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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# -*- perl -*-

# This file is a Tcl script to test the code in the file tkText.c.
# This file is organized in the standard fashion for Tcl tests.
# Copyright (c) 1992-1994 The Regents of the University of California.
# Copyright (c) 1994-1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by Scriptics Corporation.
# All rights reserved.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: text.test,v 1.46 2006/10/17 10:21:50 patthoyts Exp $
# Translated to Perl/Tk by Slaven Rezic

use strict;
use FindBin;
use lib $FindBin::RealBin;
no warnings 'qw';

use Tk;

use TkTest qw(set_have_fixed_font with_fixed_font);

    if (!eval q{
	use Test::More;
    }) {
	print "1..0 # skip: no Test::More module\n";

plan tests => 415;

use Getopt::Long;
my $v;

GetOptions("v" => \$v)
    or die "usage: $0 [-v]";


my $mw = MainWindow->new;

sub deleteWindows () {
    eval { $_->destroy } for $mw->children;

# Create entries in the option database to be sure that geometry options
# like border width have predictable values.

$mw->optionAdd('*Toplevel.borderWidth', 0);
$mw->optionAdd('*Text.borderWidth', 2);
$mw->optionAdd('*Text.highlightThickness', 2);
$mw->optionAdd('*Text.font', 'Courier -12');

my $t = $mw->Text(qw(Name t -width 20 -height 10));
isa_ok($t, "Tk::Text");
isa_ok($t, "Tk::Widget");
$t->pack(qw(-expand 1 -fill both));
# XXX what's the meaning of:
# pack append . .t {top expand fill}

    my $font = $t->cget(-font);
    my %fa = ($mw->fontActual($font),
    my %expected = (
		    "-weight"     => "normal",
		    "-underline"  => 0,
		    "-family"     => "courier",
		    "-slant"      => "roman",
		    "-size"       => -12,
		    "-overstrike" => 0,
		    "-ascent"     => 10,
		    "-descent"    => 3,
		    "-linespace"  => 13,
		    "-fixed"      => 1,
    my $have_fixed_font = 1;
    while(my($key,$val) = each %expected) {
	if (lc $val ne lc $fa{$key}) {
	    diag "Value $key does not match: got $fa{$key}, expected $val\n" if $v;
	    $have_fixed_font = 0;

# The statements below reset the main window;  it's needed if the window
# manager is mwm to make mwm forget about a previous minimum size setting.


my $te = $t->Entry(qw(Name e));
$te->insert(qw(end abcdefg));
$te->selection(qw(from 0));

$t->insert("1.0", q{Line 1
Line 4
bOy GIrl .#@? x_yz
Line 7});

my $t2 = $mw->Text(qw(Name t2));

my @tests =
    [qw(-autoseparators yes 1)], # other booleans in Perl (was: nah)
    [qw(-background #ff00ff #ff00ff <gorp>)],
    [qw(-bd 4 4 foo)],
    [qw(-bg blue blue #xx)],
    #[qw(-blockcursor 0 0 xx)], # XXX not yet implemented???
    [qw(-borderwidth 7 7 ++)],
    [qw(-cursor watch watch lousy)],
    [qw(-exportselection no 0)], # other booleans in Perl (was: maybe) 
    [qw(-fg red red stupid)],
    #[qw(-font fixed fixed {})], # XXX cannot test for returned Font object
    [qw(-foreground #012 #012 bogus)],
    [qw(-height 5 5 bad)],
    [qw(-highlightbackground #123 #123 bogus)],
    [qw(-highlightcolor #234 #234 bogus)],
    [qw(-highlightthickness -2 0 bad)],
    #[qw(-inactiveselectbackground #ffff01234567 #ffff01234567 bogus)], # XXX not yet implemented?
    [qw(-insertbackground green green <bogus>)],
    [qw(-insertborderwidth 45 45 bogus)],
    [qw(-insertofftime 100 100)], # no strict integer check in Perl (was: 2.4)
    [qw(-insertontime 47 47 x1)],
    [qw(-insertwidth 2.3 2 47d)],
    [qw(-maxundo 5 5 noway)],
    [qw(-padx 3.4 3 2.4.)],
    [qw(-pady 82 82 bogus)],
    [qw(-relief raised raised bumpy)],
    [qw(-selectbackground #ffff01234567 #ffff01234567 bogus)],
    [qw(-selectborderwidth 21 21 3x)],
    [qw(-selectforeground yellow yellow #12345)],
    [qw(-spacing1 20 20 1.3x)],
    [qw(-spacing1 -5 0 bogus)],
    [qw(-spacing2 5 5 bogus)],
    [qw(-spacing2 -1 0 bogus)],
    [qw(-spacing3 20 20 bogus)],
    [qw(-spacing3 -10 0 bogus)],
    [qw(-state d disabled foo)],
#    [qw(-tabs), [qw{1i 2i 3i 4i}], [qw{1i 2i 3i 4i}], qw(bad_tabs)], # XXX things seem to screw up...
    #[qw(-tabstyle wordprocessor wordprocessor garbage)], # XXX not yet implemented?
    [qw(-undo 1 1)], # other booleans in Perl (was: eh)
    [qw(-width 73 73)], # no strict integer check in Perl (was: 2.4)
    [qw(-wrap w word bad_wrap)],

foreach my $test (@tests) {
    my $name = $test->[0];
    $t2->configure($name, $test->[1]);
    is_deeply([$t2->cget($name)], [$test->[2]], "cget $name");
    is(($t2->configure($name))[4], $t2->cget($name), "Comparing configure and cget values for $name");
 SKIP: {
	skip("No error test for $name", 1)
	    if !defined $test->[3];
	eval {
	    $t2->configure($name, $test->[3]);
	isnt($@, "", "Got error message for invalid $name");

    $t2->configure(-takefocus => "any old thing");
    is($t2->cget(-takefocus), q{any old thing}, "text options");

    my @return;

    $t2->configure(-xscrollcommand => "x scroll command");
    @return = $t2->configure(-xscrollcommand);
    isa_ok(pop @return, 'Tk::Callback', "callback not comparable in perl");
	      [qw{-xscrollcommand xScrollCommand ScrollCommand}, '']);

    $t2->configure(-yscrollcommand => "test command");
    @return = $t2->configure(-yscrollcommand);
    isa_ok(pop @return, 'Tk::Callback');
	      [qw{-yscrollcommand yScrollCommand ScrollCommand}, '']);

    eval { $t2->destroy } if Tk::Exists($t2);
    eval { $t2 = $mw->Text(-gorp => "nofun") };
    like($@, qr{Bad option `-gorp'}, "Tk_TextCmd procedure");

    eval { $t2->destroy } if Tk::Exists($t2);
    $t2 = $mw->Text(qw(-bd 2 -fg red));
    is($t2->configure(-bd)->[4], 2);
    is($t2->configure(-fg)->[4], 'red');

    eval { $t2->destroy } if Tk::Exists($t2);
    my $relief = ($Tk::platform eq 'MSWin32' ? 'flat'  :
		  $Tk::platform eq 'aqua'    ? 'solid' : 'raised');
    $t2 = $mw->Text;
    is($t2->tagCget('sel', -relief), $relief);

    eval { $t2->destroy } if Tk::Exists($t2);
    $t2 = $mw->Text;
    is($t2->Class, 'Text');
    eval { $t->gorp(qw(1.0 z 1.2)) };
    like($@, qr{\QCan't locate auto/Tk/Text/},
	 q{TextWidgetCmd procedure});

    local $TODO = "Error NYI in Perl/Tk";

    eval { $t->bbox };
    like($@, qr{\Qwrong # args: should be ".t bbox index"},
	 q{TextWidgetCmd procedure, "bbox" option});

    eval { $t->bbox(qw(a b)) };
    like($@, qr{\Qwrong # args: should be ".t bbox index"});

    eval { $t->bbox('bad_mark') };
    like($@, qr{\Qbad text index "bad_mark"});

    eval { $t->cget };
    like($@, qr{\Qwrong # args: should be ".t cget option"},
	 q{TextWidgetCmd procedure, "cget" option});

    eval { $t->cget(qw(a b)) };
    like($@, qr{\Qwrong # args: should be ".t cget option"});

    eval { $t->cget(-gorp) };
    like($@, qr{\Qunknown option "-gorp"});

    $t->configure(-bd => 17);
    is($t->cget(-bd), 17);
    # Restore
    $t->configure(-bd => ($t->configure(-bd))[3]);

    eval { $t->compare(qw(a b)) };
    like($@, qr{\Qwrong # args: should be ".t compare index1 op index2"},
	 q{TextWidgetCmd procedure, "compare" option});

    eval { $t->compare(qw(a b c d)) };
    like($@, qr{\Qwrong # args: should be ".t compare index1 op index2"});

    eval { $t->compare('@x', '==', '1.0') };
    like($@, qr{\Qbad text index "\E\@x\Q"});

    eval { $t->compare('1.0', '<', '@y') };
    like($@, qr{\Qbad text index "\E\@y\Q"});

    is($t->compare('1.1','<','1.0'), 0);
    is($t->compare('1.1','<','1.1'), 0);
    is($t->compare('1.1','<','1.2'), 1);

    is($t->compare('1.1','<=','1.0'), 0);
    is($t->compare('1.1','<=','1.1'), 1);
    is($t->compare('1.1','<=','1.2'), 1);

    is($t->compare('1.1','==','1.0'), 0);
    is($t->compare('1.1','==','1.1'), 1);
    is($t->compare('1.1','==','1.2'), 0);

    is($t->compare('1.1','>=','1.0'), 1);
    is($t->compare('1.1','>=','1.1'), 1);
    is($t->compare('1.1','>=','1.2'), 0);

    is($t->compare('1.1','>','1.0'), 1);
    is($t->compare('1.1','>','1.1'), 0);
    is($t->compare('1.1','>','1.2'), 0);

    is($t->compare('1.1','!=','1.0'), 1);
    is($t->compare('1.1','!=','1.1'), 0);
    is($t->compare('1.1','!=','1.2'), 1);

    eval { $t->compare('1.0', '<x', '1.2') };
    like($@, qr{\Qbad comparison operator "<x": must be <, <=, ==, >=, >, or !=});

    eval { $t->compare('1.0', '>>', '1.2') };
    like($@, qr{\Qbad comparison operator ">>": must be <, <=, ==, >=, >, or !=});

    eval { $t->compare('1.0', 'z', '1.2') };
    like($@, qr{\Qbad comparison operator "z": must be <, <=, ==, >=, >, or !=});

# "configure" option is already covered above

    eval { $t->debug(qw(0 1)) };
    like($@, qr{\Qwrong # args: should be ".t debug boolean"},
	 q{TextWidgetCmd procedure, "debug" option});

    is($t->debug, 1);

    is($t->debug, 0);

    eval { $t->delete };
    like($@, qr{\Qwrong # args: should be ".t delete index1 ?index2 ...?"},
	 q{TextWidgetCmd procedure, "delete" option});

    eval { $t->delete(qw(a b c)) };
    like($@, qr{\Qbad text index "a"});

    eval { $t->delete('@x', '2.2') };
    like($@, qr{\Qbad text index "\E\@x\Q"});

    eval { $t->delete('2.3', '@y') };
    like($@, qr{\Qbad text index "\E\@y\Q"});

    $t->configure(-state => "disabled");
    is($t->get('2.0', '2.end'), 'abcdefghijklm');

    $t->configure(-state => 'normal');
    is($t->get('2.0', '2.end'), 'abcefghijklm');

    $t->delete(qw(2.1 2.3));
    is($t->get(qw(2.0 2.end)), 'aefghijklm');

    eval { $t->delete(qw(2.1 2.3 foo)) };
    like($@, qr{\Qbad text index "foo"});
    is($t->get(qw(2.0 2.end)), 'aefghijklm',
       'All indices are checked before we actually delete anything');

my $prevtext = $t->get('1.0', 'end-1c');

    $t->delete(qw(1.0 end));
    $t->insert('1.0', "foo\nabcdefghijklm");
    $t->delete(qw(2.1 2.3 2.3));
    is($t->get("1.0", "end-1c"), "foo\naefghijklm",
       'auto-forward one byte if the last "pair" is just one');

    $t->delete(qw(1.0 end));
    $t->insert('1.0', "foo\nabcdefghijklm");
    $t->delete(qw(2.0 2.3 2.7 2.9 2.4));
    is($t->get('1.0', 'end-1c'), "foo\ndfgjklm",
       'all indices will be ordered before deletion');

    $t->delete(qw(1.0 end));
    $t->insert('1.0', "foo\nabcdefghijklm");
    $t->delete(qw(2.0 2.2 2.7 2.9 2.4 2.5));
    is($t->get('1.0', 'end-1c'), "foo\ncdfgjklm",
       "and check again with even pairs");

    $t->delete(qw(1.0 end));
    $t->insert('1.0', "foo\nabcdefghijklm");
    $t->delete(qw(2.0 2.2 2.0 2.5 2.0 2.3 2.8 2.7));
    is($t->get('1.0', 'end-1c'), "foo\nfghijklm",
       "we should get the longest range on equal start indices");

    $t->delete(qw(1.0 end));
    $t->insert('1.0', "foo\nabcdefghijklm");
    $t->delete(qw(2.0 2.2 1.2 2.6 2.0 2.5));
    is($t->get('1.0', 'end-1c'), "foghijklm",
       "we should get the longest range on equal start indices");

    $t->delete(qw(1.0 end));
    $t->insert('1.0', "foo\nabcdefghijklm");
    $t->delete(qw(2.0 2.2 2.0 2.5 1.1 2.3 2.8 2.7));
    is($t->get('1.0', 'end-1c'), "ffghijklm",
       "we should get the longest range on equal start indices");

    $t->delete(qw(1.0 end));
    $t->insert('1.0', "foo\nabcdefghijklm");
    $t->delete(qw(2.0 2.6 2.2 2.8));
    is($t->get('1.0', 'end-1c'), "foo\nijklm",
       "we should get the watch for overlapping ranges - "
       # they should essentially be merged into one span.

    $t->delete(qw(1.0 end));
    $t->insert('1.0', "foo\nabcdefghijklm");
    $t->delete(qw(2.0 2.6 2.2 2.4));
    is($t->get('1.0', 'end-1c'), "foo\nghijklm");

$t->delete(qw(1.0 end));
$t->insert('1.0', $prevtext);

    skip("replace NYI in Perl/Tk", 1);
    eval { $t->replace('1.3', '2.3') };
    like($@, qr{\Qwrong # args: should be ".t replace index1 index2 chars ?tagList chars tagList ...?"},
	 q{TextWidgetCmd procedure, "replace" option});

# test text-8.17  {
#     list [catch {.t replace 1.3 2.3} err] $err
# } {1 
# test text-8.18 {TextWidgetCmd procedure, "replace" option} {
#     list [catch {.t replace 3.1 2.3 foo} err] $err
# } {1 {Index "2.3" before "3.1" in the text}}
# test text-8.19 {TextWidgetCmd procedure, "replace" option} {
#     list [catch {.t replace 2.1 2.3 foo} err] $err
# } {0 {}}
# .t delete 1.0 end; .t insert 1.0 $prevtext
# test text-8.20 {TextWidgetCmd procedure, "replace" option with undo} {
#     .t configure -undo 0
#     .t configure -undo 1
#     # Ensure it is treated as a single undo action
#     .t replace 2.1 2.3 foo
#     .t edit undo
#     .t configure -undo 0
#     string equal [.t get 1.0 end-1c] $prevtext
# } {1}
# test text-8.21 {TextWidgetCmd procedure, "replace" option with undo} {
#     .t configure -undo 0
#     .t configure -undo 1
#     .t replace 2.1 2.3 foo
#     # Ensure we can override a text widget and intercept undo
#     # actions.  If in the future a different mechanism is available
#     # to do this, then we should be able to change this test.  The
#     # behaviour tested for here is not, strictly speaking, documented.
#     rename .t test.t
#     set res {}
#     proc .t {args} { lappend ::res $args ; uplevel 1 test.t $args }
#     .t edit undo
#     rename .t {}
#     rename test.t .t
#     .t configure -undo 0
#     set res
# } {{edit undo} {delete 2.1 2.4} {mark set insert 2.1} {see insert} {insert 2.1 ef} {mark set insert 2.3} {see insert}}
# test text-8.22 {TextWidgetCmd procedure, "replace" option with undo} {
#     .t configure -undo 0
#     .t configure -undo 1
#     # Ensure that undo (even composite undo like 'replace')
#     # works when the widget shows nothing useful.
#     .t replace 2.1 2.3 foo
#     .t configure -start 1 -end 1
#     .t edit undo
#     .t configure -start {} -end {}
#     .t configure -undo 0
#     if {![string equal [.t get 1.0 end-1c] $prevtext]} {
# 	set res [list [.t get 1.0 end-1c] ne $prevtext]
#     } else {
# 	set res 1
#     }
# } {1}
# .t delete 1.0 end; .t insert 1.0 $prevtext
# test text-8.23 {TextWidgetCmd procedure, "replace" option with peers, undo} {
#     .t configure -undo 0
#     .t configure -undo 1
#     .t peer create .tt -undo 1
#     # Ensure that undo (even composite undo like 'replace')
#     # works when the the event took place in one peer, which
#     # is then deleted, before the undo takes place in another peer.
#     .tt replace 2.1 2.3 foo
#     .tt configure -start 1 -end 1
#     destroy .tt
#     .t edit undo
#     .t configure -start {} -end {}
#     .t configure -undo 0
#     if {![string equal [.t get 1.0 end-1c] $prevtext]} {
# 	set res [list [.t get 1.0 end-1c] ne $prevtext]
#     } else {
#         set res 1
#     }
# } {1}
# .t delete 1.0 end; .t insert 1.0 $prevtext
# test text-8.24 {TextWidgetCmd procedure, "replace" option with peers, undo} {
#     .t configure -undo 0
#     .t configure -undo 1
#     .t peer create .tt -undo 1
#     # Ensure that undo (even composite undo like 'replace')
#     # works when the the event took place in one peer, which
#     # is then deleted, before the undo takes place in another peer
#     # which isn't showing everything.
#     .tt replace 2.1 2.3 foo
#     set res [.tt get 2.1 2.4]
#     .tt configure -start 1 -end 1
#     destroy .tt
#     .t configure -start 3 -end 4
#     # msg will actually be set to a silently ignored error message here,
#     # (that the .tt command doesn't exist), but that is not important.
#     lappend res [catch {.t edit undo} msg]
#     .t configure -undo 0
#     .t configure -start {} -end {}
#     if {![string equal [.t get 1.0 end-1c] $prevtext]} {
# 	lappend res [list [.t get 1.0 end-1c] ne $prevtext]
#     } else {
# 	lappend res 1
#     }
# } {foo 0 1}

