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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# -*- perl -*-

# Author: Slaven Rezic
# Copyright (C) 2009,2011,2013 Slaven Rezic. All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
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# WWW:

use strict;
use Getopt::Long;

use vars qw($VERSION);
$VERSION = "0.04";

my $sort_type = 'alpha';
my $reverse;
my $check;
my $ignore_leading_blanks;
my $ignore_case;
my $ignore_nonprinting;
my $perlscript;
my @modules;
my $cmp_perlscript;

	   "n|numeric-sort"       => sub { $sort_type = 'numeric' },
	   "N|natural-sort"       => sub { $sort_type = 'sort_naturally' },
	   "V|version-sort"       => sub { $sort_type = 'version' },
	   "C|compare-function=s" => \$cmp_perlscript,
	   "b|ignore-leading-blanks" => \$ignore_leading_blanks,
	   "f|ignore-case"        => \$ignore_case,
	   "i|ignore-nonprinting" => \$ignore_nonprinting,
	   "r|reverse"            => \$reverse,
	   "c|check"              => \$check,
	   "e|field-function=s"   => \$perlscript,
	   'M|module=s@'          => \@modules,
	   "v|version"            => sub {
	       print "psort version $VERSION\n";
	       exit 0;
	  ) or die <<EOF;
usage: $0 [OPTION]... [FILE]...

Comparison functions:
-C: compare using any perl code (\$a and \$b are defined)
-n: compare numerically
-N: compare using Sort::Naturally
-V: compare versions

Sort key selection:
-b: ignore leading blanks
-e: perl oneliner, should return the value to be compared as last value
-f: ignore case
-i: ignore non-printing characters

-c: check only
-r: reverse sorting
-M: load perl modules
-v: print version

for my $module_spec (@modules) {
    my($module,$imports) = split /=/, $module_spec, 2;
    eval qq{require $module};
    die $@ if $@;
    my @imports;
    if (defined $imports) {
	@imports = split /,/, $imports;

if ($cmp_perlscript) {
    $sort_type = eval "no strict; sub { $cmp_perlscript }";
    die "Cannot compile 'cmp' code: $@" if $@;

my @data;
my $cb = defined $perlscript ? do {
    my $sub = eval "no strict; sub { $perlscript }";
    die "Cannot compile code: $@" if $@;
} : sub { $_ };

if (@ARGV) {
    for my $file (@ARGV) {
	add_psort(do { open my $fh, $file or die "Can't open $file: $!"; $fh });
} else {

my $sort_preamble = q{no warnings 'uninitialized';};
my $sort_creator;
if ($sort_type eq 'numeric') {
    $sort_preamble = q{no warnings 'numeric', 'uninitialized';};
    $sort_creator = sub { $_[0] . ' <=> ' . $_[1] };
} elsif ($sort_type eq 'alpha') {
    $sort_creator = sub { $_[0] . ' cmp ' . $_[1] };
} elsif ($sort_type eq 'sort_naturally') {
    require Sort::Naturally;
    $sort_creator = sub { 'Sort::Naturally::ncmp(' . $_[0] . ', ' . $_[1] . ')' };
} elsif ($sort_type eq 'version') {
    require CPAN::Version;
    $sort_creator = sub { 'CPAN::Version->vcmp(' . $_[0] . ', ' . $_[1] . ')' };
} elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($sort_type, 'CODE')) {
    $sort_creator = sub { 'local($a, $b) = (' . $_[0] . ', ' . $_[1] . '); $sort_type->()' };
} else {
    die "Unhandled sort type '$sort_type'";

if ($check) {
    exit 0 if !@data;
    my $code = $sort_preamble;
    $code .= 'sub { ';
    if ($reverse) {
	$code .= $sort_creator->('$_[1]->[1]', '$_[0]->[1]');
    } else {
	$code .= $sort_creator->('$_[0]->[1]', '$_[1]->[1]');
    $code .= '}';
    my $check_sub = eval $code;
    die "Error while evaluating '$code': $@" if $@;
    for(my $i=1; $i<=$#data; $i++) {
	if ($check_sub->($data[$i-1], $data[$i]) > 0) {
	    exit 1;
    exit 0;
} else {
    my $code = $sort_preamble;
    $code .= '@data = sort { ';
    if ($reverse) {
	$code .= $sort_creator->('$b->[1]', '$a->[1]');
    } else {
	$code .= $sort_creator->('$a->[1]', '$b->[1]');
    $code .= ' } @data';
    eval $code;
    die "Error while evaluating '$code': $@" if $@;

