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use Mojo::Base -strict;

use Test::More;
use Mojo::DOM;

# Empty
is(Mojo::DOM->new,                     '',    'right result');
is(Mojo::DOM->new(''),                 '',    'right result');
is(Mojo::DOM->new->parse(''),          '',    'right result');
is(Mojo::DOM->new->at('p'),            undef, 'no result');
is(Mojo::DOM->new->append_content(''), '',    'right result');
is(Mojo::DOM->new->all_text,           '',    'right result');

# Simple (basics)
my $dom
  = Mojo::DOM->new('<div><div FOO="0" id="a">A</div><div id="b">B</div></div>');
is $dom->at('#b')->text, 'B', 'right text';
my @div;
push @div, $dom->find('div[id]')->map('text')->each;
is_deeply \@div, [qw(A B)], 'found all div elements with id';
@div = ();
$dom->find('div[id]')->each(sub { push @div, $_->text });
is_deeply \@div, [qw(A B)], 'found all div elements with id';
is $dom->at('#a')->attr('foo'), 0, 'right attribute';
is $dom->at('#a')->attr->{foo}, 0, 'right attribute';
is "$dom", '<div><div foo="0" id="a">A</div><div id="b">B</div></div>',
  'right result';

# Tap into method chain
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new->parse('<div id="a">A</div><div id="b">B</div>');
is_deeply [$dom->find('[id]')->map(attr => 'id')->each], [qw(a b)],
  'right result';
is $dom->tap(sub { $_->at('#b')->remove }), '<div id="a">A</div>',
  'right result';

# Build tree from scratch
  '0', 'right text');

# Simple nesting with healing (tree structure)
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(<<EOF);
<foo><bar a="b&lt;c">ju<baz a23>s<bazz />t</bar>works</foo>
is $dom->tree->[0], 'root', 'right type';
is $dom->tree->[1][0], 'tag', 'right type';
is $dom->tree->[1][1], 'foo', 'right tag';
is_deeply $dom->tree->[1][2], {}, 'empty attributes';
is $dom->tree->[1][3], $dom->tree, 'right parent';
is $dom->tree->[1][4][0], 'tag', 'right type';
is $dom->tree->[1][4][1], 'bar', 'right tag';
is_deeply $dom->tree->[1][4][2], {a => 'b<c'}, 'right attributes';
is $dom->tree->[1][4][3], $dom->tree->[1], 'right parent';
is $dom->tree->[1][4][4][0], 'text', 'right type';
is $dom->tree->[1][4][4][1], 'ju',   'right text';
is $dom->tree->[1][4][4][2], $dom->tree->[1][4], 'right parent';
is $dom->tree->[1][4][5][0], 'tag', 'right type';
is $dom->tree->[1][4][5][1], 'baz', 'right tag';
is_deeply $dom->tree->[1][4][5][2], {a23 => undef}, 'right attributes';
is $dom->tree->[1][4][5][3], $dom->tree->[1][4], 'right parent';
is $dom->tree->[1][4][5][4][0], 'text', 'right type';
is $dom->tree->[1][4][5][4][1], 's',    'right text';
is $dom->tree->[1][4][5][4][2], $dom->tree->[1][4][5], 'right parent';
is $dom->tree->[1][4][5][5][0], 'tag',  'right type';
is $dom->tree->[1][4][5][5][1], 'bazz', 'right tag';
is_deeply $dom->tree->[1][4][5][5][2], {}, 'empty attributes';
is $dom->tree->[1][4][5][5][3], $dom->tree->[1][4][5], 'right parent';
is $dom->tree->[1][4][5][6][0], 'text', 'right type';
is $dom->tree->[1][4][5][6][1], 't',    'right text';
is $dom->tree->[1][4][5][6][2], $dom->tree->[1][4][5], 'right parent';
is $dom->tree->[1][5][0], 'text',  'right type';
is $dom->tree->[1][5][1], 'works', 'right text';
is $dom->tree->[1][5][2], $dom->tree->[1], 'right parent';
is "$dom", <<EOF, 'right result';
<foo><bar a="b&lt;c">ju<baz a23>s<bazz></bazz>t</baz></bar>works</foo>

# Select based on parent
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(<<EOF);
is $dom->find('body > div')->[0]->text, 'test1', 'right text';
is $dom->find('body > div')->[1]->text, '',      'no content';
is $dom->find('body > div')->[2], undef, 'no result';
is $dom->find('body > div')->size, 2, 'right number of elements';
is $dom->find('body > div > div')->[0]->text, 'test2', 'right text';
is $dom->find('body > div > div')->[1], undef, 'no result';
is $dom->find('body > div > div')->size, 1, 'right number of elements';

# A bit of everything (basic navigation)
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new->parse(<<EOF);
<!doctype foo>
<foo bar="ba&lt;z">
  <simple class="working">easy</simple>
  <test foo="bar" id="test" />
  <!-- lala -->
  works well
  <![CDATA[ yada yada]]>
  <?boom lalalala ?>
  <a little bit broken>
  < very broken
  <br />
  more text
ok !$dom->xml, 'XML mode not detected';
is $dom->tag, undef, 'no tag';
is $dom->attr('foo'), undef, 'no attribute';
is $dom->attr(foo => 'bar')->attr('foo'), undef, 'no attribute';
is $dom->tree->[1][0], 'doctype', 'right type';
is $dom->tree->[1][1], ' foo',    'right doctype';
is "$dom", <<EOF, 'right result';
<!DOCTYPE foo>
<foo bar="ba&lt;z">
  <simple class="working">easy</simple>
  <test foo="bar" id="test"></test>
  <!-- lala -->
  works well
  <![CDATA[ yada yada]]>
  <?boom lalalala ?>
  <a bit broken little>
  &lt; very broken
  more text
my $simple = $dom->at('foo simple.working[class^="wor"]');
is $simple->parent->all_text,
  "\n  test\n  easy\n  \n  \n  works well\n   yada yada\n"
  . "  \n  \n  < very broken\n  \n  more text\n", 'right text';
is $simple->tag, 'simple', 'right tag';
is $simple->attr('class'), 'working', 'right class attribute';
is $simple->text, 'easy', 'right text';
is $simple->parent->tag, 'foo', 'right parent tag';
is $simple->parent->attr->{bar}, 'ba<z', 'right parent attribute';
is $simple->parent->children->[1]->tag, 'test', 'right sibling';
is $simple->to_string, '<simple class="working">easy</simple>',
  'stringified right';
$simple->parent->attr(bar => 'baz')->attr({this => 'works', too => 'yea'});
is $simple->parent->attr('bar'),  'baz',   'right parent attribute';
is $simple->parent->attr('this'), 'works', 'right parent attribute';
is $simple->parent->attr('too'),  'yea',   'right parent attribute';
is $dom->at('test#test')->tag,              'test',   'right tag';
is $dom->at('[class$="ing"]')->tag,         'simple', 'right tag';
is $dom->at('[class="working"]')->tag,      'simple', 'right tag';
is $dom->at('[class$=ing]')->tag,           'simple', 'right tag';
is $dom->at('[class=working][class]')->tag, 'simple', 'right tag';
is $dom->at('foo > simple')->next->tag, 'test', 'right tag';
is $dom->at('foo > simple')->next->next->tag, 'a', 'right tag';
is $dom->at('foo > test')->previous->tag, 'simple', 'right tag';
is $dom->next,     undef, 'no siblings';
is $dom->previous, undef, 'no siblings';
is $dom->at('foo > a')->next,          undef, 'no next sibling';
is $dom->at('foo > simple')->previous, undef, 'no previous sibling';
is_deeply [$dom->at('simple')->ancestors->map('tag')->each], ['foo'],
  'right results';
ok !$dom->at('simple')->ancestors->first->xml, 'XML mode not active';

