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use Mojo::Base -strict;

use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";

use Test::More;
use File::Basename 'dirname';
use File::Spec::Functions qw(catdir catfile splitdir);
use File::Temp 'tempdir';
use Mojo::ByteStream 'b';
use Mojo::DeprecationTest;

use Mojo::Util
  qw(b64_decode b64_encode camelize class_to_file class_to_path decamelize),
  qw(decode dumper encode files hmac_sha1_sum html_unescape md5_bytes md5_sum),
  qw(monkey_patch punycode_decode punycode_encode quote secure_compare),
  qw(secure_compare sha1_bytes sha1_sum slurp split_cookie_header),
  qw(split_header spurt squish steady_time tablify term_escape trim unindent),
  qw(unquote url_escape url_unescape xml_escape xor_encode);

# camelize
is camelize('foo_bar_baz'), 'FooBarBaz', 'right camelized result';
is camelize('FooBarBaz'),   'FooBarBaz', 'right camelized result';
is camelize('foo_b_b'),     'FooBB',     'right camelized result';
is camelize('foo-b_b'),     'Foo::BB',   'right camelized result';
is camelize('FooBar'),      'FooBar',    'already camelized';
is camelize('Foo::Bar'),    'Foo::Bar',  'already camelized';

# decamelize
is decamelize('FooBarBaz'),   'foo_bar_baz', 'right decamelized result';
is decamelize('foo_bar_baz'), 'foo_bar_baz', 'right decamelized result';
is decamelize('FooBB'),       'foo_b_b',     'right decamelized result';
is decamelize('Foo::BB'),     'foo-b_b',     'right decamelized result';

# class_to_file
is class_to_file('Foo::Bar'),     'foo_bar',     'right file';
is class_to_file('FooBar'),       'foo_bar',     'right file';
is class_to_file('FOOBar'),       'foobar',      'right file';
is class_to_file('FOOBAR'),       'foobar',      'right file';
is class_to_file('FOO::Bar'),     'foobar',      'right file';
is class_to_file('FooBAR'),       'foo_bar',     'right file';
is class_to_file('Foo::BAR'),     'foo_bar',     'right file';
is class_to_file("Foo'BAR"),      'foo_bar',     'right file';
is class_to_file("Foo'Bar::Baz"), 'foo_bar_baz', 'right file';

# class_to_path
is class_to_path('Foo::Bar'),      'Foo/',     'right path';
is class_to_path("Foo'Bar"),       'Foo/',     'right path';
is class_to_path("Foo'Bar::Baz"),  'Foo/Bar/', 'right path';
is class_to_path("Foo::Bar'Baz"),  'Foo/Bar/', 'right path';
is class_to_path("Foo::Bar::Baz"), 'Foo/Bar/', 'right path';
is class_to_path("Foo'Bar'Baz"),   'Foo/Bar/', 'right path';

# split_header
is_deeply split_header(''), [], 'right result';
is_deeply split_header('foo=b=a=r'), [['foo', 'b=a=r']], 'right result';
is_deeply split_header('a=b ,, , c=d ;; ; e=f g h=i'),
  [['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', undef, 'h', 'i']], 'right result';
is_deeply split_header(',,foo,, ,bar'), [['foo', undef], ['bar', undef]],
  'right result';
is_deeply split_header(';;foo; ; ;bar'), [['foo', undef, 'bar', undef]],
  'right result';
is_deeply split_header('foo=;bar=""'), [['foo', '', 'bar', '']], 'right result';
is_deeply split_header('foo=bar baz=yada'), [['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'yada']],
  'right result';
is_deeply split_header('foo,bar,baz'),
  [['foo', undef], ['bar', undef], ['baz', undef]], 'right result';
is_deeply split_header('f "o" o , ba  r'),
  [['f', undef, '"o"', undef, 'o', undef], ['ba', undef, 'r', undef]],
  'right result';
is_deeply split_header('foo="b,; a\" r\"\\\\"'), [['foo', 'b,; a" r"\\']],
  'right result';
is_deeply split_header('foo = "b a\" r\"\\\\"; bar="ba z"'),
  [['foo', 'b a" r"\\', 'bar', 'ba z']], 'right result';
my $header = q{</foo/bar>; rel="x"; t*=UTF-8'de'a%20b};
my $tree = [['</foo/bar>', undef, 'rel', 'x', 't*', 'UTF-8\'de\'a%20b']];
is_deeply split_header($header), $tree, 'right result';
  = 'a=b c; A=b.c; D=/E; a-b=3; expires=Thu, 07 Aug 2008 07:07:59 GMT; Ab;';
$tree = [
  ['a', 'b', 'c', undef, 'A', 'b.c', 'D', '/E', 'a-b', '3', 'expires', 'Thu'],
    '07',       undef, 'Aug', undef, '2008', undef,
    '07:07:59', undef, 'GMT', undef, 'Ab',   undef
is_deeply split_header($header), $tree, 'right result';

