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# DateEntry lets the user select a date from a drop-down calendar.
# See end of this file for documentation.
package Tk::DateEntry;

use vars qw($VERSION $DEBUG);

$VERSION = '1.40';

use Tk;
use strict;
use Carp;
use Time::Local;
BEGIN { eval 'use POSIX qw(strftime)'; warn $@ if $@ }

my $can_use_dcalc = 0;
if (     eval q{ use Date::Calc qw(Day_of_Week check_date); 1 }) {
    $can_use_dcalc = 1;
} elsif (eval q{ use Date::Pcalc qw(Day_of_Week check_date); 1 }) {
    $can_use_dcalc = 1;

require Tk::Frame;

use base qw(Tk::Frame);
Construct Tk::Widget 'DateEntry';

sub ClassInit {
    my($class, $mw) = @_;
    $mw->bind($class, "<Button-1>" => 'buttonDown');

sub Populate {
    my ($w, $args) = @_;


    # entry widget and arrow button
    my $e = $w->Entry;
    my $b = $w->Button(-bitmap => '@' . Tk->findINC("cbxarrow.xbm"));
    my $tl = $w->{_toplevel} = $w->Toplevel(-bd=>2,-relief=>'raised');

    $w->Advertise("entry" => $e);
    $w->Advertise("arrow" => $b);

    $tl->OnDestroy(sub { $w->{_status} = 'done' }); # XXX really needed?

    $b->pack(-side => "right", -padx => 0);
    $e->pack(-side => "right", -fill => 'x', -expand => 1, -padx => 0);

    # other initializations
    $b->bind("<Button-1>", [ $w => 'buttonDown' ]);
    $b->bind("<space>", [ $w => 'buttonDown' ]);
    $b->bind("<Key-Return>", [ $w => 'buttonDown' ]);
    $e->bind("<Key-Return>", [ $w => 'buttonDown' ]);
    $e->bind("<Up>",   [$w => 'rotateDay', +1, 1] );
    $e->bind("<Down>", [$w => 'rotateDay', -1, 1] );
    $e->bind("<Shift-Up>",   [$w => 'rotateDay', +1, 7] );
    $e->bind("<Shift-Down>", [$w => 'rotateDay', -1, 7] );
    $e->bind("$_",   [$w => 'rotateMonth', +1] )
	for qw(<Control-Up> <Prior>);
    $e->bind("$_", [$w => 'rotateMonth', -1] )
	for qw(<Control-Down> <Next>);
    $e->bind("<Shift-Control-Up>",   [$w => 'rotateYear', +1] );
    $e->bind("<Shift-Control-Down>", [$w => 'rotateYear', -1] );

    # XXX Not uses anymore due to problems with grab
    #$w->bind("<FocusOut>", sub { $w->popDown });

    # Create the buttons on the dropdown.
    my $fr = $w->{_frame} = $tl->Frame->pack(-anchor=>'n');

    # check whether Tk::FireButton is installed
    my $Button = eval { require Tk::FireButton; 1 } ? 'FireButton' : 'Button';

    # 1. Previous month:
				   -command=> ['prevMonth', $w])

    # 2. Label to put the monthname in:
    $w->{_monthlabel} = $fr->Label->grid(-row=>0,-column=>1,-columnspan=>5);

    # 3. Next month:
				   -command=>['nextMonth', $w])

    # 4. Dayname labels:
    for (0..6) {
	$w->{_daylabel}->[$_] = $fr->Label->grid(-column=>$_,-row=>1);

    # 5. Daybuttons. Note that we create button for six weeks, since it
    #    is possible that a month might span over six different weeks.
    #    The text on the buttons are just a dummy to force them to the
    #    correct size. When the calendar is popped up, the right text
    #    is inserted an unused buttons are gridForget'ed.
    for my $week (0..5) {
	for my $wday (0..6) {
	    $w->{_daybutton}->[$week]->[$wday] =
		$fr->Button(-bd=>1, -padx=>1, -pady=>1, -text=>'00',
			    -command => ['selectDay', $w, $week, $wday])

    $w->{_popped} = 0;

    $w->Delegates(DEFAULT => $e);