# Nodes
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(
  '<!DOCTYPE before><p>test<![CDATA[123]]><!-- 456 --></p><?after?>');
is $dom->at('p')->preceding_nodes->first->content, ' before', 'right content';
is $dom->at('p')->preceding_nodes->size, 1, 'right number of nodes';
is $dom->at('p')->child_nodes->last->preceding_nodes->first->content, 'test',
  'right content';
is $dom->at('p')->child_nodes->last->preceding_nodes->last->content, '123',
  'right content';
is $dom->at('p')->child_nodes->last->preceding_nodes->size, 2,
  'right number of nodes';
is $dom->preceding_nodes->size, 0, 'no preceding nodes';
is $dom->at('p')->following_nodes->first->content, 'after', 'right content';
is $dom->at('p')->following_nodes->size, 1, 'right number of nodes';
is $dom->child_nodes->first->following_nodes->first->tag, 'p', 'right tag';
is $dom->child_nodes->first->following_nodes->last->content, 'after',
  'right content';
is $dom->child_nodes->first->following_nodes->size, 2, 'right number of nodes';
is $dom->following_nodes->size, 0, 'no following nodes';
is $dom->at('p')->previous_node->content,       ' before', 'right content';
is $dom->at('p')->previous_node->previous_node, undef,     'no more siblings';
is $dom->at('p')->next_node->content,           'after',   'right content';
is $dom->at('p')->next_node->next_node,         undef,     'no more siblings';
is $dom->at('p')->child_nodes->last->previous_node->previous_node->content,
  'test', 'right content';
is $dom->at('p')->child_nodes->first->next_node->next_node->content, ' 456 ',
  'right content';
is $dom->descendant_nodes->[0]->type,    'doctype', 'right type';
is $dom->descendant_nodes->[0]->content, ' before', 'right content';
is $dom->descendant_nodes->[0], '<!DOCTYPE before>', 'right content';
is $dom->descendant_nodes->[1]->tag,     'p',     'right tag';
is $dom->descendant_nodes->[2]->type,    'text',  'right type';
is $dom->descendant_nodes->[2]->content, 'test',  'right content';
is $dom->descendant_nodes->[5]->type,    'pi',    'right type';
is $dom->descendant_nodes->[5]->content, 'after', 'right content';
is $dom->at('p')->descendant_nodes->[0]->type,    'text', 'right type';
is $dom->at('p')->descendant_nodes->[0]->content, 'test', 'right type';
is $dom->at('p')->descendant_nodes->last->type,    'comment', 'right type';
is $dom->at('p')->descendant_nodes->last->content, ' 456 ',   'right type';
is $dom->child_nodes->[1]->child_nodes->first->parent->tag, 'p', 'right tag';
is $dom->child_nodes->[1]->child_nodes->first->content, 'test', 'right content';
is $dom->child_nodes->[1]->child_nodes->first, 'test', 'right content';
is $dom->at('p')->child_nodes->first->type, 'text', 'right type';
is $dom->at('p')->child_nodes->first->remove->tag, 'p', 'right tag';
is $dom->at('p')->child_nodes->first->type,    'cdata', 'right type';
is $dom->at('p')->child_nodes->first->content, '123',   'right content';
is $dom->at('p')->child_nodes->[1]->type,    'comment', 'right type';
is $dom->at('p')->child_nodes->[1]->content, ' 456 ',   'right content';
is $dom->[0]->type,    'doctype', 'right type';
is $dom->[0]->content, ' before', 'right content';
is $dom->child_nodes->[2]->type,    'pi',    'right type';
is $dom->child_nodes->[2]->content, 'after', 'right content';
is $dom->child_nodes->first->content(' again')->content, ' again',
  'right content';
is $dom->child_nodes->grep(sub { $_->type eq 'pi' })->map('remove')
  ->first->type, 'root', 'right type';
is "$dom", '<!DOCTYPE again><p><![CDATA[123]]><!-- 456 --></p>', 'right result';

# Modify nodes
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new('<script>la<la>la</script>');
is $dom->at('script')->type, 'tag', 'right type';
is $dom->at('script')->[0]->type,    'raw',      'right type';
is $dom->at('script')->[0]->content, 'la<la>la', 'right content';
is "$dom", '<script>la<la>la</script>', 'right result';
is $dom->at('script')->child_nodes->first->replace('a<b>c</b>1<b>d</b>')->tag,
  'script', 'right tag';
is "$dom", '<script>a<b>c</b>1<b>d</b></script>', 'right result';
is $dom->at('b')->child_nodes->first->append('e')->content, 'c',
  'right content';
is $dom->at('b')->child_nodes->first->prepend('f')->type, 'text', 'right type';
is "$dom", '<script>a<b>fce</b>1<b>d</b></script>', 'right result';
is $dom->at('script')->child_nodes->first->following->first->tag, 'b',
  'right tag';
is $dom->at('script')->child_nodes->first->next->content, 'fce',
  'right content';
is $dom->at('script')->child_nodes->first->previous, undef, 'no siblings';
is $dom->at('script')->child_nodes->[2]->previous->content, 'fce',
  'right content';
is $dom->at('b')->child_nodes->[1]->next, undef, 'no siblings';
is $dom->at('script')->child_nodes->first->wrap('<i>:)</i>')->root,
  '<script><i>:)a</i><b>fce</b>1<b>d</b></script>', 'right result';
is $dom->at('i')->child_nodes->first->wrap_content('<b></b>')->root,
  '<script><i>:)a</i><b>fce</b>1<b>d</b></script>', 'no changes';
is $dom->at('i')->child_nodes->first->wrap('<b></b>')->root,
  '<script><i><b>:)</b>a</i><b>fce</b>1<b>d</b></script>', 'right result';
is $dom->at('b')->child_nodes->first->ancestors->map('tag')->join(','),
  'b,i,script', 'right result';
is $dom->at('b')->child_nodes->first->append_content('g')->content, ':)g',
  'right content';
is $dom->at('b')->child_nodes->first->prepend_content('h')->content, 'h:)g',
  'right content';
is "$dom", '<script><i><b>h:)g</b>a</i><b>fce</b>1<b>d</b></script>',
  'right result';
is $dom->at('script > b:last-of-type')->append('<!--y-->')
  ->following_nodes->first->content, 'y', 'right content';
is $dom->at('i')->prepend('z')->preceding_nodes->first->content, 'z',
  'right content';
is $dom->at('i')->following->last->text, 'd', 'right text';
is $dom->at('i')->following->size, 2, 'right number of following elements';
is $dom->at('i')->following('b:last-of-type')->first->text, 'd', 'right text';
is $dom->at('i')->following('b:last-of-type')->size, 1,
  'right number of following elements';
is $dom->following->size, 0, 'no following elements';
is $dom->at('script > b:last-of-type')->preceding->first->tag, 'i', 'right tag';
is $dom->at('script > b:last-of-type')->preceding->size, 2,
  'right number of preceding elements';
is $dom->at('script > b:last-of-type')->preceding('b')->first->tag, 'b',
  'right tag';
is $dom->at('script > b:last-of-type')->preceding('b')->size, 1,
  'right number of preceding elements';
is $dom->preceding->size, 0, 'no preceding elements';
is "$dom", '<script>z<i><b>h:)g</b>a</i><b>fce</b>1<b>d</b><!--y--></script>',
  'right result';

# XML nodes
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new->xml(1)->parse('<b>test<image /></b>');
ok $dom->at('b')->child_nodes->first->xml, 'XML mode active';
ok $dom->at('b')->child_nodes->first->replace('<br>')->child_nodes->first->xml,
  'XML mode active';
is "$dom", '<b><br /><image /></b>', 'right result';

# Treating nodes as elements
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new('foo<b>bar</b>baz');
is $dom->child_nodes->first->child_nodes->size,      0, 'no nodes';
is $dom->child_nodes->first->descendant_nodes->size, 0, 'no nodes';
is $dom->child_nodes->first->children->size,         0, 'no children';
is $dom->child_nodes->first->strip->parent, 'foo<b>bar</b>baz', 'no changes';
is $dom->child_nodes->first->at('b'), undef, 'no result';
is $dom->child_nodes->first->find('*')->size, 0, 'no results';
ok !$dom->child_nodes->first->matches('*'), 'no match';
is_deeply $dom->child_nodes->first->attr, {}, 'no attributes';
is $dom->child_nodes->first->namespace, undef, 'no namespace';
is $dom->child_nodes->first->tag,       undef, 'no tag';
is $dom->child_nodes->first->text,      '',    'no text';
is $dom->child_nodes->first->all_text,  '',    'no text';

# Class and ID
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new('<div id="id" class="class">a</div>');
is $dom->at('div#id.class')->text, 'a', 'right text';

# Deep nesting (parent combinator)
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(<<EOF);
    <div id="container">
      <div id="header">
        <div id="logo">Hello World</div>
        <div id="buttons">
          <p id="foo">Foo</p>
        <div id="buttons">
          <p id="bar">Bar</p>
      <div id="content">More stuff</div>
my $p = $dom->find('body > #container > div p[id]');
is $p->[0]->attr('id'), 'foo', 'right id attribute';
is $p->[1], undef, 'no second result';
is $p->size, 1, 'right number of elements';
my @p;
@div = ();
$dom->find('div')->each(sub { push @div, $_->attr('id') });
$dom->find('p')->each(sub { push @p, $_->attr('id') });
is_deeply \@p, [qw(foo bar)], 'found all p elements';
my $ids = [qw(container header logo buttons buttons content)];
is_deeply \@div, $ids, 'found all div elements';
is_deeply [$dom->at('p')->ancestors->map('tag')->each],
  [qw(div div div body html)], 'right results';
is_deeply [$dom->at('html')->ancestors->each], [], 'no results';
is_deeply [$dom->ancestors->each],             [], 'no results';

# Script tag
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(<<EOF);
<script charset="utf-8">alert('lalala');</script>
is $dom->at('script')->text, "alert('lalala');", 'right script content';

# HTML5 (unquoted values)
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(
  '<div id = test foo ="bar" class=tset bar=/baz/ value baz=//>works</div>');
is $dom->at('#test')->text,                'works', 'right text';
is $dom->at('div')->text,                  'works', 'right text';
is $dom->at('[foo=bar][foo="bar"]')->text, 'works', 'right text';
is $dom->at('[foo="ba"]'), undef, 'no result';
is $dom->at('[foo=bar]')->text, 'works', 'right text';
is $dom->at('[foo=ba]'), undef, 'no result';
is $dom->at('.tset')->text,       'works', 'right text';
is $dom->at('[bar=/baz/]')->text, 'works', 'right text';
is $dom->at('[baz=//]')->text,    'works', 'right text';
is $dom->at('[value]')->text,     'works', 'right text';
is $dom->at('[value=baz]'), undef, 'no result';

