
is('zaaaaaaaaaaa'.match(/.+?/), 'z', '+? minimum')
is('aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab'.match(/.+?b/)[0].length, 27, '+? maximum')
is('1'.match(/(.?)(.?)/), '1,1,', '? min')
is('abcde'.match(/.?/), 'a', '? max')
is('aaa'.match(/.??/), '', '?? min')
is('abcde'.match(/.??c/), 'bc', '?? max')
is('abc'.match(/.{2}/), 'ab', '{m}')
is('abc'.match(/.{2}?/), 'ab', '{m}?')
is('1234'.match(/.*(.{2,})/), '1234,34', '{m,} minimum')
   .match(/.{2,}/)[0].length, 68, '{m,} maximum')
is('zaaaaaaaaaaa'.match(/.{2,}?/), 'za', '{m,}? minimum')
is('aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab'.match(/.{2,}?b/)[0].length, 27,
	'{m,}? maximum')

// ===================================================
// Atom
// ===================================================

// 7 test
is("\x00 <>1234_ABC-'\xff\u0100\ud800".match(
	/\0 <>1234_ABC-'\xff\u0100\ud800/
), "\x00 <>1234_ABC-'\xff\u0100\ud800", 'characters that match themselves')
is('\u2028\u2029\n\r\f\x00 <>1234_ABC-"\xff\u0100\ud800'.match(/./g)
   '\f\x00 <>1234_ABC-"\xff\u0100\ud800', '.')
is("owt eerht".match(/((.).)((.).)/), 'owt ,ow,o,t ,t','captures')
is('eeno'.match('(?:...)').length, 1, '(?:)')
is('eeno'.match('(?=ee)ee'), 'ee', '(?=)')
is('aaa aaae'.match('(?=(a*))\\1(a|e)')[0],'aaae',
	'(?=) is not back-tracked into')
	'(?=) is not back-tracked into (ECMAScript example)')

// 6 tests: interrobang groups

is (joyne(',',/(?!(foo)(?!))/.exec('foo')), ',undefined',
	'interrobang with captures');
is (joyne(',',/(?!(a)b)/.exec('ab')), ',undefined',
	'interrobang with captures (another)');
is (joyne(',',/(?!(a)|b)c/.exec('ac')), 'c,undefined',
	'interrobang with captures (yet another)');
is (joyne(',',/(?!(a)(?!)){0}/.exec('a')), ',undefined',
	'quantified interrobang')
is (joyne(',',/(?:(?!(a)(?!)){0})/.exec('a')), ',undefined',
	'quantified interrobang inside another group')
is(peval('my $warnings=0; local $SIG{__WARN__}=sub{++$warnings};'
     + '$je->{RegExp}("(?!(a)(?!))+"); $warnings;'
   ),0, 'quantified interrobangs don\'t warn')

// ===================================================
// AtomEscape
// ===================================================

// 13 tests: DecimalEscape ( (back-references and \0)

is("\x00".match(/\0/), "\x00", '\\0')

is(	joyne(',',/(.*?)a(?!(a+)b\2c)\2(.*)/.exec("baaabaac")),
	'back-reference to (?!(...))' // example from the spec
is(joyne(',',/(?:a|(x))\1/.exec("ab")), 'a,undefined',
	'back-reference to undefined (without interrobang)')
is(joyne(',',/(?:(a)?b\1)+/.exec("abab")), 'abab,undefined',
	'another back-reference-to-undefined test (quantified capture)')
is(/(a{3})b\1/.exec('aaabaa'), null,
	'back-reference to string longer than the number of chars left')
is(/(.)\1/.exec('abba'), 'bb,b',
	'simple successful back-ref; no special cases')
ok(/(.)\1/i.test('iI'), 'case-insensitivity in back-references ...')
ok(!/(.)\1/.test('iI'),' ... but not without /i')
ok(!/(.)\1/i.test('ıI'), 'does not apply to dotlessi')
try{skip("doesn't work", 1);ok(!/(.)\1/i.test('ßSS'), 'nor to double s')}
is(/()()()()()()()()()()()(.)\12/.exec('abba'), 'bb,,,,,,,,,,,,b',
	'multi-digit back-ref')
is(/(?:\1|(^a)){2}/.exec('aa'), ',', 'forward ref')
	// (with Perl’s behaviour, it produces 'aa,a')
is(/\12()()()()()()()()()()()()/.exec(''), ',,,,,,,,,,,,',
	'multi-digit forward-ref')

