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package Mojolicious::Plugin::DefaultHelpers;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Plugin';

use Mojo::ByteStream;
use Mojo::Collection;
use Mojo::Exception;
use Mojo::IOLoop;
use Mojo::Util qw(deprecated dumper sha1_sum steady_time);

sub register {
  my ($self, $app) = @_;

  # DEPRECATED in Tiger Face!
  $app->helper(render_exception => sub { _render('exception', @_) });
  $app->helper(render_not_found => sub { _render('not_found', @_) });

  # Controller alias helpers
  for my $name (qw(app flash param stash session url_for validation)) {
    $app->helper($name => sub { shift->$name(@_) });

  # Stash key shortcuts (should not generate log messages)
  for my $name (qw(extends layout title)) {
    $app->helper($name => sub { shift->stash($name, @_) });

  $app->helper(accepts => sub { $_[0]->app->renderer->accepts(@_) });
  $app->helper(b       => sub { shift; Mojo::ByteStream->new(@_) });
  $app->helper(c       => sub { shift; Mojo::Collection->new(@_) });
  $app->helper(config  => sub { shift->app->config(@_) });

  $app->helper($_ => $self->can("_$_"))
    for qw(content content_for csrf_token current_route delay),
    qw(inactivity_timeout is_fresh url_with);

  $app->helper(dumper => sub { shift; dumper(@_) });
  $app->helper(include => sub { shift->render_to_string(@_) });

  $app->helper("reply.$_" => $self->can("_$_")) for qw(asset static);

  $app->helper('reply.exception' => sub { _development('exception', @_) });
  $app->helper('reply.not_found' => sub { _development('not_found', @_) });
  $app->helper(ua                => sub { shift->app->ua });

sub _asset {
  my $c = shift;
  $c->app->static->serve_asset($c, @_);

sub _content {
  my ($c, $name, $content) = @_;
  $name ||= 'content';

  # Set (first come)
  my $hash = $c->stash->{'mojo.content'} ||= {};
  $hash->{$name} //= ref $content eq 'CODE' ? $content->() : $content
    if defined $content;

  # Get
  return Mojo::ByteStream->new($hash->{$name} // '');

sub _content_for {
  my ($c, $name, $content) = @_;
  return _content($c, $name) unless defined $content;
  my $hash = $c->stash->{'mojo.content'} ||= {};
  return $hash->{$name} .= ref $content eq 'CODE' ? $content->() : $content;

sub _csrf_token {
  my $c = shift;
    ||= sha1_sum($c->app->secrets->[0] . steady_time . rand 999);

sub _current_route {
  return '' unless my $route = shift->match->endpoint;
  return @_ ? $route->name eq shift : $route->name;

sub _delay {
  my $c     = shift;
  my $tx    = $c->render_later->tx;
  my $delay = Mojo::IOLoop->delay(@_);
  $delay->catch(sub { $c->helpers->reply->exception(pop) and undef $tx })

sub _development {
  my ($page, $c, $e) = @_;

  # DEPRECATED in Tiger Face!
  if (my $sub = $c->can("render_$page")) {
    deprecated "Mojolicious::Controller::render_$page is DEPRECATED in favor"
      . " of the reply->$page helper";
    return $c->$sub($page eq 'exception' ? $e : ());

  my $app = $c->app;
  $app->log->error($e = Mojo::Exception->new($e)) if $page eq 'exception';

  # Filtered stash snapshot
  my $stash = $c->stash;
  my %snapshot = map { $_ => $stash->{$_} }
    grep { !/^mojo\./ and defined $stash->{$_} } keys %$stash;

  # Render with fallbacks
  my $mode     = $app->mode;
  my $renderer = $app->renderer;
  my $options  = {
    exception => $page eq 'exception' ? $e : undef,
    format => $stash->{format} || $renderer->default_format,
    handler  => undef,
    snapshot => \%snapshot,
    status   => $page eq 'exception' ? 500 : 404,
    template => "$page.$mode"
  my $inline = $renderer->_bundled($mode eq 'development' ? $mode : $page);
  return $c if _fallbacks($c, $options, $page, $inline);
  _fallbacks($c, {%$options, format => 'html'}, $page, $inline);
  return $c;

sub _fallbacks {
  my ($c, $options, $template, $inline) = @_;

