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require 5;
package Tk::Pod::Text;

use strict;

BEGIN {  # Make a DEBUG constant very first thing...
  if(defined &DEBUG) {
  } elsif(($ENV{'TKPODDEBUG'} || '') =~ m/^(\d+)/) { # untaint
    my $debug = $1;
    *DEBUG = sub () { $debug };
  } else {
    *DEBUG = sub () {0};

use Carp;
use Config;
use Tk qw(catch);
use Tk::Frame;
use Tk::Pod;
use Tk::Pod::SimpleBridge;
use Tk::Pod::Cache;
use Tk::Pod::Util qw(is_in_path is_interactive detect_window_manager start_browser);

use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @POD $IDX
	    @tempfiles @gv_pids $terminal_fallback_warn_shown);

$VERSION = '5.31';

@ISA = qw(Tk::Frame Tk::Pod::SimpleBridge Tk::Pod::Cache);

BEGIN { DEBUG and warn "Running ", __PACKAGE__, "\n" }

Construct Tk::Widget 'PodText';

  unshift @POD, (
   $ENV{'PATH'} ?
     grep(-d, split($Config{path_sep}, $ENV{'PATH'}))
    : ()
  $IDX = undef;
  DEBUG and warn "POD: @POD\n";

    package # hide from CPAN indexer

    use File::Basename qw(basename);

    for my $member (qw(file text index pod_title)) {
	my $sub = sub {
	    my $self = shift;
	    if (@_) {
		$self->{$member} = $_[0];
	no strict 'refs';
	*{$member} = $sub;

    sub create {
	my($class,$what,$index) = @_;
	my $o = bless {}, $class;
	if (ref $what eq 'HASH') {
	} else {

    sub get_label {
	my $self = shift;
	my $pod_title = $self->pod_title;
	return $pod_title if defined $pod_title;
	my $file = $self->file;
	return basename $file if defined $file;
	return "<Untitled document>";

use constant HISTORY_DIALOG_ARGS => [-icon => 'info',
				     -title => 'History Error',
				     -type => 'OK'];
sub Dir
 my $class = shift;

sub Find
 my ($file) = @_;
 return $file if (-f $file);
 my $dir;
 foreach $dir ("",@POD)
   my $prefix;
   foreach $prefix ("","pod/","pods/")
     my $suffix;
     foreach $suffix (".pod",".pm",".pl","")
       my $path = "$dir/" . $prefix . $file . $suffix;
       return $path if (-r $path && -T $path);
       $path =~ s,::,/,g;
       return $path if (-r $path && -T $path);
  return undef;

sub findpod {
    my ($w,$name,%opts) = @_;
    my $quiet = delete $opts{-quiet};
    warn "Unhandled extra options: ". join " ", %opts
	if %opts;
    unless (defined $name and length $name) {
	return if $quiet;
	$w->_die_dialog("Empty Pod file/name");

    my $absname;
    if (-f $name) {
	$absname = $name;
    } else {
	if ($name !~ /^[-_+:.\/A-Za-z0-9]+$/) {
	    return if $quiet;
	    $w->_die_dialog("Invalid path/file/module name '$name'\n");
	$absname = Find($name);
    if (!defined $absname) {
	return if $quiet;
	$w->_error_dialog("Can't find Pod '$name'\n");
	die "Can't find Pod '$name' in @POD\n";
    if (eval { require File::Spec; File::Spec->can("rel2abs") }) {
	DEBUG and warn "Turn $absname into an absolute file name";
	$absname = File::Spec->rel2abs($absname);

sub _remember_old {
    my $w = shift;
    for (qw(File Text)) {
	$w->{"Old$_"} = $w->{$_};

sub _restore_old {
    my $w = shift;
    for (qw(File Text)) {
	$w->{$_} = $w->{"Old$_"};

sub file {   # main entry point
  my $w = shift;
  if (@_)
      my $file = shift;
      eval {
	  my $calling_from_history = $w->privateData()->{'from_history'};
	  $w->{'File'} = $file;
	  $w->{'Text'} = undef;
	  my $path = $w->findpod($file);
	  if (!$calling_from_history) {
	      $w->history_add({file => $path}, "1.0");
	  $w->configure('-path' => $path);
	  $w->delete('1.0' => 'end');
	  my $tree_sw = $w->parent->Subwidget("tree");
	  if ($tree_sw) {
	  my $t;
	  if (DEBUG) {
	      require Benchmark;
	      $t = Benchmark->new;
	  if (!$w->get_from_cache) {
	      $w->add_to_cache; # XXX pass time for processing?
	      if (!$calling_from_history) {
		  $w->history_modify_current_title; # now the pod_title is known
	  if (defined $t) {
	      print Benchmark::timediff(Benchmark->new, $t)->timestr,"\n";
      if ($@) {
	  die $@;

sub text {
  my $w = shift;
  if (@_)
      my $text = shift;
      eval {
	  my $calling_from_history = $w->privateData()->{'from_history'};
	  $w->{'Text'} = $text;
	  $w->{'File'} = undef;
	  if (!$calling_from_history) {
	      $w->history_add({text => $text}, "1.0");
	  $w->configure('-path' => undef);
	  $w->delete('1.0' => 'end');
## XXX Implementation unclear, maybe should be done in showcommand call...
#	  my $tree_sw = $w->parent->Subwidget("tree");
#	  if ($tree_sw) {
#	      $tree_sw->SeeFunc("file:$path");
#	  }
	  my $t;
	  if (DEBUG) {
	      require Benchmark;
	      $t = Benchmark->new;
	  # No caching here
	  # XXX title: the 2nd part of the hack
	  my $title = $w->cget(-title);
	  $w->process(\$text, $title);
	  if (!$calling_from_history) {
	      $w->history_modify_current_title; # now the pod_title is known
	  if (defined $t) {
	      print Benchmark::timediff(Benchmark->new, $t)->timestr,"\n";
      if ($@) {
	  die $@;