// ===================================================
// CharacterEscape
// ===================================================

// 5 tests: ControlEscape
is('	'.match(/\t/), '	', '\\t')
is('\n'.match(/\n/), '\n', '\\n')
is(''.match(/\v/), '', '\\v')
is(''.match(/\f/), '', '\\f')
is('\r'.match(/\r/), '\r', '\\r')

// 4 tests: \cX
is('\x00'.match(/\c@/), '\x00', '\\c@')
is('\x01'.match(/\cA/), '\x01', '\\cA')
is(' '.match(/\c`/), ' ', '\\c`')
is(String.fromCharCode(26).match(/\cz/), String.fromCharCode(26),
	'\\c with lc char')

// ~~~ Need more tests here, for things like ß

// 2 tests: \xHH
is('\x00'.match(/\x00/), '\x00','\\x00')
is('\xff'.match(/\xfF/), '\xff','\\xfF')

// 2 tests: \uHHHH
is('\x00'.match(/\u0000/), '\x00','\\u0000')
is('\uffff'.match(/\ufffF/), '\uffff','\\ufffF')

// 2 test: IdentityEscape
is(' !"#$%&\'()*+,-./;:<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~¡¢£·'.match(
	/\ \!\"\#\$\%\&\'\(\)\*\+\,\-\.\/\;\:\<\=\>\?\@\[\\\]\^\_\`\{\|\}\~\¡\¢\£\·/), ' !"#$%&\'()*+,-./;:<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~¡¢£·','IdentityEscapes')
is(' \n.\ud801'.match('\\ \\\n\\.\\\ud801'), ' \n.\ud801',
   'IdentityEscapes including newline and surrogate')

// ===================================================
// DecimalEscape
// ===================================================

// (See .9)

// ===================================================
// CharacterClassEscape
// ===================================================

// 3 tests for \d
is('0123456789'.match(/\d{10}/), '0123456789', '\\d matches 0-9')
is(peval('join "", "\\0".."/",":".."\\xff"').match(/\d/),
  '\\d matches no other ascii chars')
  '\\d does not match Unicode digits')

// 3 tests for \D
is('0123456789'.match(/\D/), null, '\\D does not match matches 0-9')
s = peval('join "", "\\0".."/",":".."\\xff"')
is(s.match(RegExp("\\D{" + s.length + "}")), s,
  '\\D matches all other ascii chars')
   '\\D matches Unicode digits')

// 2 tests for \s
is('\t\v\f  \u2002\n\r\u2028\u2029'.match(/\s{10}/),
   '\t\v\f  \u2002\n\r\u2028\u2029',
   '\\s matches \\t\\v\\f sp nbsp U+2002 lf cr ls ps')
  '\\s does not match non-whitespace')

// 2 tests for \S
is('\t\v\f  \u2002\n\r\u2028\u2029'.match(/\S/), null,
   '\\S does not match \\t\\v\\f sp nbsp U+2002 lf cr ls ps')
is('aoeu-!@#$1234'.match(/\S{13}/), 'aoeu-!@#$1234',
   '\\S matches non-whitespace')

// 3 tests for \w
 '\\w matches 0-9a-zA-Z_'
  peval('join "", "\\0".."/",":".."@","[".."^","`","{".."\\xff"').match(
 '\\w matches no other ascii chars'
  '\\w does not match Unicode digits or letters')

// 3 tests for \W
 '\\W does not match 0-9a-zA-Z_'
s = peval('join "", "\\0".."/",":".."@","[".."^","`","{".."\\xff"')
 '\\W matches all other ascii chars'
  '\\W matches Unicode digits and letters')

// ===================================================
// CharacterClass
// ===================================================

// We are just checking for (lack of) invertedness here. More specific
// tests are in the sections that follow.
// 2 tests
is('cheen'.match(/[chen]+/), 'cheen', 'positive char class')
is('cheen'.match(/[^chen]/), 'null', 'negative char class')

// ===================================================
// ClassRanges
// ===================================================

// 2 tests for empty class ranges
is(peval('join "", map chr, 0..255').match(/[^]+/)[0].length, 256, '[^]')
is(peval('join "", "\\0".."\\xff"').match(/[]/), null, '[]')

// ===================================================
// NonemptyClassRanges
// NonemptyClassRangesNoDash
// ClassAtom
// ClassAtomNoDash
// ===================================================