# HTML1 (single quotes, uppercase tags and whitespace in attributes)
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(q{<DIV id = 'test' foo ='bar' class= "tset">works</DIV>});
is $dom->at('#test')->text,       'works', 'right text';
is $dom->at('div')->text,         'works', 'right text';
is $dom->at('[foo="bar"]')->text, 'works', 'right text';
is $dom->at('[foo="ba"]'), undef, 'no result';
is $dom->at('[foo=bar]')->text, 'works', 'right text';
is $dom->at('[foo=ba]'), undef, 'no result';
is $dom->at('.tset')->text, 'works', 'right text';

# Already decoded Unicode snowman and quotes in selector
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new('<div id="snow&apos;m&quot;an">☃</div>');
is $dom->at('[id="snow\'m\"an"]')->text,      '☃', 'right text';
is $dom->at('[id="snow\'m\22 an"]')->text,    '☃', 'right text';
is $dom->at('[id="snow\'m\000022an"]')->text, '☃', 'right text';
is $dom->at('[id="snow\'m\22an"]'),      undef, 'no result';
is $dom->at('[id="snow\'m\21 an"]'),     undef, 'no result';
is $dom->at('[id="snow\'m\000021an"]'),  undef, 'no result';
is $dom->at('[id="snow\'m\000021 an"]'), undef, 'no result';
is $dom->at("[id='snow\\'m\"an']")->text,  '☃', 'right text';
is $dom->at("[id='snow\\27m\"an']")->text, '☃', 'right text';

# Unicode and escaped selectors
my $html
  = '<html><div id="☃x">Snowman</div><div class="x ♥">Heart</div></html>';
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new($html);
is $dom->at("#\\\n\\002603x")->text,                  'Snowman', 'right text';
is $dom->at('#\\2603 x')->text,                       'Snowman', 'right text';
is $dom->at("#\\\n\\2603 x")->text,                   'Snowman', 'right text';
is $dom->at(qq{[id="\\\n\\2603 x"]})->text,           'Snowman', 'right text';
is $dom->at(qq{[id="\\\n\\002603x"]})->text,          'Snowman', 'right text';
is $dom->at(qq{[id="\\\\2603 x"]})->text,             'Snowman', 'right text';
is $dom->at("html #\\\n\\002603x")->text,             'Snowman', 'right text';
is $dom->at('html #\\2603 x')->text,                  'Snowman', 'right text';
is $dom->at("html #\\\n\\2603 x")->text,              'Snowman', 'right text';
is $dom->at(qq{html [id="\\\n\\2603 x"]})->text,      'Snowman', 'right text';
is $dom->at(qq{html [id="\\\n\\002603x"]})->text,     'Snowman', 'right text';
is $dom->at(qq{html [id="\\\\2603 x"]})->text,        'Snowman', 'right text';
is $dom->at('#☃x')->text,                           'Snowman', 'right text';
is $dom->at('div#☃x')->text,                        'Snowman', 'right text';
is $dom->at('html div#☃x')->text,                   'Snowman', 'right text';
is $dom->at('[id^="☃"]')->text,                     'Snowman', 'right text';
is $dom->at('div[id^="☃"]')->text,                  'Snowman', 'right text';
is $dom->at('html div[id^="☃"]')->text,             'Snowman', 'right text';
is $dom->at('html > div[id^="☃"]')->text,           'Snowman', 'right text';
is $dom->at('[id^=☃]')->text,                       'Snowman', 'right text';
is $dom->at('div[id^=☃]')->text,                    'Snowman', 'right text';
is $dom->at('html div[id^=☃]')->text,               'Snowman', 'right text';
is $dom->at('html > div[id^=☃]')->text,             'Snowman', 'right text';
is $dom->at(".\\\n\\002665")->text,                   'Heart',   'right text';
is $dom->at('.\\2665')->text,                         'Heart',   'right text';
is $dom->at("html .\\\n\\002665")->text,              'Heart',   'right text';
is $dom->at('html .\\2665')->text,                    'Heart',   'right text';
is $dom->at(qq{html [class\$="\\\n\\002665"]})->text, 'Heart',   'right text';
is $dom->at(qq{html [class\$="\\2665"]})->text,       'Heart',   'right text';
is $dom->at(qq{[class\$="\\\n\\002665"]})->text,      'Heart',   'right text';
is $dom->at(qq{[class\$="\\2665"]})->text,            'Heart',   'right text';
is $dom->at('.x')->text,                              'Heart',   'right text';
is $dom->at('html .x')->text,                         'Heart',   'right text';
is $dom->at('.♥')->text,                            'Heart',   'right text';
is $dom->at('html .♥')->text,                       'Heart',   'right text';
is $dom->at('div.♥')->text,                         'Heart',   'right text';
is $dom->at('html div.♥')->text,                    'Heart',   'right text';
is $dom->at('[class$="♥"]')->text,                  'Heart',   'right text';
is $dom->at('div[class$="♥"]')->text,               'Heart',   'right text';
is $dom->at('html div[class$="♥"]')->text,          'Heart',   'right text';
is $dom->at('html > div[class$="♥"]')->text,        'Heart',   'right text';
is $dom->at('[class$=♥]')->text,                    'Heart',   'right text';
is $dom->at('div[class$=♥]')->text,                 'Heart',   'right text';
is $dom->at('html div[class$=♥]')->text,            'Heart',   'right text';
is $dom->at('html > div[class$=♥]')->text,          'Heart',   'right text';
is $dom->at('[class~="♥"]')->text,                  'Heart',   'right text';
is $dom->at('div[class~="♥"]')->text,               'Heart',   'right text';
is $dom->at('html div[class~="♥"]')->text,          'Heart',   'right text';
is $dom->at('html > div[class~="♥"]')->text,        'Heart',   'right text';
is $dom->at('[class~=♥]')->text,                    'Heart',   'right text';
is $dom->at('div[class~=♥]')->text,                 'Heart',   'right text';
is $dom->at('html div[class~=♥]')->text,            'Heart',   'right text';
is $dom->at('html > div[class~=♥]')->text,          'Heart',   'right text';
is $dom->at('[class~="x"]')->text,                    'Heart',   'right text';
is $dom->at('div[class~="x"]')->text,                 'Heart',   'right text';
is $dom->at('html div[class~="x"]')->text,            'Heart',   'right text';
is $dom->at('html > div[class~="x"]')->text,          'Heart',   'right text';
is $dom->at('[class~=x]')->text,                      'Heart',   'right text';
is $dom->at('div[class~=x]')->text,                   'Heart',   'right text';
is $dom->at('html div[class~=x]')->text,              'Heart',   'right text';
is $dom->at('html > div[class~=x]')->text,            'Heart',   'right text';
is $dom->at('html'), $html, 'right result';
is $dom->at('#☃x')->parent,     $html, 'right result';
is $dom->at('#☃x')->root,       $html, 'right result';
is $dom->children('html')->first, $html, 'right result';
is $dom->to_string, $html, 'right result';
is $dom->content,   $html, 'right result';

# Looks remotely like HTML
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(
  '<!DOCTYPE H "-/W/D HT 4/E">☃<title class=test>♥</title>☃');
is $dom->at('title')->text, '♥', 'right text';
is $dom->at('*')->text,     '♥', 'right text';
is $dom->at('.test')->text, '♥', 'right text';

# Replace elements
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new('<div>foo<p>lalala</p>bar</div>');
is $dom->at('p')->replace('<foo>bar</foo>'), '<div>foo<foo>bar</foo>bar</div>',
  'right result';
is "$dom", '<div>foo<foo>bar</foo>bar</div>', 'right result';
is "$dom", '<div>footextbar</div>', 'right result';
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new('<div>foo</div><div>bar</div>');
$dom->find('div')->each(sub { shift->replace('<p>test</p>') });
is "$dom", '<p>test</p><p>test</p>', 'right result';
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new('<div>foo<p>lalala</p>bar</div>');
is $dom->replace('♥'), '♥', 'right result';
is "$dom", '♥', 'right result';
is "$dom", '<div>foo<p>lalala</p>bar</div>', 'right result';
is $dom->at('p')->replace(''), '<div>foobar</div>', 'right result';
is "$dom", '<div>foobar</div>', 'right result';
is $dom->replace(''), '', 'no result';
is "$dom", '', 'no result';
is "$dom", '<div>foo<p>lalala</p>bar</div>', 'right result';
$dom->find('p')->map(replace => '');
is "$dom", '<div>foobar</div>', 'right result';
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new('<div>♥</div>');
is "$dom", '<div>☃</div>', 'right result';
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new('<div>♥</div>');
is $dom->to_string, '<div>☃</div>', 'right result';
is $dom->at('div')->replace('<p>♥</p>')->root, '<p>♥</p>', 'right result';
is $dom->to_string, '<p>♥</p>', 'right result';
is $dom->replace('<b>whatever</b>')->root, '<b>whatever</b>', 'right result';
is $dom->to_string, '<b>whatever</b>', 'right result';
is "$dom", '<p>foo</p><b>whatever</b><p>bar</p>', 'right result';
is $dom->find('p')->map('remove')->first->root->at('b')->text, 'whatever',
  'right result';
is "$dom", '<b>whatever</b>', 'right result';
is $dom->at('b')->strip, 'whatever', 'right result';
is $dom->strip,  'whatever', 'right result';
is $dom->remove, '',         'right result';
is $dom->find(':not(div):not(i):not(u)')->map('strip')->first->root,
  'A<div>BCD<i><u>E</u></i>FG<div>H</div></div>I', 'right result';
is $dom->at('i')->to_string, '<i><u>E</u></i>', 'right result';
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new('<div><div>A</div><div>B</div>C</div>');
is $dom->at('div')->at('div')->text, 'A', 'right text';
is "$dom", '<div>ABC</div>', 'right result';