# split_cookie_header
is_deeply split_cookie_header(''), [], 'right result';
is_deeply split_cookie_header('a=b; expires=Thu, 07 Aug 2008 07:07:59 GMT,c=d'),
  [['a', 'b', 'expires', 'Thu, 07 Aug 2008 07:07:59 GMT'], ['c', 'd']],
  'right result';
is_deeply split_cookie_header(
  'a=b; expires=Tuesday, 09-Nov-1999 23:12:40 GMT, c=d'),
  [['a', 'b', 'expires', 'Tuesday, 09-Nov-1999 23:12:40 GMT'], ['c', 'd']],
  'right result';
is_deeply split_cookie_header(
  'a=b; expires=Tuesday, 09-Nov-1999 23:12:40 GMT;, c=d;'),
  [['a', 'b', 'expires', 'Tuesday, 09-Nov-1999 23:12:40 GMT'], ['c', 'd']],
  'right result';
is_deeply split_cookie_header(
  'a=b; expires=Sun,06  Nov  1994  08:49:37  UTC; path=/'),
  [['a', 'b', 'expires', 'Sun,06  Nov  1994  08:49:37  UTC', 'path', '/']],
  'right result';
is_deeply split_cookie_header(
  'a=b ; expires = Sunday 06 Nov 94 08:49:37UTC ; path=/'),
  [['a', 'b', 'expires', 'Sunday 06 Nov 94 08:49:37UTC', 'path', '/']],
  'right result';
$header = 'expires=Thu, 07 Aug 2008 07:07:59 GMT, a=b';
$tree   = [
  ['expires', 'Thu'],
  ['07', undef, 'Aug', undef, '2008', undef, '07:07:59', undef, 'GMT', undef],
  ['a',  'b']
is_deeply split_cookie_header($header), $tree, 'right result';

# unindent
is unindent(" test\n  123\n 456\n"), "test\n 123\n456\n",
  'right unindented result';
is unindent("\ttest\n\t\t123\n\t456\n"), "test\n\t123\n456\n",
  'right unindented result';
is unindent("\t \ttest\n\t \t\t123\n\t \t456\n"), "test\n\t123\n456\n",
  'right unindented result';
is unindent("\n\n\n test\n  123\n 456\n"), "\n\n\ntest\n 123\n456\n",
  'right unindented result';
is unindent("   test\n    123\n   456\n"), "test\n 123\n456\n",
  'right unindented result';
is unindent("    test\n  123\n   456\n"), "  test\n123\n 456\n",
  'right unindented result';
is unindent("test\n123\n"),     "test\n123\n",   'right unindented result';
is unindent(" test\n\n 123\n"), "test\n\n123\n", 'right unindented result';
is unindent('  test'),          'test',          'right unindented result';
is unindent(" te st\r\n\r\n  1 2 3\r\n 456\r\n"),
  "te st\r\n\r\n 1 2 3\r\n456\r\n", 'right unindented result';

# b64_encode
is b64_encode('foobar$%^&3217'), "Zm9vYmFyJCVeJjMyMTc=\n",
  'right Base64 encoded result';

# b64_decode
is b64_decode("Zm9vYmFyJCVeJjMyMTc=\n"), 'foobar$%^&3217',
  'right Base64 decoded result';

# b64_encode (UTF-8)
is b64_encode(encode 'UTF-8', "foo\x{df}\x{0100}bar%23\x{263a}"),
  "Zm9vw5/EgGJhciUyM+KYug==\n", 'right Base64 encoded result';

# b64_decode (UTF-8)
is decode('UTF-8', b64_decode "Zm9vw5/EgGJhciUyM+KYug==\n"),
  "foo\x{df}\x{0100}bar%23\x{263a}", 'right Base64 decoded result';

# b64_encode (custom line ending)
is b64_encode('foobar$%^&3217', ''), 'Zm9vYmFyJCVeJjMyMTc=',
  'right Base64 encoded result';