// 2 tests
// This is a syntax error according to ECMAScript, but we support it any-
// way. See RT #51123.
name =  '- adjacent to \\w in char classes';
try{ ok(RegExp('[\\w-\\d]').test('-'),name) }
catch(e) { fail(name) }
// and a bug we almost introduced while adding this feature:
ok( /[\n-\r]/.test('\v'), '[\\n-\\r] is a range' )

// 10 tests
is(peval('join "", map chr, 0..255').match(/[d]+/)[0], 'd',
  'class with single character')
ok(/[-a]/.test('-'), 'hyphen at the beginning of a class')
ok(/[a-]/.test('-'), 'hyphen at the end of a class')
// This test is for completeness’ sake: It exercises the
// NonemptyClassRangesNoDash :: ClassAtomNoDash NonemptyClassRangesNoDash
// production in the grammar (that we don’t use anyway :-):
 'hyphen at the end of a class (with at least 2 things before it)')
 'hyphen after a ClassAtom (but not at the end) is a range')
// Another ‘completeness’ test:
// NonemptyClassRangesNoDash :: ClassAtomNoDash - ClassAtom ClassRanges
 'hyphen w/2 things b4 it (but not at the end) is a range')
name = 'inverted ranges';
try{ RegExp('[b-a]'); fail(name)}
catch(e) { ok(e instanceof SyntaxError, name) }
is("EFefi".match(/[E-F]+/i)[0],'EFef', 'class ranges are unaffected by /i')
is("SPRIThile[\\]^_`".match(/[E-f]+/i)[0], 'SPRIThile[\\]^_`',
 '/[A-b]/i where A is capital and b is lc matches A-Z a-z [ \\ ] ^ _')
ok(!/[.]/.test("s"), '[.] does not match "s"')

// ===================================================
// ClassEscape
// ===================================================

// 7 tests for single-char escapes
is("\u0000".match(/[\0]/)[0], "\u0000", 'ClassEscape :: DecimalEscape')
is("\u0008".match(/[\b]/)[0], "\u0008", 'ClassEscape :: b')
is("\u0009".match(/[\t]/)[0], "\u0009", '[\\t]')
is("\u000A".match(/[\n]/)[0], "\u000a", '[\\n]')
is("\u000b".match(/[\v]/)[0], "\u000b", '[\\v]')
is("\u000c".match(/[\f]/)[0], "\u000c", '[\\f]')
is("\u000d".match(/[\r]/)[0], "\u000d", '[\\r]')

// 4 tests: [\cX]
is('\x00'.match(/[\c@]/), '\x00', '[\\c@]')
is('\x01'.match(/[\cA]/), '\x01', '[\\cA]')
is(' '.match(/[\c`]/), ' ', '[\\c`]')
is(String.fromCharCode(26).match(/[\cz]/), String.fromCharCode(26),
	'[\\c] with lc char')

// 2 tests: [\xHH]
is('\x00'.match(/[\x00]/), '\x00','[\\x00]')
is('\xff'.match(/[\xfF]/), '\xff','[\\xfF]')

// 2 tests: \uHHHH
is('\x00'.match(/[\u0000]/), '\x00','[\\u0000]')
is('\uffff'.match(/[\ufffF]/), '\uffff','[\\ufffF]')

// 1 test: IdentityEscape
is(' !"#$%&\'()*+,-./;:<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~¡¢£·'.match(
 /[\ \!\"\#\$\%\&\'\(\)\*\+\,\-\.\/\;\:\<\=\>\?\@\[\\\]\^\_\`\{\|\}\~\¡\¢\£\·]+/
), ' !"#$%&\'()*+,-./;:<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~¡¢£·','IdentityEscapes')

// 3 tests for [\d]
is('0123456789'.match(/[\d]{10}/), '0123456789', '[\\d] matches 0-9')
is(peval('join "", "\\0".."/",":".."\\xff"').match(/[\d]/),
  '[\\d] matches no other ascii chars')
  '[\\d] does not match Unicode digits')

// 3 tests for [\D]
is('0123456789'.match(/[\D]/), null, '[\\D] does not match matches 0-9')
s = peval('join "", "\\0".."/",":".."\\xff"')
is(s.match(RegExp("[\\D]{" + s.length + "}")), s,
  '[\\D] matches all other ascii chars')
   '[\\D] matches Unicode digits')