# Replace element content
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new('<div>foo<p>lalala</p>bar</div>');
is $dom->at('p')->content('bar'), '<p>bar</p>', 'right result';
is "$dom", '<div>foo<p>bar</p>bar</div>', 'right result';
is "$dom", '<div>foo<p>text</p>bar</div>', 'right result';
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new('<div>foo</div><div>bar</div>');
$dom->find('div')->each(sub { shift->content('<p>test</p>') });
is "$dom", '<div><p>test</p></div><div><p>test</p></div>', 'right result';
$dom->find('p')->each(sub { shift->content('') });
is "$dom", '<div><p></p></div><div><p></p></div>', 'right result';
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new('<div><p id="☃" /></div>');
is "$dom", '<div><p id="☃">♥</p></div>', 'right result';
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new('<div>foo<p>lalala</p>bar</div>');
is "$dom", '♥', 'right result';
is $dom->content('<div>foo<p>lalala</p>bar</div>'),
  '<div>foo<p>lalala</p>bar</div>', 'right result';
is "$dom", '<div>foo<p>lalala</p>bar</div>', 'right result';
is $dom->content(''), '', 'no result';
is "$dom", '', 'no result';
is "$dom", '<div>foo<p>lalala</p>bar</div>', 'right result';
is $dom->at('p')->content(''), '<p></p>', 'right result';

# Mixed search and tree walk
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(<<EOF);
my @data;
for my $tr ($dom->find('table tr')->each) {
  for my $td (@{$tr->children}) {
    push @data, $td->tag, $td->all_text;
is $data[0], 'td',    'right tag';
is $data[1], 'text1', 'right text';
is $data[2], 'td',    'right tag';
is $data[3], 'text2', 'right text';
is $data[4], undef,   'no tag';

$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(<<EOF);
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rss xmlns:atom="" version="2.0">
    <title>Test Blog</title>
      <pubDate>Mon, 12 Jul 2010 20:42:00</pubDate>
      <my:extension foo:id="works">
ok $dom->xml, 'XML mode detected';
is $dom->find('rss')->[0]->attr('version'), '2.0', 'right version';
is_deeply [$dom->at('title')->ancestors->map('tag')->each], [qw(channel rss)],
  'right results';
is $dom->at('extension')->attr('foo:id'), 'works', 'right id';
like $dom->at('#works')->text,       qr/\[awesome\]\]/, 'right text';
like $dom->at('[id="works"]')->text, qr/\[awesome\]\]/, 'right text';
is $dom->find('description')->[1]->text, "\n        <p>trololololo>\n      ",
  'right text';
is $dom->at('pubDate')->text,        'Mon, 12 Jul 2010 20:42:00', 'right text';
like $dom->at('[id*="ork"]')->text,  qr/\[awesome\]\]/,           'right text';
like $dom->at('[id*="orks"]')->text, qr/\[awesome\]\]/,           'right text';
like $dom->at('[id*="work"]')->text, qr/\[awesome\]\]/,           'right text';
like $dom->at('[id*="or"]')->text,   qr/\[awesome\]\]/,           'right text';
ok $dom->at('rss')->xml,             'XML mode active';
ok $dom->at('extension')->parent->xml, 'XML mode active';
ok $dom->at('extension')->root->xml,   'XML mode active';
ok $dom->children('rss')->first->xml,  'XML mode active';
ok $dom->at('title')->ancestors->first->xml, 'XML mode active';

# Namespace
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(<<EOF);
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<bk:book xmlns='uri:default-ns'
  <bk:title>Programming Perl</bk:title>
  <nons xmlns=''>
  <meta xmlns='uri:meta-ns'>
ok $dom->xml, 'XML mode detected';
is $dom->namespace, undef, 'no namespace';
is $dom->at('book comment')->namespace, 'uri:default-ns', 'right namespace';
is $dom->at('book comment')->text,      'rocks!',         'right text';
is $dom->at('book nons section')->namespace, '',            'no namespace';
is $dom->at('book nons section')->text,      'Nothing',     'right text';
is $dom->at('book meta number')->namespace,  'uri:isbn-ns', 'right namespace';
is $dom->at('book meta number')->text, '978-0596000271', 'right text';
is $dom->children('bk\:book')->first->{xmlns}, 'uri:default-ns',
  'right attribute';
is $dom->children('book')->first->{xmlns}, 'uri:default-ns', 'right attribute';
is $dom->children('k\:book')->first, undef, 'no result';
is $dom->children('ook')->first,     undef, 'no result';
is $dom->at('k\:book'), undef, 'no result';
is $dom->at('ook'),     undef, 'no result';
is $dom->at('[xmlns\:bk]')->{'xmlns:bk'}, 'uri:book-ns', 'right attribute';
is $dom->at('[bk]')->{'xmlns:bk'},        'uri:book-ns', 'right attribute';
is $dom->at('[bk]')->attr('xmlns:bk'), 'uri:book-ns', 'right attribute';
is $dom->at('[bk]')->attr('s:bk'),     undef,         'no attribute';
is $dom->at('[bk]')->attr('bk'),       undef,         'no attribute';
is $dom->at('[bk]')->attr('k'),        undef,         'no attribute';
is $dom->at('[s\:bk]'), undef, 'no result';
is $dom->at('[k]'),     undef, 'no result';
is $dom->at('number')->ancestors('meta')->first->{xmlns}, 'uri:meta-ns',
  'right attribute';
ok $dom->at('nons')->matches('book > nons'), 'element did match';
ok !$dom->at('title')->matches('book > nons > section'),
  'element did not match';

# Dots
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(<<EOF);
<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <bar xmlns:fooxbar="uri:second">
is $dom->at('foo bar baz')->text,    "First\n    ", 'right text';
is $dom->at('baz')->namespace,       'uri:first',   'right namespace';
is $dom->at('foo bar ya\.da')->text, "Second\n  ",  'right text';
is $dom->at('ya\.da')->namespace,    'uri:second',  'right namespace';
is $dom->at('foo')->namespace,       undef,         'no namespace';
is $dom->at('[xml\.s]'), undef, 'no result';
is $dom->at('b\.z'),     undef, 'no result';

# Yadis
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(<<'EOF');
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<XRDS xmlns="xri://$xrds">
  <XRD xmlns="xri://$xrd*($v*2.0)">
ok $dom->xml, 'XML mode detected';
is $dom->at('XRDS')->namespace, 'xri://$xrds',         'right namespace';
is $dom->at('XRD')->namespace,  'xri://$xrd*($v*2.0)', 'right namespace';
my $s = $dom->find('XRDS XRD Service');
is $s->[0]->at('Type')->text, 'http://o.r.g/sso/2.0', 'right text';
is $s->[0]->namespace, 'xri://$xrd*($v*2.0)', 'right namespace';
is $s->[1]->at('Type')->text, 'http://o.r.g/sso/1.0', 'right text';
is $s->[1]->namespace, 'xri://$xrd*($v*2.0)', 'right namespace';
is $s->[2], undef, 'no result';
is $s->size, 2, 'right number of elements';

# Yadis (roundtrip with namespace)
my $yadis = <<'EOF';
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xrds:XRDS xmlns="xri://$xrd*($v*2.0)" xmlns:xrds="xri://$xrds">
      <Type test="23">http://o.r.g/sso/2.0</Type>
      <Type Test="23" test="24">http://o.r.g/sso/1.0</Type>
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new($yadis);
ok $dom->xml, 'XML mode detected';
is $dom->at('XRDS')->namespace, 'xri://$xrds',         'right namespace';
is $dom->at('XRD')->namespace,  'xri://$xrd*($v*2.0)', 'right namespace';
$s = $dom->find('XRDS XRD Service');
is $s->[0]->at('Type')->text, 'http://o.r.g/sso/3.0', 'right text';
is $s->[0]->namespace, 'xri://$xrd*($v*2.0)', 'right namespace';
is $s->[1]->at('Type')->text, 'http://o.r.g/sso/4.0', 'right text';
is $s->[1]->namespace, 'xri://$xrds', 'right namespace';
is $s->[2]->at('Type')->text, 'http://o.r.g/sso/2.0', 'right text';
is $s->[2]->namespace, 'xri://$xrd*($v*2.0)', 'right namespace';
is $s->[3]->at('Type')->text, 'http://o.r.g/sso/1.0', 'right text';
is $s->[3]->namespace, 'xri://$xrd*($v*2.0)', 'right namespace';
is $s->[4], undef, 'no result';
is $s->size, 4, 'right number of elements';
is $dom->at('[Test="23"]')->text, 'http://o.r.g/sso/1.0', 'right text';
is $dom->at('[test="23"]')->text, 'http://o.r.g/sso/2.0', 'right text';
is $dom->find('xrds\:Service > Type')->[0]->text, 'http://o.r.g/sso/4.0',
  'right text';
is $dom->find('xrds\:Service > Type')->[1], undef, 'no result';
is $dom->find('xrds\3AService > Type')->[0]->text, 'http://o.r.g/sso/4.0',
  'right text';
is $dom->find('xrds\3AService > Type')->[1], undef, 'no result';
is $dom->find('xrds\3A Service > Type')->[0]->text, 'http://o.r.g/sso/4.0',
  'right text';
is $dom->find('xrds\3A Service > Type')->[1], undef, 'no result';
is $dom->find('xrds\00003AService > Type')->[0]->text, 'http://o.r.g/sso/4.0',
  'right text';
is $dom->find('xrds\00003AService > Type')->[1], undef, 'no result';
is $dom->find('xrds\00003A Service > Type')->[0]->text, 'http://o.r.g/sso/4.0',
  'right text';
is $dom->find('xrds\00003A Service > Type')->[1], undef, 'no result';
is "$dom", $yadis, 'successful roundtrip';