sub reload
 my ($w) = @_;
 # remember old y position
 my ($currpos) = $w->yview;
 # restore old y position
 $w->yview(moveto => $currpos);
 # set (invisible) insertion cursor into the visible text area
 $w->markSet(insert => '@0,0');

# Works also for viewing source code
sub _get_editable_path
 my ($w) = @_;
 my $path = $w->cget('-path');
 if (!defined $path)
   my $text = $w->cget("-text");
   my($fh,$fname) = File::Temp::tempfile(UNLINK => 1,
					 SUFFIX => "_tkpod.pod");
   print $fh $text;
   close $fh;
   $path = $fname;

sub edit
 my ($w,$edit,$linenumber) = @_;
 my $path = $w->_get_editable_path;
 if (!defined $edit)
   $edit = $ENV{TKPODEDITOR};
 if ($^O eq 'MSWin32')
   if (defined $edit && $edit ne "")
     system(1, $edit, $path);
     system(1, "ptked", $path);
   if (!defined $edit || $edit eq "")
     # VISUAL and EDITOR are supposed to have a terminal, but tkpod can
     # be started without a terminal.
     my $isatty = is_interactive();
     if (!$isatty)
       if (!defined $edit || $edit eq "")
         $edit = $ENV{XEDITOR};
       if (!defined $edit || $edit eq "")
         if (!$terminal_fallback_warn_shown)
           $w->_warn_dialog("No terminal and neither TKPODEDITOR nor XEDITOR environment variables set. Fallback to ptked.");
	   $terminal_fallback_warn_shown = 1;
         $edit = 'ptked';
       $edit = $ENV{VISUAL} || $ENV{'EDITOR'} || '/usr/bin/vi';

   if (defined $edit)
     if (fork)
       wait; # parent
       if (fork)
         # still child
         # grandchild
	 if (defined $linenumber && $edit =~ m{\bemacsclient\b}) # XXX an experiment, maybe support more editors?
	   exec("$edit +$linenumber $path");
           exec("$edit $path");

sub edit_get_linenumber
 my($w) = @_;
 my $linenumber = $w->get_linenumber;
 $w->edit(undef, $linenumber);

sub get_linenumber
 my($w) = @_;
 for my $tag ($w->tagNames('@' . ($w->{MenuX} - $w->rootx) . ',' . ($w->{MenuY} - $w->rooty)))
   if ($tag =~ m{start_line_(\d+)})
     return $1;

sub view_source
 my($w) = @_;
 # XXX why is -title empty here?
 my $title = $w->cget(-title) || $w->cget('-file');
 my $t = $w->Toplevel(-title => "Source of $title - Tkpod");
 my $font_size = $w->base_font_size;
 my $more = $t->Scrolled('More',
			 -font => "Courier $font_size",
			 -scrollbars => $Tk::platform eq 'MSWin32' ? 'e' : 'w',
			)->pack(-fill => "both", -expand => 1);
 my $linenumber = $w->get_linenumber;
 if (defined $linenumber)

sub copy_pod_location
 my($w) = @_;
 my $file = $w->_get_editable_path;
 if (!defined $file)
   $w->_error_dialog("Cannot copy location: this Pod is not associated with a file");
 $w->SelectionHandle(sub {
			 my($offset,$maxbytes) = @_;
			 # XXX It's not exactly clear why I have to
			 # call _get_editable_path again here and not
			 # reuse $file.
			 my $file = $w->_get_editable_path;
			 return undef if $offset > length($file);
			 substr($file, $offset, $maxbytes);

sub _sgn { $_[0] cmp 0 }

sub zoom_normal {
    my $w = shift;

# XXX should use different increments for different styles
sub zoom_out {
    my $w = shift;
    $w->adjust_font_size($w->base_font_size - 1 * _sgn($w->base_font_size));

sub zoom_in {
    my $w = shift;
    $w->adjust_font_size($w->base_font_size + 1 * _sgn($w->base_font_size));

sub More_Widget { "More" }
sub More_Module { "Tk::More" }

sub Populate
    my ($w,$args) = @_;

    if ($w->More_Module) {
	eval q{ require } . $w->More_Module;
	die $@ if $@;


    $w->privateData()->{history} = [];
    $w->privateData()->{history_index} = -1;

    my $p = $w->Scrolled($w->More_Widget,
			 -helpcommand => sub {
			     $w->parent->help if $w->parent->can('help');
			 -scrollbars => $Tk::platform eq 'MSWin32' ? 'e' : 'w');
    my $p_scr = $p->Subwidget('scrolled');
    $w->Advertise('more' => $p_scr);
    $p->pack(-expand => 1, -fill => 'both');