# .t delete 1.0 end; .t insert 1.0 $prevtext


    local $TODO = "get -displaychars is missing in Perl/Tk";

    eval { $t->get };
    like($@, qr{\Qwrong # args: should be ".t get ?-displaychars? ?--? index1 ?index2 ...?"},
	 q{TextWidgetCmd procedure, "get" option});

    eval { $t->get(qw(a b c)) };
    like($@, qr{\Qbad text index "a"});

    eval { $t->get('@q', '3.1') };
    like($@, qr{\Qbad text index "\E\@q\Q"});

    eval { $t->get('3.1', '@r') };
    like($@, qr{\Qbad text index "\E\@r\Q"});

    is($t->get("5.7", "5.3"), undef);
    is($t->get("5.3", "5.5"), " G");
    is($t->get("5.3", "end"), q{ GIrl .#@? x_yz
Line 7

    $t->mark(qw(set a 5.3));
    $t->mark(qw(set b 5.3));
    $t->mark(qw(set c 5.5));
    is($t->get(qw(5.2 5.7)), q{y GIr});

    is($t->get('5.2'), q{y});
    is($t->get(qw(5.2 5.4)), q{y });

    # These tests went wrong in Tk804.027 (bizarre copy of array...)
    is_deeply([$t->get(qw(5.2 5.4 5.4))], [q{y }, 'G']);
    is_deeply([$t->get(qw(5.2 5.4 5.4 5.5))], [q{y }, 'G']);
    is_deeply([$t->get(qw(5.2 5.4 5.5), "5.5+5c")], [q{y }, q{Irl .}]);
    is_deeply([$t->get(qw(5.2 5.4 5.4 5.5 end-3c))], [q{y }, 'G', q{ }]);
    is_deeply([$t->get(qw(5.2 5.4 5.4 5.5 end-3c end))], [q{y }, 'G', q{ 7
    is_deeply([$t->get(qw(5.2 5.3 5.4 5.3))], ['y']);

    skip("indices index NYI in Perl/Tk", 1);
    is($t->index("5.2 +3 indices"), '5.5', 'text index');

    is($t->index("5.2 +3chars"), '5.5');

    skip("displayindices index NYI in Perl/Tk", 1);
    is($t->index("5.2 +3displayindices"), '5.5');

    $t->tag(qw(configure elide -elide 1));
    $t->tag(qw(add elide 5.2 5.4));

    eval { $t->get(qw(5.2 5.4 5.5 foo)) };
    like($@, qr{\Qbad text index "foo"}, "wrong index in get");

    is_deeply([$t->get(qw(5.2 5.4 5.4 5.5 end-3c end))],
	      [q{y }, 'G', q{ 7

## indices not yet implemented
#test text-9.21 {TextWidgetCmd procedure, "get" option} {
#    list [.t index "5.1 +4indices"] [.t index "5.1+4d indices"]
#} {5.5 5.7}
#test text-9.22 {TextWidgetCmd procedure, "get" option} {
#    list [.t index "5.1 +4a chars"] [.t index "5.1+4d chars"]
#} {5.5 5.7}
#test text-9.23 {TextWidgetCmd procedure, "get" option} {
#    list [.t index "5.5 -4indices"] [.t index "5.7-4d indices"]
#} {5.1 5.1}
#test text-9.24 {TextWidgetCmd procedure, "get" option} {
#    list [.t index "5.5 -4a chars"] [.t index "5.7-4d chars"]
#} {5.1 5.1}
#.t window create 5.4
#test text-9.25 {TextWidgetCmd procedure, "get" option} {
#    list [.t index "5.1 +4indices"] [.t index "5.1+4d indices"]
#} {5.5 5.7}
#test text-9.25a {TextWidgetCmd procedure, "get" option} {
#    list [.t index "5.1 +4a chars"] [.t index "5.1+4d chars"]
#} {5.6 5.8}
#test text-9.26 {TextWidgetCmd procedure, "get" option} {
#    list [.t index "5.5 -4indices"] [.t index "5.7-4d indices"]
#} {5.1 5.1}
#test text-9.26a {TextWidgetCmd procedure, "get" option} {
#    list [.t index "5.6 -4a chars"] [.t index "5.8-4d chars"]
#} {5.1 5.1}

    $t->tag(qw(add elide 5.5 5.6));
    ## -displaychars NYI
    #is($t->get(qw(-displaychars 5.2 5.8)), q{Grl}, "get -displaychars");

    $t->tag(qw(delete elide));
    $t->mark(qw(unset a));
    $t->mark(qw(unset b));
    $t->mark(qw(unset c));

    skip("count not yet implemented in Perl/Tk", 1);

    eval { $t->count };
    like($@, qr{\Qwrong # args: should be ".t count ?options? index1 index2"},
	 q{TextWidgetCmd procedure, "count" option});

    eval { $t->count(qw(blah 1.0 2.0)) };
    like($@, qr{\Qbad option "blah" must be -chars, -displaychars, -displayindices, -displaylines, -indices, -lines, -update, -xpixels, or -ypixels});

    eval { $t->count(qw(a b)) };
    like($@, qr{\Qbad text index "a"});

    eval { $t->count(qw(@q 3.1)) };
    like($@, qr{\Qbad text index "\E\@\Qq"});

    eval { $t->count(qw(3.1 @r)) };
    like($@, qr{\Qbad text index "\E\@\Qr"});

    is($t->count(qw(5.7 5.3)), -4);
    is($t->count(qw(5.3 5.5)), 2);
    is($t->count(qw(5.3 end)), 29);

# test text-9.2.7 {TextWidgetCmd procedure, "count" option} {
#     .t count 
# .t mark set a 5.3
# .t mark set b 5.3
# .t mark set c 5.5
# test text-9.2.8 {TextWidgetCmd procedure, "count" option} {
#     .t count 5.2 5.7
# } {5}
# test text-9.2.9 {TextWidgetCmd procedure, "count" option} {
#     .t count 5.2 5.3
# } {1}
# test text-9.2.10 {TextWidgetCmd procedure, "count" option} {
#     .t count 5.2 5.4
# } {2}
# test text-9.2.17 {TextWidgetCmd procedure, "count" option} {
#     list [catch {.t count 5.2 foo} msg] $msg
# } {1 {bad text index "foo"}}
# .t tag configure elide -elide 1
# .t tag add elide 2.2 3.4
# .t tag add elide 4.0 4.1
# test text-9.2.18 {TextWidgetCmd procedure, "count" option} {
#     .t count -displayindices 2.0 3.0
# } {2}
# test text-9.2.19 {TextWidgetCmd procedure, "count" option} {
#     .t count -displayindices 2.2 3.0
# } {0}
# test text-9.2.20 {TextWidgetCmd procedure, "count" option} {
#     .t count -displayindices 2.0 4.2
# } {5}
# # Create one visible and one invisible window
# frame .t.w1
# frame .t.w2
# .t mark set a 2.2
# # Creating this window here means that the elidden text
# # now starts at 2.3, but 'a' is automatically moved to 2.3
# .t window create 2.1 -window .t.w1
# .t window create 3.1 -window .t.w2
# test text-9.2.21 {TextWidgetCmd procedure, "count" option} {
#     .t count -displayindices 2.0 3.0
# } {3}
# test text-9.2.22 {TextWidgetCmd procedure, "count" option} {
#     .t count -displayindices 2.2 3.0
# } {1}
# test text-9.2.23 {TextWidgetCmd procedure, "count" option} {
#     .t count -displayindices a 3.0
# } {0}
# test text-9.2.24 {TextWidgetCmd procedure, "count" option} {
#     .t count -displayindices 2.0 4.2
# } {6}
# test text-9.2.25 {TextWidgetCmd procedure, "count" option} {
#     .t count -displaychars 2.0 3.0
# } {2}
# test text-9.2.26 {TextWidgetCmd procedure, "count" option} {
#     .t count -displaychars 2.2 3.0
# } {1}
# test text-9.2.27 {TextWidgetCmd procedure, "count" option} {
#     .t count -displaychars a 3.0
# } {0}
# test text-9.2.28 {TextWidgetCmd procedure, "count" option} {
#     .t count -displaychars 2.0 4.2
# } {5}
# test text-9.2.29 {TextWidgetCmd procedure, "count" option} {
#     list [.t count -indices 2.2 3.0] [.t count 2.2 3.0]
# } {10 10}
# test text-9.2.30 {TextWidgetCmd procedure, "count" option} {
#     list [.t count -indices a 3.0] [.t count a 3.0]
# } {9 9}
# test text-9.2.31 {TextWidgetCmd procedure, "count" option} {
#     .t count -indices 2.0 4.2
# } {21}
# test text-9.2.32 {TextWidgetCmd procedure, "count" option} {
#     .t count -chars 2.2 3.0
# } {10}
# test text-9.2.33 {TextWidgetCmd procedure, "count" option} {
#     .t count -chars a 3.0
# } {9}
# test text-9.2.34 {TextWidgetCmd procedure, "count" option} {
#     .t count -chars 2.0 4.2
# } {19}
# destroy .t.w1
# destroy .t.w2
# set current [.t get 1.0 end-1c]
# .t delete 1.0 end
# .t insert end [string repeat "abcde " 50]\n
# .t insert end [string repeat "fghij " 50]\n
# .t insert end [string repeat "klmno " 50]
# test text-9.2.35 {TextWidgetCmd procedure, "count" option} {
#     .t count -lines 1.0 end
# } {3}
# test text-9.2.36 {TextWidgetCmd procedure, "count" option} {
#     .t count -lines end 1.0
# } {-3}
# test text-9.2.37 {TextWidgetCmd procedure, "count" option} {
#     list [catch {.t count -lines 1.0 2.0 3.0} res] $res
# } {1 {bad option "1.0" must be -chars, -displaychars, -displayindices, -displaylines, -indices, -lines, -update, -xpixels, or -ypixels}}
# test text-9.2.38 {TextWidgetCmd procedure, "count" option} {
#     .t count -lines end end
# } {0}
# test text-9.2.39 {TextWidgetCmd procedure, "count" option} {
#     .t count -lines 1.5 2.5
# } {1}
# test text-9.2.40 {TextWidgetCmd procedure, "count" option} {
#     .t count -lines 2.5 "2.5 lineend"
# } {0}
# test text-9.2.41 {TextWidgetCmd procedure, "count" option} {
#     .t count -lines 2.7 "1.0 lineend"
# } {-1}
# test text-9.2.42 {TextWidgetCmd procedure, "count" option} {
#     set old_wrap [.t cget -wrap]
#     .t configure -wrap none
#     set res [.t count -displaylines 1.0 end]
#     .t configure -wrap $old_wrap
#     set res
# } {3}
# test text-9.2.43 {TextWidgetCmd procedure, "count" option} {
#     .t count -lines -chars -indices -displaylines 1.0 end
# } {3 903 903 45}
# .t configure -wrap none
# # Newer tags are higher priority
# .t tag configure elide1 -elide 0
# .t tag configure elide2 -elide 1
# .t tag configure elide3 -elide 0
# .t tag configure elide4 -elide 1
# test text- {counting with tag priority eliding} {
#     .t delete 1.0 end
#     .t insert end "hello"
#     list [.t count -displaychars 1.0 1.0] \
#       [.t count -displaychars 1.0 1.1] \
#       [.t count -displaychars 1.0 1.2] \
#       [.t count -displaychars 1.0 1.3] \
#       [.t count -displaychars 1.0 1.4] \
#       [.t count -displaychars 1.0 1.5] \
#       [.t count -displaychars 1.0 1.6] \
#       [.t count -displaychars 1.0 2.6] \
# } {0 1 2 3 4 5 5 6}
# test text-0.2.44 {counting with tag priority eliding} {
#     .t delete 1.0 end
#     .t insert end "hello"
#     .t tag add elide1 1.2 1.4
#     .t count -displaychars 1.0 1.5
# } {5}
# test text-0.2.45 {counting with tag priority eliding} {
#     .t delete 1.0 end
#     .t insert end "hello"
#     .t tag add elide2 1.2 1.4
#     .t count -displaychars 1.0 1.5
# } {3}
# test text-0.2.46 {counting with tag priority eliding} {
#     set res {}
#     .t delete 1.0 end
#     .t insert end "hello"
#     .t tag add elide2 1.2 1.4
#     .t tag add elide1 1.2 1.4
#     lappend res [.t count -displaychars 1.0 1.5]
#     .t delete 1.0 end
#     .t insert end "hello"
#     .t tag add elide1 1.2 1.4
#     .t tag add elide2 1.2 1.4
#     lappend res [.t count -displaychars 1.0 1.5]
# } {3 3}
# test text-0.2.47 {counting with tag priority eliding} {
#     set res {}
#     .t delete 1.0 end
#     .t insert end "hello"
#     .t tag add elide2 1.2 1.4
#     .t tag add elide3 1.2 1.4
#     lappend res [.t count -displaychars 1.0 1.5]
#     .t delete 1.0 end
#     .t insert end "hello"
#     .t tag add elide3 1.2 1.4
#     .t tag add elide3 1.2 1.4
#     lappend res [.t count -displaychars 1.0 1.5]
# } {5 5}
# test text-0.2.48 {counting with tag priority eliding} {
#     set res {}
#     .t delete 1.0 end
#     .t insert end "hello"
#     .t tag add elide2 1.2 1.4
#     .t tag add elide3 1.2 1.4
#     .t tag add elide4 1.2 1.4
#     .t tag add elide1 1.2 1.4
#     lappend res [.t count -displaychars 1.0 1.5]
#     .t delete 1.0 end
#     .t insert end "hello"
#     .t tag add elide1 1.2 1.4
#     .t tag add elide4 1.2 1.4
#     .t tag add elide2 1.2 1.4
#     .t tag add elide3 1.2 1.4
#     lappend res [.t count -displaychars 1.0 1.5]
# } {3 3}
# test text-0.2.49 {counting with tag priority eliding} {
#     set res {}
#     .t delete 1.0 end
#     .t insert end "hello"
#     .t tag add elide2 1.2 1.4
#     .t tag add elide3 1.2 1.4
#     .t tag add elide1 1.2 1.4
#     lappend res [.t count -displaychars 1.0 1.5]
#     .t delete 1.0 end
#     .t insert end "hello"
#     .t tag add elide1 1.2 1.4
#     .t tag add elide2 1.2 1.4
#     .t tag add elide3 1.2 1.4
#     lappend res [.t count -displaychars 1.0 1.5]
# } {5 5}
# test text-0.2.50 {counting with tag priority eliding} {
#     set res {}
#     .t delete 1.0 end
#     .t insert end "hello"
#     .t tag add elide2 1.0 1.5
#     .t tag add elide1 1.2 1.4
#     lappend res [.t count -displaychars 1.0 1.5]
#     lappend res [.t count -displaychars 1.1 1.5]
#     lappend res [.t count -displaychars 1.2 1.5]
#     lappend res [.t count -displaychars 1.3 1.5]
#     .t delete 1.0 end
#     .t insert end "hello"
#     .t tag add elide1 1.0 1.5
#     .t tag add elide2 1.2 1.4
#     lappend res [.t count -displaychars 1.0 1.5]
#     lappend res [.t count -displaychars 1.1 1.5]
#     lappend res [.t count -displaychars 1.2 1.5]
#     lappend res [.t count -displaychars 1.3 1.5]
# } {0 0 0 0 3 2 1 1}
# test text-0.2.51 {counting with tag priority eliding} {
#     set res {}
#     .t delete 1.0 end
#     .t tag configure WELCOME -elide 1
#     .t tag configure SYSTEM -elide 0
#     .t tag configure TRAFFIC -elide 1
#     .t insert end "\n" {SYSTEM TRAFFIC}
#     .t insert end "\n" WELCOME
#     lappend res [.t count -displaychars 1.0 end]
#     lappend res [.t count -displaychars 1.0 end-1c]
#     lappend res [.t count -displaychars 1.0 1.2]
#     lappend res [.t count -displaychars 2.0 end]
#     lappend res [.t count -displaychars 2.0 end-1c]
#     lappend res [.t index "1.0 +1 indices"]
#     lappend res [.t index "1.0 +1 display indices"]
#     lappend res [.t index "1.0 +1 display chars"]
#     lappend res [.t index end] 
#     lappend res [.t index "end -1 indices"]
#     lappend res [.t index "end -1 display indices"]
#     lappend res [.t index "end -1 display chars"]
#     lappend res [.t index "end -2 indices"]
#     lappend res [.t index "end -2 display indices"]
#     lappend res [.t index "end -2 display chars"]
# } {1 0 0 1 0 2.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 1.0}
# $t->delete(qw(1.0 end));
# $t->insert('end', $current);
# undef $current;

    eval { $t->index };
    like($@, qr{\Qwrong # args: should be ".t index index"},
	 q{TextWidgetCmd procedure, "index" option});

    eval { $t->index(qw(a b)) };
    like($@, qr{\Qwrong # args: should be ".t index index"});

    eval { $t->index(qw(@xyz)) };
    like($@, qr{\Qbad text index "\E\@\Qxyz"});

    is($t->index("1.2"), "1.2");

    eval { $t->insert("1.2") };
    like($@, qr{\Qwrong # args: should be ".t insert index chars ?tagList chars tagList ...?"},
	 q{TextWidgetCmd procedure, "insert" option});