// 2 tests for [\s]
is('\t\v\f  \u2002\n\r\u2028\u2029'.match(/[\s]{10}/),
   '\t\v\f  \u2002\n\r\u2028\u2029',
   '[\\s] matches \\t\\v\\f sp nbsp U+2002 lf cr ls ps')
  '[\\s] does not match non-whitespace')

// 2 tests for [\S]
is('\t\v\f  \u2002\n\r\u2028\u2029'.match(/[\S]/), null,
   '[\\S] does not match \\t\\v\\f sp nbsp U+2002 lf cr ls ps')
is('aoeu-!@#$1234'.match(/[\S]{13}/), 'aoeu-!@#$1234',
   '[\\S] matches non-whitespace')

// 3 tests for [\w]
 '[\\w] matches 0-9a-zA-Z_'
  peval('join "", "\\0".."/",":".."@","[".."^","`","{".."\\xff"').match(
 '[\\w] matches no other ascii chars'
  '[\\w] does not match Unicode digits or letters')

// 3 tests for [\W]
 '[\\W] does not match 0-9a-zA-Z_'
s = peval('join "", "\\0".."/",":".."@","[".."^","`","{".."\\xff"')
 '[\\W] matches all other ascii chars'
  '[\\W] matches Unicode digits and letters')

// ===================================================
// 15.10.3 RegExp()
// ===================================================

// 2 test
r = /scrat/
ok(RegExp(r) === r, 'RegExp(re) returns a regexp unchanged')
ok(RegExp('r').constructor == RegExp,
  'RegExp with anything else calls new RegExp')

// ===================================================
// new RegExp
// ===================================================

// 10 tests for new RegExp(re)
r2 = new RegExp(r = /a/)
ok(r !== r2, 'new RegExp(re) copies the re')
is(r, r2, 'the new re stringifies the same way')
is(, false, 'the global flag is copied (false)')
is(r2.ignoreCase, false, 'the /i flag is copied (false)')
is(r2.multiline, false, 'the /m flag is copied (false)')
r2 = new RegExp(/a/gim)
is(, true, 'the global flag is copied (true)')
is(r2.ignoreCase, true, 'the /i flag is copied (true)')
is(r2.multiline, true, 'the /m flag is copied (true)')
is(r2=new RegExp(r,undefined), r, 'explicit undefined 2nd arg ... ')
ok(r2 !== r, ' ... copies the re')

// 1 test for new RegExp(re,something)
name = "new RegExp(re,something) dies with a TypeError"
try { new RegExp(/a/,3); fail(name) }
catch(e) { ok (e instanceof TypeError, name) }

// 12 tests for new RegExp(something, ...)
r = new RegExp('a')
is( + '' + r.ignoreCase + r.multiline, 'falsefalsefalse',
  'flags set by new RegExp when 2nd arg is omitted')
is('a'.match(r), 'a', 'RegExp created from a string')
r = new RegExp(12.0,'gim')
is( + '' + r.ignoreCase + r.multiline, 'truetruetrue',
  'flags set by new RegExp when 2nd arg is gim')
is('12'.match(r), '12', 'RegExp created from a number')
r = new RegExp(true,'mig')
is( + '' + r.ignoreCase + r.multiline, 'truetruetrue',
  'flags set by new RegExp when 2nd arg is mig')
is('true'.match(r), 'true', 'RegExp created from a bouillon')
r = new RegExp({},'i')
is( + '' + r.ignoreCase + r.multiline, 'falsetruefalse',
  'flags set by new RegExp when 2nd arg am i')
is('T'.match(r), 'T', 'RegExp created from a nobject')
is('NULL'.match(new RegExp(null,'i')), 'NULL', 're created from null')
is('NULL'.match(new RegExp(void 0)), '', 're created from undef')
is('NULL'.match(new RegExp), '', 'new RegExp with no args')
r = new RegExp({},new String("mg"))
is( + '' + r.ignoreCase + r.multiline, 'truefalsetrue',
  'flags set when second arg to new RegExp is an object')