	(-arrowimage  => [{-image => $b}, qw/arrowImage ArrowImage/],
 	 -variable    => "-textvariable",
         -dateformat  => [qw/PASSIVE dateFormat DateFormat 1/],
	 -background  => [qw/METHOD background Background/],
# XXX should the class for these be Background?
           	      => [qw/METHOD buttonBackground ButtonBackground/],
                      => [qw/METHOD boxBackground BoxBackground/],
                      => [qw/PASSIVE todayBackground TodayBackground/],
	 -font        => [qw/DESCENDANTS font Font/],
	 -daynames    => [qw/PASSIVE daynames Daynames/,[qw/S M Tu W Th F S/]],
	 -weekstart   => [qw/PASSIVE weekstart Weekstart 0/],
	 -formatcmd   => [qw/CALLBACK formatCmd FormatCmd/,
	 -parsecmd    => [qw/CALLBACK parseCmd ParseCmd/,
			  ['defaultParse', $w]],
	 -configcmd   => [qw/CALLBACK configCmd ConfigCmd/, undef],
	 -headingfmt  => [qw/PASSIVE headingFmt HeadingFmt/, '%B %Y'],
	 -state       => [qw/METHOD state State normal/],
	 -width       => [$e, undef, undef, 10],
	 DEFAULT      => [$e] );

# Configuration methods:
# -state works like the BrowseEntry's -state, in addition to 'normal'
# and 'disabled', 'readonly' forces the user to select from the dropdown.
sub state {
    my $w = shift;

    unless (@_) {
        return ($w->{'de_state'});
    } else {
        my $state = $w->{'de_state'} = shift;

	if ($state eq "readonly" ) {
	    $w->Subwidget("entry")->configure( -state => "disabled" );
	    $w->Subwidget("arrow")->configure( -state => "normal" );
	} else {
	    $w->Subwidget("entry")->configure( -state => $state );
	    $w->Subwidget("arrow")->configure( -state => $state );

# -background sets the background of the entry and arrow subwidgets.
sub background
    my $w = shift;

    unless (@_) {
        return ($w->{'de_background'});
    } else {
        my $color = $w->{'de_background'} = shift;

	foreach (qw/entry arrow/) {

# -buttonbackground sets the background on all buttons in the widget.
sub buttonbackground
    my $w = shift;

    unless (@_) {
        return ($w->{'de_buttonbackground'});
    } else {
        my $color = $w->{'de_buttonbackground'} = shift;

	foreach (qw/_backbutton _nextbutton/) {

sub boxbackground
    my $w = shift;

    unless (@_) {
        return ($w->{'de_boxbackground'});
    } else {
        my $color = $w->{'de_boxbackground'} = shift;
	foreach (qw/_frame _toplevel _monthlabel/) {
	foreach (@{$w->{_daylabel}}) {

sub configure
    my ($w, %args) = @_;

    # Check validity of option values.
    if (defined($args{-weekstart}) &&
	($args{-weekstart} < 0 || $args{-weekstart} > 6))
	carp ("-weekstart must be between 0 and 6");
	delete $args{-weekstart};  # Ignore -weekstart

    if (defined($args{-dateformat}) &&
	($args{-dateformat} < 1 || $args{-dateformat} > 4))
	carp ("-dateformat must be between 1 and 4");
	delete $args{-dateformat};  # Ignore -dateformat


    if (defined($args{-daynames}) || defined($args{-weekstart})) {
	# Refresh the daynames heading whenever -daynames or -weekstart
	# changes.
	my $daynames;
	if ($args{-daynames} && $args{-daynames} eq 'locale' && defined &strftime) {
	    foreach (0..6) {
		push @$daynames, $w->_decode_posix_bytes(strftime("%a",0,0,0,1,1,1,$_));
	} else {
	    $daynames = $w->cget('-daynames');
	my $weekstart = $w->cget('-weekstart');

	for (0..6) {
	    my $dayname = $daynames->[($_ + $weekstart)%7];
	    $dayname = $w->_bidify($dayname);
		(-text => $dayname);

# Whenever someone pushes the arrow.....

sub buttonDown
    my ($w) = @_;
    my $tl = $w->{_toplevel};

    return if $w->cget('-state') eq 'disabled';

    if ($w->{_popped}) {         # If already visible, pop down.
	return $w->popDown;

    # Popup the widget.

    $w->{_oldgrab} = $w->toplevel->grabSave;
    $w->grabGlobal;               # Start processing......

