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# Tix Demostration Program
# This sample program is structured in such a way so that it can be
# executed from the Tix demo program "widget": it must have a
# procedure called "RunSample". It should also have the "if" statment
# at the end of this file so that it can be run as a standalone
# program using tixwish.

require Tk;
require Tk::TixGrid;

# Demonstrates the use of editable entries in a Grid widget.

my %editgrid;

use strict;
use vars '$mw';
my $hasmw = (Tk::Exists($mw) ? 1 : 0);
$mw = Tk::MainWindow->new(-title=>'Edit TixGrid Demo') unless $hasmw;
Tk::MainLoop() unless $hasmw;

sub RunSample
    my ($w) = shift;

    $w->title("Doe Inc. Performance");

    $w->Label(-justify=>'left', -text =>
'The left column is calculated automatically. To calculate the right column,
press the "Calculate" button')
    	->pack(qw(-side top -anchor c -padx 3 -pady 3));

    # Create the buttons
    my $f = $w->Frame(qw/-relief flat/)->pack(qw/-side right -fill y/);
    my $add  = $f->Button(-text=>"Add Row",  -width=>9, -command=>\&EditGrid_addRow);
    my $edit = $f->Button(-text=>"Edit",     -width=>9, -command=>\&EditGrid_edit);
    my $cal  = $f->Button(-text=>"Calculate",-width=>9, -command=>\&EditGrid_calculate);
    my $close= $f->Button(-text=>"Close",    -width=>9, -command=>[$w=>'destroy']);

    $add->pack(  qw/-side top    -padx 10/);
    $edit->pack( qw/-side top    -padx 10/);
    $cal->pack(  qw/-side top    -padx 10 -pady 2/);
    $close->pack(qw/-side bottom -padx 10/);

    # Create the grid and set options to make it editable.
    my $grid = $w->Scrolled('TixGrid', -bd=>0)->
    			pack(qw/-expand yes -fill both -padx 3 -pady 3/);

	-formatcmd     => [\&EditGrid_format,$grid],
	-editnotifycmd => \&EditGrid_editNotify,
	-editdonecmd   => \&EditGrid_editDone,
	-selectunit    => \&cell,
	-selectmode    => \&single);

    # Insert some initial data
    $grid->set(0,1, -text=>"City #1");
    $grid->set(0,2, -text=>"City #2");
    $grid->set(0,3, -text=>"City #3");
    $grid->set(0,5, -text=>"Combined");

    $grid->set(2,0, -text=>"Population");
    $grid->set(4,0, -text=>"Avg. Income");

    $grid->set(qw/2 1 -text 125/);
    $grid->set(qw/2 2 -text  81/);
    $grid->set(qw/2 3 -text 724/);

    $grid->set(qw/4 1 -text 24432.12/);
    $grid->set(qw/4 2 -text 18290.24/);
    $grid->set(qw/4 3 -text 18906.34/);

    # Global data used by other EditGrid_ procedures.
    %editgrid = (
		g	=> $grid,
    		top	=> 1,
		bot	=> 3,
		result	=> 5,


# EditGrid_edit --
#	Prompts the user to edit a cell.
sub EditGrid_edit
    my $grid = $editgrid{g};
    my @ent = $grid->anchor('get');
    unless (@ent)
	#$grid->edit('set', @ent[0,1]);

# EditGrid_addRow --
#	Adds a new row to the table.
sub EditGrid_addRow
    my $grid =  $editgrid{g};


    $grid->move('row', $editgrid{result}, $editgrid{result}, 1);

    $editgrid{result} = $editgrid{bot} + 2;
    $grid->set(0, $editgrid{bot}, -text=>"City #$editgrid{bot}");
    $grid->set(2, $editgrid{bot}, -text=>0);
    $grid->set(4, $editgrid{bot}, -text=>0.0);


# EditGrid_calPop --
#	Calculates the total population
sub EditGrid_calPop
    my $grid = $editgrid{g};

    my $pop = 0;

    for (my $i = $editgrid{top}; $i <= $editgrid{bot}; $i++)
	$pop += $grid->entrycget(2,$i,'-text');