    $t->configure(-state => "disabled");
    $t->insert("1.2", "xyzzy");
    is($t->get("1.0", "1.end"), "Line 1");
$t->configure(-state => "normal");
    $t->insert("1.2", "xyzzy");
    is($t->get("1.0", "1.end"), "Lixyzzyne 1");
    $t->delete("1.0", "end");
    $t->insert("1.0", "Sample text", "x");
    is_deeply([$t->tag(qw(ranges x))],
	      ["1.0", "1.11"], "Insert with tag");
    $t->delete("1.0", "end");
    $t->insert("1.0", "Sample text", "x");
    $t->insert("1.2", "XYZ", "y");
    is_deeply([$t->tag(qw(ranges x))],
	      [qw(1.0 1.2 1.5 1.14)]);
    is_deeply([$t->tag(qw(ranges y))],
	      [qw(1.2 1.5)]);
    $t->delete("1.0", "end");
    $t->insert("1.0", "Sample text", [qw(x y z)]);
    for (qw(x y z)) {
	is_deeply([$t->tagRanges($_)], [qw(1.0 1.11)]);
    $t->delete("1.0", "end");
    $t->insert("1.0", "Sample text", [qw(x y z)]);
    $t->insert("1.3", "A", [qw(a b z)]);
    for (qw(a b)) {
	is_deeply([$t->tagRanges($_)], [qw(1.3 1.4)]);
    for (qw(x y)) {
	is_deeply([$t->tagRanges($_)], [qw(1.0 1.3 1.4 1.12)]);
    is_deeply([$t->tagRanges('z')], [qw(1.0 1.12)]);
    $t->delete("1.0", "end");
    $t->insert("1.0", "First", "bold", " ", [], "second", [qw(x y z)], " third");
    is($t->get("1.0", "1.end"), q{First second third});
    is_deeply([$t->tagRanges("bold")], [qw{1.0 1.5}]);
    for (qw(x y z)) {
	is_deeply([$t->tagRanges($_)], [qw{1.6 1.12}]);
    $t->delete("1.0", "end");
    $t->insert("1.0", "First", "bold", " second", "silly");
    is($t->get("1.0", "1.end"), q{First second});
    is_deeply([$t->tagRanges("bold")], [qw{1.0 1.5}]);
    is_deeply([$t->tagRanges("silly")], [qw{1.5 1.12}]);

# Edit, mark, scan, search, see, tag, window, xview, and yview actions are tested elsewhere.

    eval { $t2->configure(-state => "foobar") };
    like($@, qr{\Qbad state value "foobar": must be normal or disabled},
	 q{ConfigureText procedure});
    $t2->configure(-spacing1 => -2, -spacing2 => 1, -spacing3 => 1);
    is($t2->cget(-spacing1), 0);
    is($t2->cget(-spacing2), 1);
    is($t2->cget(-spacing3), 1);
    $t2->configure(qw(-spacing1 1 -spacing2 -1 -spacing3 1));
    is($t2->cget(-spacing1), 1);
    is($t2->cget(-spacing2), 0);
    is($t2->cget(-spacing3), 1);
    $t2->configure(qw(-spacing1 1 -spacing2 1 -spacing3 -3));
    is($t2->cget(-spacing1), 1);
    is($t2->cget(-spacing2), 1);
    is($t2->cget(-spacing3), 0);
    eval { $t2->configure(-tabs => '30 foo') };
    like($@, qr{\Qbad tab alignment "foo": must be left, right, center, or numeric});
    $t2->configure(-tabs => [qw{10 20 30}]);
    $t2->configure(-tabs => []);
    eval { $t2->configure(-wrap => "bogus") };
    like($@, qr{\Qbad wrap mode "bogus": must be char, none, or word});
    $t2->configure(qw(-selectborderwidth 17
		      -selectforeground #332211
		      -selectbackground #abc));
    is(($t2->tagConfigure('sel', -borderwidth))[4], 17);
    is(($t2->tagConfigure('sel', -foreground))[4], '#332211');
    is(($t2->tagConfigure('sel', -background))[4], '#abc');
    $t2->configure(-selectborderwidth => "");
    is($t2->tagCget('sel', '-borderwidth'), "");
    $t2->configure(-selectborderwidth => undef);
    is($t2->tagCget('sel', '-borderwidth'), "");
    eval { $t2->configure(-selectborderwidth => "foo") };
    like($@, qr{\Qbad screen distance "foo"});
    $t2->destroy if Tk::Exists($t2);
    $te->selection(qw(to 2));
    $t2 = $mw->Text(-exportselection => 1);
    is($mw->SelectionGet, "ab");
    $t2->destroy if Tk::Exists($t2);
    $te->selection(qw(to 2));
    $t2 = $mw->Text(-exportselection => 0);
    $t2->insert('insert', '1234657890');
    $t2->tag(qw(add sel 1.0 1.4));
    is($mw->SelectionGet, "ab");
    $t2->destroy if Tk::Exists($t2);
    $te->selection(qw(to 1));
    $t2 = $mw->Text(-exportselection => 1);
    $t2->insert('insert', '1234657890');
    $t2->tag(qw(add sel 1.0 1.4));
    is($mw->SelectionGet, "1234");
    $t2->destroy if Tk::Exists($t2);
    $te->selection(qw(to 1));
    $t2 = $mw->Text(-exportselection => 0);
    $t2->insert('insert', '1234657890');
    $t2->tag(qw(add sel 1.0 1.4));
    $t2->configure(-exportselection => 1);
    is($mw->SelectionGet, "1234");
    $t2->destroy if Tk::Exists($t2);
    $t2 = $mw->Text(-exportselection => 1);
    $t2->insert('insert', '1234657890');
    $t2->tag(qw(add sel 1.0 1.4));
    is($mw->SelectionGet, "1234");
    $t2->configure(-exportselection => 0);
    eval { $mw->SelectionGet };
    like($@, qr{\QPRIMARY selection doesn't exist or form "STRING" not defined});
    # This test is non-portable because the window size will vary depending
    # on the font size, which can vary.
    $t2->destroy if Tk::Exists($t2);
    $t2 = $mw->Toplevel;
    my $t2t = $t2->Text(qw(-width 20 -height 10));
    $t2t->pack(-side => 'top'); # XXX append?
    ## There is no guarantee that the toplevel will be positioned at
    ## +0+0 if overrideredirect is not used. At least with the compiz
    ## wm the test would fail, so check only the width and height
    ## portions of the geometry.
    # is($t2->geometry, q{150x140+0+0}); # the original test as in Tcl/Tk
    with_fixed_font { like($t2->geometry, qr{^150x140\+}, "Toplevel width and height expected for given -width/-height") };
    # This test was failing Windows because the title bar on .t2
    # was a certain minimum size and it was interfering with the size
    # requested by the -setgrid.  The "overrideredirect" gets rid of the
    # titlebar so the toplevel can shrink to the appropriate size.
    $t2->destroy if Tk::Exists($t2);
    $t2 = $mw->Toplevel;
    my $t2t = $t2->Text(qw(-width 20 -height 10 -setgrid 1));
    $t2t->pack(-side => "top"); # XXX append?
    is($t2->geometry, q{20x10+0+0}, "geometry with -setgrid");
    # This test was failing on Windows because the title bar on .t2
    # was a certain minimum size and it was interfering with the size
    # requested by the -setgrid.  The "overrideredirect" gets rid of the
    # titlebar so the toplevel can shrink to the appropriate size.
    $t2->destroy if Tk::Exists($t2);
    $t2 = $mw->Toplevel;
    my $t2t = $t2->Text(qw(-width 20 -height 10 -setgrid 1));
    $t2t->pack(-side => "top"); # XXX append?
    is($t2->geometry, q{20x10+0+0});
    is($t2->geometry, q{15x8+0+0});
    $t2t->configure(-wrap => 'word');
    is($t2->geometry, q{15x8+0+0});
    $t2->destroy if Tk::Exists($t2);
    $t2 = $mw->Text(qw(-width 20 -height 10));
    with_fixed_font {
	is($t2->reqheight, 140,
	   q{TextWorldChanged procedure, spacing options}
    $t2->configure(-spacing1 => 2);
    with_fixed_font { is($t2->reqheight, 160) };
    $t2->configure(-spacing3 => 1);
    with_fixed_font { is($t2->reqheight, 170) };
    $t2->configure(-spacing1 => 0);
    with_fixed_font { is($t2->reqheight, 150) };

# (Skipped tests text-15.* because of non-existing "rename" in Perl/Tk

    $t2->destroy if Tk::Exists($t2);
    $t2 = $mw->Text;
    $t2->insert("2.0", "abcd\n");
    is($t2->get("1.0", "end"), q{abcd

}, q{InsertChars procedure});

    $t2->destroy if Tk::Exists($t2);
    $t2 = $mw->Text;
    $t2->insert("1.0", "abcd\n");
    $t2->insert("end", "123\n");
    is($t2->get("1.0", "end"), q{abcd


    $t2->destroy if Tk::Exists($t2);
    $t2 = $mw->Text;
    $t2->insert("1.0", "abcd\n");
    $t2->insert("10.0", "123");
    is($t2->get("1.0", "end"), q{abcd

    $t2->destroy if Tk::Exists($t2);
    $t2 = $mw->Text(qw(-width 20 -height 4 -wrap word))->pack;
    $t2->insert('insert', "Now is the time for all great men to come to the ");
    $t2->insert('insert', "aid of their party.\n");
    $t2->insert('insert', "Now is the time for all great men.\n");
    $t2->insert('1.0' => "Short\n");
    with_fixed_font {
	is($t2->index('@0,0'), '2.56',
	   q{InsertChars procedure, inserting on top visible line});

    $t2->destroy if Tk::Exists($t2);
    $t2 = $mw->Text(qw(-width 20 -height 4 -wrap word))->pack;
    $t2->insert('insert', "Now is the time for all great men to come to the ");
    $t2->insert('insert', "aid of their party.\n");
    $t2->insert('insert', "Now is the time for all great men.\n");
    $t2->insert('1.55' => "Short\n");
    with_fixed_font { is($t2->index('@0,0'), '2.0') };

    $t2->destroy if Tk::Exists($t2);
    $t2 = $mw->Text(qw(-width 20 -height 4 -wrap word))->pack;
    $t2->insert('insert', "Now is the time for all great men to come to the ");
    $t2->insert('insert', "aid of their party.\n");
    $t2->insert('insert', "Now is the time for all great men.\n");
    $t2->insert('1.56' => "Short\n");
    with_fixed_font { is($t2->index('@0,0'), '1.56') };

    $t2->destroy if Tk::Exists($t2);
    $t2 = $mw->Text(qw(-width 20 -height 4 -wrap word))->pack;
    $t2->insert('insert', "Now is the time for all great men to come to the ");
    $t2->insert('insert', "aid of their party.\n");
    $t2->insert('insert', "Now is the time for all great men.\n");
    $t2->insert('1.57' => "Short\n");
    with_fixed_font { is($t2->index('@0,0'), '1.56') };

$t2->destroy if Tk::Exists($t2);

sub setup () {
    $t->delete(qw(1.0 end));
    $t->insert('1.0', "Line 1
Line 4");

    $t->delete('1.0', 'end');
    is($t->get('1.0', 'end'), "\n",
       q{DeleteChars procedure});

    eval { $t->delete("foobar") };
    like($@, qr{\Qbad text index "foobar"});

    eval { $t->delete("1.0", "lousy") };
    like($@, qr{\Qbad text index "lousy"});

    is($t->get('1.0', 'end'), q{Line 1
Line 4

    is($t->get('1.0', 'end'), q{Line 1
Line 4

    is($t->get('1.0', 'end'), q{Line 1
Line 4

    $t->tag(qw(add sel 4.2 end));
    $t->delete(qw(4.2 end));
    is($t->tagRanges('sel'), undef);
    is($t->get('1.0', 'end'), q{Line 1

    $t->tag('add', 'sel', '1.0', 'end');
    $t->delete('4.0', 'end');
    is_deeply([$t->tagRanges('sel')], [qw(1.0 3.5)]);
    is($t->get('1.0', 'end'), q{Line 1

    $t->delete(qw(2.2 2.2));
    is($t->get(qw(1.0 end)), q{Line 1
Line 4

    $t->delete(qw(2.3 2.1));
    is($t->get(qw(1.0 end)), q{Line 1
Line 4

    $t2->destroy if Tk::Exists($t2);
    $t2 = $mw->Toplevel;
    my $t2t = $t2->Text(qw(-width 20 -height 5))->pack;
    $t2t->insert("1.0", "abc\n123\nx\ny\nz\nq\nr\ns");
    $t2t->delete("1.0", "3.0");
    is($t2t->index('@0,0'), '1.0');
    is($t2t->get('@0,0'), 'x');    

    $t2->destroy if Tk::Exists($t2);
    $t2 = $mw->Toplevel;
    my $t2t = $t2->Text(qw(-width 20 -height 5))->pack;
    $t2t->insert("1.0", "abc\n123\nx\ny\nz\nq\nr\ns");
    $t2t->delete(qw(2.0 4.0));
    is($t2t->index('@0,0'), '2.0');
    is($t2t->get('@0,0'), 'y');

    $t2->destroy if Tk::Exists($t2);
    $t2 = $mw->Toplevel;
    my $t2t = $t2->Text(qw(-width 1 -height 10 -wrap char));
    my $t2f = $t2->Frame(qw(-width 200 -height 20 -relief raised -bd 2));
    Tk::pack($t2f, $t2t, -side => 'left');

    $t2t->delete(qw(1.0 end));
    $t2t->insert('end', "abcde\n12345\nqrstuv");
    $t2t->delete('1.4', '2.3');
    is($t2t->index('@0,0'), '1.2');

    $t2t->delete(qw(1.0 end));
    $t2t->insert('end', "abcde\n12345\nqrstuv");
    $t2t->delete('2.3', '2.4');
    is($t2t->index('@0,0'), '2.0');

    $t2t->delete(qw(1.0 end));
    $t2t->insert('end', "abcde\n12345\nqrstuv");
    $t2t->delete('1.0', '1.2');
    is($t2t->index('@0,0'), '1.1');

    $t2->destroy if Tk::Exists($t2);
    $t2 = $mw->Toplevel;
    my $t2t = $t2->Text(qw(-width 6 -height 10 -wrap word))->pack(-side => "left");
    my $t2f = $t2->Frame(qw(-width 200 -height 20 -relief raised -bd 2))->pack(-side => "left");
    $t2t->insert('end', "abc def\n01 2345 678 9101112\nLine 3\nLine 4\nLine 5\n6\n7\n8\n");
    with_fixed_font {
	is($t2t->index('@0,0'), '2.3',
	   q{DeleteChars procedure, updates affecting topIndex});
    is($t2t->index('@0,0'), '2.0');

$t->delete('1.0', 'end');
for my $i ('a' .. 'z') {
    $t->insert('end', "$i.0$i.1$i.2$i.3$i.4\n");

    $t->tagAdd('sel', '1.3', '3.4');
    is($mw->SelectionGet, q{a.1a.2a.3a.4
c.0c}, q{TextFetchSelection procedure});

    $t->tagAdd('x', '1.2');
    $t->tagAdd('x', '1.4');
    $t->tagAdd('x', '2.0');
    $t->tagAdd('x', '2.3');
    $t->tagRemove('sel', '1.0', 'end');
    $t->tagAdd('sel', '1.0', '3.4');
    is($mw->SelectionGet, q{a.0a.1a.2a.3a.4

    $t->tagRemove('sel', '1.0', 'end');
    $t->tagAdd('sel', '13.3');
    is($mw->SelectionGet, 'm');

    $t->tag(qw(remove x 1.0 end));
    $t->tag(qw(add sel 1.0 3.4));
    $t->tag(qw(remove sel 1.0 end));
    $t->tag(qw(add sel 1.2 1.5));
    $t->tag(qw(add sel 2.4 3.1));
    $t->tag(qw(add sel 10.0 10.end));
    $t->tag(qw(add sel 13.3));
    is($mw->SelectionGet, q{0a..1b.2b.3b.4

    my $x = "";
    for(my $i = 1; $i < 200; $i++) {
	$x .= "This is line $i, padded to just about 53 characters.\n";

    $t->delete(qw(1.0 end));
    $t->insert('end', $x);
    $t->tagAdd('sel', '1.0', 'end');
    is($mw->SelectionGet, "$x\n", q{TextFetchSelection procedure, long selections});

    skip("Only for unix", 1)
	if $Tk::platform ne 'unix';

    $t2->destroy if Tk::Exists($t2);
    $t2 = $mw->Text;
    $t2->insert('1.0', "abc\ndef\nghijk\n1234");
    $t2->tagAdd('sel', '1.2', '3.3');
    is_deeply([$t2->tagRanges('sel')], [],
	      q{TkTextLostSelection procedure});

    skip("Only for windows", 1)
	if $Tk::platform ne 'MSWin32';