    $w->readContent;             # Tries to read the current content of
                                  # entry, set default if empty.

    $w->{_status} = '';

    my $configcmd = $w->cget('-configcmd');

    my ($today_d,$today_m,$today_y) = (localtime)[3,4,5];

    while ($w->{_status} ne 'done') {
	# getCalendar returns a two-dimensional array, each row in the
	# array represents a week, each column the days of the week. If
	# an element has a value, the value is the day number of the month.
	my $cal = $w->getCalendar;

	my $monthlabel;
	if (defined &strftime) {
	    $monthlabel = strftime($w->cget('-headingfmt'),0,0,0,1,
	    $monthlabel = $w->_decode_posix_bytes($monthlabel);
	} else {
	    $monthlabel = $w->{_month} . "/" . $w->{_year};
	$monthlabel = $w->_bidify($monthlabel);

	for my $week (0..5) {
	    for my $wday (0..6) {
		my $button = $w->{_daybutton}->[$week]->[$wday];
		my $mday = $cal->[$week]->[$wday];

		if (defined($mday)) {
		    # Set the buttons text to $mday, call grid() to make
		    # sure the button is displayed.
		    my $bckg = $w->cget('-buttonbackground') ||

		    if ($mday == $today_d &&
			$w->{_month}==$today_m &&
			# Special background for TODAY.
			$bckg = $w->cget('-todaybackground') ||
		    $button->configure(-text => sprintf ("%2d", $mday),
				       -background => $bckg);
		} else {
		    # This day does not exists in the given month. Remove
		    # the button.

		if ($configcmd) {
		    $configcmd->Call((defined $mday
				      ? (-date => [$mday, $w->{_month}, $w->{_year}])
				      : ()
				     -datewidget => $button,
				     -widget => $w,

	# Wait for something to happen...


# Displays the calendar window.
sub popUp
    my ($w) = @_;

    my $e = $w->Subwidget("entry");
    my $tl = $w->{_toplevel};
    my ($x, $y);

    # When the dislayed month changes, the number of weeks displayed might
    # change (minimum four, maximum six). To keep the size of the window
    # constant, we'll first put a dummy-button in each row, then "freeze"
    # the window size. This can't be done before now, since configure(-font)
    # might cause the size to change at any time.
    $tl->packPropagate(1);         # Allow resize
    foreach (0..5) {
    $tl->update;                   # Calculate size, since the window
                                   # is still withdrawn, the user won't see
                                   # anything.
    $tl->packPropagate(0);         # Freeze....

    my ($th,$tw) = ($tl->reqheight, $tl->reqwidth);
    my ($ex,$ey) = ($e->rootx, $e->rooty);
    my ($eh,$ew) = ($e->height, $e->width);
    my ($rh,$rw) = ($w->vrootheight, $w->vrootwidth);

    # Calculate vertical position first.
    # Best position is below the entry widget.
    if ($ey + $eh + $th < $rh) {
	$y = $ey + $eh;
    } else {
	# Above entry.
	$y = $ey - $th;
    if ($y < 1) {
	$y = 1;

    # Horizontal, best position is directly below/above the entry.
    if ($ex + $tw < $rw) {
	$x = $ex;
    } else {
	$x = 1;
    if ($x < 1) {
	$x = 1;


    $w->{_popped} = 1;

# Reads the current content of the widget and parses it to retrieve the
# year/month/day. Sets default values if something is missing or is
# invalid.
sub readContent
    my ($w) = @_;
    my $e = $w->Subwidget("entry");

    # Get year/month/day from the entry widget.
    my ($year,$month,$day) = $w->Callback(-parsecmd => $e->get);
    foreach ($year,$month,$day) {
	if (defined $_ && !/^\d+$/) {
	    undef $_;

    # Get todays date...
    my ($today_md, $today_m,$today_y) = (localtime)[3,4,5];

    unless (defined($month) && $month >= 1 && $month <= 12) {
	$month = $today_m;

    unless (defined($day) && $day >= 1 && $day <= 31) {
	$day = $today_md;