    # XXX Subwidget stuff needed because Scrolled does not
    #     delegate bind, bindtag to the scrolled widget. Tk402.* (and before?)
    #	  (patch posted and included in Tk402.004)
    $p_scr->bindtags([$p_scr, $p_scr->bindtags]);
    $p_scr->bind('<Double-1>',       sub  { $w->DoubleClick($_[0]) });
    $p_scr->bind('<Shift-Double-1>', sub  { $w->ShiftDoubleClick($_[0]) });
    $p_scr->bind('<Double-2>',       sub  { $w->ShiftDoubleClick($_[0]) });
    $p_scr->bind('<3>',              sub  { $w->PostPopupMenu($p_scr, $w->pointerxy) });
    $p_scr->bind('<ButtonRelease-2>', [sub {
					   # A hack solution to prevent from firing this
					   # event over pod links. See
					   my($ro,$x,$y) = @_;
					   if (grep { $_ eq 'pod_link' } $ro->tagNames("\@$x,$y")) {
					   } else {
				       }, Tk::Ev("x"), Tk::Ev("y")]);

    $p->configure(-font => $w->Font(family => 'courier'));

    $p->tag('configure','text', -font => $w->Font(family => 'times'));


    $w->{List}   = []; # stack of =over
    $w->{Item}   = undef;
    $w->{'indent'} = 0;
    $w->{Length}  = 64;
    $w->{Indent}  = {}; # tags for various indents

    # Seems like a perl bug: ->can() does not work before actually calling
    # the subroutines (perl5.6.0 isa bug?)
    eval {

    my $m = $p->Menu
	(-title => "Tkpod",
	 -tearoff => $Tk::platform ne 'MSWin32',
	 -menuitems =>
	  [Button => 'Back',     -command => [$w, 'history_move', -1]],
	  [Button => 'Forward',  -command => [$w, 'history_move', +1]],
	  [Button => 'Reload',   -command => sub{$w->reload} ],
	  [Button => 'Edit Pod',       -command => sub{ $w->edit_get_linenumber } ],
	  [Button => 'View source',    -command => sub{ $w->view_source } ],
	  [Button => 'Copy Pod location', -command => sub { $w->copy_pod_location } ],
	  [Button => 'Search full text',-command => ['SearchFullText', $w]],
	  [Separator => ""],
	  [Cascade => 'Edit',
	   ($Tk::VERSION > 800.015 && $p->can('EditMenuItems') ? (-menuitems => $p->EditMenuItems) : ()),
	  [Cascade => 'Search',
	   ($Tk::VERSION > 800.015 && $p->can('SearchMenuItems') ? (-menuitems => $p->SearchMenuItems) : ()),
	  [Cascade => 'View',
	   ($Tk::VERSION > 800.015 && $p->can('ViewMenuItems') ? (-menuitems => $p->ViewMenuItems) : ()),
    eval { $p->menu($m) }; warn $@ if $@;

    $w->Delegates(DEFAULT => $p,
		  'SearchFullText' => 'SELF',

            '-file'       => ['METHOD'  ],
            '-text'       => ['METHOD'  ],
            '-path'       => ['PASSIVE' ],
            '-poddone'    => ['CALLBACK'],
	    '-title'      => ['PASSIVE' ], # XXX unclear

            '-wrap'       => [ $p, qw(wrap       Wrap       word) ],
	    # -font ignored because it does not change the other fonts
	    #'-font'	  => [ 'PASSIVE', undef, undef, undef],
            '-scrollbars' => [ $p, qw(scrollbars Scrollbars), $Tk::platform eq 'MSWin32' ? 'e' : 'w' ],
	    '-basefontsize' => ['METHOD'], # XXX may change

            'DEFAULT'     => [ $p ],

    $args->{-width} = $w->{Length};

sub basefontsize
 my($w, $val) = @_;
 if ($val)

sub Font
 my ($w,%args)    = @_;
 $args{'family'}  = 'times'  unless (exists $args{'family'});
 $args{'weight'}  = 'medium' unless (exists $args{'weight'});
 $args{'slant'}   = 'r'      unless (exists $args{'slant'});
 $args{'size'}    = 140      unless (exists $args{'size'});
 $args{'spacing'} = '*'     unless (exists $args{'spacing'});
 $args{'slant'}   = substr($args{'slant'},0,1);
 my $name = "-*-$args{'family'}-$args{'weight'}-$args{'slant'}-*-*-*-$args{'size'}-*-*-$args{'spacing'}-*-iso8859-1";
 return $name;

sub ShiftDoubleClick {
    shift->DoubleClick(shift, 'new');

sub DoubleClick
 my ($w,$ww,$how) = @_;
 my $Ev = $ww->XEvent;
 my $sel = catch { $w->SelectionGet };
 if (defined $sel)
   my $file;
   if ($file = $w->findpod($sel)) {
       if (defined $how && $how eq 'new')
	 my $tree = eval { $w->parent->cget(-tree) };
	 my $exitbutton = eval { $w->parent->cget(-exitbutton) };
         $w->MainWindow->Pod('-file' => $sel,
			     '-tree' => $tree,
			     -exitbutton => $exitbutton);
   } else {
       $w->_die_dialog("No Pod documentation found for '$sel'\n");

sub Link
 my ($w,$how,$index,$man,$sec) = @_;