    $t2->destroy if Tk::Exists($t2);
    $t2 = $mw->Text;
    $t2->insert('1.0', "abc\ndef\nghijk\n1234");
    $t2->tagAdd('sel', '1.2', '3.3');
    is_deeply([$t2->tagRanges('sel')], [qw(1.2 3.3)],
	      q{TkTextLostSelection procedure});

    $t2->destroy if Tk::Exists($t2);
    $t2 = $mw->Text;
    $t2->insert('1.0', "abcdef\nghijk\n1234");
    $t2->tagAdd('sel', '1.0', '1.3');
    is($mw->SelectionGet, 'abc');
    eval { $mw->SelectionGet };
    like($@, qr{\QPRIMARY selection doesn't exist or form "STRING" not defined});
    $t2->tagAdd('sel', '1.0', '1.3');
    is($mw->SelectionGet, 'abc');

    $t->delete('1.0', 'end');
    $t->insert("end", "xxyz xyz x. the\nfoo -forward bar xxxxx BaR foo\nxyz xxyzx");

	local $TODO = "Many options NYI in Perl/Tk";

	eval { $t->search('-') };
	like($@, qr{\Qbad switch "-": must be --, -all, -backward, -count, -elide, -exact, -forward, -nocase, -nolinestop, -overlap, -regexp, or -strictlimits},
	     q{TextSearchCmd procedure, argument parsing});

    is($t->search('-backwards', 'xyz', '1.4'), '1.1',
       q{TextSearchCmd procedure, -backwards option});

    SKIP: {
	    skip("-all NYI in Perl/Tk # TODO", 1);

	    is_deeply([$t->search('-all', 'xyz', '1.4')],
		      [qw{1.5 3.0 3.5 1.1}],
		      q{TextSearchCmd procedure, -all option});

    is($t->search('-forwards', 'xyz', '1.4'), '1.5',
       q{TextSearchCmd procedure, -forwards option});

    is($t->search('-f', '-exact', 'x.', '1.0'), '1.9',
       q{TextSearchCmd procedure, -exact option});

    is($t->search('-b', '-regexp', 'x.z', '1.4'), '1.1',
       q{TextSearchCmd procedure, -regexp option});

    is($t->search('-b', '-regexp', qr{x.z}, '1.4'), '1.1',
       q{TextSearchCmd procedure, -regexp option with qr regexp});

    is($t->search('-b', '-regexp', qr{X.Z}i, '1.4'), '1.1',
       q{TextSearchCmd procedure, -regexp option with qr regexp and flags});

    is($t->search('-f', '-regexp', '(?i:BAR)', '1.0'), '2.13',
       q{Perl regexp, embedded option});

    my $length = "unmodified";
    is($t->search(-count => \$length, 'x.', '1.4'), '1.9',
      q{TextSearchCmd procedure, -count option});
    is($length, 2);

## It's not yet clear if the array form is also needed...
#     my @length;
#     is($t->search(-count => \@length, 'x.', '1.4'), '1.9',
#       q{TextSearchCmd procedure, -count option});
#     is_deeply(\@length, [2]);

    eval { $t->search('-count') };
    like($@, qr{\Qno value given for "-count" option});

    is($t->search(-nocase => 'BaR', '1.1'), '2.13',
       q{TextSearchCmd procedure, -nocase option});
    is($t->search('BaR', '1.1'), '2.23');

	local $TODO = "not clear if this should be a failure...";

	eval { $t->search(qw(-n BaR 1.1)) };
	isnt($@, "", q{TextSearchCmd procedure, -n ambiguous option});

    is($t->search(-noc => 'BaR', '1.1'), '2.13');

	local $TODO = "-nolinestop NYI in Perl/Tk";

	eval { $t->search(-nolinestop => 'BaR', '1.1') };
	like($@, qr{\Qthe "-nolinestop" option requires the "-regexp" option to be present},
	     q{TextSearchCmd procedure, -nolinestop option});

 SKIP: {
	skip("-nolinestop NYI in Perl/Tk # TODO", 2);

	my $msg = "";
	is($t->search(-nolinestop => -regexp => -count => \$msg, 'e.*o', '1.1'), '1.14');
	is($msg, "32");

    is($t->search('--', '-forward', '1.0'), '2.4',
       q{TextSearchCmd procedure, -- option});

    eval { $t->search('abc') };
    like($@, qr{\Qwrong # args: should be ".t search ?switches? pattern index ?stopIndex?"},
	 q{TextSearchCmd procedure, argument parsing});

    eval { $t->search(qw(abc d e f)) };
    like($@, qr{\Qwrong # args: should be ".t search ?switches? pattern index ?stopIndex?"});

    eval { $t->search(qw(abc gorp)) };
    like($@, qr{\Qbad text index "gorp"},
	 q{TextSearchCmd procedure, check index});

    is($t->search("non-existent", "end"), undef,
       q{TextSearchCmd procedure, startIndex == "end"});

    eval { $t->search(qw(abc 1.0 lousy)) };
    like($@, qr{\Qbad text index "lousy"},
	 q{TextSearchCmd procedure, bad stopIndex});

    is($t->search(-nocase => BAR => '1.1'), "2.13",
       q{TextSearchCmd procedure, pattern case conversion});

    is($t->search('BAR' => '1.1'), undef);

    # This test causes a "Stack moved ........ => ........" message
    eval { $t->search(-regexp => 'a(', '1.0') };
    like($@, qr{Unmatched \( in regex}, # this is a perl error message, not a Tcl error message
	 q{TextSearchCmd procedure, bad regular expression pattern});

    is($t->search(-backwards => 'BaR', 'end', '1.0'), '2.23',
       q{TextSearchCmd procedure, skip dummy last line});

    is($t->search(-backwards => "\n", "end", "1.0"), "3.9");

    is($t->search("\n", "end"), "1.15");

    is($t->search(-back => "\n", "1.0"), "3.9");

    $t->tagAdd("foo", "1.2");
    $t->tagAdd("x", "1.3");
    $t->markSet("silly", "1.2");
    is($t->search("xyz", "3.6"), "1.1",
       q{TextSearchCmd procedure, extract line contents});

    is($t->search("the\n", "1.0"), "1.12",
       q{TextSearchCmd procedure, stripping newlines});

	local $TODO = "This is probably implemented in tk8.5";

	is($t->search(-regexp => "the\n", "1.0"), "1.12",
	   q{TextSearchCmd procedure, handling newlines});

	is($t->search(-regexp => "\n", "1.0"), "1.15");

    is($t->search(-regexp => q{the$}, "1.0"), "1.12",
       q{TextSearchCmd procedure, stripping newlines});

    is($t->search(-nocase => "bar", "2.18"), "2.23",
       q{TextSearchCmd procedure, line case conversion});
    is($t->search('bar', '2.18'), "2.13");

    is($t->search(-backwards => 'xyz', '1.6'), '1.5',
       q{TextSearchCmd procedure, firstChar and lastChar});
    is($t->search(-backwards => 'xyz', '1.5'), '1.1');
    is($t->search('xyz', '1.5'), '1.5');
    is($t->search('xyz', '1.6'), '3.0');
    is($t->search(undef, '1.end'), '1.15');
    is($t->search('', '1.end'), '1.15');
    is($t->search('f', '1.end'), '2.0');
    is($t->search(undef, 'end'), '1.0');

    # Test for fix of bug #1643
    $t->insert("end", "\n");
    is($t->search(-forward => -regexp => q{^$}, 'insert', 'end'), "4.0",
       q{TextSearchCmd procedure, regexp finds empty lines});

    $t2->destroy if Tk::Exists($t2);
    $t2 = $mw->Toplevel;
    my $t2t = $t2->Text(qw(-width 30 -height 10))->pack;
    $t2t->insert('1.0', "This is a line\nand this is another");
    $t2t->insert('end', "\nand this is yet another");
    my $t2f = $t2->Frame(qw(-width 20 -height 20 -bd 2 -relief raised));
    $t2t->windowCreate("2.5", -window => $t2f);

    is($t2t->search("his", "2.6"), "2.6",
       q{TextSearchCmd procedure, firstChar and lastChar});
    is($t2t->search("this", "2.6"), "3.4");
    is($t2t->search("is", "2.6"), "2.7");
    is($t2t->search("his", "2.7"), "3.5");
    is($t2t->search("-backwards", "his is another", "2.6"), "2.6");
    is($t2t->search("-backwards", "his is", "2.6"), "1.1");


    is($t->search(-backwards => 'forw', '2.5'), '2.5');
    is($t->search('forw', '2.5'), '2.5');

    $t2->destroy if Tk::Exists($t2);
    $t2 = $mw->Text;
    is($t2->search("a", "1.0"), undef);
    is($t2->search(-backward, "a", "1.0"), undef);
    is_deeply([$t2->search("a", "1.0")], []);
    is_deeply([$t2->search(-backward, "a", "1.0")], []);

    my $length = "unchanged";
    is($t->search(-regexp => -count => \$length, 'x(.)(.*)z', '1.1'), '1.1');
    is($length, 7, q{TextSearchCmd procedure, regexp match length});

    my $length = "unchanged";
    is($t->search(-regexp => -backward => -count => \$length, 'fo*', '2.5'), '2.0');
    is($length, 3, q{TextSearchCmd procedure, regexp match length});

    is($t->search("bar", "2.1", "2.13"), undef,
       q{TextSearchCmd procedure, checking stopIndex});
    is($t->search("bar", "2.1", "2.14"), "2.13");
    is($t->search("bar", "2.12", "2.14"), "2.13");
    is($t->search("bar", "2.14", "2.14"), undef);

    is($t->search(qw(-backwards bar 2.20 2.13)), "2.13");
    is($t->search(qw(-backwards bar 2.20 2.14)), undef);
    is($t->search(qw(-backwards bar 2.14 2.13)), "2.13");
    is($t->search(qw(-backwards bar 2.13 2.13)), undef);

    skip("-strict NYI in Perl/Tk # TODO", 4);

    is($t->search(qw(-backwards -strict bar 2.20 2.13)), "2.13");
    is($t->search(qw(-backwards -strict bar 2.20 2.14)), undef);
    is($t->search(qw(-backwards -strict bar 2.14 2.13)), undef);
    is($t->search(qw(-backwards -strict bar 2.13 2.13)), undef);

    my @tf;
    $tf[$_] = $t->Frame(qw(-width 20 -height 20 -relief raised -bd 2))
	for 1 .. 4;

    $t->windowCreate("2.10", -window => $tf[3]);
    $t->windowCreate("2.8",  -window => $tf[2]);
    $t->windowCreate("2.8",  -window => $tf[1]);
    $t->windowCreate("2.1",  -window => $tf[4]);

    my $x;
    is($t->search(-count => \$x, 'forward', '1.0'), "2.6",
       q{TextSearchCmd procedure, embedded windows and index/count});
    is($x, 10);
    is($t->search(-count => \$x, 'wa', '1.0'), "2.11");
    is($x, 2);

    $t->delete("2.8", "2.10");

    my $a = {};
    eval { $t->search(-count => \$a, qw(xyz 1.0)) };
    is($@, "");

    is($t->search(-backwards => 'xyz', '1.1'), "3.5",
       q{TextSearchCmd procedure, wrap-around});
    is($t->search(qw(-backwards xyz 1.1 1.0)), undef);
    is($t->search(qw(xyz 3.6)), '1.1');
    is($t->search(qw(xyz 3.6 end)), undef);

    is($t->search(qw(non_existent 3.5)), undef,
       q{TextSearchCmd procedure, no match});
    is($t->search(qw(-regexp non_existent 3.5)), undef);

    is($t->search(qw(-back x 1.1)), '1.0',
       q{TextSearchCmd procedure, special cases});
    is($t->search(qw(-back x 1.0)), '3.8');
    is($t->search("\n", "end-2c"), '3.9');
    is($t->search("\n", "end"), '1.15');
    is($t->search(qw(x 1.0)), '1.0');

    # This test doesn't return a result, but it will generate
    # a core leak if the pattern copy isn't properly freed.
    # (actually in Tk 8.5 objectification means there is no
    # longer a copy of the pattern, but we leave this test in
    # anyway).

    my $p = "abcdefg1234567890";
    $p = "$p$p$p$p$p$p$p$p";
    $p = "$p$p$p$p$p";
    $t->search('-nocase', $p, '1.0');
    pass(q{TextSearchCmd, freeing copy of pattern});

    $t->delete(qw(1.0 end));
    $t->insert(end => "foo\x{30c9}\x{30ca}bar");
    is($t->search("\x{30c9}\x{30ca}", "1.0"), "1.3",
       q{TextSearchCmd, unicode});

    $t->delete(qw(1.0 end));
    $t->insert(end => "foo\x{30c9}\x{30ca}bar");
    my $n;
    is($t->search(-count => \$n, "\x{30c9}\x{30ca}", "1.0"), "1.3");
    is($n, 2);

    $t->delete(qw(1.0 end));
    my $b1 = $mw->Button(-text => "baz");
    $t->insert(end => "foo\x{30c9}");
    $t->windowCreate(end => -window => $b1);
    $t->insert(end => "\x{30ca}bar");
    my $n;
    is($t->search(-count => \$n, "\x{30c9}\x{30ca}", "1.0"), "1.3",
       q{TextSearchCmd, unicode with non-text segments});
    is($n, 3);

    my $t2 = $mw->Text->pack;
    $t2->insert(end => "12345H7890");
    is($t2->search(qw(7 1.0)), "1.6",
       q{TextSearchCmd, hidden text does not affect match index});

    my $t2 = $mw->Text->pack;
    $t2->insert(end => "12345H7890");
    $t2->tagConfigure(hidden => -elide => "true");
    $t2->tagAdd(hidden => "1.5");
    is($t2->search(7, "1.0"), "1.6",
       q{TextSearchCmd, hidden text does not affect match index});

    my $t2 = $mw->Text->pack;
    $t2->insert(end => "foobar\nbarbaz\nbazboo");
    is($t2->search(boo => "1.0"), "3.3");

    my $t2 = $mw->Text->pack;
    $t2->insert(end => "foobar\nbarbaz\nbazboo");
    $t2->tagConfigure(hidden => -elide => "true");
    $t2->tagAdd(hidden => "2.0", "3.0");
    is($t2->search(boo => "1.0"), "3.3");

    $t->destroy if Tk::Exists($t);
    $t = $mw->Text->pack;
    $t->insert(end => "word1", "word2");
    # the original regexp was {\mword.}
    is($t->search(-nocase => -regexp => qr{\bword.}, "1.0", "end"), "1.0",
       q{TextSearchCmd, -regexp -nocase searches});

    $t->destroy if Tk::Exists($t);
    $t = $mw->Text->pack;
    $t->insert(end => "word1", "word2");
    # the original regexp was {word.\M}
    is($t->search(-nocase => -regexp => qr{word.\b}, "1.0", "end"), "1.0",
       q{TextSearchCmd, -regexp -nocase searches});

    $t->destroy if Tk::Exists($t);
    $t = $mw->Text->pack;
    $t->insert(end => "word1 word2");
    is($t->search(-nocase => -regexp => qr{word.\W}, "1.0", "end"), "1.0",
       q{TextSearchCmd, -regexp -nocase searches});

    my $t2 = $mw->Text->pack;
    $t2->insert("end", "foobar\nfoobar\nfoobar");
    is($t2->search(qw(bar 1.3)), "1.3",
       q{TextSearchCmd, hidden text and start index});

    skip("Seems to be buggy in Tk 8.4 and earlier", 1)
	if $Tk::VERSION < 805;

    my $t2 = $mw->Text->pack;
    $t2->insert("end", "foobar\nfoobar\nfoobar");
    $t2->tag(qw(configure hidden -elide true));
    $t2->tag(qw(add hidden 1.0 1.2));
    is($t2->search(qw(bar 1.3)), "1.3",
       q{TextSearchCmd, hidden text shouldn't influence start index});

    skip("Seems to be buggy in Tk 8.4 and earlier", 2)
	if $Tk::VERSION < 805;

    my $t2 = $mw->Text->pack;
    $t2->insert("end", "foobar\nfoobar\nfoobar");
    $t2->tag(qw(configure hidden -elide true));
    $t2->tag(qw(add hidden 1.2 1.4));
    my $foo;
    is($t2->search(-count => \$foo, qw(foar 1.3)), "1.0",
       q{TextSearchCmd, hidden text inside match must count in length});
    is($foo, 6);

    skip("-strict is NYI implemented", 3)
	if $Tk::VERSION < 805;

    my $t2 = $mw->Text->pack;
    $t2->insert("end", "foobar\nfoobar\nfoobar");
    $t2->tag(qw(configure hidden -elide true));
    $t2->tag(qw(add hidden 1.2 1.4));
    my $foo;
    is($t2->search(-strict => -count => \$foo, qw(foar 1.3)), undef);
    is($t2->search(-strict => -count => \$foo, qw(foar 2.3)), "1.0");
    is($foo, 6);

    my $t2 = $mw->Text->pack;
    $t2->insert("end", "foobar\nfoobar\nfoobar");
    is($t2->search(-regexp => bar => "1.3"), "1.3",
       q{TextSearchCmd, hidden text and start index});

    skip("Seems to be buggy in Tk 8.4 and earlier", 1)
	if $Tk::VERSION < 805;

    my $t2 = $mw->Text->pack;
    $t2->insert("end", "foobar\nfoobar\nfoobar");
    $t2->tag(qw(configure hidden -elide true));
    $t2->tag(qw(add hidden 1.0 1.2));
    is($t2->search(-regexp => bar => "1.3"), "1.3",
       q{TextSearchCmd, hidden text shouldn't influence start index});