# decode (invalid UTF-8)
is decode('UTF-8', "\x{1000}"), undef, 'decoding invalid UTF-8 worked';

# decode (invalid encoding)
is decode('does_not_exist', ''), undef, 'decoding with invalid encoding worked';

# encode (invalid encoding)
eval { encode('does_not_exist', '') };
like $@, qr/Unknown encoding 'does_not_exist'/, 'right error';

# url_escape
is url_escape('business;23'), 'business%3B23', 'right URL escaped result';

# url_escape (custom pattern)
is url_escape('&business;23', 's&'), '%26bu%73ine%73%73;23',
  'right URL escaped result';

# url_escape (nothing to escape)
is url_escape('foobar123-._~'), 'foobar123-._~', 'no changes';

# url_unescape
is url_unescape('business%3B23'), 'business;23', 'right URL unescaped result';

# UTF-8 url_escape
is url_escape(encode 'UTF-8', "foo\x{df}\x{0100}bar\x{263a}"),
  'foo%C3%9F%C4%80bar%E2%98%BA', 'right URL escaped result';

# UTF-8 url_unescape
is decode('UTF-8', url_unescape 'foo%C3%9F%C4%80bar%E2%98%BA'),
  "foo\x{df}\x{0100}bar\x{263a}", 'right URL unescaped result';

# html_unescape
is html_unescape('&#x3c;foo&#x3E;bar&lt;baz&gt;&#x0026;&#34;'),
  "<foo>bar<baz>&\"", 'right HTML unescaped result';
is html_unescape('foo&lt;baz&gt;&#x26;&#34;&OElig;&Foo;'),
  "foo<baz>&\"\x{152}&Foo;", 'right HTML unescaped result';

# html_unescape (special entities)
is html_unescape('foo &#x2603; &CounterClockwiseContourIntegral; bar &sup1baz'),
  "foo ☃ \x{2233} bar ¹baz", 'right HTML unescaped result';

# html_unescape (multi-character entity)
is html_unescape('&acE;'), "\x{223e}\x{0333}", 'right HTML unescaped result';

# html_unescape (apos)
is html_unescape('foobar&apos;&lt;baz&gt;&#x26;&#34;'), "foobar'<baz>&\"",
  'right HTML unescaped result';

# html_unescape (nothing to unescape)
is html_unescape('foobar'), 'foobar', 'no changes';

# html_unescape (relaxed)
is html_unescape('&0&Ltf&amp&0oo&nbspba;&ltr'), "&0&Ltf&&0oo\x{00a0}ba;<r",
  'right HTML unescaped result';

# url_unescape (bengal numbers with nothing to unescape)
is html_unescape('&#০৩৯;&#x০৩৯;'), '&#০৩৯;&#x০৩৯;',
  'no changes';

# xml_escape
is xml_escape(qq{la<f>\nbar"baz"'yada\n'&lt;la}),
  'right XML escaped result';
is xml_escape('привет<foo>'), 'привет&lt;foo&gt;',
  'right XML escaped result';

# xml_escape (nothing to escape)
is xml_escape('привет'), 'привет', 'no changes';

# xml_escape (XSS)
is xml_escape('<p>'), '&lt;p&gt;', 'right XSS escaped result';
is xml_escape(b('<p>')), '<p>', 'right XSS escaped result';

