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package WWW::Mechanize::Plugin::JavaScript::JE;

use strict;   # :-(
use warnings; # :-(

use Carp 'croak';
use Hash::Util::FieldHash::Compat 'fieldhash';
use HTML::DOM::Interface ':all'; # for the constants
use JE 0.022;
use Scalar::Util qw'weaken';
use WWW::Mechanize::Plugin::DOM;

our $VERSION = '0.008';
our @ISA = 'JE';

fieldhash my %parathia;
fieldhash my %js_envs;

# No need to implement eval since JE's method
# is sufficient

my @types;
$types[BOOL] = Boolean =>;
$types[STR ] = DOMString  =>;
$types[NUM ] = Number  =>;
$types[OBJ ] = null    =>;

sub new {
	my $self = SUPER::new{shift};
	$parathia{$self} = my $parathi = shift;;
	weaken( $js_envs{$parathi} = $self );
	my $i = \%WWW'Mechanize'Plugin'DOM'Window'Interface;
	for(grep !/^_/ && $$i{$_} & METHOD, =>=> keys %$i) {
		my $method = $_;
		my $type = $$i{$_};
		$self->new_method($_ => sub {
			my $parathi = $parathia{my $self = shift};
			# undocumented JE method:
				scalar $parathi->$method(@_),
	for(grep !/^_/ && !($$i{$_}&METHOD) =>=> keys %$i) {
		my $name = $_;
		next if $name =~ /^(?:window|self)\z/; # for efficiency
		my $type = $$i{$_};
		if ($type & READONLY) {
				name => $_,
				readonly => 1,
				fetch => sub {
					my $self = shift;
		else {
				name => $_,
				fetch => sub {
					my $self = shift;
				store => sub {
					my $self = shift;

	# ~~~ This is *such* a hack! If anyone wants to help me fix JE’s
	#     screwed up type-conversion system (which makes my head hurt),
	#     please let me know.
	$self->new_function("DOMString", sub {
		if(ref($_[0]) =~ /^JE::(?:Null|Undefined)\z/) {
			return $_[0]->global->null;
		return $_[0]->to_string;

		package => 'WWW::Mechanize::Plugin::DOM::Window',
		wrapper => sub {
			my ($self, $window) = @_;
			# ~~~ This needs to be modified to create a special
			#     restrictive wrapper if the $window has a
			#     different origin.
				# We have to use this roundabout method
				# rather than __PACKAGE__->new($window),
				# because the JS plugin needs to do its
				# stuff (binding classes, etc.).
				|| $window->mech->plugin("JavaScript")
				# ~~~ and it looks as though we need to
				#     modify the JS plugin to make the back
				#     end accessible (to avoid the eval).
	# ~~~ We also need a 'JE' wrapper, that will create a special
	#     objcet that delegates to the JS environment currently
	#     belonging to the window.

	# for speed:
	$self->prop('frames' => $self);
	$self->prop('window' => $self);
	$self->prop('self' => $self);

sub prop {
	my $self = shift;
	return $self->SUPER::prop(@_) if ref $_[0] eq 'HASH';
	my $val = $self->SUPER::prop(@_);
	return $val if defined $val;

	my $name = shift;
	return $_[0] if @_;

	my $window = $parathia{$self};

	my $ret =
		$name =~ /^(?:0|[1-9]\d*)\z/ && $name < 4294967295
        	? $window->[$name]
		: $window->{$name};
	defined $ret ? $self->upgrade($ret) : $ret;

sub set {
	my $obj = shift;
	my $val = pop;
	croak "Not enough arguments for W:M:P:JS:JE->set" unless @_;
	my $prop = pop;
	for (@_) {
		my $next_obj = $obj->{$_};
		defined $next_obj or
			$obj->{$_} = {},
			$obj = $obj->{$_}, next;
		$obj = $next_obj;
	$obj->{$prop} = $val;

sub bind_classes {
	my($self, $classes) = @_;
	my @defer;
	for (grep /::/, keys %$classes) {
		my $i = $$classes{$$classes{$_}}; # interface info
		my @args = (
			unwrap  => 1,
			package => $_,
			name    => $$classes{$_},
			methods => [ map 
			   $$i{$_} & VOID ? $_ : "$_:$types[$$i{$_} & TYPE]",
			   grep !/^_/ && $$i{$_} & METHOD, keys %$i ],
			props => { map 
			   $$i{$_} & READONLY
			      ? ($_ =>{fetch=>"$_:$types[$$i{$_} & TYPE]"})
			      : ($_ => "$_:$types[$$i{$_} & TYPE]"),
			   grep !/^_/ && !($$i{$_} & METHOD), keys %$i  },
			hash  => $$i{_hash},
			array => $$i{_array},
			exists $$i{_isa} ? (isa => $$i{_isa}) : (),
			exists $$i{_constructor}
				? (constructor => $$i{_constructor})
				: (),
		my $make_constants;
		if(exists $$i{_constants}){
		  my $p = $_;
		  $make_constants = sub { for(@{$$i{_constants}}){
			$self->{$$classes{$p}}{$1} =
			# ~~~ to be replaced simply with 'eval' when JE's
			#     upgrading is improved:
		if (exists $$i{_isa} and !exists $self->{$$i{_isa}}) {
			push @defer, [\@args, $$i{_isa}, $make_constants]
		} else {
#			use Data::Dumper; print Dumper \@args if $_ !~ /HTML|CSS/;
			defined $make_constants and &$make_constants;
	while(@defer) {
		my @copy = @defer;
		@defer = ();
		for (@copy) {
			if(exists $self->{$$_[1]}) { # $$_[1] == superclass
				&{$$_[2] or next}
			else {
				push @defer, $_;

sub event2sub {
	my ($w, $code, $elem, $url, $line) = @_;

	# ~~~ JE's interface needs to be improved. This is a mess:
	# ~~~ should this have $mech->warn instead of die?
	# We need the line break after $code, because there may be a sin-
	# gle-line comment at the end,  and no line break.  ("foo //bar"
	# would fail without  this,  because  the  })  would  be  com-
	# mented out too.)
	# We have to check whether the $elem is a form before calling it’s
	#‘form’  method,  because forms *do*  have such a method,  but it
	# returns a list of form element names and values, which is *not*
	# what we  want.  (We  want  the  element’s  parent  form  where
	# applicable.)
	my $func =
		($w->compile("(function(){ $code\n })",$url,$line)||die $@)
		->execute($w, bless [
			$elem->tag ne 'form' && $elem->can('form')
			  ? $w->upgrade($elem->form) : (),
			my $wrapper=($w->upgrade($elem))
		], 'JE::Scope');

	sub { my $ret = $func->apply($wrapper);
	      return typeof $ret eq 'undefined' ? undef : $ret };

sub define_setter {
	my $obj = shift;
	my $cref = pop;
	my $prop = pop;
	for (@_) {
		my $next_obj = $obj->{$_};
		defined $next_obj or
			$obj->{$_} = {},
			$obj = $obj->{$_}, next;
		$obj = $next_obj;
	$obj->prop({name=>$prop, store=>sub{$cref->($_[1])}});

sub new_function {
	my($self, $name, $sub, $type) = @_;
	if(defined $type) {
			$name => sub { $self->{$type}->($sub->(@_)) }
		weaken $self;
	} else {


# ------------------ DOCS --------------------#


=head1 NAME

WWW::Mechanize::Plugin::JavaScript::JE - JE backend for WMPJS

=head1 VERSION

0.008 (alpha)

L<WWW::Scripter::Plugin::JavaScript::JE> instead.


This little module is a bit of duct tape to connect the JavaScript plugin
for L<WWW::Mechanize> to the JE JavaScript engine. Don't use this module
directly. For usage, see


HTML::DOM 0.008 or later

JE 0.022 or later

=head1 SEE ALSO

=over 4

=item -


=item -


=item -