    $year = $today_y unless defined($year);
    if ($year < 100) {
	# One or two digit year. Try to find a reasonable value for
	# century by using a "100 years window".
	my $cc = int($today_y / 100); # Try current century
	my $yyyy = sprintf "%02d%02d", $cc, $year;

	if ($yyyy > ($today_y + 50)) {
	    $yyyy -= 100;  # More than 50 years in the future, must be
	                   # prev. century
	} elsif ($yyyy < ($today_y - 50)) {
	    $yyyy += 100;  # More that 50 years ago, must be next cent.
	$year = $yyyy;
    unless ($year =~ m/^\d+$/) {
	$year = $today_y;

    $w->{_day}   = $day;
    $w->{_month} = $month;
    $w->{_year}  = $year;

# Default date parse routine. Called unless -parsecmd is specified.
# (rememember to update check in configure() if more dateformats are
# added).
sub defaultParse
    my ($w, $str) = @_;

    my ($m,$d,$y);

    $_ = $w->cget('-dateformat');

    $str =~ s/\s//g;

    /^1$/ && (($m,$d,$y) = (split '/', $str));
    /^2$/ && (($y,$m,$d) = (split '/', $str));
    /^3$/ && (($d,$m,$y) = (split '/', $str));
    /^4$/ && (($y,$m,$d) = (split '-', $str));

    return ($y,$m,$d);

# Default date format routine. Called unless -formatcmd is specified.
# (rememember to update check in configure() if more dateformats are
# added).
sub defaultFormat
    my ($w, $y, $m, $d) = @_;

    if (/^1$/) {
	sprintf("%02d/%02d/%04d", $m, $d, $y);
    } elsif (/^2$/) {
	sprintf("%04d/%02d/%02d", $y, $m, $d);
    } elsif (/^3$/) {
	sprintf("%02d/%02d/%04d", $d, $m, $y);
    } elsif (/^4$/) {
	sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d", $y, $m, $d);

# Returns a calendar for the month given by $w->{_month} and {_year}.
# The calendar is returned as a 6 * 7 two-dimensional array. Each row in the
# array represents a week, each column a weekday.
# EXAMPLE: October 1999 (assume -weekstart => 0):
#  undef undef undef undef undef   1     2
#    3     4     5     6     7     8     9
#   10    11    12    13    14    15    16
#   17    18    19    20    21    22    23
#   24    25    26    27    28    29    30
#   31   undef undef undef undef undef undef
sub getCalendar
    my ($w) = @_;

    if ($can_use_dcalc) {
	return $w->getCalendarDC();

    my $week=0;
    my $cal=[];

    for my $mday (1..31) {
	my ($m,$y,$wday) = eval {
	    local $SIG{'__DIE__'};
	last if $@;

	$wday = ($wday - $w->cget('-weekstart')) % 7;
	if ($m == $w->{_month}) { # Still the same month?
	    if ($wday == 6) {

    return $cal;

# The same as getCalendar with Date::Calc
sub getCalendarDC
    my ($w) = @_;

    my $week=0;
    my $cal=[];
    for my $mday (1..31) {
	if (check_date($w->{_year},$w->{_month},$mday)) {
	    my $wday = Day_of_Week($w->{_year},$w->{_month},$mday);
	    $wday = ($wday - $w->cget('-weekstart')) % 7;
	    if ($wday == 6) {
    return $cal;

# Hide the window....
sub popDown
    my ($w) = @_;
    if ($w->{_popped}) {
	$w->{_popped} = 0;
	if ($w->{_oldgrab}) {
	    delete $w->{_oldgrab};
	$w->{_status} = 'done';

# Called when a day button is pressed. Sets the entry value, pops down
# the window.
sub selectDay
    my ($w, $week, $wday) = @_;

    my $e = $w->Subwidget("entry");
    my $mday = $w->{_daybutton}->[$week]->[$wday]->cget('-text');

    if ($w->cget('-state') eq 'readonly') {
	       $w->Callback(-formatcmd=>$w->{_year},$w->{_month}, $mday));

    if ($w->cget('-state') eq 'readonly') {



# Increment month number (or year)
sub nextMonth
    my ($w) = @_;

    if ($w->{_month} == 12) {
	$w->{_month} = 1;
    } else {
    $w->{_status} = 'new';

# Decrement month number (or year)
sub prevMonth
    my ($w) = @_;

    if ($w->{_month} == 1) {
	$w->{_month} = 12;
    } else {
    $w->{_status} = 'new';

