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# -*- perl -*-

# Author: Slaven Rezic
# Copyright (c) 1998,2000,2003,2015 Slaven Rezic. All rights reserved.
# This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
# Mail:
# WWW:

package Tk::ContextHelp;

BEGIN { die "Tk::ContextHelp does not work with Win32" if $^O eq 'MSWin32' }

use Tk::InputO;
use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION @ISA $NO_TK_POD);
$VERSION = '0.13';
@ISA = qw(Tk::Toplevel);

Construct Tk::Widget 'ContextHelp';

sub Populate {
    my($w, $args) = @_;

    $w->bind('<Button-1>' => [ $w, '_next_action']);
    $w->bind('<Button-2>' => [ $w, 'deactivate']);
    $w->bind('<Button-3>' => [ $w, 'deactivate']);

    my $widget = delete $args->{'-widget'} || 'Label';
    $w->{'label'} = $w->$widget()->pack;
    $w->{'clients'} = [];
    $w->{'inp_only_clients'} = [];
    $w->{'state'} = 'withdrawn';

    $w->{'inp_only'} = $w->parent->InputO(-cursor => 'watch');
    $w->{'inp_only'}->bind('<Button-1>' => [ $w, '_next_action']);
    $w->{'inp_only'}->bind('<Button-2>' => [ $w, 'deactivate']);
    $w->{'inp_only'}->bind('<Button-3>' => [ $w, 'deactivate']);

      (-installcolormap => ["PASSIVE", "installColormap", "InstallColormap",
       -background      => [$w->{'label'}, "background", "Background",
       -font            => [$w->{'label'}, "font", "Font",
       -borderwidth     => ["SELF", "borderWidth", "BorderWidth", 1],
       '-podfile'       => ["METHOD", "podFile", "PodFile", $0],
       -verbose         => ["PASSIVE", "verbose", "Verbose", 1],
       -cursor          => ["PASSIVE", "cursor", "Cursor",
			    ['@' . Tk->findINC('context_help.xbm'),
			     'black', 'white']],
       -offcursor       => ["PASSIVE", "offCursor", "offCursor",
			    ['@' . Tk->findINC('context_nohelp.xbm'),
			     'black', 'white']],
       -stayactive      => ["PASSIVE", "stayActive", "StayActive", 0],
       -callback        => ["CALLBACK", "callback", "Callback", undef],
       -helpkey         => ["METHOD", "helpKey", "HelpKey", undef],
       DEFAULT          => [$w->{'label'}],

# allowed states are:
# - context:   change the cursor and wait for clicks on widgets
# - wait:      wait for the user to finish the help balloon
# - cont:      similar like context, only if -stayactive is selected
# - withdrawn: ?
sub activate {
    my($w, $state) = @_;
    $state = 'context' unless $state;
    $w->_reset if $state eq 'context';
    $state = 'context' if $state eq 'cont';
    my $cw;
    foreach $cw (@{$w->{'inp_only_clients'}}) {
	$cw->place('-x' => 0, '-y' => 0,
		   -relwidth => 1.0, -relheight => 1.0,
		   -bordermode => 'outside',
    if ($state eq 'context') {
	$w->{'save_cursor'} = $w->parent->cget(-cursor);
	$w->parent->configure(-cursor => $w->cget(-offcursor));
	my $cursor = $w->cget(-cursor);
	foreach $cw (@{$w->{'inp_only_clients'}}) {
	    $cw->configure(-cursor => $cursor);
	$w->{'old_esc_binding'} = $w->parent->toplevel->bind('<Escape>');
	$w->parent->toplevel->bind('<Escape>' => [$w, 'deactivate']);
    } elsif ($state eq 'wait') {
	$w->{'inp_only'}->place('-x' => 0, '-y' => 0,
				-relwidth => 1.0, -relheight => 1.0,
				-bordermode => 'outside',