    for (@data) {
	print $_->[0];

sub add_psort {
    my($fh) = @_;
    while(<$fh>) {
	my $line = $_;
	my $res = $cb->($_); # force scalar context
	$res = uc $res            if $ignore_case;
	$res =~ s{^\s+}{}         if $ignore_leading_blanks;
	$res =~ s{[[:^print]]}{}g if $ignore_nonprinting;
	$res =~ s{\r?\n$}{}; # remove newline at end
	push @data, [$line, $res];


=head1 NAME

psort - a perl-enhanced sort


    psort [OPTION]... [FILE]...


A perl-enhanced variant of L<sort(1)>. The specified files (or
standard input) are written sorted to standard output.

By default, sorting is done using perl's L<< cmp|perlop/cmp >>
operator, without any use of locales or encodings.

=head2 OPTIONS


=item -b, --ignore-leading-blanks

Ignore any whitespace character (C<\s>) at the beginning of a line.

=item -c, --check

Do not output anything. Just check if the input is sorted and return
the exit value 0 for sorted and 1 for unsorted.

=item -C, --compare-function

Sort using a custom perl function. For your convenience, the enclosing
"sub {" and "}" must not be specified. Like in perl's sort,
the variables C<$a> and C<$b> are available.



=item * Reimplementing the C<-n> switch:

    -C '$a <=> $b'

=item * Using locale comparisons:

    -C 'use locale; $a cmp $b'


Note that it is possible to put C<BEGIN { ... }> blocks into the
comparison function.

=item -e, --field-function

Extract the sorting field (or the sorting key) using a custom perl
function. For your convenience, the enclosing "sub {" and "}" must not
be specified. The current line is available in the variable C<$_>. It
is expected that the last expression is the field to be used for



=item * Using just the identity:

    -e '$_'

=item * Using only the first four characters for comparisons:

    -e 'substr($_, 0, 4)'

=item * Using a regular expression:

    -e '/(\d+) wallclock/ && $1'


Note that it is possible to put C<BEGIN { ... }> blocks into the
comparison function.

=item -f, --ignore-case

Fold all characters to its uppercased version for comparison.

=item -i, --ignore-nonprinting

Ignore non-printing characters (everything matching the C<<
[[:^print]] >> character class) for comparison.

=item -Mmodule[=import]

Load a perl module. The syntax is the same like perl's C<-M> option.

=item -n, --numeric-sort

Sort numerically. It is using perl's L<< <=>|perlop/<=> >> operator.

=item -N, --natural-sort

Sort using L<Sort::Naturally>, if available.

=item -r, --reverse

Reverse the result of comparisons.

=item -v, --version

Print psort's version.

=item -V, --version-sort

Sort versions using L<CPAN::Version>, if available.



Some options found in GNU/POSIX sort are also available in psort. But
no attempt was done to make psort compatible to GNU/POSIX sort.
Especially there's no locale support (but see above how to C<use
locale> in the C<-C> option). There's also no encoding support (though
it probably can be emulated by using C<<Encode/decode> in the C<-e> or
C<-C> option).

=head2 TODO

Here are some ideas for future options:


=item C<--encoding>

Specify the input and output encoding.

=item Unicode sorting

An option to use L<Unicode::Collate>.

Currently the longish one-liner has to be used:

    psort -MUnicode::Collate -MEncode=decode -e 'decode("utf-8", $_)' -C 'BEGIN { $Collator = Unicode::Collate->new } $Collator->cmp($a,$b)'

=item C<--locale>

Specify a locale.

=item C<-o>

Instead writing to standard output, write to the specified output file.

=item C<-m>

Assume that input files are already sorted.

=item C<-u>

Output only unique lines.


=head1 AUTHOR

Slaven ReziE<x0107>


Copyright (C) 2009,2011,2013 by Slaven ReziE<x0107>

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.8 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<sort(1)>, L<Sort::Naturally>, L<CPAN::Version>.