# increment or decrement the entry's day
sub rotateDay
    my ( $w, $dir, $step ) = @_;

    $w->{_day} += $dir * $step;
    # depend upon timelocal() to fix up days outside of 1..31

sub rotateMonth
    my ( $w, $dir ) = @_;


    $dir > 0 ? $w->nextMonth : $w->prevMonth;


sub rotateYear
    my ( $w, $dir ) = @_;


    $w->{_year} += $dir;


# make the entry widget track the internal notion of the date
sub updateDate
    my ($w) = @_;

    if ($can_use_dcalc) {
	return $w->updateDateDC();

    my ($d,$m,$y) = eval {
	local $SIG{__DIE__} = undef;
    unless ( $@ )
	    $y += 1900;
	    my $e = $w->Subwidget("entry");
		       $w->Callback(-formatcmd=>$y,$m, $d));

sub updateDateDC
    my ($w) = shift;

    my ($d,$m,$y);
    if (check_date($w->{_year},$w->{_month},$w->{_day})) {
	$y = $w->{_year};
	$m = $w->{_month};
	$d = $w->{_day};
	my $e = $w->Subwidget("entry");
		   $w->Callback(-formatcmd=>$y,$m, $d));

# "Stolen" from Locale::Maketext::Lexicon (called "encoding" there)
# and slightly adapted.
sub _posix_encoding {
    my $w = shift;
    if (exists $w->{_posix_encoding}) {
	return $w->{_posix_encoding};

    local $^W;    # no warnings 'uninitialized', really.
    my ( $country_language, $locale_encoding );

    local $@;
    eval {
        require I18N::Langinfo;
        $locale_encoding =
          I18N::Langinfo::langinfo( I18N::Langinfo::CODESET() );
      or eval {
        require Win32::OLE::NLS;
	my $lcid = Win32::OLE::NLS::GetSystemDefaultLCID();
        $locale_encoding = Win32::OLE::NLS::GetLocaleInfo($lcid, Win32::OLE::NLS::LOCALE_IDEFAULTANSICODEPAGE()); # XXX this is unchecked!
	$locale_encoding = 'cp' . $locale_encoding if $locale_encoding;
    if ( !$locale_encoding ) {
        foreach my $key (qw( LANGUAGE LC_ALL LC_MESSAGES LANG )) {
            $ENV{$key} =~ /^([^.]+)\.([^.:]+)/ or next;
            ( $country_language, $locale_encoding ) = ( $1, $2 );
    if (   defined $locale_encoding
        && lc($locale_encoding) eq 'euc'
        && defined $country_language )
        if ( $country_language =~ /^ja_JP|japan(?:ese)?$/i ) {
            $locale_encoding = 'euc-jp';
        elsif ( $country_language =~ /^ko_KR|korean?$/i ) {
            $locale_encoding = 'euc-kr';
        elsif ( $country_language =~ /^zh_CN|chin(?:a|ese)?$/i ) {
            $locale_encoding = 'euc-cn';
        elsif ( $country_language =~ /^zh_TW|taiwan(?:ese)?$/i ) {
            $locale_encoding = 'euc-tw';

    $w->{_posix_encoding} = $locale_encoding;

sub _decode_posix_bytes {
    my($w, $string) = @_;
    my $codeset = $w->_posix_encoding;
    if ($codeset) {
	eval {
	    require Encode;
	    $string = Encode::decode($codeset, $string);
	warn "Cannot decode string '$string' in codeset '$codeset': $@" if $@;

sub _bidify {
    my(undef, $string) = @_;
    return if !defined $string;
    eval {
	if ($string =~ m{[\p{BidiClass:R}\p{BidiClass:AL}\p{BidiClass:RLE}\p{BidiClass:RLO}]}) {
	    require Text::Bidi;
	    $string = Text::Bidi::log2vis($string);
    warn "Cannot align right-to-left text. $@" if $@ && $DEBUG;



=head1 NAME

Tk::DateEntry - Drop down calendar widget for selecting dates.


    $dateentry = $parent->DateEntry (<options>);


Tk::DateEntry is a drop down widget for selecting dates. It looks like
the BrowseEntry widget with an Entry followed by an arrow button, but
instead of displaying a Listbox the DateEntry displays a calendar
with buttons for each date. The calendar contains buttons for browsing
through the months.

