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# -*- perl -*-

# $Id: basic.t,v 1.18 2008/09/23 19:57:01 eserte Exp $
# Author: Slaven Rezic
# Copyright (C) 1997,1998,2008 Slaven Rezic. All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
# Mail:
# WWW:

use Tk;
my $top;
    if (!eval { $top = new MainWindow }) {
	print "1..0 # skip cannot open DISPLAY\n";

    $^W = 1;
    $| = 1;
    $loaded = 0;
    $last = 46;
    print "1..$last";
#      if ($] >= 5.005 && $] < 5.006) {
#  	print " todo 13;";
#      }
    print "\n";

END {print "not ok 1\n" unless $loaded;}

use Tk::HistEntry;
use strict;
use vars qw($loaded $last $VISUAL);
use FindBin;

chdir "$FindBin::RealBin";

package main;

sub _not {
    print "# Line " . (caller)[2] . "\n";
    print "not ";

$loaded = 1;

my $ok = 1;
print "ok " . $ok++ . "\n";

use Tk;

my($foo, $bla);

my($b1, $b2);
$b1 = $top->SimpleHistEntry(-textvariable => \$foo,
			    -bell => 1,
			    -dup => 0,
			    -case => 1,
			    -auto => 1,
			    -match => 1,
if (!Tk::Exists($b1)) {
print "ok " . $ok++ . "\n";

if ($b1->class ne 'SimpleHistEntry') {
print "ok " . $ok++ . "\n";

$b2 = $top->HistEntry(-textvariable => \$bla,
		      -bell => 1,
		      -dup => 0,
		      -label => 'Browse:',
		      -labelPack => [-side => 'top'],
if (!Tk::Exists($b2)) {
print "ok " . $ok++ . "\n";

if ($b2->class ne 'HistEntry') {
print "ok " . $ok++ . "\n";

my @test_values = qw(bla foo bar);

my($b4) = $top->HistEntry->pack;
foreach (@test_values) { $b4->historyAdd($_) }
if (join(",", @test_values) ne join(",", $b4->history)) {
print "ok " . $ok++ . "\n";

$b4->_entry->insert("end", "blubber");
if (join(",", @test_values, "blubber") ne join(",", $b4->history)) {
print "ok " . $ok++ . "\n";

$b4->OnDestroy(sub { $b4->historySave("") });

my($b5) = $top->SimpleHistEntry->pack;
foreach (@test_values) { $b5->historyAdd($_) }
if (join(",", @test_values) ne join(",", $b5->history)) {
print "ok " . $ok++ . "\n";

$b5->insert("end", "blubber");
if (join(",", @test_values, "blubber") ne join(",", $b5->history)) {
print "ok " . $ok++ . "\n";

$b5->OnDestroy(sub { $b5->historySave("") });
print "ok " . $ok++ . "\n";

foreach ($b1, $b2) {
    print "ok " . $ok++ . "\n";

foreach my $sw ($b2->Subwidget) {
    if ($sw->isa('Tk::LabEntry')) {
	foreach my $ssw ($sw->Subwidget) {
	    if ($ssw->isa('Tk::Label')) {
		my $t = $ssw->cget(-text);
		_not if ($t ne 'Browse:');
		print "ok " . $ok++ . "\n";

my $e1   = $b1->_entry;
print ((defined $e1 ? "" : "not ") . "ok " . $ok++ . "\n");
my $e2   = $b2->_entry;
print ((defined $e2 ? "" : "not ") . "ok " . $ok++ . "\n");

my $lb2  = $b2->_listbox;
print ((defined $lb2 ? "" : "not ") . "ok " . $ok++ . "\n");

foreach ([$e1, $b1, 1],
	 [$e2, $b2, 2]) {
    my($e,$b,$nr) = @$_;

    $e->insert(0, "first $nr");
    my @h = $b->history;
    print ((@h == 1 && $h[0] eq "first $nr" ? "" : "not ") . "ok " . $ok++ . "\n");

    $b->historyAdd("second $nr");
    @h = $b->history;
    print ((@h == 2 && $h[1] eq "second $nr" ? "" : "not ") . "ok " . $ok++ . "\n");

    $b->addhistory("third $nr");
    @h = $b->history;
    print ((@h == 3 && $h[2] eq "third $nr" ? "" : "not ") . "ok " . $ok++ . "\n");

    if ($b eq $b2) {
	my $h2str1 = join(", ", $lb2->get(0, 'end'));
	my $h2str2 = join(", ", @h);

	print (($h2str1 eq $h2str2 ? "" : "not ") . "ok " . $ok++ . "\n");

    print (($b->can('addhistory') ? "" : "not") . "ok " . $ok++ . "\n");
    print (($b->can('historyAdd') ? "" : "not") . "ok " . $ok++ . "\n");


my(@oldhist) = $b4->history;

my(@oldhist2) = $b5->history;

# testing historyMergeFromFile for HistEntry
my $b3 = $top->HistEntry;

if (join(",", @oldhist) ne join(",", $b3->history)) {
print "ok " . $ok++ . "\n";
unlink "";

# testing historyReset
my(@histafterreset) = $b3->history;
if (@histafterreset) {
print "ok " . $ok++ . "\n";

@histafterreset = $b3->_listbox->get(0, "end");
if (@histafterreset) {
print "ok " . $ok++ . "\n";

# testing historyMergeFromFile for SimpleHistEntry
my $b6 = $top->SimpleHistEntry;

if (join(",", @oldhist2) ne join(",", $b6->history)) {
print "ok " . $ok++ . "\n";
unlink "";

# testing historyReset for SimpleHistEntry
@histafterreset = $b6->history;
if (@histafterreset) {
print "ok " . $ok++ . "\n";

# testing insert/get/delete methods
$b3->insert('end', "blablubber");
my $b3_got = $b3->get;
if ($b3_got eq "") {
    warn "Got <$b3_got>, expected non-empty string";
print "ok " . $ok++ . "\n";

$b3->delete(0, 'end');
if ($b3->get ne "") {
print "ok " . $ok++ . "\n";

# check duplicates
foreach my $b ($b1, $b2) {
    my $hist_entries = 4;
    if (scalar $b->history != $hist_entries) {
    print "ok " . $ok++ . "\n";

    if (scalar $b->history != $hist_entries) {
    print "ok " . $ok++ . "\n";

    if (scalar $b->history != $hist_entries) {
    print "ok " . $ok++ . "\n";

    $b->_entry->delete(0, "end");
    $b->_entry->insert(0, "foobar");
    if (scalar $b->history != $hist_entries) {
    print "ok " . $ok++ . "\n";

    # check -history config option
    my $he = $top->SimpleHistEntry(-history => [qw(1 2 3)]);
    if (join(" ",$he->cget(-history)) ne "1 2 3") {
    print "ok " . $ok++ . "\n";

    if (join(" ",$he->history) ne "1 2 3") {
    print "ok " . $ok++ . "\n";

    my $he2 = $top->HistEntry(-history => [qw(1 2 3)]);
    if (join(" ",$he2->cget(-history)) ne "1 2 3") {
    print "ok " . $ok++ . "\n";

    if (join(" ",$he2->history) ne "1 2 3") {
    print "ok " . $ok++ . "\n";

$top->Button(-text => "OK",
	     -command => sub { $top->destroy })->pack->focus;

$top->after(30000, sub { $top->destroy });

MainLoop if $VISUAL;