    skip("Seems to be buggy in Tk 8.4 and earlier", 2)
	if $Tk::VERSION < 805;

    my $t2 = $mw->Text->pack;
    $t2->insert("end", "foobar\nfoobar\nfoobar");
    $t2->tag(qw(configure hidden -elide true));
    $t2->tag(qw(add hidden 1.2 1.4));
    my $foo;
    is($t2->search(-regexp => -count => \$foo, foar => "1.3"), "1.0",
       q{TextSearchCmd, hidden text inside match must count in length});
    is($foo, 6);

    skip("Seems to be buggy in Tk 8.4 and earlier", 2)
	if $Tk::VERSION < 805;

    my $t2 = $mw->Text->pack;
    $t2->insert("end", "foobar\nfoobar\nfoobar");
    $t2->tag(qw(configure hidden -elide true));
    $t2->tag(qw(add hidden 1.2 1.4));
    my $foo;
    is($t2->search(-count => \$foo, foar => "1.3"), "1.0");
    is($foo, 6);

    skip("-strict NYI implemented", 1)
	if $Tk::VERSION < 805;

    my $t2 = $mw->Text->pack;
    $t2->insert("end", "foobar\nfoobar\nfoobar");
    $t2->tag(qw(configure hidden -elide true));
    $t2->tag(qw(add hidden 1.2 1.4));
    my $foo;
    is($t2->search(-strict => -count => \$foo, foar => "1.3"), undef);

    skip("-all NYI implemented", 1)
	if $Tk::VERSION < 805;

    my $t2 = $mw->Text->pack;
    $t2->insert("end", "foobar\nfoobar\nfoobar");
    $t2->tag(qw(configure hidden -elide true));
    $t2->tag(qw(add hidden 1.2 1.4));
    $t2->tag(qw(add hidden 2.2 2.4));
    my $foo;
    is_deeply([$t2->search(-regexp => -all => -count => \$foo, foar => "1.3")],
	      [qw(2.0 3.0 1.0)]);
    is_deeply($foo, [qw(6 4 6)]);

    skip("-all NYI implemented", 1)
	if $Tk::VERSION < 805;

    my $t2 = $mw->Text->pack;
    $t2->insert("end", "foobar\nfoobar\nfoobar");
    $t2->tag(qw(configure hidden -elide true));
    $t2->tag(qw(add hidden 1.2 1.4));
    $t2->tag(qw(add hidden 2.2 2.4));
    my $foo;
    is_deeply([$t2->search(-all => -count => \$foo, foar => "1.3")],
	      [qw(2.0 3.0 1.0)]);
    is_deeply($foo, [qw(6 4 6)]);

    skip("-strict and -all NYI implemented", 1)
	if $Tk::VERSION < 805;

    my $t2 = $mw->Text->pack;
    $t2->insert("end", "foobar\nfoobar\nfoobar");
    $t2->tag(qw(configure hidden -elide true));
    $t2->tag(qw(add hidden 1.2 1.4));
    $t2->tag(qw(add hidden 2.2 2.4));
    my $foo;
    is_deeply([$t2->search(-strict => -all => -count => \$foo, foar => "1.3")],
	      [qw(2.0 3.0)]);
    is_deeply($foo, [qw(6 4)]);


test text-20.78.6 {TextSearchCmd, single line with -all} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert end " X\n X\n X\n X\n X\n X\n"
    .t2 search -all -regexp { +| *\n} 1.0 end
} {1.0 1.2 2.0 2.2 3.0 3.2 4.0 4.2 5.0 5.2 6.0 6.2 7.0}
test text-20.79 {TextSearchCmd, multiline matching} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert end "foobar\nfoobar\nfoobar"
    list [.t2 search -count foo foobar\nfoo 1.0] $foo
} {1.0 10}
test text-20.80 {TextSearchCmd, multiline matching} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert end "foobar\nfoobar\nfoobar"
    list [.t2 search -count foo bar\nfoo 1.0] $foo
} {1.3 7}
test text-20.81 {TextSearchCmd, multiline matching} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert end "foobar\nfoobar\nfoobar"
    list [.t2 search -count foo \nfoo 1.0] $foo
} {1.6 4}
test text-20.82 {TextSearchCmd, multiline matching} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert end "foobar\nfoobar\nfoobar"
    list [.t2 search -count foo bar\nfoobar\nfoo 1.0] $foo
} {1.3 14}
test text-20.83 {TextSearchCmd, multiline matching} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert end "foobar\nfoobar\nfoobar"
    .t2 search -count foo bar\nfoobar\nfoobanearly 1.0
} {}
test text-20.84 {TextSearchCmd, multiline matching} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert end "foobar\nfoobar\nfoobar"
    list [.t2 search -regexp -count foo foobar\nfoo 1.0] $foo
} {1.0 10}
test text-20.85 {TextSearchCmd, multiline matching} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert end "foobar\nfoobar\nfoobar"
    list [.t2 search -regexp -count foo bar\nfoo 1.0] $foo
} {1.3 7}
test text-20.86 {TextSearchCmd, multiline matching} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert end "foobar\nfoobar\nfoobar"
    list [.t2 search -regexp -count foo \nfoo 1.0] $foo
} {1.6 4}
test text-20.87 {TextSearchCmd, multiline matching} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert end "foobar\nfoobar\nfoobar"
    list [.t2 search -regexp -count foo bar\nfoobar\nfoo 1.0] $foo
} {1.3 14}
test text-20.88 {TextSearchCmd, multiline matching} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert end "foobar\nfoobar\nfoobar"
    .t2 search -regexp -count foo bar\nfoobar\nfoobanearly 1.0
} {}
test text-20.89 {TextSearchCmd, multiline matching} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert end "foobar\nfaoobar\nfoobar"
    .t2 search -regexp -count foo bar\nfoo 1.0
} {2.4}
test text-20.90 {TextSearchCmd, multiline matching end of window} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert end "foobar\nfaoobar\nfoobar"
    .t2 search -regexp -count foo bar\nfoobar\n\n 1.0
} {}
test text-20.91 {TextSearchCmd, multiline matching end of window} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 search "\n\n" 1.0
} {}
test text-20.92 {TextSearchCmd, multiline matching} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert end "foobar\nfoobar\nfoobar"
    list [.t2 search -backwards -count foo foobar\nfoo end] $foo
} {2.0 10}
test text-20.93 {TextSearchCmd, multiline matching} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert end "foobar\nfoobar\nfoobar"
    list [.t2 search -backwards -count foo bar\nfoo 1.0] $foo
} {2.3 7}
test text-20.94 {TextSearchCmd, multiline matching} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert end "foobar\nfoobar\nfoobar"
    list [.t2 search -backwards -count foo \nfoo 1.0] $foo
} {2.6 4}
test text-20.95 {TextSearchCmd, multiline matching} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert end "foobar\nfoobar\nfoobar"
    list [.t2 search -backwards -count foo bar\nfoobar\nfoo 1.0] $foo
} {1.3 14}
test text-20.96 {TextSearchCmd, multiline matching} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert end "foobar\nfoobar\nfoobar"
    .t2 search -backwards -count foo bar\nfoobar\nfoobanearly 1.0
} {}
test text-20.97 {TextSearchCmd, multiline matching} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert end "foobar\nfoobar\nfoobar"
    list [.t2 search -backwards -regexp -count foo foobar\nfoo end] $foo
} {2.0 10}
test text-20.97.1 {TextSearchCmd, multiline matching} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert end "foobar\nfoobar\nfoobar"
    list [.t2 search -backwards -regexp -count foo foobar\nfo end] $foo
} {2.0 9}
test text-20.98 {TextSearchCmd, multiline matching} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert end "foobar\nfoobar\nfoobar"
    list [.t2 search -backwards -regexp -count foo bar\nfoo 1.0] $foo
} {2.3 7}
test text-20.99 {TextSearchCmd, multiline matching} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert end "foobar\nfoobar\nfoobar"
    list [.t2 search -backwards -regexp -count foo \nfoo 1.0] $foo
} {2.6 4}
test text-20.100 {TextSearchCmd, multiline matching} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert end "foobar\nfoobar\nfoobar"
    list [.t2 search -backwards -regexp -count foo bar\nfoobar\nfoo 1.0] $foo
} {1.3 14}
test text-20.101 {TextSearchCmd, multiline matching} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert end "foobar\nfoobar\nfoobar"
    .t2 search -backwards -regexp -count foo bar\nfoobar\nfoobanearly 1.0
} {}
test text-20.102 {TextSearchCmd, multiline matching} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert end "foobar\nfaoobar\nfoobar"
    .t2 search -backwards -regexp -count foo bar\nfoo 1.0
} {2.4}
test text-20.103 {TextSearchCmd, multiline matching end of window} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert end "foobar\nfaoobar\nfoobar"
    .t2 search -backwards -regexp -count foo bar\nfoobar\n\n 1.0
} {}
test text-20.104 {TextSearchCmd, multiline matching end of window} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 search -backwards "\n\n" 1.0
} {}
test text-20.105 {TextSearchCmd, multiline regexp matching} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 {    Tcl_Obj *objPtr));
static Tcl_Obj*         FSNormalizeAbsolutePath 
			    _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp* interp, Tcl_Obj *pathPtr));}
    set markExpr "^(\[A-Za-z0-9~_\]+\[ \t\n\r\]*\\(|(\[^ \t\(#\n\r/@:\*\]\[^=\(\r\n\]*\[ \t\]+\\*?)?"
    append markExpr "(\[A-Za-z0-9~_\]+(<\[^>\]*>)?(::)?(\[A-Za-z0-9~_\]+::)*\[-A-Za-z0-9~_+ <>\|\\*/\]+|\[A-Za-z0-9~_\]+)"
    append markExpr "\[ \n\t\r\]*\\()"
    .t2 search -forwards -regexp $markExpr 1.41 end
} {}
test text-20.106 {TextSearchCmd, multiline regexp matching} {
    # Practical example which used to crash Tk, but only after the
    # search is complete.  This is memory corruption caused by
    # a bug in Tcl's handling of string objects.
    # (Tcl bug 635200)
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 {static int		SetFsPathFromAny _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp *interp,
			    Tcl_Obj *objPtr));
static Tcl_Obj*         FSNormalizeAbsolutePath 
			    _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp* interp, Tcl_Obj *pathPtr));}
    set markExpr "^(\[A-Za-z0-9~_\]+\[ \t\n\r\]*\\(|(\[^ \t\(#\n\r/@:\*\]\[^=\(\r\n\]*\[ \t\]+\\*?)?"
    append markExpr "(\[A-Za-z0-9~_\]+(<\[^>\]*>)?(::)?(\[A-Za-z0-9~_\]+::)*\[-A-Za-z0-9~_+ <>\|\\*/\]+|\[A-Za-z0-9~_\]+)"
    append markExpr "\[ \n\t\r\]*\\()"
    .t2 search -forwards -regexp $markExpr 1.41 end
} {}
test text-20.107 {TextSearchCmd, multiline regexp matching} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 {
static int		SetFsPathFromAny _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp *interp,
			    Tcl_Obj *objPtr));
static Tcl_Obj*         FSNormalizeAbsolutePath 
			    _ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp* interp, Tcl_Obj *pathPtr));}
    set markExpr "^(\[A-Za-z0-9~_\]+\[ \t\n\r\]*\\(|(\[^ \t\(#\n\r/@:\*\]\[^=\(\r\n\]*\[ \t\]+\\*?)?"
    append markExpr "(\[A-Za-z0-9~_\]+(<\[^>\]*>)?(::)?(\[A-Za-z0-9~_\]+::)*\[-A-Za-z0-9~_+ <>\|\\*/\]+|\[A-Za-z0-9~_\]+)"
    append markExpr "\[ \n\t\r\]*\\()"
    .t2 search -backwards -all -regexp $markExpr end
} {2.0}
test text-20.108 {TextSearchCmd, multiline matching} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert end "foobar\nfoobar\nfoobar"
    .t2 search -all -regexp -count foo bar\nfoo 1.0
} {1.3 2.3}
test text-20.109 {TextSearchCmd, multiline matching} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert end "foobar\nfoobar\nfoobar"
    .t2 search -all -backwards -regexp -count foo bar\nfoo 1.0
} {2.3 1.3}
test text-20.110 {TextSearchCmd, wrapping and limits} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert end "foobar\nfoobar\nfoobar"
    .t2 search -- "blah" 3.3 1.3
} {}
test text-20.111 {TextSearchCmd, wrapping and limits} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert end "foobar\nfoobar\nfoobar"
    .t2 search -backwards -- "blah" 1.3 3.3
} {}
test text-20.112 {TextSearchCmd, wrapping and limits} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert end "if (stringPtr->uallocated > 0) \{x"
    .t2 search -backwards -regexp -- "\[\]\")\}\[(\{\]" "1.32" 1.0
} {1.31}
test text-20.113 {TextSearchCmd, wrapping and limits} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert end "if (stringPtr->uallocated > 0) \{x"
    .t2 search -regexp -- "\[\]\")\}\[(\{\]" 1.30 "1.0 lineend"
} {1.31}
test text-20.114 {TextSearchCmd, wrapping and limits} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert end "if (stringPtr->uallocated > 0) \{x"
    .t2 search -backwards -all -regexp -- "\[\]\")\}\[(\{\]" "1.32" 1.0
} {1.31 1.29 1.3}
test text-20.115 {TextSearchCmd, wrapping and limits} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert end "if (stringPtr->uallocated > 0) \{x"
    .t2 search -all -regexp -- "\[\]\")\}\[(\{\]" 1.0 "1.0 lineend"
} {1.3 1.29 1.31}
test text-20.116 {TextSearchCmd, wrapping and limits} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert end "if (stringPtr->uallocated > 0) \{x"
    .t2 search -backwards -- "\{" "1.32" 1.0
} {1.31}
test text-20.117 {TextSearchCmd, wrapping and limits} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert end "if (stringPtr->uallocated > 0) \{x"
    .t2 search -- "\{" 1.30 "1.0 lineend"
} {1.31}
test text-20.118 {TextSearchCmd, multiline regexp matching} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 {

Tcl_SetObjLength(objPtr, length)
    register Tcl_Obj *objPtr;	/* Pointer to object.  This object must
				 * not currently be shared. */
    register int length;	/* Number of bytes desired for string
				 * representation of object, not including
				 * terminating null byte. */
    char *new;
    set markExpr "^(\[A-Za-z0-9~_\]+\[ \t\n\r\]*\\(|(\[^ \t\(#\n\r/@:\*\]\[^=\(\r\n\]*\[ \t\]+\\*?)?"
    append markExpr "(\[A-Za-z0-9~_\]+(<\[^>\]*>)?(::)?(\[A-Za-z0-9~_\]+::)*\[-A-Za-z0-9~_+ <>\|\\*/\]+|\[A-Za-z0-9~_\]+)"
    append markExpr "\[ \n\t\r\]*\\()"
    .t2 search -all -regexp -- $markExpr 1.0
} {4.0}
test text-20.119 {TextSearchCmd, multiline regexp matching} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "first line\nlast line of text"
    set markExpr {^[a-z]+}
    # This should not match, and should not wrap
    .t2 search -regexp -- $markExpr end end
} {}
test text-20.120 {TextSearchCmd, multiline regexp matching} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "first line\nlast line of text"
    set markExpr {^[a-z]+}
    # This should not match, and should not wrap
    .t2 search -regexp -- $markExpr end+10c end
} {}
test text-20.121 {TextSearchCmd, multiline regexp matching} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "first line\nlast line of text"
    set markExpr {^[a-z]+}
    # This should not match, and should not wrap
    .t2 search -regexp -backwards -- $markExpr 1.0 1.0
} {}
test text-20.122 {TextSearchCmd, regexp linestop} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "first line\nlast line of text"
    .t2 search -regexp -- {i.*x} 1.0
} {2.6}
test text-20.123 {TextSearchCmd, multiline regexp nolinestop matching} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "first line\nlast line of text"
    .t2 search -regexp -nolinestop -- {i.*x} 1.0
} {1.1}
test text-20.124 {TextSearchCmd, regexp linestop} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "first line\nlast line of text"
    .t2 search -regexp -all -overlap -- {i.*x} 1.0
} {2.6}
test text-20.124.1 {TextSearchCmd, regexp linestop} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "first line\nlast line of text"
    .t2 search -regexp -all -- {i.*x} 1.0
} {2.6}
test text-20.125 {TextSearchCmd, multiline regexp nolinestop matching} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "first line\nlast line of text"
    list [.t2 search -regexp -all -overlap -count c -nolinestop -- {i.*x} 1.0] $c
} {{1.1 2.6} {26 10}}
test text-20.125.1 {TextSearchCmd, multiline regexp nolinestop matching} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "first line\nlast line of text"
    list [.t2 search -regexp -all -count c -nolinestop -- {i.*x} 1.0] $c
} {1.1 26}
test text-20.126 {TextSearchCmd, stop at end of line} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "  \t\n   last line of text"
    .t2 search -regexp -nolinestop -- {[^ \t]} 1.0
} {1.3}
test text-20.127 {TextSearchCmd, overlapping all matches} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "abcde abcde"
    list [.t2 search -regexp -all -overlap -count c -- {\w+} 1.0] $c
} {{1.0 1.6} {5 5}}
test text-20.127.1 {TextSearchCmd, non-overlapping all matches} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "abcde abcde"
    list [.t2 search -regexp -all -count c -- {\w+} 1.0] $c
} {{1.0 1.6} {5 5}}
test text-20.128 {TextSearchCmd, stop at end of line} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "abcde abcde"
    list [.t2 search -backwards -regexp -all -count c -- {\w+} 1.0] $c
} {{1.6 1.0} {5 5}}
test text-20.129 {TextSearchCmd, backwards search stop index } {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "bla ZabcZdefZghi and some text again"
    list [.t2 search -backwards -regexp -count c -- {Z\w+} 1.21 1.5] $c
} {1.8 8}
test text-20.130 {TextSearchCmd, backwards search stop index } {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "bla ZabcZdefZghi and some text again"
    list [.t2 search -backwards -all -overlap -regexp -count c -- {Z\w+} 1.21 1.5] $c
} {1.8 8}
test text-20.130.1 {TextSearchCmd, backwards search stop index } {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "bla ZabcZdefZghi and some text again"
    list [.t2 search -backwards -all -regexp -count c -- {Z\w+} 1.21 1.5] $c
} {1.8 8}
test text-20.131 {TextSearchCmd, backwards search stop index } {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "bla ZabcZdefZghi and some text again"
    list [.t2 search -backwards -overlap -all -regexp -count c -- {Z\w+} 1.21 1.1] $c
} {1.4 12}
test text-20.131.1 {TextSearchCmd, backwards search stop index } {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "bla ZabcZdefZghi and some text again"
    list [.t2 search -backwards -overlap -all -regexp -count c -- {Z[^Z]+Z} 1.21 1.1] $c
} {{1.8 1.4} {5 5}}
test text-20.131.2 {TextSearchCmd, backwards search stop index } {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "bla ZabcZdefZghi and some text again"
    list [.t2 search -backwards -all -regexp -count c -- {Z\w+} 1.21 1.1] $c
} {1.4 12}
test text-20.132 {TextSearchCmd, backwards search stop index } {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "bla ZabcZdefZghi and some text again"
    .t2 insert 1.0 "bla ZabcZdefZghi and some text again\n"
    list [.t2 search -backwards -all -overlap -regexp -count c -- {Z\w+} 2.21 1.5] $c
} {{2.4 1.8} {12 8}}
test text-20.132.1 {TextSearchCmd, backwards search stop index } {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "bla ZabcZdefZghi and some text again"
    .t2 insert 1.0 "bla ZabcZdefZghi and some text again\n"
    list [.t2 search -backwards -all -regexp -count c -- {Z\w+} 2.21 1.5] $c
} {{2.4 1.8} {12 8}}
test text-20.133 {TextSearchCmd, backwards search stop index } {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "bla ZabcZdefZghi and some text again"
    .t2 insert 1.0 "bla ZabcZdefZghi and some text again\n"
    list [.t2 search -backwards -overlap -all -regexp -count c -- {Z\w+} 2.21 1.1] $c
} {{2.4 1.4} {12 12}}
test text-20.133.1 {TextSearchCmd, backwards search stop index } {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "bla ZabcZdefZghi and some text again"
    .t2 insert 1.0 "bla ZabcZdefZghi and some text again\n"
    list [.t2 search -backwards -all -regexp -count c -- {Z\w+} 2.21 1.1] $c
} {{2.4 1.4} {12 12}}
test text-20.134 {TextSearchCmd, search -all example} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 {