# Result and iterator order
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new('<a><b>1</b></a><b>2</b><b>3</b>');
my @numbers;
$dom->find('b')->each(sub { push @numbers, pop, shift->text });
is_deeply \@numbers, [1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3], 'right order';

# Attributes on multiple lines
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new("<div test=23 id='a' \n class='x' foo=bar />");
is $dom->at('div.x')->attr('test'),        23,  'right attribute';
is $dom->at('[foo="bar"]')->attr('class'), 'x', 'right attribute';
is $dom->at('div')->attr(baz => undef)->root->to_string,
  '<div baz class="x" foo="bar" id="a" test="23"></div>', 'right result';

# Markup characters in attribute values
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(qq{<div id="<a>" \n test='='>Test<div id='><' /></div>});
is $dom->at('div[id="<a>"]')->attr->{test}, '=', 'right attribute';
is $dom->at('[id="<a>"]')->text, 'Test', 'right text';
is $dom->at('[id="><"]')->attr->{id}, '><', 'right attribute';

# Empty attributes
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(qq{<div test="" test2='' />});
is $dom->at('div')->attr->{test},  '', 'empty attribute value';
is $dom->at('div')->attr->{test2}, '', 'empty attribute value';
is $dom->at('[test]')->tag,  'div', 'right tag';
is $dom->at('[test2]')->tag, 'div', 'right tag';
is $dom->at('[test3]'), undef, 'no result';
is $dom->at('[test=""]')->tag,  'div', 'right tag';
is $dom->at('[test2=""]')->tag, 'div', 'right tag';
is $dom->at('[test3=""]'), undef, 'no result';

# Multi-line attribute
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(qq{<div class="line1\nline2" />});
is $dom->at('div')->attr->{class}, "line1\nline2", 'multi-line attribute value';
is $dom->at('.line1')->tag, 'div', 'right tag';
is $dom->at('.line2')->tag, 'div', 'right tag';
is $dom->at('.line3'), undef, 'no result';

# Entities in attributes
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(qq{<a href="/?foo&lt=bar"></a>});
is $dom->at('a')->{href}, '/?foo&lt=bar', 'right attribute value';
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(qq{<a href="/?f&ltoo=bar"></a>});
is $dom->at('a')->{href}, '/?f&ltoo=bar', 'right attribute value';
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(qq{<a href="/?f&lt-oo=bar"></a>});
is $dom->at('a')->{href}, '/?f<-oo=bar', 'right attribute value';
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(qq{<a href="/?foo=&lt"></a>});
is $dom->at('a')->{href}, '/?foo=<', 'right attribute value';
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(qq{<a href="/?f&lt;oo=bar"></a>});
is $dom->at('a')->{href}, '/?f<oo=bar', 'right attribute value';

# Whitespaces before closing bracket
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new('<div >content</div>');
ok $dom->at('div'), 'tag found';
is $dom->at('div')->text,    'content', 'right text';
is $dom->at('div')->content, 'content', 'right text';

# Class with hyphen
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new('<div class="a">A</div><div class="a-1">A1</div>');
@div = ();
$dom->find('.a')->each(sub { push @div, shift->text });
is_deeply \@div, ['A'], 'found first element only';
@div = ();
$dom->find('.a-1')->each(sub { push @div, shift->text });
is_deeply \@div, ['A1'], 'found last element only';

# Defined but false text
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(
  '<div><div id="a">A</div><div id="b">B</div></div><div id="0">0</div>');
@div = ();
$dom->find('div[id]')->each(sub { push @div, shift->text });
is_deeply \@div, [qw(A B 0)], 'found all div elements with id';

# Empty tags
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new('<hr /><br/><br id="br"/><br />');
is "$dom", '<hr><br><br id="br"><br>', 'right result';
is $dom->at('br')->content, '', 'empty result';

# Inner XML
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new('<a>xxx<x>x</x>xxx</a>');
is $dom->at('a')->content, 'xxx<x>x</x>xxx', 'right result';
is $dom->content, '<a>xxx<x>x</x>xxx</a>', 'right result';

# Multiple selectors
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(
  '<div id="a">A</div><div id="b">B</div><div id="c">C</div><p>D</p>');
@div = ();
$dom->find('p, div')->each(sub { push @div, shift->text });
is_deeply \@div, [qw(A B C D)], 'found all elements';
@div = ();
$dom->find('#a, #c')->each(sub { push @div, shift->text });
is_deeply \@div, [qw(A C)], 'found all div elements with the right ids';
@div = ();
$dom->find('div#a, div#b')->each(sub { push @div, shift->text });
is_deeply \@div, [qw(A B)], 'found all div elements with the right ids';
@div = ();
$dom->find('div[id="a"], div[id="c"]')->each(sub { push @div, shift->text });
is_deeply \@div, [qw(A C)], 'found all div elements with the right ids';
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(
  '<div id="☃">A</div><div id="b">B</div><div id="♥x">C</div>');
@div = ();
$dom->find('#☃, #♥x')->each(sub { push @div, shift->text });
is_deeply \@div, [qw(A C)], 'found all div elements with the right ids';
@div = ();
$dom->find('div#☃, div#b')->each(sub { push @div, shift->text });
is_deeply \@div, [qw(A B)], 'found all div elements with the right ids';
@div = ();
$dom->find('div[id="☃"], div[id="♥x"]')
  ->each(sub { push @div, shift->text });
is_deeply \@div, [qw(A C)], 'found all div elements with the right ids';

# Multiple attributes
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(<<EOF);
<div foo="bar" bar="baz">A</div>
<div foo="bar">B</div>
<div foo="bar" bar="baz">C</div>
<div foo="baz" bar="baz">D</div>
@div = ();
$dom->find('div[foo="bar"][bar="baz"]')->each(sub { push @div, shift->text });
is_deeply \@div, [qw(A C)], 'found all div elements with the right atributes';
@div = ();
$dom->find('div[foo^="b"][foo$="r"]')->each(sub { push @div, shift->text });
is_deeply \@div, [qw(A B C)], 'found all div elements with the right atributes';
is $dom->at('[foo="bar"]')->previous, undef, 'no previous sibling';
is $dom->at('[foo="bar"]')->next->text, 'B', 'right text';
is $dom->at('[foo="bar"]')->next->previous->text, 'A', 'right text';
is $dom->at('[foo="bar"]')->next->next->next->next, undef, 'no next sibling';

# Pseudo-classes
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(<<EOF);
<form action="/foo">
    <input type="text" name="user" value="test" />
    <input type="checkbox" checked="checked" name="groovy">
    <select name="a">
        <option value="b">b</option>
        <optgroup label="c">
            <option value="d">d</option>
            <option selected="selected" value="e">E</option>
            <option value="f">f</option>
        <option value="g">g</option>
        <option selected value="h">H</option>
    <input type="submit" value="Ok!" />
    <input type="checkbox" checked name="I">
    <p id="content">test 123</p>
    <p id="no_content"><? test ?><!-- 123 --></p>
is $dom->find(':root')->[0]->tag,     'form', 'right tag';
is $dom->find('*:root')->[0]->tag,    'form', 'right tag';
is $dom->find('form:root')->[0]->tag, 'form', 'right tag';
is $dom->find(':root')->[1], undef, 'no result';
is $dom->find(':checked')->[0]->attr->{name},        'groovy', 'right name';
is $dom->find('option:checked')->[0]->attr->{value}, 'e',      'right value';
is $dom->find(':checked')->[1]->text,  'E', 'right text';
is $dom->find('*:checked')->[1]->text, 'E', 'right text';
is $dom->find(':checked')->[2]->text,  'H', 'right name';
is $dom->find(':checked')->[3]->attr->{name}, 'I', 'right name';
is $dom->find(':checked')->[4], undef, 'no result';
is $dom->find('option[selected]')->[0]->attr->{value}, 'e', 'right value';
is $dom->find('option[selected]')->[1]->text, 'H', 'right text';
is $dom->find('option[selected]')->[2], undef, 'no result';
is $dom->find(':checked[value="e"]')->[0]->text,       'E', 'right text';
is $dom->find('*:checked[value="e"]')->[0]->text,      'E', 'right text';
is $dom->find('option:checked[value="e"]')->[0]->text, 'E', 'right text';
is $dom->at('optgroup option:checked[value="e"]')->text, 'E', 'right text';
is $dom->at('select option:checked[value="e"]')->text,   'E', 'right text';
is $dom->at('select :checked[value="e"]')->text,         'E', 'right text';
is $dom->at('optgroup > :checked[value="e"]')->text,     'E', 'right text';
is $dom->at('select *:checked[value="e"]')->text,        'E', 'right text';
is $dom->at('optgroup > *:checked[value="e"]')->text,    'E', 'right text';
is $dom->find(':checked[value="e"]')->[1], undef, 'no result';
is $dom->find(':empty')->[0]->attr->{name},      'user', 'right name';
is $dom->find('input:empty')->[0]->attr->{name}, 'user', 'right name';
is $dom->at(':empty[type^="ch"]')->attr->{name}, 'groovy',  'right name';
is $dom->at('p')->attr->{id},                    'content', 'right attribute';
is $dom->at('p:empty')->attr->{id}, 'no_content', 'right attribute';

