#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
use Tk;
use strict;

my $TOP = MainWindow->new;

my @menubuttons;
foreach (qw/right/) {
    my $pos = ucfirst;
    my $menubutton = $TOP->Menubutton(qw/-underline 0 -relief raised/,
				      -text => $pos, -direction => $_);
    push @menubuttons, $menubutton;
    my $menu = $menubutton->menu(qw/-type menubar -tearoff 0/);
    $menubutton->configure(-menu => $menu);
    $menubutton->command(-label => "$pos menu: first item", -command =>
			 sub {print "You selected the first item from the $pos menu.\n"});
$menubutton->command(-label => "$pos menu: second item", -command =>
    sub {print "You selected the second item from the $pos menu.\n"});
$menubuttons[0]->grid(qw/-row 0 -column 1 -sticky n/);


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The same problem can be reproduced with original Tk8.4 and Tk8.5:

menubutton .mb -text test
pack .mb 
menu .mb.menu -type menubar
.mb configure -menu .mb.menu

$ wish8.4 /tmp/menubug.tk 
Tk_MoveToplevelWindow called with non-toplevel window
zsh: 32762 abort (core dumped)  wish8.4 /tmp/menubug.tk

It is reported as 