 # If clicking on a Link, the <Leave> binding is never called, so it
 # have to be done here:

 $man = '' unless defined $man;
 $sec = '' unless defined $sec;

 if ($how eq 'reuse' && $man ne '')
   my $file = $w->cget('-file');
   $w->configure('-file' => $man)
    unless ( defined $file and ($file =~ /\Q$man\E\.\w+$/ or $file eq $man) );

 if ($how eq 'new')
   $man = $w->cget('-file') if ($man eq "");
   my $tree = eval { $w->parent->cget(-tree) };
   my $exitbutton = eval { $w->parent->cget(-exitbutton) };
   my $old_w = $w;
   my $new_pod = $w->MainWindow->Pod('-tree' => $tree,
				     -exitbutton => $exitbutton,
   $new_pod->configure('-file' => $man); # see tkpod for the same problem

   $w = $new_pod->Subwidget('pod');
   # set search term for new window
   my $search_term_ref = $old_w->Subwidget('more')->Subwidget('searchentry')->cget(-textvariable);
   if (defined $$search_term_ref && $$search_term_ref ne "") {
       $ {$w->Subwidget('more')->Subwidget('searchentry')->cget(-textvariable) } = $$search_term_ref;
  # XXX big docs like Tk::Text take too long until they return

 if ($sec ne '' && $man eq '') # XXX reuse vs. new

 if ($sec ne '')

   my $highlight_match = sub
     my $start = shift;
     my($line) = split(/\./, $start);
     $w->tag('remove', '_section_mark', qw/0.0 end/);
     $w->tag('add', '_section_mark',
	     $line . ".0",
	     $line . ".0 lineend");
     $w->after(500, [$w, qw/tag remove _section_mark 0.0 end/]);

   DEBUG and warn "Looking for section \"$sec\" across Sections entries...\n";

   foreach my $s ( @{$w->{'sections'} || []} )
     if($s->[1] eq $sec)
       DEBUG and warn " $sec is $$s[1] (at $$s[2])\n";
       my $start = $s->[2];
       my($line) = split(/\./, $start);
       $line--; # off by one, why?
       DEBUG > 2 and warn " Nope, it's not $$s[1] (at $$s[2])\n";

   my $start = ($w->tag('nextrange',$sec, '1.0'))[0];

   if (defined $start)
     DEBUG and warn " Found at $start\n";
     DEBUG and warn " Not found so far.  Using a quoted nextrange search...\n";
     my $link = ($man || '') . $sec;
     $start = ($w->tag('nextrange',"\"$link\"",'1.0'))[0];

   if (defined $start)
     DEBUG and warn " Found at $start\n";
     DEBUG and warn " Again not found.  Using an exact search at line beginnings...\n";
     $start = $w->search(qw/-regexp -nocase --/, qr{^\s*\Q$sec}, '1.0');

   if (defined $start) 
     DEBUG and warn " Found at $start\n";
     DEBUG and warn " Again not found.  Using an exact search...\n";
     $start = $w->search(qw/-exact -nocase --/, $sec, '1.0');

   if (defined $start)
     DEBUG and warn " Found at $start\n";
     DEBUG and warn " Not found! (\"sec\")\n";
     $w->_die_dialog("Section '$sec' not found\n");
   DEBUG and warn "link-zapping to $start linestart\n";
   $w->yview("$start linestart");

 if ($sec ne '' && $man eq '') # XXX reuse vs. new
   $w->history_add({file => $w->cget(-path)}, $w->index('@0,0'));


sub Link_url {
    my ($w,$how,$index,$man,$sec) = @_;
    if (my($lat,$lon) = $man =~ m{^geo:([^,]+),([^,]+)}) {
        DEBUG and warn "Translate geo URI $man\n";
        # XXX currently hardcoded to Wikipedia's GeoHack page, maybe make
        # configurable
        my $ddd2dms = sub {
            my($ddd) = @_;
	    my $north_east = $ddd >= 0;
	    $ddd = -$ddd if !$north_east;
	    my $deg = int($ddd);
	    my $min = ($ddd-$deg)*60;
	    my $sec = ($min-int($min))*60;
	    $min = int($min);
	    (($north_east ? $deg : -$deg), $min, $sec);
	my $lat_sgn = $lat < 0 ? do { $lat *= -1; "S" } : "N";
	my $lon_sgn = $lon < 0 ? do { $lon *= -1; "W" } : "E";
        $man = ""
	    . join("_", $ddd2dms->($lat), $lat_sgn, $ddd2dms->($lon), $lon_sgn);
    DEBUG and warn "Start browser with $man\n";

sub Link_man {
    my ($w,$how,$index,$man,$sec) = @_;
    my $mansec;
    if ($man =~ s/\s*\((.*)\)\s*$//) {
	$mansec = $1;
    my @manbrowser;
    if (exists $ENV{TKPODMANVIEWER} && $ENV{TKPODMANVIEWER} eq "internal") {
	DEBUG and warn "Use internal man viewer\n";
    } else {
	my $manurl = "man:$man($mansec)";
	if (defined $sec && $sec ne "") {
	    $manurl .= "#$sec";
	DEBUG and warn "Try to start any man browser for $manurl\n";
	@manbrowser = ('gnome-help-browser', 'khelpcenter');
	my $wm = detect_window_manager($w);
	DEBUG and warn "Window manager system is $wm\n";
	if ($wm eq 'kde') {
	    unshift @manbrowser, 'khelpcenter';
	if (defined $ENV{TKPODMANVIEWER}) {
	    unshift @manbrowser, $ENV{TKPODMANVIEWER};
	for my $manbrowser (@manbrowser) {
	    DEBUG and warn "Try $manbrowser...\n";
	    if (is_in_path($manbrowser)) {
		if (fork == 0) {
		    DEBUG and warn "Use $manbrowser...\n";
		    exec($manbrowser, $manurl);
		    die $!;
    if (!$w->InternalManViewer($mansec, $man)) {
	$w->_die_dialog("No useable man browser found. Tried @manbrowser and internal man viewer via `man'");