# More pseudo-classes
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(<<EOF);
my @li;
$dom->find('li:nth-child(odd)')->each(sub { push @li, shift->text });
is_deeply \@li, [qw(A C E G)], 'found all odd li elements';
@li = ();
$dom->find('li:NTH-CHILD(ODD)')->each(sub { push @li, shift->text });
is_deeply \@li, [qw(A C E G)], 'found all odd li elements';
@li = ();
$dom->find('li:nth-last-child(odd)')->each(sub { push @li, shift->text });
is_deeply \@li, [qw(B D F H)], 'found all odd li elements';
is $dom->find(':nth-child(odd)')->[0]->tag,      'ul', 'right tag';
is $dom->find(':nth-child(odd)')->[1]->text,     'A',  'right text';
is $dom->find(':nth-child(1)')->[0]->tag,        'ul', 'right tag';
is $dom->find(':nth-child(1)')->[1]->text,       'A',  'right text';
is $dom->find(':nth-last-child(odd)')->[0]->tag, 'ul', 'right tag';
is $dom->find(':nth-last-child(odd)')->last->text, 'H', 'right text';
is $dom->find(':nth-last-child(1)')->[0]->tag,  'ul', 'right tag';
is $dom->find(':nth-last-child(1)')->[1]->text, 'H',  'right text';
@li = ();
$dom->find('li:nth-child(2n+1)')->each(sub { push @li, shift->text });
is_deeply \@li, [qw(A C E G)], 'found all odd li elements';
@li = ();
$dom->find('li:nth-child(2n + 1)')->each(sub { push @li, shift->text });
is_deeply \@li, [qw(A C E G)], 'found all odd li elements';
@li = ();
$dom->find('li:nth-last-child(2n+1)')->each(sub { push @li, shift->text });
is_deeply \@li, [qw(B D F H)], 'found all odd li elements';
@li = ();
$dom->find('li:nth-child(even)')->each(sub { push @li, shift->text });
is_deeply \@li, [qw(B D F H)], 'found all even li elements';
@li = ();
$dom->find('li:NTH-CHILD(EVEN)')->each(sub { push @li, shift->text });
is_deeply \@li, [qw(B D F H)], 'found all even li elements';
@li = ();
$dom->find('li:nth-last-child( even )')->each(sub { push @li, shift->text });
is_deeply \@li, [qw(A C E G)], 'found all even li elements';
@li = ();
$dom->find('li:nth-child(2n+2)')->each(sub { push @li, shift->text });
is_deeply \@li, [qw(B D F H)], 'found all even li elements';
@li = ();
$dom->find('li:nTh-chILd(2N+2)')->each(sub { push @li, shift->text });
is_deeply \@li, [qw(B D F H)], 'found all even li elements';
@li = ();
$dom->find('li:nth-child( 2n + 2 )')->each(sub { push @li, shift->text });
is_deeply \@li, [qw(B D F H)], 'found all even li elements';
@li = ();
$dom->find('li:nth-last-child(2n+2)')->each(sub { push @li, shift->text });
is_deeply \@li, [qw(A C E G)], 'found all even li elements';
@li = ();
$dom->find('li:nth-child(4n+1)')->each(sub { push @li, shift->text });
is_deeply \@li, [qw(A E)], 'found the right li elements';
@li = ();
$dom->find('li:nth-last-child(4n+1)')->each(sub { push @li, shift->text });
is_deeply \@li, [qw(D H)], 'found the right li elements';
@li = ();
$dom->find('li:nth-child(4n+4)')->each(sub { push @li, shift->text });
is_deeply \@li, [qw(D H)], 'found the right li elements';
@li = ();
$dom->find('li:nth-last-child(4n+4)')->each(sub { push @li, shift->text });
is_deeply \@li, [qw(A E)], 'found the right li elements';
@li = ();
$dom->find('li:nth-child(4n)')->each(sub { push @li, shift->text });
is_deeply \@li, [qw(D H)], 'found the right li elements';
@li = ();
$dom->find('li:nth-child( 4n )')->each(sub { push @li, shift->text });
is_deeply \@li, [qw(D H)], 'found the right li elements';
@li = ();
$dom->find('li:nth-last-child(4n)')->each(sub { push @li, shift->text });
is_deeply \@li, [qw(A E)], 'found the right li elements';
@li = ();
$dom->find('li:nth-child(5n-2)')->each(sub { push @li, shift->text });
is_deeply \@li, [qw(C H)], 'found the right li elements';
@li = ();
$dom->find('li:nth-child( 5n - 2 )')->each(sub { push @li, shift->text });
is_deeply \@li, [qw(C H)], 'found the right li elements';
@li = ();
$dom->find('li:nth-last-child(5n-2)')->each(sub { push @li, shift->text });
is_deeply \@li, [qw(A F)], 'found the right li elements';
@li = ();
$dom->find('li:nth-child(-n+3)')->each(sub { push @li, shift->text });
is_deeply \@li, [qw(A B C)], 'found first three li elements';
@li = ();
$dom->find('li:nth-child( -n + 3 )')->each(sub { push @li, shift->text });
is_deeply \@li, [qw(A B C)], 'found first three li elements';
@li = ();
$dom->find('li:nth-last-child(-n+3)')->each(sub { push @li, shift->text });
is_deeply \@li, [qw(F G H)], 'found last three li elements';
@li = ();
$dom->find('li:nth-child(-1n+3)')->each(sub { push @li, shift->text });
is_deeply \@li, [qw(A B C)], 'found first three li elements';
@li = ();
$dom->find('li:nth-last-child(-1n+3)')->each(sub { push @li, shift->text });
is_deeply \@li, [qw(F G H)], 'found first three li elements';
@li = ();
$dom->find('li:nth-child(3n)')->each(sub { push @li, shift->text });
is_deeply \@li, [qw(C F)], 'found every third li elements';
@li = ();
$dom->find('li:nth-last-child(3n)')->each(sub { push @li, shift->text });
is_deeply \@li, [qw(C F)], 'found every third li elements';
@li = ();
$dom->find('li:NTH-LAST-CHILD(3N)')->each(sub { push @li, shift->text });
is_deeply \@li, [qw(C F)], 'found every third li elements';
@li = ();
$dom->find('li:Nth-Last-Child(3N)')->each(sub { push @li, shift->text });
is_deeply \@li, [qw(C F)], 'found every third li elements';
@li = ();
$dom->find('li:nth-child( 3 )')->each(sub { push @li, shift->text });
is_deeply \@li, ['C'], 'found third li element';
@li = ();
$dom->find('li:nth-last-child( +3 )')->each(sub { push @li, shift->text });
is_deeply \@li, ['F'], 'found third last li element';
@li = ();
$dom->find('li:nth-child(1n+0)')->each(sub { push @li, shift->text });
is_deeply \@li, [qw(A B C D E F G)], 'found all li elements';
@li = ();
$dom->find('li:nth-child(1n-0)')->each(sub { push @li, shift->text });
is_deeply \@li, [qw(A B C D E F G)], 'found all li elements';
@li = ();
$dom->find('li:nth-child(n+0)')->each(sub { push @li, shift->text });
is_deeply \@li, [qw(A B C D E F G)], 'found all li elements';
@li = ();
$dom->find('li:nth-child(n)')->each(sub { push @li, shift->text });
is_deeply \@li, [qw(A B C D E F G)], 'found all li elements';
@li = ();
$dom->find('li:nth-child(n+0)')->each(sub { push @li, shift->text });
is_deeply \@li, [qw(A B C D E F G)], 'found all li elements';
@li = ();
$dom->find('li:NTH-CHILD(N+0)')->each(sub { push @li, shift->text });
is_deeply \@li, [qw(A B C D E F G)], 'found all li elements';
@li = ();
$dom->find('li:Nth-Child(N+0)')->each(sub { push @li, shift->text });
is_deeply \@li, [qw(A B C D E F G)], 'found all li elements';
@li = ();
$dom->find('li:nth-child(n)')->each(sub { push @li, shift->text });
is_deeply \@li, [qw(A B C D E F G)], 'found all li elements';
@li = ();
$dom->find('li:nth-child(0n+1)')->each(sub { push @li, shift->text });
is_deeply \@li, [qw(A)], 'found first li element';
is $dom->find('li:nth-child(0n+0)')->size,     0, 'no results';
is $dom->find('li:nth-child(0)')->size,        0, 'no results';
is $dom->find('li:nth-child()')->size,         0, 'no results';
is $dom->find('li:nth-child(whatever)')->size, 0, 'no results';
is $dom->find('li:whatever(whatever)')->size,  0, 'no results';