    $w->{'state'} = $state;
    $w->cget(-callback)->Call($w) if $w->cget(-callback);

sub _active_state {
    my($w, $inp_only) = @_;
    if ($w->{'state'} eq 'context') {
	my $parent = $inp_only->parent;
	my $e = $inp_only->XEvent;
	my($x, $y) = ($e->x, $e->y);
	my($rootx, $rooty) = ($x+$parent->rootx,
	my $under = $parent->containing($rootx, $rooty);
	return $w->_show_help($under, $parent, $rootx, $rooty);

sub _key_help {
    my($w) = @_;
    if ($w->{'state'} eq 'wait') {
    } else {
	my $parent = $w->parent;
	my $top = $parent->toplevel;
	my $e = $top->XEvent;
	my($x, $y) = ($e->x, $e->y);
	$w->_reset; # XXX
	my($rootx, $rooty) = ($x+$parent->rootx,
	my $under = $parent->containing($rootx, $rooty);
	$w->_show_help($under, $parent, $rootx, $rooty);

sub _show_help {
    my($w, $under, $parent, $rootx, $rooty) = @_;
    $parent = $under->parent unless defined $parent;
    $rootx = $under->rootx + int($under->width/2);
    $rooty = $under->rooty + int($under->height/2);

    my $raise_msg = sub {
	my $msg = shift;
	if ($w->cget(-installcolormap)) {
	$w->{'label'}->configure(-text => $msg);
	if ($w->reqwidth + $rootx > $w->screenwidth) {
	    $rootx = $w->screenwidth - $w->reqwidth;
	$w->activate($w->cget(-stayactive) ? 'cont' : 'wait');

    # test underlying widget and its parents
    while(defined $under) {
	if (exists $w->{'msg'}{$under}) {
	} elsif (exists $w->{'command'}{$under}) {
	} elsif (exists $w->{'pod'}{$under} ||
		 exists $w->{'podfile'}{$under}) {
	    my $podfile = $w->{'podfile'}{$under} || $w->cget('-podfile');
	    if (Tk::Exists($w->{'podwindow'})) {
		if ($podfile ne $w->{'podwindow'}->cget(-file)) {
		    $w->{'podwindow'}->configure(-file => $podfile);
	    } else {
		if ($NO_TK_POD || !eval { require Tk::Pod; 1 }) {
		    # use SimplePod as fallback for Tk::Pod
		    my $t = $parent->toplevel->CHSimplePod
		      (-title => "POD: $podfile",
		       -file => $podfile);
		    if (!defined $t->cget(-file)) {
			undef $w->{'podwindow'};
			if ($w->cget(-verbose)) {
			    $raise_msg->("Warning: Can't find POD for <$podfile>.\n");
		    $t->{'podfile'} = $podfile;
		    $w->{'podwindow'} = $t;
		} else {
		    # use original Tk::Pod
		    eval {
			= $parent->toplevel->Pod(-file => $podfile);
		    my $err = $@;
		    if ($err) {
			undef $w->{'podwindow'};
			if ($w->cget(-verbose)) {
			    $raise_msg->("Warning: Can't find POD for <$podfile>.\n$err");

	    my $textw;
	    if ($w->{'podwindow'} &&
		$w->{'podwindow'}->isa('Tk::ContextHelp::SimplePod')) {
		$textw = $w->{'podwindow'}->Subwidget('text');
	    } elsif ($w->{'podwindow'} && $w->{'pod'}{$under}) {
		# here comes the *hack*
		# find the Text widget of the pod window
		my $podtext = $w->{podwindow}->Subwidget('pod');
		$textw      = $podtext->Subwidget('more')->Subwidget('text');
	    if ($textw) {
		$textw->tag('configure', 'search',
			    -background => 'red',
			    -foreground => 'black');
		$textw->tag('remove', 'search', qw/0.0 end/);
		my $length = 0;
		# XXX exact or regex search?
		my $pos = $textw->search(-count => \$length,
					 '--', $w->{'pod'}{$under},
					 '1.0', 'end');
		if ($pos) {
		    $textw->tag('add', 'search',
				$pos, "$pos + $length char");
		    $textw->after(500, [$textw, qw/tag remove search 0.0 end/]);
		} else {
		    if ($w->cget(-verbose)) {
			$raise_msg->("Warning: Can't find help topic <$w->{'pod'}{$under}>.");
	$under = $under->parent;
    if ($w->cget(-verbose)) {
	$raise_msg->("Warning: No help available for this topic.");

sub _next_action {
    my($w) = @_;
    if ($w->cget(-stayactive)) {
    } else {

sub _normal_cursor {
    my($w) = @_;
    $w->parent->configure(-cursor => $w->{'save_cursor'});

sub _reset {
    my($w) = @_;
    $w->{'state'} = 'withdrawn';
    my $cw;
    foreach $cw (@{$w->{'inp_only_clients'}}) {
	if (Tk::Exists($cw)) {

sub deactivate {
    my($w) = @_;
    if ($w->{'old_esc_binding'}) {
	$w->parent->toplevel->bind("<Escape>" => $w->{'old_esc_binding'});
	delete $w->{'old_esc_binding'};
    $w->cget(-callback)->Call($w) if $w->cget(-callback);