# punycode_encode
is punycode_encode('bücher'), 'bcher-kva', 'right punycode encoded result';

# punycode_decode
is punycode_decode('bcher-kva'), 'bücher', 'right punycode decoded result';

# RFC 3492
my @tests = (
  '(A) Arabic (Egyptian):',
    . "\x{0644}\x{0645}\x{0648}\x{0634}\x{0639}\x{0631}\x{0628}\x{064a}"
    . "\x{061f}",
  '(B) Chinese (simplified):',
    . "\x{6587}",
  '(C) Chinese (traditional):',
    . "\x{6587}",
  '(D) Czech: Pro<ccaron>prost<ecaron>nemluv<iacute><ccaron>esky',
    . "\x{0074}\x{011b}\x{006e}\x{0065}\x{006d}\x{006c}\x{0075}\x{0076}"
    . "\x{00ed}\x{010d}\x{0065}\x{0073}\x{006b}\x{0079}",
  '(E) Hebrew:',
    . "\x{05d8}\x{05dc}\x{05d0}\x{05de}\x{05d3}\x{05d1}\x{05e8}\x{05d9}"
    . "\x{05dd}\x{05e2}\x{05d1}\x{05e8}\x{05d9}\x{05ea}",
  '(F) Hindi (Devanagari):',
    . "\x{094d}\x{0926}\x{0940}\x{0915}\x{094d}\x{092f}\x{094b}\x{0902}"
    . "\x{0928}\x{0939}\x{0940}\x{0902}\x{092c}\x{094b}\x{0932}\x{0938}"
    . "\x{0915}\x{0924}\x{0947}\x{0939}\x{0948}\x{0902}",
  '(G) Japanese (kanji and hiragana):',
    . "\x{3092}\x{8a71}\x{3057}\x{3066}\x{304f}\x{308c}\x{306a}\x{3044}"
    . "\x{306e}\x{304b}",
  '(H) Korean (Hangul syllables):',
    . "\x{c774}\x{d55c}\x{ad6d}\x{c5b4}\x{b97c}\x{c774}\x{d574}\x{d55c}"
    . "\x{b2e4}\x{ba74}\x{c5bc}\x{b9c8}\x{b098}\x{c88b}\x{c744}\x{ae4c}",
  '(I) Russian (Cyrillic):',
    . "\x{043e}\x{043d}\x{0438}\x{043d}\x{0435}\x{0433}\x{043e}\x{0432}"
    . "\x{043e}\x{0440}\x{044f}\x{0442}\x{043f}\x{043e}\x{0440}\x{0443}"
    . "\x{0441}\x{0441}\x{043a}\x{0438}",
  '(J) Spanish: Porqu<eacute>nopuedensimplementehablarenEspa<ntilde>ol',
    . "\x{0070}\x{0075}\x{0065}\x{0064}\x{0065}\x{006e}\x{0073}\x{0069}"
    . "\x{006d}\x{0070}\x{006c}\x{0065}\x{006d}\x{0065}\x{006e}\x{0074}"
    . "\x{0065}\x{0068}\x{0061}\x{0062}\x{006c}\x{0061}\x{0072}\x{0065}"
    . "\x{006e}\x{0045}\x{0073}\x{0070}\x{0061}\x{00f1}\x{006f}\x{006c}",
  '(K) Vietnamese: T<adotbelow>isaoh<odotbelow>kh<ocirc>ngth'
    . '<ecirchookabove>ch<ihookabove>n<oacute>iti<ecircacute>ngVi'
    . '<ecircdotbelow>t',
    . "\x{006b}\x{0068}\x{00f4}\x{006e}\x{0067}\x{0074}\x{0068}\x{1ec3}"
    . "\x{0063}\x{0068}\x{1ec9}\x{006e}\x{00f3}\x{0069}\x{0074}\x{0069}"
    . "\x{1ebf}\x{006e}\x{0067}\x{0056}\x{0069}\x{1ec7}\x{0074}",
  '(L) 3<nen>B<gumi><kinpachi><sensei>',
  '(M) <amuro><namie>-with-SUPER-MONKEYS',
    . "\x{0074}\x{0068}\x{002d}\x{0053}\x{0055}\x{0050}\x{0045}\x{0052}"
    . "\x{002d}\x{004d}\x{004f}\x{004e}\x{004b}\x{0045}\x{0059}\x{0053}",
  '(N) Hello-Another-Way-<sorezore><no><basho>',
    . "\x{006f}\x{0074}\x{0068}\x{0065}\x{0072}\x{002d}\x{0057}\x{0061}"
    . "\x{0079}\x{002d}\x{305d}\x{308c}\x{305e}\x{308c}\x{306e}\x{5834}"
    . "\x{6240}",
  '(O) <hitotsu><yane><no><shita>2',
  '(P) Maji<de>Koi<suru>5<byou><mae>',
    . "\x{3059}\x{308b}\x{0035}\x{79d2}\x{524d}",
  '(Q) <pafii>de<runba>',
    . "\x{30d0}",
  '(R) <sono><supiido><de>',
  '(S) -> $1.00 <-',
    . "\x{0020}\x{003c}\x{002d}",
  '-> $1.00 <--'

for (my $i = 0; $i < @tests; $i += 3) {
  my ($d, $o, $p) = @tests[$i, $i + 1, $i + 2];
  is punycode_encode($o), $p, "punycode_encode $d";
  is punycode_decode($p), $o, "punycode_decode $d";