# Even more pseudo-classes
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(<<EOF);
    <li class="test ♥">C</li>
    <div class="☃">J</div>
    <a href="">Mojo!</a>
    <div class="☃">K</div>
    <a href="">Mojolicious!</a>
my @e;
$dom->find('ul :nth-child(odd)')->each(sub { push @e, shift->text });
is_deeply \@e, [qw(A C E G I)], 'found all odd elements';
@e = ();
$dom->find('li:nth-of-type(odd)')->each(sub { push @e, shift->text });
is_deeply \@e, [qw(A E H)], 'found all odd li elements';
@e = ();
$dom->find('li:nth-last-of-type( odd )')->each(sub { push @e, shift->text });
is_deeply \@e, [qw(C F I)], 'found all odd li elements';
@e = ();
$dom->find('p:nth-of-type(odd)')->each(sub { push @e, shift->text });
is_deeply \@e, [qw(B G)], 'found all odd p elements';
@e = ();
$dom->find('p:nth-last-of-type(odd)')->each(sub { push @e, shift->text });
is_deeply \@e, [qw(B G)], 'found all odd li elements';
@e = ();
$dom->find('ul :nth-child(1)')->each(sub { push @e, shift->text });
is_deeply \@e, ['A'], 'found first child';
@e = ();
$dom->find('ul :first-child')->each(sub { push @e, shift->text });
is_deeply \@e, ['A'], 'found first child';
@e = ();
$dom->find('p:nth-of-type(1)')->each(sub { push @e, shift->text });
is_deeply \@e, ['B'], 'found first child';
@e = ();
$dom->find('p:first-of-type')->each(sub { push @e, shift->text });
is_deeply \@e, ['B'], 'found first child';
@e = ();
$dom->find('li:nth-of-type(1)')->each(sub { push @e, shift->text });
is_deeply \@e, ['A'], 'found first child';
@e = ();
$dom->find('li:first-of-type')->each(sub { push @e, shift->text });
is_deeply \@e, ['A'], 'found first child';
@e = ();
$dom->find('ul :nth-last-child(-n+1)')->each(sub { push @e, shift->text });
is_deeply \@e, ['I'], 'found last child';
@e = ();
$dom->find('ul :last-child')->each(sub { push @e, shift->text });
is_deeply \@e, ['I'], 'found last child';
@e = ();
$dom->find('p:nth-last-of-type(-n+1)')->each(sub { push @e, shift->text });
is_deeply \@e, ['G'], 'found last child';
@e = ();
$dom->find('p:last-of-type')->each(sub { push @e, shift->text });
is_deeply \@e, ['G'], 'found last child';
@e = ();
$dom->find('li:nth-last-of-type(-n+1)')->each(sub { push @e, shift->text });
is_deeply \@e, ['I'], 'found last child';
@e = ();
$dom->find('li:last-of-type')->each(sub { push @e, shift->text });
is_deeply \@e, ['I'], 'found last child';
@e = ();
$dom->find('ul :nth-child(-n+3):not(li)')->each(sub { push @e, shift->text });
is_deeply \@e, ['B'], 'found first p element';
@e = ();
$dom->find('ul :nth-child(-n+3):NOT(li)')->each(sub { push @e, shift->text });
is_deeply \@e, ['B'], 'found first p element';
@e = ();
$dom->find('ul :nth-child(-n+3):not(:first-child)')
  ->each(sub { push @e, shift->text });
is_deeply \@e, [qw(B C)], 'found second and third element';
@e = ();
$dom->find('ul :nth-child(-n+3):not(.♥)')->each(sub { push @e, shift->text });
is_deeply \@e, [qw(A B)], 'found first and second element';
@e = ();
$dom->find('ul :nth-child(-n+3):not([class$="♥"])')
  ->each(sub { push @e, shift->text });
is_deeply \@e, [qw(A B)], 'found first and second element';
@e = ();
$dom->find('ul :nth-child(-n+3):not(li[class$="♥"])')
  ->each(sub { push @e, shift->text });
is_deeply \@e, [qw(A B)], 'found first and second element';
@e = ();
$dom->find('ul :nth-child(-n+3):not([class$="♥"][class^="test"])')
  ->each(sub { push @e, shift->text });
is_deeply \@e, [qw(A B)], 'found first and second element';
@e = ();
$dom->find('ul :nth-child(-n+3):not(*[class$="♥"])')
  ->each(sub { push @e, shift->text });
is_deeply \@e, [qw(A B)], 'found first and second element';
@e = ();
$dom->find('ul :nth-child(-n+3):not(:nth-child(-n+2))')
  ->each(sub { push @e, shift->text });
is_deeply \@e, ['C'], 'found third element';
@e = ();
$dom->find('ul :nth-child(-n+3):not(:nth-child(1)):not(:nth-child(2))')
  ->each(sub { push @e, shift->text });
is_deeply \@e, ['C'], 'found third element';
@e = ();
$dom->find(':only-child')->each(sub { push @e, shift->text });
is_deeply \@e, ['J'], 'found only child';
@e = ();
$dom->find('div :only-of-type')->each(sub { push @e, shift->text });
is_deeply \@e, [qw(J K)], 'found only child';
@e = ();
$dom->find('div:only-child')->each(sub { push @e, shift->text });
is_deeply \@e, ['J'], 'found only child';
@e = ();
$dom->find('div div:only-of-type')->each(sub { push @e, shift->text });
is_deeply \@e, [qw(J K)], 'found only child';

# Sibling combinator
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(<<EOF);
<p id="♥">E</p>
<p id="☃">F<b>H</b></p>
is $dom->at('li ~ p')->text,       'B', 'right text';
is $dom->at('li + p')->text,       'B', 'right text';
is $dom->at('h1 ~ p ~ p')->text,   'F', 'right text';
is $dom->at('h1 + p ~ p')->text,   'F', 'right text';
is $dom->at('h1 ~ p + p')->text,   'F', 'right text';
is $dom->at('h1 + p + p')->text,   'F', 'right text';
is $dom->at('h1  +  p+p')->text,   'F', 'right text';
is $dom->at('ul > li ~ li')->text, 'C', 'right text';
is $dom->at('ul li ~ li')->text,   'C', 'right text';
is $dom->at('ul>li~li')->text,     'C', 'right text';
is $dom->at('ul li li'),     undef, 'no result';
is $dom->at('ul ~ li ~ li'), undef, 'no result';
is $dom->at('ul + li ~ li'), undef, 'no result';
is $dom->at('ul > li + li'), undef, 'no result';
is $dom->at('h1 ~ div')->text, 'G', 'right text';
is $dom->at('h1 + div'), undef, 'no result';
is $dom->at('p + div')->text,               'G', 'right text';
is $dom->at('ul + h1 + p + p + div')->text, 'G', 'right text';
is $dom->at('ul + h1 ~ p + div')->text,     'G', 'right text';
is $dom->at('h1 ~ #♥')->text,             'E', 'right text';
is $dom->at('h1 + #♥')->text,             'E', 'right text';
is $dom->at('#♥~#☃')->text,             'F', 'right text';
is $dom->at('#♥+#☃')->text,             'F', 'right text';
is $dom->at('#♥+#☃>b')->text,           'H', 'right text';
is $dom->at('#♥ > #☃'), undef, 'no result';
is $dom->at('#♥ #☃'),   undef, 'no result';
is $dom->at('#♥ + #☃ + :nth-last-child(1)')->text,  'G', 'right text';
is $dom->at('#♥ ~ #☃ + :nth-last-child(1)')->text,  'G', 'right text';
is $dom->at('#♥ + #☃ ~ :nth-last-child(1)')->text,  'G', 'right text';
is $dom->at('#♥ ~ #☃ ~ :nth-last-child(1)')->text,  'G', 'right text';
is $dom->at('#♥ + :nth-last-child(2)')->text,         'F', 'right text';
is $dom->at('#♥ ~ :nth-last-child(2)')->text,         'F', 'right text';
is $dom->at('#♥ + #☃ + *:nth-last-child(1)')->text, 'G', 'right text';
is $dom->at('#♥ ~ #☃ + *:nth-last-child(1)')->text, 'G', 'right text';
is $dom->at('#♥ + #☃ ~ *:nth-last-child(1)')->text, 'G', 'right text';
is $dom->at('#♥ ~ #☃ ~ *:nth-last-child(1)')->text, 'G', 'right text';
is $dom->at('#♥ + *:nth-last-child(2)')->text,        'F', 'right text';
is $dom->at('#♥ ~ *:nth-last-child(2)')->text,        'F', 'right text';

# Adding nodes
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(<<EOF);
is "$dom", <<EOF, 'right result';
is "$dom", <<EOF, 'right result';
is $dom->at('div')->text, 'A-1', 'right text';
is $dom->at('iv'), undef, 'no result';
is $dom->prepend('l')->prepend('alal')->prepend('a')->type, 'root',
  'right type';
is "$dom", <<EOF, 'no changes';
is $dom->append('lalala')->type, 'root', 'right type';
is "$dom", <<EOF, 'no changes';
$dom->find('div')->each(sub { shift->append('works') });
is "$dom", <<EOF, 'right result';
is $dom->at('li')->text, 'A4A3A', 'right text';
is "$dom", <<EOF, 'right result';
$dom->find('li')->[1]->append_content('<p>C2</p>C3')->append_content(' C4')
is $dom->find('li')->[1]->text, 'CC3 C4C5', 'right text';
is "$dom", <<EOF, 'right result';
    <li>C<p>C2</p>C3 C4C5</li>

# Optional "head" and "body" tags
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(<<EOF);
is $dom->at('html > head > title')->text, 'foo',   'right text';
is $dom->at('html > body')->text,         "bar\n", 'right text';