sub toggle {
    my $w = shift;
    if ($w->{'state'} eq 'withdrawn') {
    } else {

sub attach {
    my($w, $client, %args) = @_;
    if      (exists $args{-msg}) {
	$w->{'msg'}{$client}     = delete $args{-msg};
    } elsif (exists $args{-command}) {
	$w->{'command'}{$client} = delete $args{-command};
    } elsif (exists $args{-pod}) {
	$w->{'pod'}{$client}     = delete $args{-pod};
    if (exists $args{'-podfile'}) {
	$w->{'podfile'}{$client}     = delete $args{'-podfile'};
    push(@{$w->{'clients'}}, $client);
    my $inputo = $client->InputO(-width  => $client->width,
				 -height => $client->height,
    push(@{$w->{'inp_only_clients'}}, $inputo);
    $inputo->bind('<Button-1>' => [$w, '_active_state', $inputo]);
    $inputo->bind('<Button-2>' => [$w, 'deactivate']);
    $inputo->bind('<Button-3>' => [$w, 'deactivate']);
    $client->OnDestroy([$w, 'detach', $client]);

sub detach {
    my($w, $client) = @_;
    delete $w->{'msg'}{$client};
    delete $w->{'command'}{$client};
    delete $w->{'pod'}{$client};
    my $i;
    for($i = 0; $i <= $#{$w->{'clients'}}; $i++) {
	if ($client eq $w->{'clients'}[$i]) {
	    splice @{$w->{'clients'}}, $i, 1;
	    splice @{$w->{'inp_only_clients'}}, $i, 1;

sub podfile {
    my($w, $file) = @_;
    if (@_ > 1 and defined $file) {
	if (Tk::Exists($w->{'podwindow'})) {
	    delete $w->{'podwindow'};
	$w->{Configure}{'podfile'} = $file;
    } else {

sub helpkey {
    my $w = shift;
    if (@_ > 0) {
	my $key = shift;
	if (defined $key) {
	    $key = '<F1>' if $key !~ /^<.*>$/;
	    $w->parent->toplevel->bind($key => sub { $w->_key_help });
    } else {

sub HelpButton {
    my($w, $top, %args) = @_;
    my $b;
    $args{-bitmap} = '@' . Tk->findINC('context_help.xbm')
      unless $args{-bitmap};
    $args{-command} = sub { $w->configure(-stayactive => 0);
    my $change_button_state = sub {
	if ($w->{'state'} =~ /^(context|wait)$/) {
	    if (!exists $w->{'oldrelief'}) {
		$w->{'oldrelief'} = $b->cget(-relief);
	    $b->configure(-relief => 'sunken');
	} else {
	    $b->configure(-relief => $w->{'oldrelief'} || 'raised');
	    delete $w->{'oldrelief'};
    $w->configure(-callback => $change_button_state);

    $b = $top->Button(%args);
    $b->bind('<Button-3>' => sub { $w->configure(-stayactive => 1);

# XXX Problems with -recurse and SimplePod => disabling for now
sub _busy {
    my $w = shift;
    if (1 || $Tk::VERSION < 800.012) {
    } else {
	$w->Busy(-recurse => 1);

sub _unbusy {
    my $w = shift;
    if (1 || $Tk::VERSION < 800.012) {
    } else {
	$w->Unbusy(-recurse => 1);

package Tk::ContextHelp::SimplePod;
use Tk::Toplevel;
use strict;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(Tk::Toplevel);

Construct Tk::Widget 'CHSimplePod';

sub Populate {
    my($w, $args) = @_;

    require Tk::ROText;
    my $t = $w->Scrolled('ROText',
			 -scrollbars => 'osoe')->pack(-fill => 'both');
    $w->Advertise('text' => $t);

    $w->ConfigSpecs(-file => ["METHOD", "podfile", "Podfile", undef]);

sub file {
    my $w = shift;
    if (@_) {
	my $file = shift;
	eval {
	    my $pid = open(POD, "-|");
	    if (!$pid) {
		local($^W) = 0;
		    # I think it's a bad idea when mixing
		    # perl versions, so make this local for just this
		    # call of perldoc, which has the same version as the
		    # calling program
		    local $ENV{PERL5LIB} = join(":", $ENV{PERL5LIB}, @INC);
		    require Config;
		    my $perldocpath = "$Config::Config{installscript}/perldoc";
		    if (-x $perldocpath) {
			exec $^X, $perldocpath, '-t', $file;
			# Can't execute ... try next one
		exec 'perldoc', '-t', $file;
		# Don't use die, but rather CORE::exit,
		# which is safer.
		warn "Can't execute perldoc";
	    } else {
		$w->Subwidget('text')->delete('1.0', 'end');
		while(<POD>) {
		    $w->Subwidget('text')->insert('end', $_);
		close POD || die "perldoc exited with $?";
	my $err = $@;
	if ($err) {
	    warn $err;
	    $w->{File} = undef;
	} else {
	    $w->{File} = $file;
    } else {