sub InternalManViewer {
    my($w, $mansec, $man) = @_;
    my $man_exe = "man";
    if (!is_in_path($man_exe)) {
	if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
	    $man_exe = "c:/cygwin/bin/man.exe";
	    if (!-e $man_exe) {
		return 0;
	} else {
	    return 0;
    my $t = $w->Toplevel(-title => "Manpage $man($mansec)");
    my $font_size = $w->base_font_size;
    my $more = $t->Scrolled("More",
			    -font => "Courier $font_size",
			    -scrollbars => $Tk::platform eq 'MSWin32' ? 'e' : 'w',
			   )->pack(-fill => "both", -expand => 1);
    $more->tagConfigure("bold", -font => "Courier $font_size bold");
    my $menu = $more->menu;
    $t->configure(-menu => $menu);
    local $SIG{PIPE} = "IGNORE";
    my $can_langinfo = $] >= 5.008 && eval { require I18N::Langinfo; 1 };
    local $ENV{LANG} = $ENV{LANG};
    if (!$can_langinfo) {
	$ENV{LANG} = "C";
    open(MAN, $man_exe . (defined $mansec ? " $mansec" : "") . " $man |")
	or die $!;
    if ($can_langinfo) {
	my $codeset = I18N::Langinfo::langinfo(I18N::Langinfo::CODESET());
	eval qq{ binmode MAN, q{:encoding($codeset)} };
	warn $@ if $@;
    if (eof MAN) {
	$more->insert("end", "No entry for for $man" . (defined $mansec ? " in section $mansec of" : "") . " the manual");
    } else {
	while(<MAN>) {
	    (my $line = $_) =~ s/.\cH//g;
	    my @bold;
	    while (/(.*?)((?:(.)(\cH\3)+)+)/g) {
		my($pre, $bm) = ($1, $2);
		$pre =~ s/.\cH//g;
		$bm  =~ s/.\cH//g;
		push @bold, length $pre, length $bm;
	    if (@bold) {
		my $is_bold = 0;
		foreach my $length (@bold) {
		    if ($length > 0) {
			(my($s), $line) = $line =~ /^(.{$length})(.*)/;
			$more->insert("end", $s, $is_bold ? "bold" : ());
		    $is_bold = 1 - $is_bold;
		$more->insert("end", "$line\n");
	    } else {
		$more->insert("end", "$line\n");
    close MAN;

sub EnterLink {
    my $w = shift;

sub LeaveLink {
    my $w = shift;

sub SearchFullText {
    my $w = shift;
    unless (defined $IDX && $IDX->IsWidget) {
	require Tk::Pod::Search; #
	$IDX = $w->Toplevel(-title=>'Perl Library Full Text Search');

	my $current_path;
	my $tree_sw = $w->parent->Subwidget("tree");
	if ($tree_sw) {
	    $current_path = $tree_sw->GetCurrentPodPath;

			-command =>
			sub {
			    my($pod, %args) = @_;
			    $w->configure('-file' => $pod);
			    my $more = $w->Subwidget('more');
				(-direction => 'Next',
				 -quiet => 1,
				 -searchterm => $args{-searchterm},
				 -onlymatch => 1,
			-currentpath => $current_path,
	# XXX A very rough solution:
	$IDX->Button(-text => "Rebuild search index",
		     -command => sub {
		      my $installscriptdir = $Config{'installscript'};
		      my $perlindex = 'perlindex';
		      if (-d $installscriptdir)
			$perlindex = "$installscriptdir/perlindex";
			if (!-f $perlindex)
			  $w->_error_dialog("perlindex was expected in the path '$perlindex', but not found. Cannot build search index.");
		      my $pw_bg_msg = "The next dialog will ask for the root password. The search index building will happen in background.";
		      if (!is_in_path("gksu"))
			if (!is_in_path("xsu"))
			  $w->_error_dialog("gksu or xsu needed to start perlindex");
			if (fork == 0)
				 '--command', "$perlindex -index",
				 '--username', 'root',
				 '--title' => 'Rebuild search index',
				 '--set-display' => $w->screen,
			if (fork == 0)
				 '--user', 'root',
				 #'--description', 'Rebuild search index',
				 "perlindex -index",
		    )->pack(-fill => 'x');
	$IDX->Button(-text => "Close",
		     -command => sub { $IDX->destroy },
		    )->pack(-fill => 'x');
    $IDX->bind('<Escape>' => [$IDX, 'destroy']);

sub _need_File_Temp {
    my $w = shift;
    if (!eval { require File::Temp; 1 }) {
	$w->_die_dialog("The perl module 'File::Temp' is missing");

sub Print {
    my $w = shift;

    my($text, $path);
    $path = $w->cget(-path);
    if (defined $path) {
	if (!-r $path) {
	    $w->_die_dialog("Cannot find file `$path`");
    } else {
	$text = $w->cget("-text");
	my($fh,$fname) = File::Temp::tempfile(UNLINK => 1,
					      SUFFIX => "_tkpod.pod");
	print $fh $text;
	close $fh;
	$path = $fname;

    if ($ENV{'TKPODPRINT'}) {
	my @cmd = _substitute_cmd($ENV{'TKPODPRINT'}, $path);
	DEBUG and warn "Running @cmd\n";
	system @cmd;
    } elsif ($^O =~ m/Win32/) {
	return $w->Print_MSWin($path);
    # otherwise fall thru...