# quote
is quote('foo; 23 "bar'),   '"foo; 23 \"bar"',     'right quoted result';
is quote('"foo; 23 "bar"'), '"\"foo; 23 \"bar\""', 'right quoted result';

# unquote
is unquote('"foo 23 \"bar"'),     'foo 23 "bar',   'right unquoted result';
is unquote('"\"foo 23 \"bar\""'), '"foo 23 "bar"', 'right unquoted result';

# trim
is trim(' la la  la '),             'la la  la',         'right trimmed result';
is trim(" \n la la la \n "),        'la la la',          'right trimmed result';
is trim("\n la\nla la \n"),         "la\nla la",         'right trimmed result';
is trim(" \nla \n  \t\nla\nla\n "), "la \n  \t\nla\nla", 'right trimmed result';

# squish
is squish(' la la  la '),             'la la la', 'right squished result';
is squish("\n la\nla la \n"),         'la la la', 'right squished result';
is squish(" \nla \n  \t\nla\nla\n "), 'la la la', 'right squished result';

# md5_bytes
is unpack('H*', md5_bytes(encode 'UTF-8', 'foo bar baz ♥')),
  'a740aeb6e066f158cbf19fd92e890d2d', 'right binary md5 checksum';

# md5_sum
is md5_sum('foo bar baz'), 'ab07acbb1e496801937adfa772424bf7',
  'right md5 checksum';

# sha1_bytes
is unpack('H*', sha1_bytes 'foo bar baz'),
  'c7567e8b39e2428e38bf9c9226ac68de4c67dc39', 'right binary sha1 checksum';

# sha1_sum
is sha1_sum('foo bar baz'), 'c7567e8b39e2428e38bf9c9226ac68de4c67dc39',
  'right sha1 checksum';

# hmac_sha1_sum
is hmac_sha1_sum('Hi there', 'abc1234567890'),
  '5344f37e1948dd3ffb07243a4d9201a227abd6e1', 'right hmac sha1 checksum';

# secure_compare
ok secure_compare('hello', 'hello'), 'values are equal';
ok !secure_compare('hell',  'hello'), 'values are not equal';
ok !secure_compare('hallo', 'hello'), 'values are not equal';
ok secure_compare('0', '0'), 'values are equal';
ok secure_compare('1', '1'), 'values are equal';
ok !secure_compare('1', '0'), 'values are not equal';
ok !secure_compare('0', '1'), 'values are not equal';
ok secure_compare('00', '00'), 'values are equal';
ok secure_compare('11', '11'), 'values are equal';
ok !secure_compare('11', '00'), 'values are not equal';
ok !secure_compare('00', '11'), 'values are not equal';
ok secure_compare('♥',  '♥'),  'values are equal';
ok secure_compare('0♥', '0♥'), 'values are equal';
ok secure_compare('♥1', '♥1'), 'values are equal';
ok !secure_compare('♥',   '♥0'),  'values are not equal';
ok !secure_compare('0♥',  '♥'),   'values are not equal';
ok !secure_compare('0♥1', '1♥0'), 'values are not equal';
ok !secure_compare('',      '♥'),   'values are not equal';
ok !secure_compare('♥',   ''),      'values are not equal';

# xor_encode
is xor_encode('hello', 'foo'), "\x0e\x0a\x03\x0a\x00", 'right result';
is xor_encode("\x0e\x0a\x03\x0a\x00", 'foo'), 'hello', 'right result';
is xor_encode('hello world', 'x'),
  "\x10\x1d\x14\x14\x17\x58\x0f\x17\x0a\x14\x1c", 'right result';
is xor_encode("\x10\x1d\x14\x14\x17\x58\x0f\x17\x0a\x14\x1c", 'x'),
  'hello world', 'right result';
is xor_encode('hello', '123456789'), "\x59\x57\x5f\x58\x5a", 'right result';
is xor_encode("\x59\x57\x5f\x58\x5a", '123456789'), 'hello', 'right result';

# slurp
is slurp(catfile(dirname(__FILE__), 'templates', '')),
  "test\n% die;\n123\n", 'right content';

# spurt
my $dir = tempdir CLEANUP => 1;
my $file = catfile $dir, 'test.txt';
spurt "just\nworks!", $file;
is slurp($file), "just\nworks!", 'successful roundtrip';