See the package: supersearch for more information.

See the package: incrementalSearch for more information.

package: Brws .

See the package: marks for more information.

    set pat {package: ([a-zA-Z0-9][-a-zA-Z0-9._+#/]*)}
    list [.t2 search -nolinestop -regexp -nocase -all -forwards \
      -count c -- $pat 1.0 end] $c
} {{3.8 6.8 8.0 11.8} {20 26 13 14}}
test text-20.135 {TextSearchCmd, backwards search overlaps} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "foobarfoobaaaaaaaaaaarfoo"
    .t2 search -backwards -regexp {fooba+rfoo} end
} {1.6}
test text-20.135.1 {TextSearchCmd, backwards search overlaps} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "foobarfoobaaaaaaaaaaarfoo"
    .t2 search -backwards -overlap -all -regexp {fooba+rfoo} end
} {1.6 1.0}
test text-20.135.2 {TextSearchCmd, backwards search overlaps} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "foobarfoobaaaaaaaaaaarfoo"
    .t2 search -backwards -all -regexp {fooba+rfoo} end
} {1.6}
test text-20.135.3 {TextSearchCmd, forwards search overlaps} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "foobarfoobaaaaaaaaaaarfoo"
    .t2 search -all -overlap -regexp {fooba+rfoo} end
} {1.0 1.6}
test text-20.135.4 {TextSearchCmd, forwards search overlaps} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "foobarfoobaaaaaaaaaaarfoo"
    .t2 search -all -regexp {fooba+rfoo} end
} {1.0}
test text-20.136 {TextSearchCmd, forward exact search overlaps} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "abababab"
    .t2 search -exact -overlap -all {abab} 1.0
} {1.0 1.2 1.4}
test text-20.136.1 {TextSearchCmd, forward exact search overlaps} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "abababab"
    .t2 search -exact -all {abab} 1.0
} {1.0 1.4}
test text-20.137 {TextSearchCmd, backward exact search overlaps} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "ababababab"
    .t2 search -exact -overlap -backwards -all {abab} end
} {1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0}
test text-20.137.1 {TextSearchCmd, backward exact search overlaps} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "ababababab"
    .t2 search -exact -backwards -all {abab} end
} {1.6 1.2}
test text-20.137.2 {TextSearchCmd, backward exact search overlaps} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "abababababab"
    .t2 search -exact -backwards -all {abab} end
} {1.8 1.4 1.0}
test text-20.138 {TextSearchCmd, forward exact search overlaps} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "foo\nbar\nfoo\nbar\nfoo\nbar\nfoo\n"
    .t2 search -exact -overlap -all "foo\nbar\nfoo" 1.0
} {1.0 3.0 5.0}
test text-20.138.1 {TextSearchCmd, forward exact search no-overlaps} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "foo\nbar\nfoo\nbar\nfoo\nbar\nfoo\n"
    .t2 search -exact -all "foo\nbar\nfoo" 1.0
} {1.0 5.0}
test text-20.139 {TextSearchCmd, backward exact search overlaps} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "foo\nbar\nfoo\nbar\nfoo\nbar\nfoo\n"
    .t2 search -exact -overlap -backward -all "foo\nbar\nfoo" end
} {5.0 3.0 1.0}
test text-20.140 {TextSearchCmd, backward exact search no-overlaps} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "foo\nbar\nfoo\nbar\nfoo\nbar\nfoo\n"
    .t2 search -exact -backward -all "foo\nbar\nfoo" end
} {5.0 1.0}
test text-20.141 {TextSearchCmd, backward exact search overlaps} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "foo\nbar\nfoo\nbar\nfoo\nbar\nfoo\n"
    .t2 search -regexp -backward -overlap -all "foo\nbar\nfoo" end
} {5.0 3.0 1.0}
test text-20.142 {TextSearchCmd, backward regexp search no-overlaps} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "foo\nbar\nfoo\nbar\nfoo\nbar\nfoo\n"
    .t2 search -regexp -backward -all "foo\nbar\nfoo" end
} {5.0 1.0}
test text-20.142a {TextSearchCmd, backward regexp search no-overlaps} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 " aasda asdj werwer"
    .t2 search -regexp -backward -- {(\$)?[\w:_]+} 1.9
} {1.7}
test text-20.143 {TextSearchCmd, backward regexp search no-overlaps} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 " aasda asdj werwer"
    .t2 search -regexp -backward -- {(\$)?[\w:_]+} 1.9 1.5
} {1.7}
test text-20.144 {TextSearchCmd, backward regexp search no-overlaps} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 " aasda asdj werwer"
    .t2 search -regexp -backward -- {(\$)?[\w:_]+} 1.9 1.7
} {1.7}
test text-20.145 {TextSearchCmd, backward regexp search no-overlaps} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 " aasda asdj werwer"
    .t2 search -regexp -backward -- {(\$)?[\w:_]+} 1.9 1.8
} {1.8}
test text-20.146 {TextSearchCmd, backward regexp search no-overlaps} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 " aasda asdj werwer"
    .t2 search -regexp -backward -all -- {(\$)?[\w:_]+} 1.9 1.3
} {1.7 1.3}
test text-20.147 {TextSearchCmd, backward regexp search no-overlaps} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 " aasda asdj werwer"
    .t2 search -regexp -backward -all -- {(\$)?[\w:_]+} 1.9 1.13
} {}
test text-20.148 {TextSearchCmd, backward regexp search no-overlaps} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 " aasda asdj werwer"
    .t2 search -regexp -backward -all -- {(\$)?[\w:_]+} 2.0 1.3
} {1.12 1.7 1.3}
test text-20.149 {TextSearchCmd, backward regexp search no-overlaps} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 " aasda asdj werwer"
    .t2 search -regexp -backward -all -- {(\$)?[\w:_]+} 1.3
} {1.1 1.12 1.7 1.3}
test text-20.150 {TextSearchCmd, backward regexp search no-overlaps} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "abcde\nabcde\nabcde\n"
    .t2 search -regexp -backward -all -- {(\w+\n)+} end
} {1.0}
test text-20.151 {TextSearchCmd, backward regexp search no-overlaps} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "abcde\nabcde\nabcde\n"
    .t2 search -regexp -backward -all -- {(\w+\n)+} end 1.5
} {2.0}
test text-20.152 {TextSearchCmd, backward regexp search no-overlaps} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "abcde\nabcde\nabcde\na"
    .t2 search -regexp -backward -all -- {(\w+\n\w)+} end 1.5
} {2.0}
test text-20.153 {TextSearchCmd, backward regexp search no-overlaps} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "abcde\nabcde\nabcde\na"
    list [.t2 search -regexp -all -count foo -- {(\w+\n)+} 1.0] $foo
} {1.0 20}
test text-20.154 {TextSearchCmd, backward regexp search no-overlaps} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "abcde\nabcde\nabcde\na"
    set res {}
    lappend res \
      [list [.t2 search -regexp -all -count foo -- {(\w+\n)+} 1.0] $foo] \
      [list [.t2 search -regexp -all -count foo -- {(\w+)+} 1.0] $foo]
} {{1.0 20} {{1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0} {5 5 5 1}}}
test text-20.155 {TextSearchCmd, regexp search greedy} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "abcde\nabcde\nabcde\na"
    list [.t2 search -regexp -all -nolinestop -count foo -- {.*} 1.0] $foo
} {1.0 20}
test text-20.156 {TextSearchCmd, regexp search greedy} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "abcde\nabcde\nabcde\na"
    list [.t2 search -regexp -all -count foo -- {.*} 1.0] $foo
} {{1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0} {5 5 5 1}}
test text-20.157 {TextSearchCmd, regexp search greedy multi-line} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "abcde\nabcde\nabcde\na"
    list [.t2 search -regexp -count foo -- {(\w+\n\w)+} 1.0] $foo
} {1.0 19}
test text-20.158 {TextSearchCmd, regexp search greedy multi-line} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "abcde\nabcde\nabcde\na"
    list [.t2 search -regexp -backwards -count foo -- {(\w+\n\w)+} end] $foo
} {1.0 19}
test text-20.159 {TextSearchCmd, regexp search greedy multi-line} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "abcde\nabcde\nabcde\na"
    list [.t2 search -regexp -all -backwards -count foo -- {(\w+\n\w)+} end] $foo
} {1.0 19}
test text-20.160 {TextSearchCmd, backward regexp search no-overlaps} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "abcde\nabcde\nabcde\na"
    .t2 search -regexp -backward -all -- {(\w+\n\w)+} end 1.5
} {2.0}
test text-20.161 {TextSearchCmd, backward regexp search no-overlaps} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "abcde\nabcde\nabcde\na"
    .t2 search -regexp -backward -all -- {(\w+\n\w)+} end 1.3
} {1.3}
test text-20.162 {TextSearchCmd, backward regexp search no-overlaps} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "abcde\nabcde\nabcde\na"
    list [.t2 search -regexp -forward -count foo -- {(\w+\n\w)+} 1.3] $foo
} {1.3 16}
test text-20.163 {TextSearchCmd, backward regexp search no-overlaps} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "abcde\nabcde\nabcde\na"
    list [.t2 search -regexp -forward -all -count foo -- {(\w+\n\w)+} 1.3] $foo
    # This result is somewhat debatable -- the two results do overlap,
    # but only because the search has totally wrapped around back to
    # the start.
} {{1.3 1.0} {16 19}}
test text-20.164 {TextSearchCmd, backward regexp search no-overlaps} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "abcde\nabcde\nabcde\na"
    list [.t2 search -regexp -forward -all -count foo -- {(\w+\n\w)+} 1.0 1.3] $foo
} {1.0 19}
test text-20.165 {TextSearchCmd, regexp search multi-line} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "aaaa\nbbbb\naaaa\nbbbb\n"
    list [.t2 search -regexp -forward -all -count foo -- {(a+\n(b+\n))+} 1.0] $foo
} {1.0 20}
test text-20.166 {TextSearchCmd, regexp search complex cases} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "aaaa\nbbbb\naaaa\nbbbb\n"
    list [.t2 search -regexp -forward -all -count foo \
      -- {(a+\n(b+\n))+} 1.0] $foo
} {1.0 20}
test text-20.167 {TextSearchCmd, regexp search multi-line} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "aaaa\nbbbb\ncccc\nbbbb\naaaa\n"
    set foo {}
    list [.t2 search -regexp -forward -all -count foo \
      -- {(b+\nc+\nb+)\na+} 1.0] $foo
} {2.0 19}
test text-20.168 {TextSearchCmd, regexp search multi-line} {knownBug} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "aaaa\nbbbb\ncccc\nbbbb\naaaa\n"
    set foo {}
    list [.t2 search -regexp -forward -all -count foo \
      -- {(a+|b+\nc+\nb+)\na+} 1.0] $foo
} {2.0 19}
test text-20.169 {TextSearchCmd, regexp search multi-line} {knownBug} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "aaaa\nbbbb\ncccc\nbbbb\naaaa\n"
    set foo {}
    list [.t2 search -regexp -forward -all -count foo \
      -- {(a+|b+\nc+\nb+)+\na+} 1.0] $foo
} {2.0 19}
test text-20.170 {TextSearchCmd, regexp search multi-line} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "aaaa\nbbbb\ncccc\nbbbb\naaaa\n"
    set foo {}
    list [.t2 search -regexp -forward -all -count foo \
      -- {((a+|b+\nc+\nb+)+\n)+a+} 1.0] $foo
} {1.0 24}
test text-20.171 {TextSearchCmd, regexp search multi-line} {knownBug} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "aaaa\nbbbb\nbbbb\nbbbb\nbbbb\n"
    list [.t2 search -regexp -backward -all -count foo \
      -- {b+\n|a+\n(b+\n)+} end] $foo
} {1.0 25}
test text-20.172 {TextSearchCmd, regexp search multi-line} {knownBug} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "aaaa\nbbbb\nbbbb\nbbbb\nbbbb\n"
    .t2 search -regexp -backward -- {b+\n|a+\n(b+\n)+} end
    # Should match at 1.0 for a true greedy match
} {1.0}
test text-20.172.1 {TextSearchCmd, regexp search multi-line} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "line0\nline1\nline1\nline1\nline1\nline2\nline2\nline2\nline3\n"
    .t2 search -nolinestop -regexp -nocase -forwards -- {^(.*)\n(\1\n)+} 1.0 end
    # Matches at 6.0 currently
} {2.0}
test text-20.173 {TextSearchCmd, regexp search multi-line} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "\naaaxxx\nyyy\n"
    set res {}
    lappend res [.t2 search -count c -regexp -- {x*\ny*} 2.0] $c
    lappend res [.t2 search -count c -regexp -- {x*\ny*} 2.1] $c
    set res
} {2.3 7 2.3 7}
test text-20.174 {TextSearchCmd, regexp search multi-line} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "\naaa\n\n\n\n\nxxx\n"
    set res {}
    lappend res [.t2 search -count c -regexp -- {\n+} 2.0] $c
    lappend res [.t2 search -count c -regexp -- {\n+} 2.1] $c
    set res
} {2.3 5 2.3 5}
test text-20.175 {TextSearchCmd, regexp search multi-line} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "\naaa\n\n\t  \n\t\t\t  \n\nxxx\n"
    set res {}
    lappend res [.t2 search -count c -regexp -- {(\n+(\t+ *)*)+} 2.0] $c
    set res
} {2.3 13}
test text-20.176 {TextSearchCmd, empty search range} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "a\na\na\n"
    .t2 search -- a 2.0 1.0
} {}
test text-20.177 {TextSearchCmd, empty search range} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "a\na\na\n"
    .t2 search -backwards -- a 1.0 2.0
} {}
test text-20.178 {TextSearchCmd, empty search range} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "a\na\na\n"
    .t2 search -- a 1.0 1.0
} {}
test text-20.179 {TextSearchCmd, empty search range} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "a\na\na\n"
    .t2 search -backwards -- a 2.0 2.0
} {}
test text-20.180 {TextSearchCmd, elide up to match} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "a\nb\nc"
    .t2 tag configure e -elide 1
    set res {}
    lappend res [.t2 search -regexp a 1.0]
    lappend res [.t2 search -regexp b 1.0]
    lappend res [.t2 search -regexp c 1.0]
    .t2 tag add e 1.0 2.0
    lappend res [.t2 search -regexp a 1.0]
    lappend res [.t2 search -regexp b 1.0]
    lappend res [.t2 search -regexp c 1.0]
    lappend res [.t2 search -elide -regexp a 1.0]
    lappend res [.t2 search -elide -regexp b 1.0]
    lappend res [.t2 search -elide -regexp c 1.0]
} {1.0 2.0 3.0 {} 2.0 3.0 1.0 2.0 3.0}
test text-20.181 {TextSearchCmd, elide up to match, backwards} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "a\nb\nc"
    .t2 tag configure e -elide 1
    set res {}
    lappend res [.t2 search -backward -regexp a 1.0]
    lappend res [.t2 search -backward -regexp b 1.0]
    lappend res [.t2 search -backward -regexp c 1.0]
    .t2 tag add e 1.0 2.0
    lappend res [.t2 search -backward -regexp a 1.0]
    lappend res [.t2 search -backward -regexp b 1.0]
    lappend res [.t2 search -backward -regexp c 1.0]
    lappend res [.t2 search -backward -elide -regexp a 1.0]
    lappend res [.t2 search -backward -elide -regexp b 1.0]
    lappend res [.t2 search -backward -elide -regexp c 1.0]
} {1.0 2.0 3.0 {} 2.0 3.0 1.0 2.0 3.0}
test text-20.182 {TextSearchCmd, elide up to match} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "a\nb\nc"
    .t2 tag configure e -elide 1
    set res {}
    lappend res [.t2 search a 1.0]
    lappend res [.t2 search b 1.0]
    lappend res [.t2 search c 1.0]
    .t2 tag add e 1.0 2.0
    lappend res [.t2 search a 1.0]
    lappend res [.t2 search b 1.0]
    lappend res [.t2 search c 1.0]
    lappend res [.t2 search -elide a 1.0]
    lappend res [.t2 search -elide b 1.0]
    lappend res [.t2 search -elide c 1.0]
} {1.0 2.0 3.0 {} 2.0 3.0 1.0 2.0 3.0}
test text-20.183 {TextSearchCmd, elide up to match, backwards} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "a\nb\nc"
    .t2 tag configure e -elide 1
    set res {}
    lappend res [.t2 search -backward a 1.0]
    lappend res [.t2 search -backward b 1.0]
    lappend res [.t2 search -backward c 1.0]
    .t2 tag add e 1.0 2.0
    lappend res [.t2 search -backward a 1.0]
    lappend res [.t2 search -backward b 1.0]
    lappend res [.t2 search -backward c 1.0]
    lappend res [.t2 search -backward -elide a 1.0]
    lappend res [.t2 search -backward -elide b 1.0]
    lappend res [.t2 search -backward -elide c 1.0]
} {1.0 2.0 3.0 {} 2.0 3.0 1.0 2.0 3.0}
test text-20.184 {TextSearchCmd, elide up to match} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "aa\nbb\ncc"
    .t2 tag configure e -elide 1
    set res {}
    lappend res [.t2 search ab 1.0]
    lappend res [.t2 search bc 1.0]
    .t2 tag add e 1.1 2.1
    lappend res [.t2 search ab 1.0]
    lappend res [.t2 search b 1.0]
    .t2 tag remove e 1.0 end
    .t2 tag add e 2.1 3.1
    lappend res [.t2 search bc 1.0]
    lappend res [.t2 search c 1.0]
    .t2 tag remove e 1.0 end
    .t2 tag add e 2.1 3.0
    lappend res [.t2 search bc 1.0]
    lappend res [.t2 search c 1.0]
} {{} {} 1.0 2.1 2.0 3.1 2.0 3.0}
test text-20.185 {TextSearchCmd, elide up to match} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "aa\nbb\ncc"
    .t2 tag configure e -elide 1
    set res {}
    lappend res [.t2 search -regexp ab 1.0]
    lappend res [.t2 search -regexp bc 1.0]
    .t2 tag add e 1.1 2.1
    lappend res [.t2 search -regexp ab 1.0]
    lappend res [.t2 search -regexp b 1.0]
    .t2 tag remove e 1.0 end
    .t2 tag add e 2.1 3.1
    lappend res [.t2 search -regexp bc 1.0]
    lappend res [.t2 search -regexp c 1.0]
    .t2 tag remove e 1.0 end
    .t2 tag add e 2.1 3.0
    lappend res [.t2 search -regexp bc 1.0]
    lappend res [.t2 search -regexp c 1.0]
} {{} {} 1.0 2.1 2.0 3.1 2.0 3.0}
test text-20.186 {TextSearchCmd, strict limits} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "Hello world!\nThis is a test\n"
    .t2 search -strictlimits -- "world" 1.3 1.8
} {}
test text-20.187 {TextSearchCmd, strict limits} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "Hello world!\nThis is a test\n"
    .t2 search -strictlimits -- "world" 1.3 1.10
} {}
test text-20.188 {TextSearchCmd, strict limits} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "Hello world!\nThis is a test\n"
    .t2 search -strictlimits -- "world" 1.3 1.11
} {1.6}
test text-20.189 {TextSearchCmd, strict limits backwards} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "Hello world!\nThis is a test\n"
    .t2 search -strictlimits -backward -- "world" 2.3 1.8
} {}
test text-20.190 {TextSearchCmd, strict limits backwards} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "Hello world!\nThis is a test\n"
    .t2 search -strictlimits -backward -- "world" 2.3 1.6
} {1.6}
test text-20.191 {TextSearchCmd, strict limits backwards} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "Hello world!\nThis is a test\n"
    .t2 search -strictlimits -backward -- "world" 2.3 1.7
} {}
test text-20.192 {TextSearchCmd, strict limits} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "Hello world!\nThis is a test\n"
    .t2 search -regexp -strictlimits -- "world" 1.3 1.8
} {}
test text-20.193 {TextSearchCmd, strict limits} {
    pack [text .t2]
    .t2 insert 1.0 "Hello world!\nThis is a test\n"
    .t2 search -regexp -strictlimits -backward -- "world" 2.3 1.8
} {}