    my $success = $w->_print_pod_unix($path);

    if (!$success) {
	$w->_error_dialog("Can't print on your system.\nEither pod2man, groff,\ngv or ghostview are missing.");

sub _print_pod_unix {
    my($w, $path) = @_;
    if (is_in_path("pod2man") && is_in_path("groff")) {
	my $pod2ps_pipe = "pod2man $path | groff -man -Tps";

	if ($^O eq 'darwin') {
	    my $cmd = "$pod2ps_pipe | /usr/bin/open -a Preview -f";
	    system($cmd) == 0
		or $w->_die_dialog("Error while executing <$cmd>. Status code is $?");
	    return 1;

	# XXX maybe determine user's environment (GNOME vs. KDE vs. plain X11)?
	my $gv = is_in_path("gv")
	      || is_in_path("ghostview")
	      || is_in_path("ggv")         # newer versions seem to work
	      || is_in_path("kghostview");
	if ($gv) {

	    my($fh,$fname) = File::Temp::tempfile(SUFFIX => "");
	    system("$pod2ps_pipe > $fname");
	    push @tempfiles, $fname;
	    my $pid = fork;
	    if (!defined $pid) {
		die "Can't fork: $!";
	    if ($pid == 0) {
		exec($gv, $fname);
		warn "Exec of $gv $fname failed: $!";
	    push @gv_pids, $pid;
	    return 1;
    return 0;

sub _substitute_cmd {
    my($cmd, $path) = @_;
    my @cmd;
    if ($cmd =~ /%s/) {
	($cmd[0] = $cmd) =~ s/%s/$path/g;
    } else {
	@cmd = ($cmd, $path);

sub Print_MSWin {
  my($self, $path) = @_;
  my $is_old;
  $is_old = 1  if
   defined(&Win32::GetOSVersion) and
   eval {require Win32; 1} and
   defined(&Win32::GetOSName) and
    (Win32::GetOSName() eq 'Win32s'  or   Win32::GetOSName() eq 'Win95');
  require POSIX; # XXX should be probably replaced by File::Temp, but I have no Win machine to test...

  my $temp = POSIX::tmpnam(); # XXX it never gets deleted
  $temp =~ tr{/}{\\};
  $temp =~ s/\.$//;
  DEBUG and warn "Using $temp as the temp file for hardcopying\n";
  # XXX cleanup of temp file?

  if($is_old) { # so we can't assume that write.exe can handle RTF
    require Pod::Simple::Text;
    require Text::Wrap;
    local $Text::Wrap::columns = 65; # reasonable number, I think.
    $temp .= '.txt';
    Pod::Simple::Text->parse_from_file($path, $temp);
    system("notepad.exe", "/p", $temp);

  } else { # Assume that our write.exe should understand RTF
    require Pod::Simple::RTF;
    $temp .= '.rtf';
    Pod::Simple::RTF->parse_from_file($path, $temp);
    system("write.exe", "/p", "\"$temp\"");


sub PrintHasDialog { $^O ne 'MSWin32' }

# Return $first and $last indices of the word under $index
sub _word_under_index {
    my($w, $index)= @_;
    my ($first,$last);
    $first = $w->search(qw/-backwards -regexp --/, '[^\w:]', $index, "$index linestart");
    $first = $w->index("$first + 1c") if $first;
    $first = $w->index("$index linestart") unless $first;
    $last  = $w->search(qw/-regexp --/, '[^\w:]', $index, "$index lineend");
    $last  = $w->index("$index lineend") unless $last;
    ($first, $last);

sub SelectToModule {
    my($w, $index)= @_;
    my ($first,$last) = $w->_word_under_index($index);
    if ($first && $last) {


# Add the file $file (with optional text index position $index) to the
# history.
sub history_add {
    my ($w,$what,$index) = @_;
    my($file, $text);
    if (ref $what eq 'HASH') {
	$file = $what->{file};
	$text = $what->{text};
    } else {
	$file = $what;
	$what = {file => $file};
    if (defined $file) {
	unless (-f $file) {
	    $w->messageBox(-message => "Not a file '$file'. Can't add to history\n",
    my $hist = $w->privateData()->{history};
    my $hist_entry = Tk::Pod::Text::_HistoryEntry->create($what, $index, $w->{pod_title});
    $hist->[++$w->privateData()->{history_index}] = $hist_entry;
    splice @$hist, $w->privateData()->{history_index}+1;

# Perform a "history back" operation, if possible. The current page is
# updated in the history.
sub history_back {
    my ($w) = @_;
    my $hist = $w->privateData()->{history};
    if (!@$hist) {
        $w->messageBox(-message => "History is empty",
    if ($w->privateData()->{history_index} <= 0) {
	$w->messageBox(-message => "Can't go back in history",



# Perform a "history forward" operation, if possible. The current page is
# updated in the history.
sub history_forward {
    my ($w) = @_;
    my $hist = $w->privateData()->{history};
    if (!@$hist) {
        $w->messageBox(-message => "History is empty",
    if ($w->privateData()->{history_index} >= $#$hist) {
	$w->messageBox(-message => "Can't go forward in history",



