The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
BEGIN { require 5.006 } # our

use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;

my $required_mech_version
 =	eval {
	   require LWP::UserAgent and
	      LWP::UserAgent->VERSION < 5.815 && LWP::UserAgent->VERSION >= 5
	   and require HTTP::Message and HTTP::Message->VERSION >= 1.34
	   and require HTTP::Request and HTTP::Request->VERSION >= 1.29
	   and require HTTP::Response and HTTP::Response->VERSION >= 1.35
	   ? 1.2 # cookie cloning
	   : 1.52 # compatibility with LWP 5.815 with regard to credentials

my %prereq = (                          
	CSS::DOM::Interface          => 0,
	Encode                     => 0,
	Exporter                   => 5.57,
# For data: URLs with fragments, we need HTML::DOM .057, to work around
# URI bug #115339.  When the URI bug is fixed, we can revert the required
# version of HTML::DOM and depend on a newer URI (or do it conditionally
# based on whether the newer HTML::DOM is installed).
#	HTML::DOM                  =>  .045, # weaken_response
	HTML::DOM                   =>  .057, # data: and fragments
	HTML::DOM::Collection        => 0,
	HTML::DOM::EventTarget       =>  .053, # DOMAttrModified events with
	                                            # correct type and can-
	HTML::DOM::Interface       =>  .019, # EventTarget  # cellability
	HTML::DOM::NodeList::Magic =>  .020, # 2nd arg to new            
	HTML::DOM::View              =>  .018, # inside-out; writa-
	HTTP::Headers::Util        => 0,     # ble document
	HTTP::Message              => 1.34, # array ref headers
	HTTP::Request              => 1.29, # URI instead of URI::URL
	HTTP::Response              => 1.35, # likewise
	IO::Uncompress::Gunzip      => 0,
	List::Util                  => 0,
	LWP                        => 5,
	LWP::Protocol              => 0, # version 1.22 at the earliest
	                                      # (LWP 5), for the collect
	overload                   => 0,           # method, but that ver-
	Scalar::Util               => 1.09, # reftype  # sion  didn’t  in-
	strict                     => 0,                  # clude $VERSION
	eval { require Hash::Util::FieldHash } ? () : (
	 Tie::RefHash::Weak          => 0.08, # fieldhash
	Time::HiRes                 => 0,
	URI                        => 0,
	warnings                   => 0,
	WWW::Mechanize           => $required_mech_version,
	WWW::Mechanize::Image    => 0,
	WWW::Mechanize::Link     => 0,
# for testing:
#	HTML'DOM      =>  .03, # doc->title when title elem is empty
	HTML::DOM::Element::Form => .039, # make_request with GET and data:
	lib           => 0,
	Scalar::Util   => 1.09, # refaddr
	Test::More    => 0,
	URI::data     => 0,
	URI::file     => 0,
	utf8          => 0,

my %m = (
 resources =>
  { repository => '' }

    NAME            => 'WWW::Scripter',
    AUTHOR          => 'Father Chrysostomos <sprout at, um, cpan dot org>',
    VERSION_FROM    => 'lib/WWW/',
    ABSTRACT_FROM   => 'lib/WWW/Scripter.pod',
    PL_FILES            => {},
    PREREQ_PM          => \%prereq,
    META_MERGE         => \%m,
    dist               => { COMPRESS => 'gzip -9f', SUFFIX => 'gz',
                            TAR => 'COPYFILE_DISABLE=1 tar' },
    clean              => { FILES => 'WWW-Scripter-*' },