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package WWW::Mechanize::Plugin::DOM;

# DOM is in a separate module from JavaScript because other scripting
# languages may use DOM as well. Anyone have time to implement Acme::Chef
# bindings for Mech? :-)

$VERSION = '0.014';

use 5.006;

use strict;
use warnings; no warnings qw 'utf8 parenthesis bareword';

use Encode qw'encode decode';
use Hash::Util::FieldHash::Compat 'fieldhash';
use HTML::DOM 0.021;
use HTTP::Headers::Util 'split_header_words';
use Scalar::Util 'weaken';
no URI();
no WWW::Mechanize ();
no WWW::Mechanize::Plugin::DOM::Window ();

fieldhash my %parathia; # keyed by mech
fieldhash my %mech_per_frame; # keyed by (i)frame element

sub init { # expected to return a plugin object that the mech object will
           # use to communicate with the plugin.

	my ($package, $mech) = @_;

	my $self = bless {
		script_handlers => {},
		event_attr_handlers => {},
		s => 1, # scriptable
		mech => $mech,
	}, $package;
	weaken $self->{mech};

		parse_html => \&_parse_html
	$mech->set_my_handler( get_content =>
	    sub {
	        my $mech = shift;
	        $mech->is_html or return;
	        my $stuff = (my $self = $mech->plugin('DOM'))
	        defined $$self{charset} ? encode $$self{charset}, $stuff :
	$mech->set_my_handler( get_text_content =>
	    sub {
	        my $mech = shift;
	        $mech->is_html or return;
	        my $stuff = (my $self = $mech->plugin('DOM'))
	        defined $$self{charset} ? encode $$self{charset}, $stuff :
	$mech->set_my_handler( extract_forms =>
		sub {
	$mech->set_my_handler( extract_links => sub {
		tie my @links, WWW'Mechanize'Plugin'DOM'Links:: =>
			scalar shift->plugin('DOM')->tree->links
	$mech->set_my_handler( extract_images => sub {
		my $doc = shift->plugin('DOM')->tree;
		my $list = HTML::DOM::NodeList::Magic->new(
		    sub { grep tag $_ =~ /^i(?:mg|nput)\z/,
			$doc->descendants },

		tie my @images, WWW'Mechanize'Plugin'DOM'Images:: => $list;


sub _parse_html {
	my (undef,$mech,undef,$src) = @_;
	weaken $mech;
	my $self = $mech->plugin('DOM');
	weaken $self;

	$$self{tree} = my $tree = new HTML::DOM
			response => $mech->response,
			cookie_jar => $mech->cookie_jar;


	$tree->default_event_handler_for( link => sub {
	$tree->default_event_handler_for( submit => sub {

	if(%{$$self{script_handlers}} || %{$$self{event_attr_handlers}}) {
		my $script_type = $mech->response->header(
		defined $script_type or $tree->elem_handler(meta =>
		    sub {
			my($tree, $elem) = @_;
			return unless lc $elem->attr('http-equiv')
				eq 'content-script-type';
			$script_type = $elem->attr('content');

		if(%{$$self{script_handlers}}) {
			$tree->elem_handler(script => sub {
			    return unless $self->{s};
			    my($tree, $elem) = @_;

			    my $lang = $elem->attr('type');
			    defined $lang
			        or $lang = $elem->attr('language');
			    defined $lang or $lang = $script_type;

			    my $uri;
			    my($inline, $code, $line) = 0;
			    if($uri = $elem->attr('src')) {
			        my $clone = $mech->clone->clear_history(1);
			        my $base = $mech->base;
   			        $uri = URI->new_abs( $uri, $base )
			            if $base;
			        my $res = $clone->get($uri);
			        $res->is_success or 
			          $mech->warn("couldn't get script $uri: "
			            . $res->status_line

			        # Find out the encoding:
			        my $cs = {
			          map @$_,
			          split_header_words $res->header(

			        $code = decode $cs||$elem->charset
			        $line = 1;
			    else {
			        $code = $elem->firstChild->data;
			        $uri = $mech->uri;
			        $line = _line_no(
			    if(defined $lang) {
			    while(my($lang_re,$handler) = each
			          %{$$self{script_handlers}}) {
			        next if $lang_re eq 'default';
			        $lang =~ $lang_re and
			            &$handler($mech, $tree, $code,
					$uri, $line, $inline),
			            # reset iterator:
			            keys %{$$self{script_handlers}},
			            last SCRIPT_HANDLER;
			    }} # end of if-while
			    &{ $$self{script_handlers}{default} ||
			        return }($mech,$tree, $code,
					$uri, $line, $inline);
			    } # end of S_H

			$tree->elem_handler(noscript => sub {
				return unless $self->{s};
				# ~~~ delete currently stops it from work-
				#     ing; I need to looook into this.

