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#!/perl -w

# A very simple demonstration of the tixGrid widget

use strict;
use vars qw($mw $g);
use Tk ();
use Tk::TixGrid;

my $hadMW = 0;
$hadMW= 1 if defined $mw; #(Tk::Exists($mw));

$mw = Tk::MainWindow->new() unless $hadMW;
$mw->optionAdd('*selectBackground' => 'lightblue');
Tk::MainLoop unless $hadMW;

# This command is called whenever the background of the grid needs to
# be reformatted. The x1, y1, x2, y2 specifies the four corners of the area
# that needs to be reformatted.
# area:
#  x-margin:	the horizontal margin
#  y-margin:	the vertical margin
#  s-margin:	the overlap area of the x- and y-margins
#  main:	The rest

sub SimpleFormat
    my ($w, $area, @entbox) = @_;
    my %bg = (
	's-margin' => 'gray65',
	'x-margin' => 'gray65',
	'y-margin' => 'gray65',
	'main'     => 'gray20',

    if ($area eq 'main')
	# The "grid" format is consecutive boxes without 3d borders
	#$w->formatGrid(@entbox, -bordercolor=>$bg{$area},
	$w->format('grid', @entbox, -bordercolor=>$bg{$area},
		qw( -relief raised -bd 1
	 	    -filled 0 -bg red
		    -xon 1 -yon 1 -xoff 0 -yoff 0 -anchor se
		  ) );
    elsif ($area =~ /^(x|y|s)-margin$/)
	# border specifies consecutive 3d borders
	#$w->formatBorder(@entbox,  -bg=>$bg{$area},
	$w->format('border', @entbox,  -bg=>$bg{$area},
		qw( -fill 1 -relief raised -bd 1
		    -selectbackground gray80
		  ) );

sub MakeGrid
    my ($w) = @_;

    #$g = $w->TixGrid(qw(-bd 0));
    $g = $w->Scrolled('TixGrid', -bd=>0);

    $g->pack(qw/-expand yes -fill both -padx 3 -pady 3/);

    $g->configure(-formatcmd=>[\&SimpleFormat, $g]);

    # Set the size of the columns
    $g->size(qw/col 0 -size 10char/);
    $g->size(qw/col 1 -size auto/);
    $g->size(qw/col 2 -size auto/);
    $g->size(qw/col 3 -size auto/);
    $g->size(qw/col 4 -size auto/);

    # set the default size of the column and rows. these sizes will be used
    # if the size of a row or column has not be set via the "size col ?"
    # command
    $g->size(qw/col default -size 5char/);
    $g->size(qw/row default -size 1.1char -pad0 3/);

    for my $x (0..9)
	for my $y (0..9)
	    $g->set($x,$y, -itemtype=>'text', -text=>"($x,$y)" );
    $g->configure(-selectunit=>(shift @ARGV)) if @ARGV and $ARGV[0] =~/^(?:row|column|cell)/;