  # Mode specific template
  return 1 if $c->render_maybe(%$options);

  # Normal template
  return 1 if $c->render_maybe(%$options, template => $template);

  # Inline template
  my $stash = $c->stash;
  return undef unless $stash->{format} eq 'html';
  delete @$stash{qw(extends layout)};
  return $c->render_maybe(%$options, inline => $inline, handler => 'ep');

sub _inactivity_timeout {
  return unless my $stream = Mojo::IOLoop->stream(shift->tx->connection // '');

sub _is_fresh {
  my ($c, %options) = @_;
  return $c->app->static->is_fresh($c, \%options);

# DEPRECATED in Tiger Face!
sub _render {
  my $page = shift;
  deprecated "Mojolicious::Controller::render_$page is DEPRECATED in favor of"
    . " the reply->$page helper";

sub _static {
  my ($c, $file) = @_;
  return !!$c->rendered if $c->app->static->serve($c, $file);
  $c->app->log->debug(qq{File "$file" not found, public directory missing?});
  return !$c->helpers->reply->not_found;

sub _url_with {
  my $c = shift;
  return $c->url_for(@_)->query($c->req->url->query->clone);


=encoding utf8

=head1 NAME

Mojolicious::Plugin::DefaultHelpers - Default helpers plugin


  # Mojolicious

  # Mojolicious::Lite
  plugin 'DefaultHelpers';


L<Mojolicious::Plugin::DefaultHelpers> is a collection of helpers for

This is a core plugin, that means it is always enabled and its code a good
example for learning to build new plugins, you're welcome to fork it.

See L<Mojolicious::Plugins/"PLUGINS"> for a list of plugins that are available
by default.

=head1 HELPERS

L<Mojolicious::Plugin::DefaultHelpers> implements the following helpers.

=head2 accepts

  my $formats = $c->accepts;
  my $format  = $c->accepts('html', 'json', 'txt');

Select best possible representation for resource from C<Accept> request
header, C<format> stash value or C<format> C<GET>/C<POST> parameter with
L<Mojolicious::Renderer/"accepts">, defaults to returning the first extension
if no preference could be detected.

  # Check if JSON is acceptable
  $c->render(json => {hello => 'world'}) if $c->accepts('json');

  # Check if JSON was specifically requested
  $c->render(json => {hello => 'world'}) if $c->accepts('', 'json');

  # Unsupported representation
  $c->render(data => '', status => 204)
    unless my $format = $c->accepts('html', 'json');

  # Detected representations to select from
  my @formats = @{$c->accepts};

=head2 app

  %= app->secrets->[0]

Alias for L<Mojolicious::Controller/"app">.

=head2 b

  %= b('test 123')->b64_encode

Turn string into a L<Mojo::ByteStream> object.

=head2 c

  %= c(qw(a b c))->shuffle->join

Turn list into a L<Mojo::Collection> object.

=head2 config

  %= config 'something'

Alias for L<Mojo/"config">.

=head2 content

  %= content foo => begin
  % end
  %= content bar => 'Hello World!'
  %= content 'foo'
  %= content 'bar'
  %= content

Store partial rendered content in named buffer and retrieve it, defaults to
retrieving the named buffer C<content>, which is commonly used for the
renderers C<layout> and C<extends> features. Note that new content will be
ignored if the named buffer is already in use.

=head2 content_for

  % content_for foo => begin
  % end
  %= content_for 'foo'

Append partial rendered content to named buffer and retrieve it. Note that
named buffers are shared with the L</"content"> helper.

  % content_for message => begin
  % end
  % content_for message => begin
  % end
  %= content_for 'message'

=head2 csrf_token

  %= csrf_token

Get CSRF token from L</"session">, and generate one if none exists.

=head2 current_route

  % if (current_route 'login') {
    Welcome to Mojolicious!
  % }
  %= current_route

Check or get name of current route.

=head2 delay

  $c->delay(sub {...}, sub {...});

Disable automatic rendering and use L<Mojo::IOLoop/"delay"> to manage
callbacks and control the flow of events, which can help you avoid deep nested
closures and memory leaks that often result from continuation-passing style.
Also keeps a reference to L<Mojolicious::Controller/"tx"> in case the
underlying connection gets closed early, and calls L</"reply-E<gt>exception">
if an exception gets thrown in one of the steps, breaking the chain.

  # Longer version
  my $tx    = $c->tx;
  my $delay = Mojo::IOLoop->delay(sub {...}, sub {...});
  $delay->catch(sub { $c->reply->exception(pop) and undef $tx })->wait;

  # Non-blocking request
    sub {
      my $delay = shift;
      $c->ua->get('' => $delay->begin);
    sub {
      my ($delay, $tx) = @_;
      $c->render(json => {title => $tx->res->dom->at('title')->text});

=head2 dumper

  %= dumper {some => 'data'}

Dump a Perl data structure with L<Mojo::Util/"dumper">.