# Private method: update the pod view if called from a history back/forward
# operation. This method will set the specified _HistoryEntry object.
sub _history_update {
    my($w, $hist_entry) = @_;
    if ($hist_entry) {
	if (defined $hist_entry->file) {
	    if ($w->cget('-path') ne $hist_entry->file) {
		$w->privateData()->{'from_history'} = 1;
		$w->configure('-file' => $hist_entry->file);
		$w->privateData()->{'from_history'} = 0;
	} elsif (defined $hist_entry->text) {
	    $w->privateData()->{'from_history'} = 1;
	    $w->configure('-text' => $hist_entry->text);
	    $w->privateData()->{'from_history'} = 0;
	$w->afterIdle(sub { $w->see($hist_entry->index) })
	    if $hist_entry->index;

sub _history_navigation_update {
    my $w = shift;
    # XXX Be careful with the search pattern
    # if I decide to I18N Tk::Pod one day...
    my $m_history;
    if ($w->parent and $m_history = $w->parent->Subwidget("menubar")) {
	$m_history = $m_history->entrycget("History", "-menu");
	my $inx = $w->privateData()->{history_index};
	if ($inx == 0) {
	    $m_history->entryconfigure("Back", -state => "disabled");
	} else {
	    $m_history->entryconfigure("Back", -state => "normal");
	if ($inx == $#{$w->privateData()->{history}}) {
	    $m_history->entryconfigure("Forward", -state => "disabled");
	} else {
	    $m_history->entryconfigure("Forward", -state => "normal");

# Move the history backward ($inc == -1) or forward ($inc == +1)
sub history_move {
    my($w, $inc) = @_;
    my $hist_entry = ($inc == -1 ? $w->history_back : $w->history_forward);

# Set the history to the given index $inx.
sub history_set {
    my($w, $inx) = @_;
    if ($inx >= 0 && $inx <= $#{$w->privateData()->{history}}) {
	$w->privateData()->{history_index} = $inx;

# Modify the index (position) information of the current history entry.
sub history_modify_entry {
    my $w = shift;
    if ($w->privateData()->{'history_index'} >= 0) {
	my $entry = $w->privateData()->{'history'}->[$w->privateData()->{'history_index'}];

# Modify the pod title of the current history entry.
sub history_modify_current_title {
    my $w = shift;
    my $pod_title = $w->{pod_title};
    if (defined $pod_title) {
	my $history_index = $w->privateData()->{'history_index'};
	if ($history_index >= 0) {
	    my $entry = $w->privateData()->{'history'}->[$history_index];

# Create a new history view toplevel or reuse an old one.
sub history_view {
    my $w = shift;
    my $t = $w->privateData()->{'history_view_toplevel'};
    if (!$t || !Tk::Exists($t)) {
	$t = $w->Toplevel(-title => 'History');
	$w->privateData()->{'history_view_toplevel'} = $t;
	my $lb = $t->Scrolled("Listbox", -scrollbars => 'oso'.($Tk::platform eq 'MSWin32'?'e':'w'))->pack(-fill => "both", '-expand' => 1);
	$t->Advertise(Lb => $lb);
	$lb->bind("<1>" => sub {
		      my $lb = shift;
		      my $y = $lb->XEvent->y;
	$lb->bind("<Return>" => sub {
		      my $lb = shift;
		      my $sel = $lb->curselection;
		      return if !defined $sel;
	$t->Button(-text => "Close",
		   -command => sub { $t->destroy },
		  )->pack(-fill => 'x');

# Re-fill the history view with the current history array.
sub history_view_update {
    my $w = shift;
    my $t = $w->privateData()->{'history_view_toplevel'};
    if ($t && Tk::Exists($t)) {
	my $lb = $t->Subwidget('Lb');
	$lb->delete(0, "end");
	foreach my $histentry (@{$w->privateData()->{'history'}}) {
	    $lb->insert("end", $histentry->get_label);

# Move the history view selection to the current selected history entry.
sub history_view_select {
    my $w = shift;
    my $t = $w->privateData()->{'history_view_toplevel'};
    if ($t && Tk::Exists($t)) {
	my $lb = $t->Subwidget('Lb');
	$lb->selectionClear(0, "end");

sub PostPopupMenu {
    my($w, $p_scr, $X, $Y) = @_;
    $w->{MenuX} = $X;
    $w->{MenuY} = $Y;
    $p_scr->PostPopupMenu($X, $Y);

sub OpenPodBySelection {
    my($w) = @_;
    my $sel;
    Tk::catch {
	$sel = $w->SelectionGet('-selection' => ($Tk::platform eq 'MSWin32'
						 ? "CLIPBOARD"
						 : "PRIMARY"));
    $sel =~ s{\s}{}g; # no whitespace in Pod names possible
    $w->configure(-file => $sel);

sub _die_dialog {

sub _error_dialog {
    my($w, $message) = @_;
      -title   => "Tk::Pod Error",
      -message => $message,
      -icon => 'error',

sub _warn_dialog {
    my($w, $message) = @_;
      -title   => "Tk::Pod Warning",
      -message => $message,
      -icon => 'warning',

sub cleanup_tempfiles {
    if (@tempfiles) {
	# first get rid of all possible zombies
	# before we can check with kill 0 => ...
	require POSIX;
	if (defined &POSIX::WNOHANG) { # defined everywhere?
	    while (waitpid(-1, &POSIX::WNOHANG) > 0) { }

	my $gv_running;
	for my $pid (@gv_pids) {
	    if (kill 0 => $pid) {
		$gv_running = 1;

	if ($gv_running) {
	    warn "A ghostscript (or equivalent) process is still running, won't delete temporary files: @tempfiles\n";
	} else {
	    for my $temp (@tempfiles) {
		unlink $temp;
	    @tempfiles = ();




