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use Mojo::Base -strict;

  $ENV{MOJO_REACTOR} = 'Mojo::Reactor::Poll';

use Test::More;
use IO::Compress::Gzip 'gzip';
use Mojo::IOLoop;
use Mojo::Message::Request;
use Mojo::UserAgent;
use Mojo::UserAgent::Server;
use Mojolicious::Lite;

# Silence

get '/' => {text => 'works!'};

my $timeout = undef;
get '/timeout' => sub {
  my $c = shift;
  $c->on(finish => sub { $timeout = 1 });

get '/no_length' => sub {
  my $c = shift;
  $c->finish('works too!');

get '/no_content' => {text => 'fail!', status => 204};

get '/echo' => sub {
  my $c = shift;
  gzip \(my $uncompressed = $c->req->body), \my $compressed;
  $c->render(data => $compressed);

post '/echo' => sub {
  my $c = shift;
  $c->render(data => $c->req->body);

any '/method' => {inline => '<%= $c->req->method =%>'};

get '/one' => sub {
  my $c = shift;

  if (my $connection = $c->param('connection')) {

  $c->render(text => 'One!');

# Max redirects
  local $ENV{MOJO_MAX_REDIRECTS} = 25;
  is(Mojo::UserAgent->new->max_redirects, 25, 'right value');
  is(Mojo::UserAgent->new->max_redirects, 0, 'right value');

# Timeouts
  is(Mojo::UserAgent->new->connect_timeout, 10, 'right value');
  is(Mojo::UserAgent->new->connect_timeout,    25, 'right value');
  is(Mojo::UserAgent->new->inactivity_timeout, 20, 'right value');
  is(Mojo::UserAgent->new->inactivity_timeout, 25, 'right value');
  is(Mojo::UserAgent->new->inactivity_timeout, 0, 'right value');
  is(Mojo::UserAgent->new->request_timeout,    0, 'right value');
  is(Mojo::UserAgent->new->request_timeout, 25, 'right value');
  is(Mojo::UserAgent->new->request_timeout, 0, 'right value');

# Default application
is(Mojo::UserAgent::Server->app,      app, 'applications are equal');
is(Mojo::UserAgent->new->server->app, app, 'applications are equal');
is(Mojo::UserAgent::Server->app, app, 'applications are equal');
my $dummy = Mojolicious::Lite->new;
  app, 'applications are not equal');
is(Mojo::UserAgent::Server->app, app, 'applications are still equal');
isnt(Mojo::UserAgent::Server->app, app, 'applications are not equal');
is(Mojo::UserAgent::Server->app, $dummy, 'application are equal');
is(Mojo::UserAgent::Server->app, app, 'applications are equal again');

# Clean up non-blocking requests
my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new;
my $get = my $post = '';
$ua->get('/' => sub { $get = pop->error });
$ua->post('/' => sub { $post = pop->error });
undef $ua;
is $get->{message},  'Premature connection close', 'right error';
is $post->{message}, 'Premature connection close', 'right error';

# The poll reactor stops when there are no events being watched anymore
my $time = time;
ok time < ($time + 10), 'stopped automatically';

# Blocking and non-blocking
$ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new;
my ($success, $code, $body);
  '/' => sub {
    my ($ua, $tx) = @_;
    $success = $tx->success;
    $code    = $tx->res->code;
    $body    = $tx->res->body;
is $ua->get('/')->res->code, 200, 'right status';
ok $success, 'successful';
is $code,    200, 'right status';
is $body,    'works!', 'right content';

# SOCKS proxy request without SOCKS support
$ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new(ioloop => Mojo::IOLoop->singleton);
my $tx = $ua->build_tx(GET => '/');
$tx = $ua->start($tx);
like $tx->error->{message}, qr/IO::Socket::Socks/, 'right error';

# HTTPS request without TLS support
$ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new(ioloop => Mojo::IOLoop->singleton);
$tx = $ua->get($ua->server->url->scheme('https'));
like $tx->error->{message}, qr/IO::Socket::SSL/, 'right error';

# Blocking
$tx = $ua->get('/');
ok $tx->success, 'successful';
ok !$tx->kept_alive, 'kept connection not alive';
is $tx->res->version, '1.1', 'right version';
is $tx->res->code,    200,   'right status';
ok !$tx->res->headers->connection, 'no "Connection" value';
is $tx->res->body, 'works!', 'right content';