When the drop down is opened, the widget will try to read the current
content of the widget (the B<-textvariable>), and display the month/year
specified. If the variable is empty, or contains invalid data, then the
current month is displayed. If one or two digit year is specified,
the widget tries to guess the correct century by using a "100 year

The Entry widget has the following keyboard shortcuts:

=over 8

=item <Up>, <Down>

Increase or decrease the date by one day.

=item <Shift-Up>, <Shift-Down>

Increase or decrease the date by one week.

=item <Control-Up> or <Prior>, <Control-Down> or <Next>

Increase or decrease the date by one month. This would not work if the
next or previous month has less days then the day currently selected.

=item <Shift-Control-Up>, <Shift-Control-Down>

Increase or decrease the date by one year. This would not work if the
same month in the next or previous year has less days then the day
currently selected.



Tk::DateEntry requires L<Time::Local> and L<POSIX> (strftime) (and
basic Perl/Tk of course....). For using dates before 1970-01-01 either
L<Date::Calc> or L<Date::Pcalc> is required.

For faster scanning between months the optional requirement
L<Tk::FireButton> is needed. For localized day and month names the
following modules are needed:


=item L<Encode> (for non-ASCII encodings)

=item L<I18N::Langinfo> (Unix-like systems only, for detection of
current locale)

=item L<Win32::OLE::NLS> (Windows only, for detection of current

=item L<Text::Bidi> (only if support for right-to-left scripts
(Hebrew, Arabic) is needed)


=head1 OPTIONS

=over 4

=item B<-arrowimage> => I<image>

Use alternative image for the arrow button.

=item B<-dateformat> => I<integer>

Specify dateformat to use:

=over 4


1 = MM/DD/YYYY - default.








See also L</DATE FORMATS> below.

=item B<-parsecmd> => I<\&callback>

Instead of using one of the builtin dateformats, you can specify your
own by supplying a subroutine for parsing (B<-parsecmd>) and formatting
(B<-formatcmd>) of the date string. These options overrides B<-dateformat>.
See L</DATE FORMATS> below.

=item B<-formatcmd> => I<\&callback>

See B<-parsecmd> above and L</DATE FORMATS> below.

=item B<-background> => I<color>

Sets the background color for the Entry subwidget. Note that
the dropdown calendar is not affected by this option. See also
B<-boxbackground>, B<-buttonbackground> and B<-todaybackground>.

=item B<-buttonbackground> => I<color>

Sets the background color for all button in the dropdown calendar.

=item B<-boxbackground> => I<color>

Sets the background color for the dropdown widget (not including the buttons).

=item B<-todaybackground> => I<color>

Sets the background color for the button representing the current date.

=item B<-font> => I<font>

Sets the font for all subwidgets.

=item B<-configcmd> => I<\&callback>

Called for every day button in the calendar while month configuration.
A hash with the keys B<-date>, B<-widget>, and B<-datewidget> is
passed to the callback. The B<-date> parameter is an array reference
containing day, month, and year. For empty buttons this parameter is
undefined. The B<-widget> parameter is a reference to the current
Tk::DateEntry widget, and the B<-datewidget> parameter is a reference to
the current day button. A sample callback:

    sub configcmd {
       my(%args) = @_;
       my($day,$month,$year) = @{$args->{-date}};
       my $widget            =   $args->{-widget};
       my $datewidget        =   $args->{-datewidget};

The callback is called after initial configuration of a day widget,
that is, i.e. the label and the background color is already set. Note
that day buttons keep their configuration while switching between

=item B<-daynames> => [qw/Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat/]

Specifies the daynames which is used in the calendar heading.
The default is C<< [qw/S M Tu W Th F S/] >>. Note that the array MUST begin
with the name of Sunday, even if B<-weekstart> specifies something else
than 0 (which is Sunday). See also L</WEEKS> below.

It is also possible to use the special value C<locale> to use the
daynames from the current locale.

=item B<-weekstart> => I<number>

Use this if you don't want the weeks to start on Sundays. Specify a number
between 0 (Sunday) and 6 (Saturday). See L</WEEKS> below.

