The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
package Mojo::Exception;
use Mojo::Base -base;
use overload bool => sub {1}, '""' => sub { shift->to_string }, fallback => 1;

has [qw(frames line lines_after lines_before)] => sub { [] };
has message => 'Exception!';
has 'verbose';

sub inspect {
  my ($self, @sources) = @_;

  # Extract file and line from message
  my @files;
  my $msg = $self->lines_before([])->line([])->lines_after([])->message;
  while ($msg =~ /at\s+(.+?)\s+line\s+(\d+)/g) { unshift @files, [$1, $2] }

  # Extract file and line from stack trace
  if (my $zero = $self->frames->[0]) { push @files, [$zero->[1], $zero->[2]] }

  # Search for context in files
  for my $file (@files) {
    next unless -r $file->[0] && open my $handle, '<:utf8', $file->[0];
    $self->_context($file->[1], [[<$handle>]]);
    return $self;

  # Search for context in sources
  $self->_context($files[-1][1], [map { [split "\n"] } @sources]) if @sources;

  return $self;

sub new { @_ > 1 ? shift->SUPER::new(message => shift) : shift->SUPER::new }

sub to_string {
  my $self = shift;

  my $str = $self->message;
  return $str unless $self->verbose;

  $str .= "\n" unless $str =~ /\n$/;
  $str .= $_->[0] . ': ' . $_->[1] . "\n" for @{$self->lines_before};
  $str .= $self->line->[0] . ': ' . $self->line->[1] . "\n" if $self->line->[0];
  $str .= $_->[0] . ': ' . $_->[1] . "\n" for @{$self->lines_after};

  return $str;

sub throw { CORE::die shift->new(shift)->trace(2)->inspect }

sub trace {
  my ($self, $start) = (shift, shift // 1);
  my @frames;
  while (my @trace = caller($start++)) { push @frames, \@trace }
  return $self->frames(\@frames);

sub _append {
  my ($stack, $line) = @_;
  chomp $line;
  push @$stack, $line;

sub _context {
  my ($self, $num, $sources) = @_;

  # Line
  return unless defined $sources->[0][$num - 1];
  _append($self->line, $_->[$num - 1]) for @$sources;

  # Before
  for my $i (2 .. 6) {
    last if ((my $previous = $num - $i) < 0);
    unshift @{$self->lines_before}, [$previous + 1];
    _append($self->lines_before->[0], $_->[$previous]) for @$sources;

  # After
  for my $i (0 .. 4) {
    next if ((my $next = $num + $i) < 0);
    next unless defined $sources->[0][$next];
    push @{$self->lines_after}, [$next + 1];
    _append($self->lines_after->[-1], $_->[$next]) for @$sources;


=encoding utf8

=head1 NAME

Mojo::Exception - Exceptions with context


  use Mojo::Exception;

  # Throw exception and show stack trace
  eval { Mojo::Exception->throw('Something went wrong!') };
  say "$_->[1]:$_->[2]" for @{$@->frames};

  # Customize exception
  eval {
    my $e = Mojo::Exception->new('Died at line 3.');
    die $e->trace(2)->inspect->verbose(1);
  say $@;


L<Mojo::Exception> is a container for exceptions with context information.


L<Mojo::Exception> implements the following attributes.

=head2 frames

  my $frames = $e->frames;
  $e         = $e->frames([$frame1, $frame2]);

Stack trace if available.

  # Extract information from the last frame
  my ($package, $filename, $line, $subroutine, $hasargs, $wantarray, $evaltext,
      $is_require, $hints, $bitmask, $hinthash) = @{$e->frames->[-1]};

=head2 line

  my $line = $e->line;
  $e       = $e->line([3, 'die;']);

The line where the exception occurred if available.

=head2 lines_after

  my $lines = $e->lines_after;
  $e        = $e->lines_after([[4, 'say $foo;'], [5, 'say $bar;']]);

Lines after the line where the exception occurred if available.

=head2 lines_before

  my $lines = $e->lines_before;
  $e        = $e->lines_before([[1, 'my $foo = 23;'], [2, 'my $bar = 24;']]);

Lines before the line where the exception occurred if available.

=head2 message

  my $msg = $e->message;
  $e      = $e->message('Died at line 3.');

Exception message, defaults to C<Exception!>.

=head2 verbose

  my $bool = $e->verbose;
  $e       = $e->verbose($bool);

Enable context information for L</"to_string">.

=head1 METHODS

L<Mojo::Exception> inherits all methods from L<Mojo::Base> and implements the
following new ones.

=head2 inspect

  $e = $e->inspect;
  $e = $e->inspect($source1, $source2);

Inspect L</"message">, L</"frames"> and optional additional sources to fill
L</"lines_before">, L</"line"> and L</"lines_after"> with context information.

=head2 new

  my $e = Mojo::Exception->new;
  my $e = Mojo::Exception->new('Died at line 3.');

Construct a new L<Mojo::Exception> object and assign L</"message"> if necessary.

=head2 to_string

  my $str = $e->to_string;

Render exception.

  # Render exception with context
  say $e->verbose(1)->to_string;

=head2 throw

  Mojo::Exception->throw('Something went wrong!');

Throw exception from the current execution context.

  # Longer version
  die Mojo::Exception->new('Something went wrong!')->trace->inspect;

=head2 trace

  $e = $e->trace;
  $e = $e->trace($skip);

Generate stack trace and store all L</"frames">, defaults to skipping C<1> call

  # Skip 3 call frames

  # Skip no call frames


L<Mojo::Exception> overloads the following operators.

=head2 bool

  my $bool = !!$e;

Always true.

=head2 stringify

  my $str = "$e";

Alias for L</"to_string">.

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Mojolicious>, L<Mojolicious::Guides>, L<>.