    $grid->set(2, $editgrid{result}, -text=>$pop);

# EditGrid_calIncome --
#	Calculates the average income.
sub EditGrid_calIncome
    my $grid = $editgrid{g};

    my $income = 0;
    my $total_pop = 0;
    my ($pop, $inc);
    for (my $i = $editgrid{top}; $i <= $editgrid{bot}; $i++)
	$pop = $grid->entrycget(2, $i, '-text');
	$inc = $grid->entrycget(4, $i, '-text');
	$income =  $income + ($pop+0) * $inc;
	$total_pop += $pop;

    $grid->set(4, $editgrid{result}, -text=>($income/$total_pop));

# EditGrid_calculate --
#	Recalculates both columns.
sub EditGrid_calculate
    my $grid = $editgrid{g};


# EditGrid_editNotify --
#	Returns true if an entry can be edited.
sub EditGrid_editNotify
    my ($x, $y) = @_;
    my $grid = $editgrid{g};

    if ($x == 2 || $x == 4)
	if ($y >= $editgrid{top} && $y <= $editgrid{bot})
	    $editgrid{oldValue} = $grid->entrycget($x, $y, '-text');
	    return 1;
    return 0;

# EditGrid_editDone --
#	Gets called when the user is done editing an entry.
sub EditGrid_editDone
    my ($x, $y) = @_;
    my $grid = $editgrid{g};

    if ($x == 2)
	my $pop = $grid->entrycget($x, $y, '-text');
	my $val;
        eval { $val = sprintf("%d",$pop); } ;
        if ($@)
	    $grid->entryconfigure($x, $y, -text=>$editgrid{oldValue});
	    # should be a custom warning.
	    $grid->TraceBack("$pop is not an valid integer. Try again");
	    $grid->entryconfigure(4, $editgrid{result}, -text=>"-");
	my $income = $grid->entrycget($x, $y, '-text');
	my $val;
        eval { $val = sprintf("%f",$income); } ;
        if ($@)
	    $grid->entryconfigure($x, $y, -text=>$editgrid{oldValue});
	    # should be a custom warning.
	    $grid->TraceBack("$income is not an valid floating number. Try again");
	    $grid->entryconfigure(4, $editgrid{result}, -text=>'-');

# EditGrid_format --
#	This command is called whenever the background of the grid
#	needs to be reformatted. The x1, y1, x2, y2 sprcifies the four
#	corners of the area that needs to be reformatted.
sub EditGrid_format
    my ($w, $area, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2) = @_;
    my $grid = $editgrid{g};

    my %bg = qw(
	s-margin gray65
	x-margin gray65
	y-margin gray65
	main     gray20

    if ($area eq 'main')
	foreach my $col (2, 4)
	    $w->format('border', $col, 1, $col, $editgrid{bot},
		    qw/-relief flat -filled 1 -yon 1 -yoff 1
		       -bd 0 -bg #b0b0f0 -selectbackground #a0b0ff/);
	    $w->format('border', $col, 2, $col, $editgrid{bot},
		    qw/-relief flat -filled 1 -yon 1 -yoff 1
		    -bd 0 -bg #80b080 -selectbackground #80b0ff/);

	  $w->format('grid', $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, -bordercolor=>$bg{$area},
		qw/-relief raised -bd 1 -filled 0 -bg red
		-xon 1 -yon 1 -xoff 0 -yoff 0 -anchor se/
    elsif ($area eq 'y-margin')
	$w->format('border', $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, -bg=>$bg{$area},
		qw/-filled 1 -relief raised -bd 1 -selectbackground gray80/);
	$w->format('border', $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, -bg=>$bg{$area},
		qw/-filled 1 -relief raised -bd 1 -selectbackground gray80/);

#    case $area {
#	{main y-margin} {
#	    set y [expr $editgrid(bot) + 1]
#	    $w format border 0 $y 100 $y -bg black -filled 1 -bd 0
#	}
#     }