text .t2 -highlightthickness 0 -bd 0 -relief flat -padx 0 -width 100
pack .t2
.t2 insert end "1\t2\t3\t4\t55.5"

test text-21.1 {TkTextGetTabs procedure} {
    list [catch {.t2 configure -tabs "\{{}"} msg] $msg
} {1 {unmatched open brace in list}}
test text-21.2 {TkTextGetTabs procedure} {
    list [catch {.t2 configure -tabs xyz} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad screen distance "xyz"}}
test text-21.3 {TkTextGetTabs procedure} {
    .t2 configure -tabs {100 200}
    update idletasks
    list [lindex [.t2 bbox 1.2] 0] [lindex [.t2 bbox 1.4] 0]
} {100 200}
test text-21.4 {TkTextGetTabs procedure} {
    .t2 configure -tabs {100 right 200 left 300 center 400 numeric}
    update idletasks
    list [expr [lindex [.t2 bbox 1.2] 0] + [lindex [.t2 bbox 1.2] 2]] \
	    [lindex [.t2 bbox 1.4] 0] \
	    [expr [lindex [.t2 bbox 1.6] 0] + [lindex [.t2 bbox 1.6] 2]/2] \
	    [lindex [.t2 bbox 1.10] 0]
} {100 200 300 400}
test text-21.5 {TkTextGetTabs procedure} {
    .t2 configure -tabs {105 r 205 l 305 c 405 n}
    update idletasks
    list [expr [lindex [.t2 bbox 1.2] 0] + [lindex [.t2 bbox 1.2] 2]] \
	    [lindex [.t2 bbox 1.4] 0] \
	    [expr [lindex [.t2 bbox 1.6] 0] + [lindex [.t2 bbox 1.6] 2]/2] \
	    [lindex [.t2 bbox 1.10] 0]
} {105 205 305 405}
test text-21.6 {TkTextGetTabs procedure} {
    list [catch {.t2 configure -tabs {100 left 200 lork}} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad tab alignment "lork": must be left, right, center, or numeric}}
test text-21.7 {TkTextGetTabs procedure} {
    list [catch {.t2 configure -tabs {100 !44 200 lork}} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad screen distance "!44"}}

text .t
pack .t
.t insert 1.0 "One Line"
.t mark set insert 1.0

test text-22.1 {TextDumpCmd procedure, bad args} {
    list [catch {.t dump} msg] $msg
} {1 {Usage: .t dump ?-all -image -text -mark -tag -window? ?-command script? index ?index2?}}
test text-22.2 {TextDumpCmd procedure, bad args} {
    list [catch {.t dump -all} msg] $msg
} {1 {Usage: .t dump ?-all -image -text -mark -tag -window? ?-command script? index ?index2?}}
test text-22.3 {TextDumpCmd procedure, bad args} {
    list [catch {.t dump -command} msg] $msg
} {1 {Usage: .t dump ?-all -image -text -mark -tag -window? ?-command script? index ?index2?}}
test text-22.4 {TextDumpCmd procedure, bad args} {
    list [catch {.t dump -bogus} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad option "-bogus": must be -all, -command, -image, -mark, -tag, -text, or -window}}
test text-22.5 {TextDumpCmd procedure, bad args} {
    list [catch {.t dump bogus} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad text index "bogus"}}
test text-22.6 {TextDumpCmd procedure, one index} {
    .t dump -text 1.2
} {text e 1.2}
test text-22.7 {TextDumpCmd procedure, two indices} {
    .t dump -text 1.0 1.end
} {text {One Line} 1.0}
test text-22.8 {TextDumpCmd procedure, "end" index} {
    .t dump -text 1.end end
} {text {
} 1.8}
test text-22.9 {TextDumpCmd procedure, same indices} {
    .t dump 1.5 1.5
} {}
test text-22.10 {TextDumpCmd procedure, negative range} {
    .t dump 1.5 1.0
} {}
.t delete 1.0 end
.t insert end "Line One\nLine Two\nLine Three\nLine Four"
.t mark set insert 1.0
.t mark set current 1.0
test text-22.11 {TextDumpCmd procedure, stop at begin-line} {
    .t dump -text 1.0 2.0
} {text {Line One
} 1.0}
test text-22.12 {TextDumpCmd procedure, span multiple lines} {
    .t dump -text 1.5 3.end
} {text {One
} 1.5 text {Line Two
} 2.0 text {Line Three} 3.0}
.t tag add x 2.0 2.end
.t tag add y 1.0 end
.t mark set m 2.4
.t mark set n 4.0
.t mark set END end
test text-22.13 {TextDumpCmd procedure, tags only} {
    .t dump -tag 2.1 2.8
} {}
test text-22.14 {TextDumpCmd procedure, tags only} {
    .t dump -tag 2.0 2.8
} {tagon x 2.0}
test text-22.15 {TextDumpCmd procedure, tags only} {
    .t dump -tag 1.0 4.end
} {tagon y 1.0 tagon x 2.0 tagoff x 2.8}
test text-22.16 {TextDumpCmd procedure, tags only} {
    .t dump -tag 1.0 end
} {tagon y 1.0 tagon x 2.0 tagoff x 2.8 tagoff y 5.0}
.t mark set insert 1.0
.t mark set current 1.0
test text-22.17 {TextDumpCmd procedure, marks only} {
    .t dump -mark 1.1 1.8
} {}
test text-22.18 {TextDumpCmd procedure, marks only} {
    .t dump -mark 2.0 2.8
} {mark m 2.4}
test text-22.19 {TextDumpCmd procedure, marks only} {
    .t dump -mark 1.1 4.end
} {mark m 2.4 mark n 4.0}
test text-22.20 {TextDumpCmd procedure, marks only} {
    .t dump -mark 1.0 end
} {mark current 1.0 mark insert 1.0 mark m 2.4 mark n 4.0 mark END 5.0}
button .hello -text Hello
.t window create 3.end -window .hello
for {set i 0} {$i < 100} {incr i} {
    .t insert end "-\n"
.t window create 100.0 -create { }
test text-22.21 {TextDumpCmd procedure, windows only} {
    .t dump -window 1.0 5.0
} {window .hello 3.10}
test text-22.22 {TextDumpCmd procedure, windows only} {
    .t dump -window 5.0 end
} {window {} 100.0}
.t delete 1.0 end
eval {.t mark unset} [.t mark names]
.t insert end "Line One\nLine Two\nLine Three\nLine Four"
.t mark set insert 1.0
.t mark set current 1.0
.t tag add x 2.0 2.end
.t mark set m 2.4
proc Append {varName key value index} {
    upvar #0 $varName x
    lappend x $key $index $value
test text-22.23 {TextDumpCmd procedure, command script} {
    set x {}
    .t dump -command {Append x} -all 1.0 end
    set x
} {mark 1.0 current mark 1.0 insert text 1.0 {Line One
} tagon 2.0 x text 2.0 Line mark 2.4 m text 2.4 { Two} tagoff 2.8 x text 2.8 {
} text 3.0 {Line Three
} text 4.0 {Line Four
test text-22.24 {TextDumpCmd procedure, command script} {
    set x {}
    .t dump -mark -command {Append x} 1.0 end
    set x
} {mark 1.0 current mark 1.0 insert mark 2.4 m}
catch {unset x}
test text-22.25 {TextDumpCmd procedure, unicode characters} {
    catch {destroy .t}
    text .t
    .t delete 1.0 end
    .t insert 1.0 \xb1\xb1\xb1
    .t dump -all 1.0 2.0
} "text \xb1\xb1\xb1 1.0 mark insert 1.3 mark current 1.3 text {\n} 1.3"
test text-22.26 {TextDumpCmd procedure, unicode characters} {
    catch {destroy .t}
    text .t
    .t delete 1.0 end
    .t insert 1.0 abc\xb1\xb1\xb1
    .t dump -all 1.0 2.0
} "text abc\xb1\xb1\xb1 1.0 mark insert 1.6 mark current 1.6 text {\n} 1.6"

set l [interp hidden]

test text-23.1 {text widget vs hidden commands} {
    catch {destroy .t}
    text .t
    interp hide {} .t
    destroy .t
    list [winfo children .] [interp hidden]
} [list {} $l]

test text-24.1 {bug fix - 1642} {
    catch {destroy .t}
    text .t
    pack .t
    .t insert end "line 1\n"
    .t insert end "line 2\n"
    .t insert end "line 3\n"
    .t insert end "line 4\n"
    .t insert end "line 5\n"
    tk::TextSetCursor .t 3.0
    .t search -backward -regexp "\$" insert 1.0
} {2.6}

test text-25.1 {TextEditCmd procedure, argument parsing} {
    list [catch {.t edit} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be ".t edit option ?arg arg ...?"}}
test text-25.2 {TextEditCmd procedure, argument parsing} {
    list [catch {.t edit gorp} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad edit option "gorp": must be modified, redo, reset, separator, or undo}}
test text-25.3 {TextEditUndo procedure, undoing changes} {
    catch {destroy .t}
    text .t -undo 1
    pack .t
    .t insert end "line 1\n"
    .t delete 1.4 1.6
    .t insert end "should be gone after undo\n"
    .t edit undo
    .t get 1.0 end
} "line\n\n"
test text-25.4 {TextEditRedo procedure, redoing changes} {
    catch {destroy .t}
    text .t -undo 1
    pack .t
    .t insert end "line 1\n"
    .t delete 1.4 1.6
    .t insert end "should be back after redo\n"
    .t edit undo
    .t edit redo
    .t get 1.0 end
} "line\nshould be back after redo\n\n"
test text-25.5 {TextEditUndo procedure, resetting stack} {
    catch {destroy .t}
    text .t -undo 1
    pack .t
    .t insert end "line 1\n"
    .t delete 1.4 1.6
    .t insert end "should be back after redo\n"
    .t edit reset
    catch {.t edit undo} msg
    set msg
} "nothing to undo"
test text-25.6 {TextEditCmd procedure, insert separator} {
    catch {destroy .t}
    text .t -undo 1
    pack .t
    .t insert end "line 1\n"
    .t edit separator
    .t insert end "line 2\n"
    .t edit undo
    .t get 1.0 end
} "line 1\n\n"
test text-25.7 {-autoseparators configuration option} {
    catch {destroy .t}
    text .t -undo 1 -autoseparators 0
    pack .t
    .t insert end "line 1\n"
    .t delete 1.4 1.6
    .t insert end "line 2\n"
    .t edit undo
    .t get 1.0 end
} "\n"
test text-25.8 {TextEditCmd procedure, modified flag} {
    catch {destroy .t}
    text .t
    pack .t
    .t insert end "line 1\n"
    .t edit modified
} {1}
test text-25.9 {TextEditCmd procedure, reset modified flag} {
    catch {destroy .t}
    text .t
    pack .t
    .t insert end "line 1\n"
    .t edit modified 0
    .t edit modified
} {0}
test text-25.10 {TextEditCmd procedure, set modified flag} {
    catch {destroy .t}
    text .t
    pack .t
    .t edit modified 1
    .t edit modified
} {1}
test text-25.11 {<<Modified>> virtual event} {
    set ::retval unmodified
    catch {destroy .t}
    text .t -undo 1
    pack .t
    bind .t <<Modified>> "set ::retval modified"
    update idletasks
    .t insert end "nothing special\n"
    set ::retval
} {modified}
test text-25.12 {<<Selection>> virtual event} {
    set ::retval no_selection
    catch {destroy .t}
    text .t -undo 1
    pack .t
    bind .t <<Selection>> "set ::retval selection_changed"
    update idletasks
    .t insert end "nothing special\n"
    .t tag add sel 1.0 1.1
    set ::retval
} {selection_changed}
test text-25.13 {-maxundo configuration option} {
    catch {destroy .t}
    text .t -undo 1  -autoseparators 1 -maxundo 2
    pack .t
    .t insert end "line 1\n"
    .t delete 1.4 1.6
    .t insert end "line 2\n"
    catch {.t edit undo}
    catch {.t edit undo}
    catch {.t edit undo}
    .t get 1.0 end
} "line 1\n\n"
test text-25.15 {bug fix 1536735 - undo with empty text} {
    catch {destroy .t}
    text .t -undo 1
    set r [.t edit modified]
    .t delete 1.0
    lappend r [.t edit modified]
    lappend r [catch {.t edit undo}]
    lappend r [.t edit modified]
} {0 0 1 0}