=head1 NAME

Tk::ContextHelp - context-sensitive help with perl/Tk


  use Tk::ContextHelp;

  $ch = $top->ContextHelp;
  $ch->attach($widget, -msg => ...);


  $ch2 = $top->ContextHelp(-podfile => "perlfaq");
  $ch2->attach($widget2, -pod => 'description');


B<ContextHelp> provides a context-sensitive help system. By activating
the help system (either by clicking on a B<HelpButton> or calling the
B<activate> method, the cursor changes to a left pointer with a
question mark and the user may click on any widget in the window to
get a help message or jump to the corresponding pod entry.

B<ContextHelp> accepts all the options that the B<Label> widget
accepts. In addition, the following options are also recognized.

=over 4

=item B<-callback>

Set a callback to be called on each state change (useful for own
HelpButton implementations).

=item B<-cursor>

Use another cursor for the help mode instead of the left pointer with
question mark.

=item B<-helpkey>

Enable use of a help key. A common choice would be "F1" (or written as
"<F1>") or maybe "<Help>", if your keyboard has a help key.

=item B<-offcursor>

Use another cursor for the help mode shown if the underlying widget is
not attached to the help system. The default is a left pointer with a
strike-through question mark.

=item B<-podfile>

Set the pod file for the B<-pod> argument of B<attach>. The default is
C<$0> (the current script).

=item B<-stayactive>

If set to true, help mode is active until set to false. So the user
may browse over all topics he like.

=item B<-verbose>

Be verbose if something goes wrong. Default is true.

=item B<-widget>

Use another widget instead of the default B<Label> for displaying
messages. Another possible choice would be B<Message>.


=head1 METHODS

The B<ContextHelp> widget supports the following non-standard methods:

=over 4

=item B<attach(>I<widget>, I<option>B<)>

Attaches the widget indicated by I<widget> to the context-sensitive
help system. Option may be one of the following:

=over 4

=item B<-msg>

The argument is the message to be shown in a popup window.

=item B<-pod>

The argument is a regular expression to jump in the corresponding pod
file. For example, if you have a topic DESCRIPTION where you want to
jump to, you can specify

    $contexthelp->attach($widget, -pod => '^\s*DESCRIPTION');

=item B<-podfile>

The argument is a pod name to be used instead of the default pod file.
B<-podfile> may be used together with B<-pod> or all alone.

=item B<-command>

The argument is a user-defined command to be called when activating
the help system on this widget.


=item B<detach(>I<widget>B<)>

Detaches the specified widget I<widget> from the help system.

=item B<activate>

Turn the help system on.

=item B<deactivate>

Turn the help system off.

=item B<toggle>

Toggle help system on or off.

=item B<HelpButton(>I<top>, I<options>B<)>

Create a help button. It is a regular B<Button> with I<-bitmap> set to
the help cursor bitmap and I<-command> set to activation of the help
system. The argument I<top> is the parent widget, I<options> are
additional options for the help button.

The button stays pressed as the help is activated. Clicking on the
pressed button causes the end of the help mode. Clicking with
mousebutton-3 causes the help system to stay active until the user
clicks on the button over again.


=head1 BUGS

=over 4

=item *

The user cannot click on the border of an attached widget to raise the
help window.

=item *

While in help mode, it is possible to click on buttons even if the
buttons aren't attached to the help system. This is non-intuitive, but
hard to fix. (Maybe a solution: create inputo-widgets for all
not-attached widgets while in context mode)


=head1 TODO

 * optional use of html browsers (netscape -remote openURL ...)

 * on Win32, make InputO work and use the native help system

=head1 AUTHOR

Slaven Rezic <F<>>

Some code and documentation is derived from Rajappa Iyer's

Copyright (c) 1998,2000,2003,2015 Slaven Rezic. All rights reserved.
This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

=head1 SEE ALSO

Tk::Balloon(3), Tk::Pod(3).
