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use Mojo::Base -strict;

BEGIN { $ENV{MOJO_REACTOR} = 'Mojo::Reactor::Poll' }

use Test::More;
use Mojo::IOLoop::Server;

plan skip_all => 'set TEST_TLS to enable this test (developer only!)'
  unless $ENV{TEST_TLS};
plan skip_all => 'IO::Socket::SSL 1.94+ required for this test!'
  unless Mojo::IOLoop::Server::TLS;

use Mojo::IOLoop;
use Mojo::Server::Daemon;
use Mojo::UserAgent;
use Mojolicious::Lite;

# Silence

get '/' => sub {
  my $c = shift;
    $c->req->headers->header('X-Works') // '');
  my $rel = $c->req->url;
  my $abs = $rel->to_abs;
  $c->render(text => "Hello World! $rel $abs");

get '/broken_redirect' => sub {
  my $c = shift;
  $c->render(text => 'Redirecting!', status => 302);

get '/proxy' => sub {
  my $c = shift;
  $c->render(text => $c->req->url->to_abs);

websocket '/test' => sub {
  my $c = shift;
  $c->on(message => sub { shift->send(shift() . 'test2') });

# Web server with valid certificates
my $daemon = Mojo::Server::Daemon->new(app => app, silent => 1);
my $listen
  = ''
  . '?cert=t/mojo/certs/server.crt'
  . '&key=t/mojo/certs/server.key'
  . '&ca=t/mojo/certs/ca.crt';
my $port = Mojo::IOLoop->acceptor($daemon->acceptors->[0])->port;

# Connect proxy server for testing
my (%buffer, $connected, $read, $sent);
my $nf
  = "HTTP/1.1 501 FOO\x0d\x0a"
  . "Content-Length: 0\x0d\x0a"
  . "Connection: close\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0a";
my $ok = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\x0d\x0aConnection: keep-alive\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0a";
my $id = Mojo::IOLoop->server(
  {address => ''} => sub {
    my ($loop, $stream, $client) = @_;

    # Connection to client
      read => sub {
        my ($stream, $chunk) = @_;

        # Write chunk from client to server
        my $server = $buffer{$client}{connection};
        return Mojo::IOLoop->stream($server)->write($chunk) if $server;

        # Read connect request from client
        my $buffer = $buffer{$client}{client} .= $chunk;
        if ($buffer =~ /\x0d?\x0a\x0d?\x0a$/) {
          $buffer{$client}{client} = '';
          if ($buffer =~ /CONNECT (\S+):(\d+)?/) {
            $connected = "$1:$2";
            my $fail = $2 == $port + 1;

            # Connection to server
            $buffer{$client}{connection} = Mojo::IOLoop->client(
              {address => $1, port => $fail ? $port : $2} => sub {
                my ($loop, $err, $stream) = @_;

                # Connection to server failed
                if ($err) {
                  return delete $buffer{$client};

                # Start forwarding data in both directions
                Mojo::IOLoop->stream($client)->write($fail ? $nf : $ok);
                  read => sub {
                    my ($stream, $chunk) = @_;
                    $read += length $chunk;
                    $sent += length $chunk;

                # Server closed connection
                  close => sub {
                    delete $buffer{$client};

        # Invalid request from client
        else { Mojo::IOLoop->remove($client) }

    # Client closed connection
      close => sub {
        my $buffer = delete $buffer{$client};
        Mojo::IOLoop->remove($buffer->{connection}) if $buffer->{connection};
my $proxy = Mojo::IOLoop->acceptor($id)->port;

# Fake server to test failed TLS handshake
$id = Mojo::IOLoop->server(
  sub {
    my ($loop, $stream) = @_;
    $stream->on(read => sub { shift->close });
my $close = Mojo::IOLoop->acceptor($id)->port;

# Fake server to test idle connection
$id = Mojo::IOLoop->server(sub { });
my $idle = Mojo::IOLoop->acceptor($id)->port;

# User agent with valid certificates
my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new(
  ioloop => Mojo::IOLoop->singleton,
  ca     => 't/mojo/certs/ca.crt',
  cert   => 't/mojo/certs/client.crt',
  key    => 't/mojo/certs/client.key'

# Normal non-blocking request
my $result;
  "$port/" => sub {
    my ($ua, $tx) = @_;
    $result = $tx->res->body;
is $result, "Hello World! /$port/", 'right content';

# Broken redirect
my $start;
  start => sub { $start++; pop->req->headers->header('X-Works', 'it does!') });
$result = undef;
my $works;
  "$port/broken_redirect" => sub {
    my ($ua, $tx) = @_;
    $result = $tx->res->body;
    $works  = $tx->res->headers->header('X-Works');
is $result, "Hello World! /$port/", 'right content';
is $works,  'it does!',                                'right header';
is $start,  2,                                         'redirected once';

# Normal WebSocket
$result = undef;
  "wss://$port/test" => sub {
    my ($ua, $tx) = @_;
    $tx->on(finish => sub { Mojo::IOLoop->stop });
    $tx->on(message => sub { shift->finish; $result = shift });
is $result, 'test1test2', 'right result';

# Non-blocking proxy request
$result = undef;
my ($auth, $kept_alive);
  "$port/proxy" => sub {
    my ($ua, $tx) = @_;
    $result     = $tx->res->body;
    $auth       = $tx->req->headers->proxy_authorization;
    $kept_alive = $tx->kept_alive;
ok !$auth,       'no "Proxy-Authorization" header';
ok !$kept_alive, 'connection was not kept alive';
is $result, "$port/proxy", 'right content';

# Non-blocking kept alive proxy request
($kept_alive, $result) = ();
  "$port/proxy" => sub {
    my ($ua, $tx) = @_;
    $kept_alive = $tx->kept_alive;
    $result     = $tx->res->body;
is $result, "$port/proxy", 'right content';
ok $kept_alive, 'connection was kept alive';

# Kept alive proxy WebSocket
($kept_alive, $result) = ();
  "wss://$port/test" => sub {
    my ($ua, $tx) = @_;
    $kept_alive = $tx->kept_alive;
    $tx->on(finish => sub { Mojo::IOLoop->stop });
    $tx->on(message => sub { shift->finish; $result = shift });
ok $kept_alive, 'connection was kept alive';
is $connected,  "$port", 'connected';
is $result,     'test1test2', 'right result';
ok $read > 25, 'read enough';
ok $sent > 25, 'sent enough';

# Blocking proxy request
my $tx = $ua->get("$port/proxy");
is $tx->res->code, 200, 'right status';
is $tx->res->body, "$port/proxy", 'right content';

# Proxy WebSocket with bad target
my $port2 = $port + 1;
my ($success, $err);
  "wss://$port2/test" => sub {
    my ($ua, $tx) = @_;
    $success = $tx->success;
    $err     = $tx->res->error;
ok !$success, 'no success';
is $err->{message}, 'Proxy connection failed', 'right error';

# Failed TLS handshake through proxy
$tx = $ua->get("$close");
is $err->{message}, 'Proxy connection failed', 'right error';

# Idle connection through proxy
$ua->on(start =>
    sub { shift->connect_timeout(0.25) if pop->req->method eq 'CONNECT' });
$tx = $ua->get("$idle");
is $err->{message}, 'Proxy connection failed', 'right error';

# Blocking proxy request again
$tx = $ua->get("$port/proxy");
is $tx->res->code, 200, 'right status';
is $tx->res->body, "$port/proxy", 'right content';