# files
is_deeply [files 'does_not_exist'], [], 'no files';
is_deeply [files __FILE__],         [], 'no files';
my $lib = catdir dirname(__FILE__), 'lib', 'Mojo';
my @files = map { catfile $lib, split '/' } (
  'BaseTest/',  'BaseTest/',
  'BaseTest/',  '',
  '', '',
  'LoaderTest/',    'LoaderTest/',
is_deeply [map { catfile splitdir $_ } files $lib], \@files, 'right files';
my @hidden = map { catfile $lib, split '/' } '.hidden.txt', '.test/hidden.txt';
is_deeply [map { catfile splitdir $_ } files $lib, {hidden => 1}],
  [@hidden, @files], 'right files';

# steady_time
like steady_time, qr/^[\d.]+$/, 'high resolution time';

# monkey_patch

  package MojoMonkeyTest;
  sub foo {'foo'}
ok !!MojoMonkeyTest->can('foo'), 'function "foo" exists';
is MojoMonkeyTest::foo(), 'foo', 'right result';
ok !MojoMonkeyTest->can('bar'), 'function "bar" does not exist';
monkey_patch 'MojoMonkeyTest', bar => sub {'bar'};
ok !!MojoMonkeyTest->can('bar'), 'function "bar" exists';
is MojoMonkeyTest::bar(), 'bar', 'right result';
monkey_patch 'MojoMonkeyTest', foo => sub {'baz'};
ok !!MojoMonkeyTest->can('foo'), 'function "foo" exists';
is MojoMonkeyTest::foo(), 'baz', 'right result';
ok !MojoMonkeyTest->can('yin'),  'function "yin" does not exist';
ok !MojoMonkeyTest->can('yang'), 'function "yang" does not exist';
monkey_patch 'MojoMonkeyTest',
  yin  => sub {'yin'},
  yang => sub {'yang'};
ok !!MojoMonkeyTest->can('yin'), 'function "yin" exists';
is MojoMonkeyTest::yin(), 'yin', 'right result';
ok !!MojoMonkeyTest->can('yang'), 'function "yang" exists';
is MojoMonkeyTest::yang(), 'yang', 'right result';

# monkey_patch (with name)
  skip 'Sub::Util required!', 2
    unless eval { require Sub::Util; !!Sub::Util->can('set_subname') };
  is Sub::Util::subname(MojoMonkeyTest->can('foo')), 'MojoMonkeyTest::foo',
    'right name';
  is Sub::Util::subname(MojoMonkeyTest->can('bar')), 'MojoMonkeyTest::bar',
    'right name';

# tablify
is tablify([["f\r\no o\r\n", 'bar']]),     "fo o  bar\n",      'right result';
is tablify([["  foo",        '  b a r']]), "  foo    b a r\n", 'right result';
is tablify([['foo']]), "foo\n", 'right result';
is tablify([['foo', 'yada'], ['yada', 'yada']]), "foo   yada\nyada  yada\n",
  'right result';
is tablify([[undef, 'yada'], ['yada', undef]]), "      yada\nyada  \n",
  'right result';
is tablify([['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], ['yada', 'yada', 'yada']]),
  "foo   bar   baz\nyada  yada  yada\n", 'right result';
is tablify([['a', '', 0], [0, '', 'b']]), "a    0\n0    b\n", 'right result';

# deprecated
  my ($warn, $die) = @_;
  local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warn = shift };
  local $SIG{__DIE__}  = sub { $die  = shift };
  is Mojo::DeprecationTest::foo(), 'bar', 'right result';
  like $warn, qr/foo is DEPRECATED at .*util\.t line \d+/, 'right warning';
  ok !$die, 'no exception';
  ($warn, $die) = ();
  ok !eval { Mojo::DeprecationTest::foo() }, 'no result';
  ok !$warn, 'no warning';
  like $die, qr/foo is DEPRECATED at .*util\.t line \d+/, 'right exception';

# dumper
is dumper([1, 2]), "[\n  1,\n  2\n]\n", 'right result';

# term_escape
is term_escape("Accept: */*\x0d\x0a"), "Accept: */*\\x0d\x0a",   'right result';
is term_escape("\t\b\r\n\f"),          "\\x09\\x08\\x0d\n\\x0c", 'right result';
is term_escape("\x00\x09\x0b\x1f\x7f\x80\x9f"), '\x00\x09\x0b\x1f\x7f\x80\x9f',
  'right result';