=item B<-headingfmt> => I<string>

Format for the month name heading. The month name heading is created by
calling C<< strftime(format,0,0,0,1,month,year) >>. Default format is 'C<< %B %Y >>'.
Note that only month and year will have sensible values, including
day and/or time in the heading is possible, but it makes no sense.

If L<POSIX> is not available then this option has no effect
and the month name heading format will just be "C<< %m/%Y >>".

=item B<-state> => I<string>

'B<normal>', 'B<disabled>' or 'B<readonly>'. The latter forces the user to use
the drop down, editing in the Entry subwidget is disabled.

=item B<-width> => I<number>

Width of the Entry subwidget, default is 10 (which fits the default
date format MM/DD/YYYY).

All other options are handled by the Entry subwidget.



The default date format is MM/DD/YYYY. Since Tk::DateEntry has to parse the
date to decide which month to display, you can't specify strftime formats
directly (like "-dateformat => 'Date: %D. %B'").

The "builtin" date formats are:

=over 4


-dateformat => 1       - MM/DD/YYYY (default)


-dateformat => 2       - YYYY/MM/DD


-dateformat => 3       - DD/MM/YYYY


-dateformat => 4       - YYYY-MM-DD


Trailing fields that are missing will be replaced by the current date, if the
year is specified by one or two digits, the widget will guess the century by
using a "100 year window".

If you're not satisified with any of these formats, you might specify your
own parse and format routine by using the B<-parsecmd> and B<-formatcmd> options.

The B<-parsecmd> subroutine will be called whenever the pulldown is opened.
The subroutine will be called with the current content of B<-textvariable> as
the only argument. It should return a three element list: (year, month, day).
Any undefined elements will be replaced by default values.

The B<-formatcmd> subroutine will be called whenever the user selects a date.
It will be called with three arguments: (year, month, day). It should return
a single string which will be assigned to the B<-textvariable>.

See L</EXAMPLES> below.

=head1 WEEKS

The default is to display the calendar the same way as the unix L<cal(1)> command
does: Weeks begin on Sunday, and the daynames are S, M, Tu, W, Th, F, and S.

However, some people prefer to start the weeks at Monday (saving both
Saturday and Sunday to the weekEND...)  This can be achived by specifying
C<< -weekstart=>1 >>. C<< -weekstart=>0 >> causes the week to start at Sunday, which
is the default. If you have a very odd schedule, you could also start the
week at Wednesday by specifying C<< -weekstart=>3 >>.....

If you don't like the "cal" headings, you might specify something else
by using the B<-daynames> option.

See L</EXAMPLES> below.


=head2 The simplest way:


=head2 Other daynames:

If you want the "locale's abbreviated weekday name" you do it like this:


which is short for:

	use POSIX qw/strftime/;
	my @daynames=();
	foreach (0..6) {
		push @daynames,strftime("%a",0,0,0,1,1,1,$_);

=head2 Other date formats:

A Norwegian would probably do something like this:

	my $dateentry=$parent->DateEntry
		 -daynames=>[qw/Son Man Tir Ons Tor Fre Lor/],
		 -parsecmd=>sub {
			my ($d,$m,$y) = ($_[0] =~ m/(\d*)\/(\d*)-(\d*)/);
			return ($y,$m,$d);
		 -formatcmd=>sub {
			sprintf ("%d/%d-%d",$_[2],$_[1],$_[0]);

Note that this B<-parsecmd> will return (undef,undef,undef) even if one or
two of the fields are present. A more sophisticated regex might be needed....

=head1 CAVEATS

If neither L<Date::Calc> nor L<Date::Pcalc> are available, then
Tk::DateEntry uses timelocal(), localtime() and strftime(). These
functions are based on the standard unix time representation, which is
the number of seconds since 1970-01-01. This means that in this case
Tk::DateEntry doesn't support dates prior to 1970, and on a 32 bit
computer it doesn't support dates after 2037-12-31.

Future perl versions (possibly beginning with 5.10.1) will have
support for 64 bit times.

=head1 TODO

Use L<DateTime::Locale> instead of L<POSIX> for localized day and
month names.

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Tk::Entry>, L<Tk::Button>, L<Tk::ChooseDate>.

=head1 AUTHOR

Hans J. Helgesen <>, October 1999.

Current maintainer is Slaven Rezic <>.