# Again
$tx = $ua->get('/');
ok $tx->success,    'successful';
ok $tx->kept_alive, 'kept connection alive';
is $tx->res->version, '1.1', 'right version';
is $tx->res->code,    200,   'right status';
ok !$tx->res->headers->connection, 'no "Connection" value';
is $tx->res->body, 'works!', 'right content';
$tx = $ua->get('/');
ok $tx->success, 'successful';
is $tx->res->version, '1.1', 'right version';
is $tx->res->code,    200,   'right status';
ok !$tx->res->headers->connection, 'no "Connection" value';
is $tx->res->body, 'works!', 'right content';

# Shortcuts for common request methods
is $ua->delete('/method')->res->body,  'DELETE',  'right content';
is $ua->get('/method')->res->body,     'GET',     'right content';
is $ua->head('/method')->res->body,    '',        'no content';
is $ua->options('/method')->res->body, 'OPTIONS', 'right method';
is $ua->patch('/method')->res->body,   'PATCH',   'right method';
is $ua->post('/method')->res->body,    'POST',    'right method';
is $ua->put('/method')->res->body,     'PUT',     'right method';

# No keep-alive
$tx = $ua->get('/one?connection=test');
ok $tx->success, 'successful';
ok !$tx->keep_alive, 'connection will not be kept alive';
is $tx->res->version, '1.0', 'right version';
is $tx->res->code,    200,   'right status';
is $tx->res->headers->connection, 'test', 'right "Connection" value';
is $tx->res->body, 'One!', 'right content';
$tx = $ua->get('/one?connection=test');
ok $tx->success, 'successful';
ok !$tx->kept_alive, 'kept connection not alive';
ok !$tx->keep_alive, 'connection will not be kept alive';
is $tx->res->version, '1.0', 'right version';
is $tx->res->code,    200,   'right status';
is $tx->res->headers->connection, 'test', 'right "Connection" value';
is $tx->res->body, 'One!', 'right content';
$tx = $ua->get('/one');
ok $tx->success, 'successful';
ok !$tx->kept_alive, 'kept connection not alive';
ok !$tx->keep_alive, 'connection will not be kept alive';
is $tx->res->version, '1.0', 'right version';
is $tx->res->code,    200,   'right status';
ok !$tx->res->headers->connection, 'no "Connection" value';
is $tx->res->body, 'One!', 'right content';

# Error in callback
my $err;
  error => sub { $err .= pop; Mojo::IOLoop->stop });
app->ua->get('/' => sub { die 'error event works' });
like $err, qr/error event works/, 'right error';

# Events
my ($finished_req, $finished_tx, $finished_res);
$tx = $ua->build_tx(GET => '/');
ok !$tx->is_finished, 'transaction is not finished';
  start => sub {
    my ($ua, $tx) = @_;
    $tx->req->on(finish => sub { $finished_req++ });
    $tx->on(finish => sub { $finished_tx++ });
    $tx->res->on(finish => sub { $finished_res++ });
$tx = $ua->start($tx);
ok $tx->success, 'successful';
is $finished_req, 1, 'finish event has been emitted once';
is $finished_tx,  1, 'finish event has been emitted once';
is $finished_res, 1, 'finish event has been emitted once';
ok $tx->req->is_finished, 'request is finished';
ok $tx->is_finished, 'transaction is finished';
ok $tx->res->is_finished, 'response is finished';
is $tx->res->code,        200, 'right status';
is $tx->res->body,        'works!', 'right content';

# Missing Content-Length header
($finished_req, $finished_tx, $finished_res) = ();
$tx = $ua->build_tx(GET => '/no_length');
ok !$tx->is_finished, 'transaction is not finished';
  start => sub {
    my ($ua, $tx) = @_;
    $tx->req->on(finish => sub { $finished_req++ });
    $tx->on(finish => sub { $finished_tx++ });
    $tx->res->on(finish => sub { $finished_res++ });
$tx = $ua->start($tx);
ok $tx->success, 'successful';
is $finished_req, 1, 'finish event has been emitted once';
is $finished_tx,  1, 'finish event has been emitted once';
is $finished_res, 1, 'finish event has been emitted once';
ok $tx->req->is_finished, 'request is finished';
ok $tx->is_finished, 'transaction is finished';
ok $tx->res->is_finished, 'response is finished';
ok !$tx->error, 'no error';
ok $tx->kept_alive, 'kept connection alive';
ok !$tx->keep_alive, 'keep connection not alive';
is $tx->res->code, 200,          'right status';
is $tx->res->body, 'works too!', 'right content';

# 204 No Content
$tx = $ua->get('/no_content');
ok $tx->success, 'successful';
ok !$tx->kept_alive, 'kept connection not alive';
ok $tx->keep_alive, 'keep connection alive';
is $tx->res->code, 204, 'right status';
ok $tx->is_empty, 'transaction is empty';
is $tx->res->body, '', 'no content';