test text-26.1 {bug fix - 624372, ControlUtfProc long lines} {
    destroy .t
    pack [text .t -wrap none]
    .t insert end [string repeat "\1" 500]
} {}

test text-27.1 {tabs - must be positive and must be increasing} {
    destroy .t
    pack [text .t -wrap none]
    list [catch {.t configure -tabs {0}} msg] $msg
} {1 {tab stop "0" is not at a positive distance}}
test text-27.2 {tabs - must be positive and must be increasing} {
    destroy .t
    pack [text .t -wrap none]
    list [catch {.t configure -tabs {-5}} msg] $msg
} {1 {tab stop "-5" is not at a positive distance}}
test text-27.3 {tabs - must be positive and must be increasing} {knownBug} {
    # This bug will be fixed in Tk 9.0, when we can allow a minor
    # incompatibility with Tk 8.x
    destroy .t
    pack [text .t -wrap none]
    list [catch {.t configure -tabs {10c 5c}} msg] $msg
} {1 {tabs must be monotonically increasing, but "5c" is smaller than or equal to the previous tab}}
test text-27.4 {tabs - must be positive and must be increasing} {
    destroy .t
    pack [text .t -wrap none]
    .t insert end "a\tb\tc\td\te"
    catch {.t configure -tabs {10c 5c}}
    update ; update ; update
    # This test must simply not go into an infinite loop to succeed
    set result 1
} {1}

test text-28.0 {repeated insert and scroll} {
    foreach subcmd {
	{moveto 1}
	{scroll 1 pages}
	{scroll 100 pixels}
	{scroll 10 units}
    } {
	destroy .t
	pack [text .t]
	for {set i 0} {$i < 30} {incr i} {
	    .t insert end "blabla\n"
	    eval .t yview $subcmd
    # This test must simply not crash to succeed
    set result 1
} {1}

test text-29.0 {peer widgets} {
    destroy .t .tt
    toplevel .tt
    pack [text .t]
    pack [.t peer create .tt.t]
    destroy .t .tt
} {}
test text-29.1 {peer widgets} {
    destroy .t .t1 .t2
    toplevel .t1
    toplevel .t2
    pack [text .t]
    pack [.t peer create .t1.t]
    pack [.t peer create .t2.t]
    .t insert end "abcd\nabcd"
    destroy .t1
    .t insert end "abcd\nabcd"
    destroy .t .t2
} {}
test text-29.2 {peer widgets} {
    destroy .t .t1 .t2
    toplevel .t1
    toplevel .t2
    pack [text .t]
    pack [.t peer create .t1.t]
    pack [.t peer create .t2.t]
    .t insert end "abcd\nabcd"
    destroy .t
    .t2.t insert end "abcd\nabcd"
    destroy .t .t2
} {}
test text-29.3 {peer widgets} {
    destroy .t .tt
    toplevel .tt
    pack [text .t]
    for {set i 1} {$i < 20} {incr i} {
	.t insert end "Line $i\n"
    pack [.t peer create .tt.t -start 5 -end 11]
    destroy .t .tt
} {}
test text-29.4 {peer widgets} {
    destroy .t .tt
    toplevel .tt
    pack [text .t]
    for {set i 1} {$i < 20} {incr i} {
	.t insert end "Line $i\n"
    pack [.t peer create .tt.t -start 5 -end 11]
    pack [.tt.t peer create .tt.t2]
    set res [list [.tt.t index end] [.tt.t2 index end]]
    destroy .t .tt
    set res
} {7.0 7.0}
test text-29.4.1 {peer widgets} {
    destroy .t .tt
    toplevel .tt
    pack [text .t]
    for {set i 1} {$i < 20} {incr i} {
	.t insert end "Line $i\n"
    pack [.t peer create .tt.t -start 5 -end 11]
    pack [.tt.t peer create .tt.t2 -start {} -end {}]
    set res [list [.tt.t index end] [.tt.t2 index end]]
    destroy .t .tt
    set res
} {7.0 21.0}
test text-29.5 {peer widgets} {
    destroy .t .tt
    toplevel .tt
    pack [text .t]
    for {set i 1} {$i < 20} {incr i} {
	.t insert end "Line $i\n"
    pack [.t peer create .tt.t -start 5 -end 11]
    update ; update
    set p1 [.tt.t count -update -ypixels 1.0 end]
    set p2 [.t count -update -ypixels 5.0 11.0]
    if {$p1 == $p2} { 
	set res "ok" 
    } else {
        set res "$p1 and $p2 not equal"
    destroy .t .tt
    set res
} {ok}
test text-29.6 {peer widgets} {
    destroy .t .tt
    toplevel .tt
    pack [text .t]
    for {set i 1} {$i < 20} {incr i} {
	.t insert end "Line $i\n"
    pack [.t peer create .tt.t -start 5 -end 11]
    update ; update
    .t delete 3.0 6.0
    set res [.tt.t index end]
    destroy .t .tt
    set res
} {6.0}
test text-29.7 {peer widgets} {
    destroy .t .tt
    toplevel .tt
    pack [text .t]
    for {set i 1} {$i < 20} {incr i} {
	.t insert end "Line $i\n"
    pack [.t peer create .tt.t -start 5 -end 11]
    update ; update
    .t delete 8.0 12.0
    set res [.tt.t index end]
    destroy .t .tt
    set res
} {4.0}
test text-29.8 {peer widgets} {
    destroy .t .tt
    toplevel .tt
    pack [text .t]
    for {set i 1} {$i < 20} {incr i} {
	.t insert end "Line $i\n"
    pack [.t peer create .tt.t -start 5 -end 11]
    update ; update
    .t delete 3.0 13.0
    set res [.tt.t index end]
    destroy .t .tt
    set res
} {1.0}
test text-29.9 {peer widgets} {
    destroy .t
    pack [text .t]
    for {set i 1} {$i < 100} {incr i} {
	.t insert end "Line $i\n"
    .t tag add sel 1.0 end-1c
    set res {}
    lappend res [.t tag ranges sel]
    .t configure -start 10 -end 20
    lappend res [.t tag ranges sel]
    destroy .t
    set res
} {{1.0 100.0} {1.0 11.0}}
test text-29.10 {peer widgets} {
    destroy .t
    pack [text .t]
    for {set i 1} {$i < 100} {incr i} {
	.t insert end "Line $i\n"
    .t tag add sel 1.0 end-1c
    set res {}
    lappend res [.t tag ranges sel]
    .t configure -start 11
    lappend res [.t tag ranges sel]
    destroy .t
    set res
} {{1.0 100.0} {1.0 90.0}}
test text-29.11 {peer widgets} {
    destroy .t
    pack [text .t]
    for {set i 1} {$i < 100} {incr i} {
	.t insert end "Line $i\n"
    .t tag add sel 1.0 end-1c
    set res {}
    lappend res [.t tag ranges sel]
    .t configure -end 90
    lappend res [.t tag ranges sel]
    destroy .t
    set res
} {{1.0 100.0} {1.0 90.0}}
test text-29.12 {peer widgets} {
    destroy .t
    pack [text .t]
    for {set i 1} {$i < 20} {incr i} {
	.t insert end "Line $i\n"
    .t tag add sel 1.0 3.0 5.0 7.0 9.0 11.0 13.0 15.0 17.0 19.0 
    set res {}
    lappend res [.t tag prevrange sel 1.0]
    .t configure -start 6 -end 12
    lappend res [.t tag ranges sel]
    lappend res "next" [.t tag nextrange sel 4.0] \
      [.t tag nextrange sel 5.0] [.t tag nextrange sel 6.0] \
      [.t tag nextrange sel 7.0]
    lappend res "prev" [.t tag prevrange sel 1.0] \
      [.t tag prevrange sel 2.0] [.t tag prevrange sel 3.0] \
      [.t tag prevrange sel 4.0]
    destroy .t
    set res
} {{} {1.0 2.0 4.0 6.0} next {4.0 6.0} {} {} {} prev {} {1.0 2.0} {1.0 2.0} {1.0 2.0}}
test text-29.13 {peer widgets} {
    destroy .t
    pack [text .t]
    for {set i 1} {$i < 20} {incr i} {
	.t insert end "Line $i\n"
    .t tag add sel 1.0 3.0 9.0 11.0 13.0 15.0 17.0 19.0 
    set res {}
    .t configure -start 6 -end 12
    lappend res [.t tag ranges sel]
    lappend res "next" [.t tag nextrange sel 4.0] \
      [.t tag nextrange sel 5.0] [.t tag nextrange sel 6.0] \
      [.t tag nextrange sel 7.0]
    lappend res "prev" [.t tag prevrange sel 1.0] \
      [.t tag prevrange sel 2.0] [.t tag prevrange sel 3.0] \
      [.t tag prevrange sel 4.0]
    destroy .t
    set res
} {{4.0 6.0} next {4.0 6.0} {} {} {} prev {} {} {} {}}
test text-29.14 {peer widgets} {
    destroy .t
    pack [text .t]
    for {set i 1} {$i < 20} {incr i} {
	.t insert end "Line $i\n"
    .t tag add sel 1.0 7.0 9.0 11.0 13.0 15.0 17.0 19.0 
    set res {}
    .t configure -start 6 -end 12
    lappend res [.t tag ranges sel]
    lappend res "next" [.t tag nextrange sel 4.0] \
      [.t tag nextrange sel 5.0] [.t tag nextrange sel 6.0] \
      [.t tag nextrange sel 7.0]
    lappend res "prev" [.t tag prevrange sel 1.0] \
      [.t tag prevrange sel 2.0] [.t tag prevrange sel 3.0] \
      [.t tag prevrange sel 4.0]
    destroy .t
    set res
} {{1.0 2.0 4.0 6.0} next {4.0 6.0} {} {} {} prev {} {1.0 2.0} {1.0 2.0} {1.0 2.0}}
test text-29.15 {peer widgets} {
    destroy .t
    pack [text .t]
    for {set i 1} {$i < 20} {incr i} {
	.t insert end "Line $i\n"
    set res {}
    .t tag add sel 1.0 11.0
    lappend res [.t tag ranges sel]
    lappend res [catch {.t configure -start 15 -end 10}]
    lappend res [.t tag ranges sel]
    .t configure -start 6 -end 12
    lappend res [.t tag ranges sel]
    .t configure -start {} -end {}
    lappend res [.t tag ranges sel]
    destroy .t
    set res
} {{1.0 11.0} 1 {1.0 11.0} {1.0 6.0} {1.0 11.0}}
test text-29.16 {peer widgets} {
    destroy .t
    pack [text .t]
    for {set i 1} {$i < 20} {incr i} {
	.t insert end "Line $i\n"
    set res {}
    .t tag add sel 1.0 11.0
    lappend res [.t index sel.first]
    lappend res [.t index sel.last]
    destroy .t
    set res
} {1.0 11.0} 
test text-29.17 {peer widgets} {
    destroy .t
    pack [text .t]
    for {set i 1} {$i < 20} {incr i} {
	.t insert end "Line $i\n"
    set res {}
    .t tag delete sel
    set res [list [catch {.t index sel.first} msg] $msg]
    destroy .t
    set res
} {1 {text doesn't contain any characters tagged with "sel"}} 

proc makeText {} {
    set w .g
    set font "Times 11"
    destroy .g
    toplevel .g
    frame $w.f -highlightthickness 2 -borderwidth 2 -relief sunken
    set t $w.f.text
    text $t -yscrollcommand "$w.scroll set" -setgrid true -font $font -width 70 \
	    -height 35 -wrap word -highlightthickness 0 -borderwidth 0
    pack $t -expand  yes -fill both
    scrollbar $w.scroll -command "$t yview"
    pack $w.scroll -side right -fill y
    pack $w.f -expand yes -fill both
    $t tag configure center -justify center -spacing1 5m -spacing3 5m
    $t tag configure buttons -lmargin1 1c -lmargin2 1c -rmargin 1c \
	    -spacing1 3m -spacing2 0 -spacing3 0
    for {set i 0} {$i < 40} {incr i} {
	$t insert end "${i}word "
    return $t

test text-30.1 {line heights on creation} {
    set w [makeText]
    update ; after 1000 ; update
    set before [$w count -ypixels 1.0 2.0]
    $w insert 1.0 "a"
    set after [$w count -ypixels 1.0 2.0]
    destroy .g
    if {$before != $after} {
	set res "Count changed: $before $after"
    } else {
        set res "ok"
} {ok}

destroy .t
text .t
test text-31.1 {TextWidgetCmd procedure, "peer" option} {
    list [catch {.t peer foo 1} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad peer option "foo": must be create or names}}
test text-31.2 {TextWidgetCmd procedure, "peer" option} {
    list [catch {.t peer names foo} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be ".t peer names"}}
test text-31.3 {TextWidgetCmd procedure, "peer" option} {
    list [catch {.t p names} msg] $msg
} {0 {}}
test text-31.4 {TextWidgetCmd procedure, "peer" option} {
    .t peer names
} {}
test text-31.5 {TextWidgetCmd procedure, "peer" option} {
    list [catch {.t peer create foo} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad window path name "foo"}}
test text-31.6 {TextWidgetCmd procedure, "peer" option} {
    .t peer create .t2
    set res {}
    lappend res [.t peer names]
    lappend res [.t2 peer names]
    destroy .t2
    lappend res [.t peer names]
} {.t2 .t {}}
test text-31.7 {peer widget -start, -end} {
    set res [list [catch {.t configure -start 10 -end 5} msg] $msg]
    .t configure -start {} -end {}
    set res
} {0 {}}
test text-31.8 {peer widget -start, -end} {
    .t delete 1.0 end
    for {set i 1} {$i < 100} {incr i} {
	.t insert end "Line $i\n"
    list [catch {.t configure -start 10 -end 5} msg] $msg
} {1 {-startline must be less than or equal to -endline}}
test text-31.9 {peer widget -start, -end} {
    .t delete 1.0 end
    for {set i 1} {$i < 100} {incr i} {
	.t insert end "Line $i\n"
    set res [list [catch {.t configure -start 5 -end 10} msg] $msg]
    .t configure -start {} -end {}
    set res
} {0 {}}
test text-31.10 {peer widget -start, -end} {
    .t delete 1.0 end
    for {set i 1} {$i < 100} {incr i} {
	.t insert end "Line $i\n"
    set res [.t index end]
    lappend res [catch {.t configure -start 5 -end 10 -tab foo}]
    lappend res [.t index end]
    lappend res [catch {.t configure -tab foo -start 15 -end 20}]
    lappend res [.t index end]
    .t configure -start {} -end {}
    lappend res [.t index end]
    set res
} {101.0 1 101.0 1 101.0 101.0}
test text-31.11 {peer widget -start, -end} {
    .t delete 1.0 end
    for {set i 1} {$i < 100} {incr i} {
	.t insert end "Line $i\n"
    set res [.t index end]
    lappend res [catch {.t configure -start 5 -end 15}]
    lappend res [.t index end]
    lappend res [catch {.t configure -start 10 -end 40}]
    lappend res [.t index end]
    .t configure -start {} -end {}
    lappend res [.t index end]
    set res
} {101.0 0 11.0 0 31.0 101.0}

test text-32.1 {peer widget -start, -end and selection} {
    .t delete 1.0 end
    for {set i 1} {$i < 100} {incr i} {
	.t insert end "Line $i\n"
    .t tag add sel 10.0 20.0
    set res {}
    lappend res [.t tag ranges sel]
    .t configure -start 5 -end 30
    lappend res [.t tag ranges sel]
    .t configure -start 5 -end 15
    lappend res [.t tag ranges sel]
    .t configure -start 15 -end 30
    lappend res [.t tag ranges sel]
    .t configure -start 15 -end 16
    lappend res [.t tag ranges sel]
    .t configure -start 25 -end 30
    lappend res [.t tag ranges sel]
    .t configure -start {} -end {}
    lappend res [.t tag ranges sel]
    set res
} {{10.0 20.0} {6.0 16.0} {6.0 11.0} {1.0 6.0} {1.0 2.0} {} {10.0 20.0}}

test text-33.1 {widget dump -command alters tags} {
    .t delete 1.0 end
    .t insert end "abc\n" a "---" {} "def" b "   \n" {} "ghi\n" c
    .t tag configure b -background red
    proc Dumpy {key value index} {
      #puts "KK: $key, $value"
      .t tag add $value [list $index linestart] [list $index lineend]
    .t dump -all -command Dumpy 1.0 end
    set result "ok"
} {ok}
test text-33.2 {widget dump -command makes massive changes} {
    .t delete 1.0 end
    .t insert end "abc\n" a "---" {} "def" b "   \n" {} "ghi\n" c
    .t tag configure b -background red
    proc Dumpy {key value index} {
      #puts "KK: $key, $value"
      .t delete 1.0 end
    .t dump -all -command Dumpy 1.0 end
    set result "ok"
} {ok}
test text-33.3 {widget dump -command destroys widget} {
    .t delete 1.0 end
    .t insert end "abc\n" a "---" {} "def" b "   \n" {} "ghi\n" c
    .t tag configure b -background red
    proc Dumpy {key value index} {
      #puts "KK: $key, $value"
      destroy .t
    .t dump -all -command Dumpy 1.0 end
    set result "ok"
} {ok}

option clear

# cleanup