// 5 tests for syntax errors
name = "new RegExp(something, non-ident) dies with a SyntaxError"
try { diag(new RegExp('','$')); fail(name) }
catch(e) { ok (e instanceof SyntaxError, name)||diag(e) }
name = "new RegExp(something, invalid flags) dies with a SyntaxError"
try { diag(new RegExp('','é')); fail(name) }
catch(e) { ok (e instanceof SyntaxError, name)||diag(e) }
// By Pattern with a capital P I am referring to the Pattern production in
// ECMAScript.
name = "new RegExp(invalid Pattern) dies with a SyntaxError"
try { diag(new RegExp(')))')); fail(name) }
catch(e) { ok (e instanceof SyntaxError, name)||diag(e) }
// These following examples match the Pattern production, but are still
// syntax errors.
name = "new RegExp(pattern with {3,2}) dies with a SyntaxError"
try { diag(new RegExp('a{3,2}')); pass("skipped on this perl: " + name) }
catch(e) { ok (e instanceof SyntaxError, name)||diag(e) }
name = "new RegExp(pattern with [b-a]) dies with a SyntaxError"
try { diag(new RegExp('[b-a]')); fail(name) }
catch(e) { ok (e instanceof SyntaxError, name)||diag(e) }

// 1 test for setting source
ok (new RegExp('a').source === 'a', 'source of new RegExp')

// 2 tests for setting lastIndex
ok (new RegExp('a').lastIndex === 0, 'lastIndex is initially 0')
ok (new RegExp('a','g').lastIndex === 0, 'lastIndex is 0 with /g, too')

// 2 tests: internal props
ok(peval('shift->prototype', new RegExp) === RegExp.prototype,
  '[[Prototype]] of new RegExp')
is({} RegExp), '[object RegExp]',
  '[[Class]] of new RegExp');

// ===================================================
// 15.10.5 RegExp
// ===================================================

// 10 tests (boilerplate stuff for constructors)
is(typeof RegExp, 'function', 'typeof RegExp');
is(Object.prototype.toString.apply(RegExp), '[object Function]',
	'class of RegExp')
ok(RegExp.constructor === Function, 'RegExp\'s prototype')
ok(RegExp.length === 2, 'RegExp.length')
	'RegExp.length is not enumerable')
ok(!delete RegExp.length, 'RegExp.length cannot be deleted')
is((RegExp.length++, RegExp.length), 2, 'RegExp.length is read-only')
	'RegExp.prototype is not enumerable')
ok(!delete RegExp.prototype, 'RegExp.prototype cannot be deleted')
ok((RegExp.prototype = 24, RegExp.prototype) !== 24,
	'RegExp.prototype is read-only')

// ===================================================
// 15.10.6 RegExp.prototype
// ===================================================

// 3 tests
is(Object.prototype.toString.apply(RegExp.prototype), '[object Object]',
	'class of RegExp.prototype')
ok(RegExp.prototype.valueOf === Object.prototype.valueOf, 'valueOf')
peval('is shift->prototype, shift, "RegExp.prototype\'s prototype"',
	RegExp.prototype, Object.prototype)

// ===================================================
// RegExp.prototype.constructor
// ===================================================

// 2 tests
ok(RegExp.prototype.constructor === RegExp, 'RegExp.prototype.constructor')
	'RegExp.prototype.constructor is not enumerable')

// ===================================================
// exec
// ===================================================

// 10 tests

// 4 tests for misc this values
	var f = RegExp.prototype.exec;
	var testname='exec with number for this';
	try{; fail(testname) }
	catch(e){ok(e instanceof TypeError,testname)}
	var testname='exec with non-re object for this';
	try{{}); fail(testname) }
	catch(e){ok(e instanceof TypeError,testname)}
	var testname='exec with string for this';
	try{'true'); fail(testname) }
	catch(e){ok(e instanceof TypeError,testname)}
	var testname='exec with bool for this';
	try{'true'); fail(testname) }
	catch(e){ok(e instanceof TypeError,testname)}

// 1 test: Make sure exec can be called */

try{is(/a/.exec('a'), 'a', 'exec doesn\'t simply die')}
catch(e){fail('exec doesn\'t simply die')}

// 6 tests: various types for the arg
is(/..o/i.exec({}), 't O', 'exec with object arg')
is(/T/i.exec(true), 't', 'exec with boolean arg')
is(/[89]/i.exec(78), '8', 'exec with numeric arg')
is(/U/i.exec(null), 'u', 'exec with null arg')
is(/U./i.exec(void 0), 'un', 'exec with undefined arg')
is(/U./i.exec(), 'un', 'exec with no arg')