# Connection was kept alive
$tx = $ua->get('/');
ok $tx->success,    'successful';
ok $tx->kept_alive, 'kept connection alive';
is $tx->res->code, 200, 'right status';
ok !$tx->is_empty, 'transaction is not empty';
is $tx->res->body, 'works!', 'right content';

# Non-blocking form
($success, $code, $body) = ();
  '/echo' => form => {hello => 'world'} => sub {
    my ($ua, $tx) = @_;
    $success = $tx->success;
    $code    = $tx->res->code;
    $body    = $tx->res->body;
ok $success, 'successful';
is $code,    200, 'right status';
is $body,    'hello=world', 'right content';

# Non-blocking JSON
($success, $code, $body) = ();
  '/echo' => json => {hello => 'world'} => sub {
    my ($ua, $tx) = @_;
    $success = $tx->success;
    $code    = $tx->res->code;
    $body    = $tx->res->body;
ok $success, 'successful';
is $code,    200, 'right status';
is $body,    '{"hello":"world"}', 'right content';

# Built-in web server times out
my $log = '';
my $msg = app->log->on(message => sub { $log .= pop });
$tx = $ua->get('/timeout?timeout=0.25');
app->log->unsubscribe(message => $msg);
ok !$tx->success, 'not successful';
is $tx->error->{message}, 'Premature connection close', 'right error';
is $timeout, 1, 'finish event has been emitted';
like $log, qr/Inactivity timeout/, 'right log message';

# Client times out
  start => sub {
    my ($ua, $tx) = @_;
      connection => sub {
        my ($tx, $connection) = @_;
$tx = $ua->get('/timeout?timeout=5');
ok !$tx->success, 'not successful';
is $tx->error->{message}, 'Inactivity timeout', 'right error';

# Keep alive connection times out
my $id;
  '/' => sub {
    my ($ua, $tx) = @_;
    Mojo::IOLoop->timer(0.5 => sub { Mojo::IOLoop->stop });
    $id = $tx->connection;
ok !Mojo::IOLoop->stream($id), 'connection timed out';

# Response exceeding message size limit
  start => sub {
    my ($ua, $tx) = @_;
$tx = $ua->get('/echo' => 'Hello World!');
ok !$tx->success, 'not successful';
is $tx->error->{message}, 'Maximum message size exceeded', 'right error';
is $tx->error->{code}, undef, 'no status';
ok $tx->res->is_limit_exceeded, 'limit is exceeded';

# 404 response
$tx = $ua->get('/does_not_exist');
ok !$tx->success, 'not successful';
is $tx->error->{message}, 'Not Found', 'right error';
is $tx->error->{code},    404,         'right status';

# Compressed response
$tx = $ua->build_tx(GET => '/echo' => 'Hello GZip!');
$tx = $ua->start($ua->build_tx(GET => '/echo' => 'Hello GZip!'));
ok $tx->success, 'successful';
is $tx->res->code, 200, 'right status';
is $tx->res->headers->content_encoding, undef, 'no "Content-Encoding" value';
is $tx->res->body, 'Hello GZip!', 'right content';
$tx = $ua->build_tx(GET => '/echo' => 'Hello GZip!');
$tx = $ua->start($tx);
ok $tx->success, 'successful';
is $tx->res->code, 200, 'right status';
is $tx->res->headers->content_encoding, 'gzip',
  'right "Content-Encoding" value';
isnt $tx->res->body, 'Hello GZip!', 'different content';

# Fork-safety
$tx = $ua->get('/');
is $tx->res->body, 'works!', 'right content';
my $last = $tx->connection;
my $port = $ua->server->url->port;
$tx = $ua->get('/');
is $tx->res->body, 'works!', 'right content';
is $tx->connection, $last, 'same connection';
is $ua->server->url->port, $port, 'same port';
  local $$ = -23;
  $tx = $ua->get('/');
  is $tx->res->body, 'works!', 'right content';
  isnt $tx->connection, $last, 'new connection';
  isnt $ua->server->url->port, $port, 'new port';
  $port = $ua->server->url->port;
  $last = $tx->connection;
  $tx   = $ua->get('/');
  is $tx->res->body, 'works!', 'right content';
  is $tx->connection, $last, 'same connection';
  is $ua->server->url->port, $port, 'same port';