=head2 extends

  % extends 'blue';
  % extends 'blue', title => 'Blue!';

Set C<extends> stash value, all additional pairs get merged into the

=head2 flash

  %= flash 'foo'

Alias for L<Mojolicious::Controller/"flash">.

=head2 inactivity_timeout


Use L<Mojo::IOLoop/"stream"> to find the current connection and increase
timeout if possible.

  # Longer version

=head2 include

  %= include 'menubar'
  %= include 'menubar', format => 'txt'

Alias for L<Mojolicious::Controller/"render_to_string">.

=head2 is_fresh

  my $bool = $c->is_fresh;
  my $bool = $c->is_fresh(etag => 'abc');
  my $bool = $c->is_fresh(last_modified => $epoch);

Check freshness of request by comparing the C<If-None-Match> and
C<If-Modified-Since> request headers to the C<ETag> and C<Last-Modified>
response headers with L<Mojolicious::Static/"is_fresh">.

  # Add ETag header and check freshness before rendering
  $c->is_fresh(etag => 'abc')
    ? $c->rendered(304)
    : $c->render(text => 'I ♥ Mojolicious!');

=head2 layout

  % layout 'green';
  % layout 'green', title => 'Green!';

Set C<layout> stash value, all additional pairs get merged into the

=head2 param

  %= param 'foo'

Alias for L<Mojolicious::Controller/"param">.

=head2 reply->asset


Reply with a L<Mojo::Asset::File> or L<Mojo::Asset::Memory> object using
L<Mojolicious::Static/"serve_asset">, and perform content negotiation with
C<Range>, C<If-Modified-Since> and C<If-None-Match> headers.

  # Serve asset with custom modification time
  my $asset = Mojo::Asset::Memory->new;
  $asset->add_chunk('Hello World!')->mtime(784111777);

  # Serve static file if it exists
  if (my $asset = $c->app->static->file('images/logo.png')) {

=head2 reply->exception

  $c = $c->reply->exception('Oops!');
  $c = $c->reply->exception(Mojo::Exception->new('Oops!'));

Render the exception template C<exception.$mode.$format.*> or
C<exception.$format.*> and set the response status code to C<500>. Also sets
the stash values C<exception> to a L<Mojo::Exception> object and C<snapshot>
to a copy of the L</"stash"> for use in the templates.

=head2 reply->not_found

  $c = $c->reply->not_found;

Render the not found template C<not_found.$mode.$format.*> or
C<not_found.$format.*> and set the response status code to C<404>. Also sets
the stash value C<snapshot> to a copy of the L</"stash"> for use in the

=head2 reply->static

  my $bool = $c->reply->static('images/logo.png');
  my $bool = $c->reply->static('../lib/');

Reply with a static file using L<Mojolicious::Static/"serve">, usually from
the C<public> directories or C<DATA> sections of your application. Note that
this helper does not protect from traversing to parent directories.

  # Serve file with a custom content type

=head2 session

  %= session 'foo'

Alias for L<Mojolicious::Controller/"session">.

=head2 stash

  %= stash 'foo'
  % stash foo => 'bar';

Alias for L<Mojolicious::Controller/"stash">.

  %= stash('name') // 'Somebody'

=head2 title

  %= title
  % title 'Welcome!';
  % title 'Welcome!', foo => 'bar';

Get or set C<title> stash value, all additional pairs get merged into the

=head2 ua

  %= ua->get('')->res->dom->at('title')->text

Alias for L<Mojo/"ua">.

=head2 url_for

  %= url_for 'named', controller => 'bar', action => 'baz'

Alias for L<Mojolicious::Controller/"url_for">.

=head2 url_with

  %= url_with 'named', controller => 'bar', action => 'baz'

Does the same as L</"url_for">, but inherits query parameters from the current

  %= url_with->query([page => 2])

=head2 validation

  %= validation->param('foo')

Alias for L<Mojolicious::Controller/"validation">.

=head1 METHODS

L<Mojolicious::Plugin::DefaultHelpers> inherits all methods from
L<Mojolicious::Plugin> and implements the following new ones.

=head2 register


Register helpers in L<Mojolicious> application.

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Mojolicious>, L<Mojolicious::Guides>, L<>.