		if(%{$$self{event_attr_handlers}}) {
			$tree->event_attr_handler(sub {
				return unless $self->{s};
				my($elem, $event, $code, $offset) = @_;
				my $lang = $elem->attr('language');
				defined $lang or $lang = $script_type;

			        my $uri = $mech->uri;
			        my $line = defined $offset ? _line_no(
					$src, $offset
			        ) : undef;

				HANDLER: {
				if(defined $lang) {
				while(my($lang_re,$handler) = each
				    %{$$self{event_attr_handlers}}) {
					next if $lang_re eq 'default';
					$lang =~ $lang_re and
					  &$handler($mech, $elem,
					  # reset the hash iterator:
					  last HANDLER;
				}} # end of if-while
				&{ $$self{event_attr_handlers}{default} ||
				    return }(
				} # end of HANDLER
	# ~~~ Should we use the content of <noscript> elems if no script
	#     handler is provided but an event attribute handler *is*
	#     provided? (Now who would be crazy enough to do that?)
	$tree->elem_handler(noscript => sub {
		return if $self->{s} && %{$$self{script_handlers}};
		# ~~~ why does this need delete?

		my $view = $self->window

	$tree->elem_handler(iframe => my $frame_handler = sub {
		my ($doc,$elem) = @_;
		my $m = $mech->clone->clear_history(1);
		# We have to have this extra reference, or the mech object
		# won’t have any strong refs at all:
		$mech_per_frame{$elem} = $m;
		$elem->contentWindow(my $subwin=$m->plugin("DOM")->window);
		defined(my $src = $elem->src) or return;
		$m->get(new_abs URI $src, $mech->base);
	$tree->elem_handler(frame => $frame_handler);

	# Find out the encoding:
	$$self{charset} = my $cs = {
		map @$_,
		split_header_words $mech->response->header('Content-Type')

	$tree->write(defined $cs ? decode $cs, $src : $src);

	# ~~~ Problem: Ever since JavaScript 1.0000000, the
	#     (un)load events on the body attribute have associated event
	#     handlers with the Window object. But the DOM 2 Events spec
	#     doesn’t provide for events on the window (view) at all; only
	#     on Nodes. The load event is supposed to be triggered on the
	#     document. In HTML 5 (10 June 2008 draft), what we are doing
	#     here is correct. In
	#     Safari & FF 3, the body element’s attributes create event
	#     handlers on the window, which are called with the document as
	#     the event’s target.

	return 1;

sub _line_no {
	my ($src,$offset) = @_;
	return 1 + (() =
		    =~ /\cm\cj?|[\cj\x{2028}\x{2029}]/g

sub options {
	my($self,%opts) = @_;
	for (keys %opts) {
		if($_ eq 'script_handlers') {
			%{$$self{script_handlers}} = (
				%{$$self{script_handlers}}, %{$opts{$_}}
		elsif($_ eq 'event_attr_handlers') {
			%{$$self{event_attr_handlers}} = (
		else {
			require Carp;
			    "$_ is not a valid option for the DOM plugin"

sub clone {
	my $self = shift;
	my $other = bless { map +($_=>$$self{$_}), qw[
		script_handlers event_attr_handlers s
	]}, ref $self;
	weaken($other->{mech} = shift);

sub tree { $_[0]{tree} }
sub window {
	$parathia{$_[0]{mech}} ||=
			new WWW'Mechanize'Plugin'DOM'Window $_[0]{mech};

sub scripts_enabled {
	my $old = (my $self = shift)->{s};
	if(@_) {{
		$self->{s} = $_[0];
		($self->{tree} ||last) ->event_listeners_enabled(shift) ;

sub check_timers {
	# ~~~ temporary hack

sub count_timers {
	# ~~~ temporary hack

package WWW::Mechanize::Plugin::DOM::Links;

our$ VERSION = '0.014';

use WWW::Mechanize::Link;

	bless \(my $links = pop), shift;

sub FETCH     {
	my $link = ${$_[0]}->[$_[1]];
	return new WWW'Mechanize'Link::{
		url => $link->attr('href'),
		text => $link->as_text,
		name => $link->attr('name'),
		tag => $link->tag,
		base => $link->ownerDocument->base,
		attrs => {$link->all_external_attr},
sub FETCHSIZE { scalar @${$_[0]} }
sub EXISTS    { exists ${$_[0]}->links->[$_[1]] }

package WWW::Mechanize::Plugin::DOM::Images;

our$ VERSION = '0.014';

use WWW::Mechanize::Image;

	bless \(my $links = pop), shift;

sub FETCH     {
	my $img = ${$_[0]}->[$_[1]];
	return new WWW'Mechanize'Image::{
		url => $img->attr('src'),
		name => $img->attr('name'),
		tag => $img->tag,
		base => $img->ownerDocument->base,
		height => $img->attr('height'),
		width => $img->attr('width'),
		alt => $img->attr('alt'),
sub FETCHSIZE { scalar @${$_[0]} }
sub EXISTS    { exists ${$_[0]}->links->[$_[1]] }

=head1 NAME

WWW::Mechanize::Plugin::DOM - HTML Document Object Model plugin for Mech

=head1 VERSION

0.014 (alpha)

THIS MODULE IS DEPRECATED. Please use L<WWW::Scripter> instead.


  use WWW::Mechanize;

  my $m = new WWW::Mechanize;

      script_handlers => {
          default => \&script_handler,
          qr/(?:^|\/)(?:x-)?javascript/ => \&script_handler,
      event_attr_handlers => {
          default => \&event_attr_handler,
          qr/(?:^|\/)(?:x-)?javascript/ => \&event_attr_handler,

  sub script_handler {
          my($mech, $dom_tree, $code, $url, $line, $is_inline) = @_;
          # ... code to run the script ...

  sub event_attr_handler {
          my($mech, $elem, $event_name, $code, $url, $line) = @_;
          # ... code that returns a coderef ...

  $m->plugin('DOM')->tree; # DOM tree for the current page
  $m->plugin('DOM')->window; # Window object


This is a plugin for L<WWW::Mechanize> that provides support for the HTML
Document Object Model. This is a part of the 
L<WWW::Mechanize::Plugin::JavaScript> distribution, but it can be used on
its own.

=head1 USAGE

To enable this plugin, use Mech's C<use_plugin> method, as shown in the

To access the DOM tree, use C<< $mech->plugin('DOM')->tree >>, which 
returns an HTML::DOM object.

You may provide a subroutine that runs an inline script like this:

      script_handlers => {
          qr/.../ => sub { ... },
          qr/.../ => sub { ... },
          # etc

And a subroutine for turning HTML event attributes into subroutines, like

      event_attr_handlers => {
          qr/.../ => sub { ... },
          qr/.../ => sub { ... },
          # etc

In both cases, the C<qr/.../> should be a regular expression that matches
the scripting language to which the handler applies, or the string
'default'. The scripting language will be either a MIME type or the
contents of the C<language> attribute if a script element's C<type>
attribute is not present. The subroutine specified as the 'default' will be
used if there is no handler for the scripting language in question or if
there is no Content-Script-Type header and, for 
C<script_handlers>, the script element has no
'type' or 'language' attribute.

Each time you move to another page with WWW::Mechanize, a different copy
of the DOM plugin object is created. So, if you must refer to it in a 
routine, don't use a closure, but get it from the C<$mech> object that is
passed as the first argument.

=head1 METHODS

This is the usual boring list of methods. Those that are described above
are listed here without descriptions.

=item window

This returns the window object.

=item tree

This returns the DOM tree (aka the document object).

=item check_timers

This evaluates the code associated with each timeout registered with 
the window's C<setTimeout> function,
if the appropriate interval has elapsed.

=item count_timers

This returns the number of timers currently registered.

=item scripts_enabled ( $new_val )

This returns a boolean indicating whether scripts are enabled. It is true
by default. You can disable scripts by passing a false value. When you
disable scripts, event handlers are also disabled, as is the registration
of event handlers by HTML event attributes.


Currently the (on)load event is triggered when the page finishes parsing.
This plugin assumes that you're not going to be loading any images, etc.

=head1 THE C<%Interface> HASH

If you are creating your own script binding, you'll probably want to access
the hash named C<%WWW::Mechanize::Plugin::DOM::Interface>, which lists, in
a machine-readable format, the interface members of the location and
navigator objects. It follows the same format as

See also L<WWW::Mechanize::Plugin::DOM::Window/THE C<%Interface> HASH> for
a list of members of the window object.


L<HTML::DOM> 0.021 or later


The current stable release of L<WWW::Mechanize> does not support plugins. 
L<WWW::Mechanize::Plugin::JavaScript> for more info.



=head1 BUGS

=over 4

=item *

The onunload event is not yet supported.

=item *

The location object's C<replace> method does not currently work correctly
if the current page is the first page. In that case it acts like an
assignment to C<href>.

=item *

The window object's C<document> property does not currently get updated
when you go back.

=item *

It does not hook into L<WWW::Mechanize>'s C<follow_link> feature to
run event handlers.

=item *

There is no support for XHTML.

=item *

The 'about:blank' URL is not yet supported.

=item *

If you try to get any of the attributes of the location object (or
stringify the loc object) when no browsing has happened yet, you'll get an
error. (This should return 'about:blank'.)

=item *

Fetching a URL that differs from the current page's only by the fragment
currently creates a brand new DOM object and scripting environment.

=item *

There is nothing to prevent infinite recursion when frames have circular



Copyright (C) 2007-8 Father Chrysostomos
<C<< join '@', sprout => join '.', reverse org => 'cpan' >>E<gt>

This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as perl.

=head1 SEE ALSO