# Introspect
my $req = my $res = '';
my $start = $ua->on(
  start => sub {
    my ($ua, $tx) = @_;
      connection => sub {
        my ($tx, $connection) = @_;
        my $stream = Mojo::IOLoop->stream($connection);
        my $read   = $stream->on(
          read => sub {
            my ($stream, $chunk) = @_;
            $res .= $chunk;
        my $write = $stream->on(
          write => sub {
            my ($stream, $chunk) = @_;
            $req .= $chunk;
          finish => sub {
            $stream->unsubscribe(read  => $read);
            $stream->unsubscribe(write => $write);
$tx = $ua->get('/', 'whatever');
ok $tx->success, 'successful';
is $tx->res->code, 200,      'right status';
is $tx->res->body, 'works!', 'right content';
is scalar @{Mojo::IOLoop->stream($tx->connection)->subscribers('write')}, 0,
  'unsubscribed successfully';
is scalar @{Mojo::IOLoop->stream($tx->connection)->subscribers('read')}, 1,
  'unsubscribed successfully';
like $req, qr!^GET / .*whatever$!s,      'right request';
like $res, qr|^HTTP/.*200 OK.*works!$|s, 'right response';
$ua->unsubscribe(start => $start);
ok !$ua->has_subscribers('start'), 'unsubscribed successfully';

# Stream with drain callback and compressed response
$tx = $ua->build_tx(GET => '/echo');
my $i = 0;
my ($stream, $drain);
$drain = sub {
  my $content = shift;
  return $ua->ioloop->timer(
    0.25 => sub {
      $stream += @{Mojo::IOLoop->stream($tx->connection)->subscribers('drain')};
  ) if $i >= 10;
  $content->write_chunk($i++, $drain);
  return unless my $id = $tx->connection;
  $stream += @{Mojo::IOLoop->stream($id)->subscribers('drain')};
ok $tx->success, 'successful';
ok !$tx->error, 'no error';
ok $tx->kept_alive, 'kept connection alive';
ok $tx->keep_alive, 'keep connection alive';
is $tx->res->code, 200,          'right status';
is $tx->res->body, '0123456789', 'right content';
is $stream, 1, 'no leaking subscribers';

# Nested non-blocking requests after blocking one, with custom URL
my @kept_alive;
  $ua->server->nb_url => sub {
    my ($ua, $tx) = @_;
    push @kept_alive, $tx->kept_alive;
      '/' => sub {
        my ($ua, $tx) = @_;
        push @kept_alive, $tx->kept_alive;
          $ua->server->nb_url => sub {
            my ($ua, $tx) = @_;
            push @kept_alive, $tx->kept_alive;
is_deeply \@kept_alive, [undef, 1, 1], 'connections kept alive';

# Simple nested non-blocking requests with timers
@kept_alive = ();
  '/' => sub {
    push @kept_alive, pop->kept_alive;
      sub {
          '/' => sub {
            push @kept_alive, pop->kept_alive;
            Mojo::IOLoop->next_tick(sub { Mojo::IOLoop->stop });
is_deeply \@kept_alive, [1, 1], 'connections kept alive';

# Blocking request after non-blocking one, with custom URL
$tx = $ua->get($ua->server->url);
ok $tx->success,    'successful';
ok $tx->kept_alive, 'kept connection alive';
is $tx->res->code, 200,      'right status';
is $tx->res->body, 'works!', 'right content';

# Unexpected 1xx responses
$req = Mojo::Message::Request->new;
$id  = Mojo::IOLoop->server(
  {address => ''} => sub {
    my ($loop, $stream) = @_;
      read => sub {
        my ($stream, $chunk) = @_;
        $stream->write("HTTP/1.1 100 Continue\x0d\x0a"
            . "X-Foo: Bar\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0a"
            . "HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0a"
            . "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\x0d\x0a"
            . "Content-Length: 3\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0a" . 'Hi!')
          if $req->parse($chunk)->is_finished;
$port = Mojo::IOLoop->acceptor($id)->port;
$tx = $ua->build_tx(GET => "$port/");
my @unexpected;
$tx->on(unexpected => sub { push @unexpected, pop });
$tx = $ua->start($tx);
is $unexpected[0]->code, 100, 'right status';
is $unexpected[0]->headers->header('X-Foo'), 'Bar', 'right "X-Foo" value';
is $unexpected[1]->code, 101, 'right status';
ok $tx->success, 'successful';
is $tx->res->code, 200,   'right status';
is $tx->res->body, 'Hi!', 'right content';

# Connection limit
$ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new(max_connections => 2);
my $result;
  sub {
    my $delay = shift;
    $ua->get('/' => $delay->begin) for 1 .. 5;
  sub {
    my $delay = shift;
    $result = [grep {defined} map { Mojo::IOLoop->stream($_->connection) } @_];
is scalar @$result, 2, 'two active connections';