// 19 tests: exec and lastIndex
r = /a./
is(r.exec("the abacus"), 'ab', 'exec ignores lastIndex without /g')
rg = /a./g
is(rg.exec("the abacus"), "ac", 'exec respects lastIndex with /g')
is(typeof rg.lastIndex + ': ' + rg.lastIndex, 'number: 8',
  'exec sets lastIndex')
is(rg.exec('aah'), 'ah', 'exec with fractional lastIndex')
is(rg.exec('abc'), null, 'exec with large lastIndex')
is(rg.lastIndex, 0,'exec with large lastIndex resets index to 0')
is(r.lastIndex, 0,'exec failure resets lastIndex even without /g')
is(rg.exec('abc'), null, 'exec with negative lastIndex')
is(rg.lastIndex, 0,'exec with negative lastIndex resets index to 0')
is(rg.exec('abc'), 'ab', 'exec with NaN lastIndex')
is(rg2.exec('abc'), null, 'exec with infinite lastIndex')
is(rg2.exec('abc'), null, 'exec with large lastIndex and null pattern')
is(r.exec("abc"), "ab", 'exec ignores lastIndex without /g')
is(typeof r.lastIndex + ': ' + r.lastIndex, "string: 57",
  'successful exec without /g leaves lastIndex untouched');
rg.lastIndex="1"; is(rg.exec('abac'), 'ac', 'exec with string lastIndex')
rg.lastIndex=true; is(rg.exec('abac'), 'ac', 'exec with bool lastIndex')
rg.lastIndex=null; is(rg.exec('abac'), 'ab', 'exec with null lastIndex')
rg.lastIndex={}; is(rg.exec('abac'), 'ab', 'exec w/ objective lastIndex')
rg.lastIndex=void 0; is(rg.exec('abac'), 'ab', 'exec with undef lastIndex')

// 9 tests for the return value
r = /(u)(.)(.)/.exec(new String("squow"))
ok(r.constructor === Array, 'exec retval is an array')
is(r.length, 4, 'exec retval is one more than the number of captures')
ok(r.input === 'squow', 'exec retval .input is a plain string')
ok(r.index === 2, 'index property of exec retval')
is(r[0], 'uow', 'first elem of exec retval')
is(r[1], 'u', 'Subsequent elements of the return value of')
is(r[2], 'o', 'exec contain the  captured')
is(r[3], 'w', 'substrings.')
ok(!(4 in r), 'only as many positive int props as there are captures')

// 2 tests: function-style call (implicit exec)

// 1 test
error = false
catch(e){error = e}
ok(error instanceof TypeError, 'exec death')

// ===================================================
// test
// 2 tests
// ===================================================

// 10 tests

// 4 tests for misc this values
	var f = RegExp.prototype.test;
	var testname='test with number for this';
	try{; fail(testname) }
	catch(e){ok(e instanceof TypeError,testname)}
	var testname='test with non-re object for this';
	try{{}); fail(testname) }
	catch(e){ok(e instanceof TypeError,testname)}
	var testname='test with string for this';
	try{'true'); fail(testname) }
	catch(e){ok(e instanceof TypeError,testname)}
	var testname='test with bool for this';
	try{'true'); fail(testname) }
	catch(e){ok(e instanceof TypeError,testname)}

ok(/(.)(.)(.)+/.test("abcd") === true, 'test returning true')
ok(/./.test("\n") === false, 'test returning false');

// 1 test
error = false
catch(e){error = e}
ok(error instanceof TypeError, 'test death')

// ===================================================
// toString
// ===================================================

// 10 tests

// 4 tests for misc this values
	var f = RegExp.prototype.toString;
	var testname='toString with number for this';
	try{; fail(testname) }
	catch(e){ok(e instanceof TypeError,testname)}
	var testname='toString with non-re object for this';
	try{{}); fail(testname) }
	catch(e){ok(e instanceof TypeError,testname)}
	var testname='toString with string for this';
	try{'true'); fail(testname) }
	catch(e){ok(e instanceof TypeError,testname)}
	var testname='toString with bool for this';
	try{'true'); fail(testname) }
	catch(e){ok(e instanceof TypeError,testname)}

// 31 tests
	var re_strs =("/a/i /a/g /a/m /a/mg /a/gi /a/mi /a/mgi /a/ "
	            + "/^[^a]/ /^[^a]/m /$[$]/ /$[$]/m /\\b[\\b]/ /\\B/ "
	            + "/.[.]/ /\\v[\\v]/ /\\n[\\n]/ /\\r[\\r]/ "
	            + "/\\c`[\\c`]/ /\\u1234[\\uabcD]/ /\\d[\\d]/ "
	            + "/\\D[\\D]/ /\\s[\\s]/ /\\S[\\S]/ /\\w[\\w]/ "
	            + "/\\W[\\W]/ /[^]/ /[.a]/ /[a]/ /[.]/ /[\\D\\W]/"
	.split(' ');
	for (var i = 0;i<re_strs.length;++i)

// 1 test
error = false
catch(e){error = e}
ok(error instanceof TypeError, 'toString death')

// ===================================================
// 15.10.7 Properties of individual regexps
// ===================================================

r = / /;

// 15 tests
is(delete r.lastIndex, false, 'lastIndex is undeletable')
r.lastIndex = o = {}
ok(r.lastIndex == o, 'lastIndex is writable')
ok(!r.propertyIsEnumerable('lastIndex'), 'lastIndex is not enumerable')
for(k in {source:0, global:0, ignoreCase:0, multiline:0}) {
 is(delete r[k], false, k + ' is undeletable')
 what_it_was = r[k]
 is((r[k] = 'delp', r[k]), what_it_was, k + ' is read-only')
 ok(!r.propertyIsEnumerable('k'), k + ' is not enumerable')

// ===================================================
// Perl features that begin with (
// (The regexp-munging has special cases for most of these, so we have
// to test them individually.)  
// 60 tests
// ===================================================

is(new RegExp("fo(?#(li)o").exec('foo'), 'foo', '(?#...)');
is(new RegExp("(?x)fo( ?#(li)o").exec('foo'), 'foo', '( ?#...)');
is(/f(?im-sx)Oo/.exec('foo'), 'foo', '(?mod)')
is(/(?x)f( ?im-sx)Oo/.exec('foo'), 'foo', '( ?mod)')
is(RegExp("f(?i:(O))o").exec('foo'), 'foo,o','(?mod:)');
is(RegExp("(?x)f( ?i:(O))o").exec('foo'), 'foo,o','( ?mod:)');
is(/.(?<=(f)oo)/.exec('foo'), 'o,f', '(?<=)')
is(/.( ?<=(f)oo)/x.exec('foo'), 'o,f', '( ?<=)')
is( /(?<!f(o)o)bar./ .exec('foobarrbard')[0], 'bard', '(?<!)')
is(/( ?<!f(o)o)bar./x.exec('foobarrbard')[0], 'bard', '( ?<!)')
	'foobarers,foo,,', '(?())')
is(/(foo)( ?(1)bar)(baz)?( ?(2)(bonk))ers/x.exec('phfoobarers'),
	'foobarers,foo,,', '( ?())')
is(/(foo)(?(1)bar|(ba))(?(2)(x)|y)/.exec('foobarx foobary'),
	'foobary,foo,,', '(?()|)')
is(/(foo)( ?(1)bar|(ba))( ?(2)(x)|y)/x.exec('foobarx foobary'),
	'foobary,foo,,', '( ?()|)')
is(/(?>()a+)(?<!aaa)../.exec('aaaaa aabc'), 'aabc,', '(?>)')
is(/( ?>()a+)(?<!aaa)../x.exec('aaaaa aabc'), 'aabc,', '( ?>)')

function dies(what,name,like,instance_of) {
	try{ eval(what); fail(name); diag(name + ' doesn\'t die') }
		if(like) ok(($at+'').match(like),name) || diag($at)
		if(instance_of) ok($at instanceof instance_of,
			name + ' error type') || diag($at)
dies('/(?{})/', '(?{})', 'mbedded', SyntaxError)
dies('/(??{})/', '(??{})', 'mbedded', SyntaxError)
dies('/(?p{})/', '(?p{})', 'mbedded', SyntaxError)
dies('/( ?{})/x', '( ?{})', 'mbedded', SyntaxError)
dies('/( ??{})/x', '( ??{})', 'mbedded', SyntaxError)
dies('/( ?p{})/x', '( ?p{})', 'mbedded', SyntaxError)
dies('/(?(?{}))/', '(?({}))', 'mbedded', SyntaxError)

// These five (ten tests) don’t actually work in Perl, but if they ever do
// work we need to block them:
	var a  = ['/(?(??{}))/','/(?(?p{}))/','/(?( ?{}))/x',
	          '/(?( ??{}))/x','/(?( ?p{}))/x']
	for(var i = 0; i < a.length; ++ i)
			if(peval('use re "eval";' + a[i] + ";1"))
			else skip ('unnecessary',2)

try{peval('$]')<5.01&&skip('Perl version < 5.10',20)
	// You can’t put regexp literals here because they will cause com-
	// pilation to fail in 5.8.x.
	try{skip('not yet supported', 2);
		   ), 'foobar,b,undefined', '(?|)')
		     RegExp('(?x)( ?|(f)(o)(o)|(b)a(r))+').exec('foobar')
 		   ), 'foobar,b,undefined', '( ?|)')
		'foofoobarbar', '(?0)')
	is(RegExp('foo( ?0)?bar','x').exec('phoofoofoobarbarbarr'),
		'foofoobarbar', '( ?0)')
		'foofoobarbar', '(?R)')
	is(RegExp('foo( ?R)?bar','x').exec('phoofoofoobarbarbarr'),
		'foofoobarbar', '( ?R)')
		'foobazbar,', '(?1)')
	is(RegExp('foo( ?1)bar|(baz)(?!)','x').exec('phoofoobazbarbump'),
		'foobazbar,', '( ?1)')
		'foobazbar,,', '(?+1)')
	is(RegExp('()foo( ?+1)bar|(baz)(?!)','x').exec('hoofoobazbarbump'),
		'foobazbar,,', '( ?+1)')
		'foobazbar,,,', '(?-2)')
	is(RegExp('()(baz)(?!)()|foo( ?-2)bar','x').exec('ofoobazbarbump'),
		'foobazbar,,,', '( ?-2)')
	is(RegExp('a+(*PRUNE)(?<!aaa)..').exec('aaaaa aabc'), 'aabc',
	is(RegExp('a+( *PRUNE)(?<!aaa)..','x').exec('aaaaa aabc'), 'aabc',
		'( *PRUNE)')
	  'bbbc', '(*:foo) (*bar:baz) (*bonk) syntax')
	is(RegExp('(.)\\1*( *:foo)(?:b( *SKIP:foo)( *FAIL)|c)','x')
	  'bbbc', '( *:foo) ( *bar:baz) ( *bonk) syntax')
	   ).exec('   fgcbmwpyffgcbmwpyf.fedei'),
	   'fgcbmwpyffgcbmwpyf,fgc,bmw,pyf', 'named captures'
	    "( ?'foo'f..)( ?<bar>b..)( ?P<baz>p..)( ?&foo)( ?&bar)( ?&baz)"
	   ).exec('   fgcbmwpyffgcbmwpyf.fedei'),
	   'fgcbmwpyffgcbmwpyf,fgc,bmw,pyf', '( ?...)-style named captures'
	   ).exec('   fgcbmwpyffgcbmwpyf.fedei'),
	   'named captures with nested regular captures'
	    "( ?'foo'f..())( ?<bar>b..())( ?P<baz>p..())" +
	    "( ?&foo)( ?&bar)( ?&baz)"
	   ).exec('   fgcbmwpyffgcbmwpyf.fedei'),
	   '( ?...) named captures with nested regular captures'

// ===================================================
// Miscellaneous tests  
// ===================================================

// 5 tests: Regexps with surrogates

testname = 'surrogates in regexps don\'t cause fatal errors';
try{ new RegExp('\ud800'); pass(testname) }

testname = 'surrogates in regexp char classes don\'t cause fatal errors';
try{ new RegExp('[\ud800]'); pass(testname) }

ok('\ud800'.match(new RegExp('\ud800')),
	'regexps with surrogates in them work')
	'(?: ( )? ( )? )')
is(joyne(',',/a|(b)/.exec('a')),'a,undefined', 'a|(b)')

/// 4 tests: Make sure that our special capture-handling doesn’t break reg-
//          exps that originate from Perl
function PerlRegExp(re) {
	return peval('new JE::Object::RegExp $je, qr/${\\shift}/',re)
	// ~~~ (This constructor doesn’t currently support qr//'s. It
	//      stringifies them.)

is(PerlRegExp('(a).').exec('abb'), 'ab,a',
	'exec with qr/()/')
	'String.prototype.match with qr/()/')
is('cbazyx'.replace(PerlRegExp('b(.)'), "$1"), 'cazyx',
	'String.prototype.replace with qr/()/')
    function($and,$1){return $1}), 'cazyx',
	'String.prototype.replace with qr/()/ and a function')