=head1 NAME

Tk::Pod::Text - Pod browser widget


    use Tk::Pod::Text;

    $pod = $parent->Scrolled("PodText",
			     -file	 => $file,
			     -scrollbars => "osoe",

    $file = $pod->cget('-path');   # ?? the name path is confusing :-(


# also works with L<show|man/sec>. Therefore it stays undocumented :-)

#    $pod->Link(manual/section)	# as L<manual/section> see perlpod


B<Tk::Pod::Text> is a readonly text widget that can display Pod

=head1 OPTIONS


=item -file

The named (pod) file to be displayed.

=item -path

Return the expanded path of the currently displayed Pod. Useable only
with the C<cget> method.

=item -poddone

A callback to be called if parsing and displaying of the Pod is done.

=item -wrap

Set the wrap mode. Default is C<word>.

=item -scrollbars

The position of the scrollbars, see also L<Tk::Scrolled>. By default,
the vertical scrollbar is on the right on Windows systems and on the
left on X11 systems.

Note that it is not necessary and usually will do the wrong thing if
you put a C<Tk::Pod::Text> widget into a C<Scrolled> component.


Other options are propagated to the embedded L<Tk::More> widget.




Turn debugging mode on if set to a true value.


Use the specified program for printing the current pod. If the string
contains a C<%s>, then filename substitution is used, otherwise the
filename of the Pod document is appended to the value of
C<TKPODPRINT>. Here is a silly example to send the Pod to a web browser:

    env TKPODPRINT="pod2html %s > %s.html; galeon %s.html" tkpod ...


Use the specified program for editing the current pod. If
C<TKPODEDITOR> is not specified then the first defined value of
C<XEDITOR>, C<VISUAL>, or C<EDITOR> is used on Unix. As a last
fallback, C<ptked> or C<vi> are used, depending on platform and
existance of a terminal.


Use the specified program as the manpage viewer. The manpage viewer
should accept a manpage URL (C<man://>I<manpage>(I<section>)).
Alternatively the special viewer "internal" may be used. As fallback,
the default GNOME and/or KDE manpage viewer will be called.


=head1 SEE ALSO



See L<TODO> file of Tk-Pod distribution


For B<PodText> see L<Tk::Pod::Text>.

A C<fixed width> font.

Text in I<slant italics>.

A <=for> paragraph is hidden between here

=for refcard  this should not be visisble.

and there.

A file: F</usr/local/bin/perl>.  A variable $a without markup.

S<boofar> is in SE<lt>E<gt>.

Indexed items are not supported in Tk::Pod. X<Index Test>

Zero-Z<>effect formatting.

German umlauts:

=over 4

=item auml: E<auml> ä,

=item Auml: E<Auml> Ä,

=item ouml: E<ouml> ö,

=item Ouml: E<Ouml> Ö,

=item Uuml: E<uuml> ü,

=item Uuml: E<Uuml> Ü,

=item sz: E<szlig> ß.


Unicode outside Latin1 range: E<0x20ac> (euro sign).

Pod with umlaut: L<ExtUtils::MakeMaker>.

Details:  L<perlpod> or perl, perlfunc.

External links: L<> (URL), L<< URL with link text| >>, L<perl(1)> (man page), L<Berliner Fernsehturm|geo:52.520685,13.409461> (geo: URL)

Links to local sections: L<a section (SYNOPSIS)|/SYNOPSIS>, L<an item
(-file, currently wrong)|/-file>, L<a working item (auml)|/auml>.

Links to external sections: L<a section (DESCRIPTION in
perl.pod)|perl/DESCRIPTION>, L<an item (Uncuddled elses in
perlstyle.pod)|perlstyle/Uncuddled elses>.

Here some code in a as is paragraph

    use Tk;
    my $mw = MainWindow->new;

Fonts: C<fixed>, B<bold>, I<italics>, normal, or file

Mixed Fonts: B<C<bold-fixed>>, B<I<bold-italics>>

Non-breakable text: S<The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy fox.>

Modern Pod constructs (multiple E<lt>E<gt>): I<< italic >>, C<< fixed
with embedded < and > >>.

Itemize with numbers:


=item 1.


=item 2.


=item 3.



Itemize with bullets:


=item *


=item *


=item *







=begin a_format_which_does_not_exist

This section should be invisible (=begin and =end).

=end a_format_which_does_not_exist

Other Pod docu: Tk::Font, Tk::BrowseEntry (not underlined, but
double-clickable in Tk::Pod)

=head1 AUTHOR

Nick Ing-Simmons <F<>>

Current maintainer is Slaven ReziE<0x107> <F<>>.

Copyright (c) 1998 Nick Ing-Simmons.  All rights reserved.  This program
is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same
terms as Perl itself.


# Local Variables:
# mode: cperl
# cperl-indent-level: 4
# End: