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#!/tools/local/perl -w
use strict;
use Tk;
use Unicode::UCD qw(charinfo charblock);
use Tk::widgets qw(TixGrid ItemStyle Font);
use Carp;
#$SIG{__WARN__} = \&Carp::confess;

eval { require Unicode::Unihan };
my $unihan;
my %info = %{charinfo(ord(' '))};
if (defined  $Unicode::Unihan::VERSION)
  $unihan = Unicode::Unihan->new;
  $info{Definition} = '';

my $mw  = MainWindow->new;

my $page = 0;
my $pagehex = '0x00';
my $tp = $mw->Frame->pack(-fill => 'x');
my $l = $tp->Label(-text => 'Page:',-justify => 'right',-anchor => 'e');
my $s = $tp->Spinbox(-width => 4, -to => 255, -from => 0, -format => "%3.0f", -textvariable => \$page,-justify => 'left');
my $h = $tp->Label(-width => 4, -textvariable => \$pagehex, -justify => 'left');
Tk::grid($l,$s,$h,-sticky => 'ew');
$s->configure(-command =>\&set_page);
my $uf = $mw->fontCreate(-family => 'lucida sans', -size => 16);
my $lf = $mw->fontCreate(-family => 'courier', -size => 12);
print join(' ',$mw->fontActual($uf)),"\n";
my $grid = $mw->Scrolled( TixGrid => -width => 17, -height => 17,
                -scrollbars => 'w',
                -browsecmd => \&browse,
                -formatcmd => \&doFormat,
                -leftmargin => 1,
                -topmargin  => 1,
                -selectunit => 'cell',
                -itemtype => 'text')
           ->pack(-fill => 'both', -expand => 1);

my $bt = $mw->Frame->pack(-fill => 'x');
my @foot;
my $row = 0;
my $col = 0;
foreach my $key (sort keys %info)
  my $l = $bt->Label(-text => $key, -justify => 'right', -anchor => 'e');
  my $v = $bt->Label(-textvariable => \$info{$key}, -justify => 'left', -anchor => 'w');
  Tk::grid($l,-row =>$row,-column => $col,-sticky => 'w');
  Tk::grid($v,-row =>$row,-column => $col+1,-sticky => 'ew');
  $bt->gridColumnconfigure($col+1,-weight => 1);
  $col += 2;
  if ($col >= 6)
    $col = 0;

my $header = $grid->ItemStyle('text', -font => $lf);
my $uni    = $grid->ItemStyle('text', -font => $uf, -justify => 'center');

$grid->sizeRow('default',-size => 'auto',-pad0 => 0, -pad1 => 0);
$grid->sizeColumn('default',-size => 'auto',-pad0 => 0, -pad1 => 0);

for my $i (0x0..0xf)
  $grid->set($i+1,0,-itemtype => 'text', -style => $header,
                       -text => sprintf("0x%04X",$i));

my @page;

$row = 1;
for (my $base = 0; $base < 0x10000; $base += 16)
  $grid->set(0,$row++,-itemtype => 'text', -style => $header,
               -text => sprintf("0x%04X",$base));


sub fill_row
 my ($row) = @_;
 my $base  = ($row-1) << 4;
 my $seen = 0;
 my $block = charblock($base);
 return 0 if !defined($block) || $block =~ /Surrogate/i;
 for my $i (0x0..0xf)
   my $u = $base + $i;
   my $info = charinfo($u);
   if (keys(%$info))
     my $c = chr($u);
     $grid->set($i+1,$row,-style => $uni, -text => $c);
 if ($seen)
   if (!defined($block))
     warn "$base has no block but saw $seen\n";
 return $seen;

my @filled;

sub doFormat
 my ($area,$x1,$y1,$x2,$y2) = @_;
 if ($area =~ /([xys])_margin/)
   # s = The top corner, x = left margin, y = top margin ?
   my $rel = ($1 eq 's') ? 'flat' : 'sunken';
   $grid->formatBorder($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,-relief => $rel, -bd => 2);
 elsif ($area eq 'main')
   for my $row ($y1..$y2)
     unless ($filled[$row]++)
   $grid->formatGrid($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,-relief => 'raised', -bd => 2);
   print "format @_\n";

sub browse
 my ($row,$col) = @_;
 my $c = eval { $grid->entrycget($row,$col,'-text') };
 if (defined $c)
   my $u = ord($c);
   my $h = charinfo($u);
   foreach my $k (keys %$h)
     $info{$k} = $h->{$k};
   $info{Definition} = $unihan->Definition($c) if $unihan;

sub set_page
 my ($e) = @_;
 $pagehex = sprintf("0x%02X",$page);
 $grid->see(0,($page << 4)+1);