# Optional "li" tag
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(<<EOF);
is $dom->find('ul > li > ol > li')->[0]->text, "F\n      ", 'right text';
is $dom->find('ul > li > ol > li')->[1]->text, "G\n    ",   'right text';
is $dom->find('ul > li')->[1]->text,           'A',         'right text';
is $dom->find('ul > li')->[2]->text,           "B\n  ",     'right text';
is $dom->find('ul > li')->[3]->text,           'C',         'right text';
is $dom->find('ul > li')->[4]->text,           "D\n  ",     'right text';
is $dom->find('ul > li')->[5]->text,           "E\n",       'right text';

# Optional "p" tag
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(<<EOF);
  <p>E<img src="foo.png">
is $dom->find('div > p')->[0]->text, 'A',      'right text';
is $dom->find('div > p')->[1]->text, "B\n  ",  'right text';
is $dom->find('div > p')->[2]->text, 'C',      'right text';
is $dom->find('div > p')->[3]->text, 'D',      'right text';
is $dom->find('div > p')->[4]->text, "E\n  ",  'right text';
is $dom->find('div > p')->[5]->text, "FG\n  ", 'right text';
is $dom->find('div > p')->[6]->text, "H\n",    'right text';
is $dom->find('div > p > p')->[0], undef, 'no results';
is $dom->at('div > p > img')->attr->{src}, 'foo.png', 'right attribute';
is $dom->at('div > div')->text, 'X', 'right text';

# Optional "dt" and "dd" tags
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(<<EOF);
is $dom->find('dl > dt')->[0]->text, 'A',     'right text';
is $dom->find('dl > dd')->[0]->text, "B\n  ", 'right text';
is $dom->find('dl > dt')->[1]->text, 'C',     'right text';
is $dom->find('dl > dd')->[1]->text, "D\n  ", 'right text';
is $dom->find('dl > dt')->[2]->text, "E\n  ", 'right text';
is $dom->find('dl > dd')->[2]->text, "F\n",   'right text';

# Optional "rp" and "rt" tags
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(<<EOF);
is $dom->find('ruby > rp')->[0]->text, 'A',     'right text';
is $dom->find('ruby > rt')->[0]->text, "B\n  ", 'right text';
is $dom->find('ruby > rp')->[1]->text, 'C',     'right text';
is $dom->find('ruby > rt')->[1]->text, "D\n  ", 'right text';
is $dom->find('ruby > rp')->[2]->text, "E\n  ", 'right text';
is $dom->find('ruby > rt')->[2]->text, "F\n\n", 'right text';

# Optional "optgroup" and "option" tags
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(<<EOF);
    <option id="foo">B
is $dom->find('div > optgroup')->[0]->text, "A\n    \n    ", 'right text';
is $dom->find('div > optgroup > #foo')->[0]->text,   "B\n    ", 'right text';
is $dom->find('div > optgroup > option')->[1]->text, 'C',       'right text';
is $dom->find('div > optgroup > option')->[2]->text, "D\n  ",   'right text';
is $dom->find('div > optgroup')->[1]->text,          "E\n    ", 'right text';
is $dom->find('div > optgroup > option')->[3]->text, "F\n  ",   'right text';
is $dom->find('div > optgroup')->[2]->text,          "G\n    ", 'right text';
is $dom->find('div > optgroup > option')->[4]->text, "H\n",     'right text';

# Optional "colgroup" tag
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(<<EOF);
  <col id=morefail>
  <col id=fail>
    <col id=foo>
    <col class=foo>
    <col id=bar>
is $dom->find('table > col')->[0]->attr->{id}, 'morefail', 'right attribute';
is $dom->find('table > col')->[1]->attr->{id}, 'fail',     'right attribute';
is $dom->find('table > colgroup > col')->[0]->attr->{id}, 'foo',
  'right attribute';
is $dom->find('table > colgroup > col')->[1]->attr->{class}, 'foo',
  'right attribute';
is $dom->find('table > colgroup > col')->[2]->attr->{id}, 'bar',
  'right attribute';

# Optional "thead", "tbody", "tfoot", "tr", "th" and "td" tags
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(<<EOF);
is $dom->at('table > thead > tr > th')->text, 'A', 'right text';
is $dom->find('table > thead > tr > th')->[1]->text, "D\n  ", 'right text';
is $dom->at('table > tbody > tr > td')->text, "B\n",   'right text';
is $dom->at('table > tfoot > tr > td')->text, "C\n  ", 'right text';

# Optional "colgroup", "thead", "tbody", "tr", "th" and "td" tags
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(<<EOF);
  <col id=morefail>
  <col id=fail>
    <col id=foo />
    <col class=foo>
    <col id=bar>
is $dom->find('table > col')->[0]->attr->{id}, 'morefail', 'right attribute';
is $dom->find('table > col')->[1]->attr->{id}, 'fail',     'right attribute';
is $dom->find('table > colgroup > col')->[0]->attr->{id}, 'foo',
  'right attribute';
is $dom->find('table > colgroup > col')->[1]->attr->{class}, 'foo',
  'right attribute';
is $dom->find('table > colgroup > col')->[2]->attr->{id}, 'bar',
  'right attribute';
is $dom->at('table > thead > tr > th')->text, 'A', 'right text';
is $dom->find('table > thead > tr > th')->[1]->text, "D\n  ", 'right text';
is $dom->at('table > tbody > tr > td')->text, "B\n  ", 'right text';
is $dom->find('table > tbody > tr > td')->map('text')->join("\n"),
  "B\n  \nE\n", 'right text';

# Optional "colgroup", "tbody", "tr", "th" and "td" tags
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(<<EOF);
    <col id=foo />
    <col class=foo>
    <col id=bar>
is $dom->find('table > colgroup > col')->[0]->attr->{id}, 'foo',
  'right attribute';
is $dom->find('table > colgroup > col')->[1]->attr->{class}, 'foo',
  'right attribute';
is $dom->find('table > colgroup > col')->[2]->attr->{id}, 'bar',
  'right attribute';
is $dom->at('table > tbody > tr > td')->text, "B\n", 'right text';

# Optional "tr" and "td" tags
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(<<EOF);
is $dom->find('table > tr > td')->[0]->text, "A\n      ", 'right text';
is $dom->find('table > tr > td')->[1]->text, 'B',         'right text';
is $dom->find('table > tr > td')->[2]->text, "C\n    ",   'right text';
is $dom->find('table > tr > td')->[3]->text, "D\n",       'right text';

# Real world table
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(<<EOF);
    <title>Real World!</title>
    <p>Just a test
    <table class=RealWorld>
          <th class=one>One
          <th class=two>Two
          <th class=three>Three
          <th class=four>Four
          <td class=alpha>Alpha
          <td class=beta>Beta
          <td class=gamma><a href="#gamma">Gamma</a>
          <td class=delta>Delta
          <td class=alpha>Alpha Two
          <td class=beta>Beta Two
          <td class=gamma><a href="#gamma-two">Gamma Two</a>
          <td class=delta>Delta Two
is $dom->find('html > head > title')->[0]->text, 'Real World!', 'right text';
is $dom->find('html > body > p')->[0]->text, "Just a test\n    ", 'right text';
is $dom->find('p')->[0]->text,               "Just a test\n    ", 'right text';
is $dom->find('thead > tr > .three')->[0]->text, "Three\n          ",
  'right text';
is $dom->find('thead > tr > .four')->[0]->text, "Four\n      ", 'right text';
is $dom->find('tbody > tr > .beta')->[0]->text, "Beta\n          ",
  'right text';
is $dom->find('tbody > tr > .gamma')->[0]->text, "\n          ", 'no text';
is $dom->find('tbody > tr > .gamma > a')->[0]->text, 'Gamma', 'right text';
is $dom->find('tbody > tr > .alpha')->[1]->text, "Alpha Two\n          ",
  'right text';
is $dom->find('tbody > tr > .gamma > a')->[1]->text, 'Gamma Two', 'right text';
my @following
  = $dom->find('tr > td:nth-child(1)')->map(following => ':nth-child(even)')
my $elements = [
  "Beta\n          ",
  "Delta\n        ",
  "Beta Two\n          ",
  "Delta Two\n    "
is_deeply \@following, $elements, 'right results';

# Real world list
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(<<EOF);
    <title>Real World!</title>

is $dom->find('html > head > title')->[0]->text, 'Real World!', 'right text';
is $dom->find('body > ul > li')->[0]->text,
  "\n        Test\n        \n        123\n        ", 'right text';
is $dom->find('body > ul > li > p')->[0]->text, "\n\n      ", 'no text';
is $dom->find('body > ul > li')->[1]->text,
  "\n        Test\n        \n        321\n        ", 'right text';
is $dom->find('body > ul > li > p')->[1]->text, "\n      ", 'no text';
is $dom->find('body > ul > li')->[1]->all_text,
  "\n        Test\n        \n        321\n        \n      ", 'right text';
is $dom->find('body > ul > li > p')->[1]->all_text, "\n      ", 'no text';
is $dom->find('body > ul > li')->[2]->text,
  "\n        Test\n        3\n        2\n        1\n        ", 'right text';
is $dom->find('body > ul > li > p')->[2]->text, "\n    ", 'no text';
is $dom->find('body > ul > li')->[2]->all_text,
  "\n        Test\n        3\n        2\n        1\n        \n    ";
is $dom->find('body > ul > li > p')->[2]->all_text, "\n    ", 'no text';

# Advanced whitespace trimming (punctuation)
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(<<EOF);
    <title>Real World!</title>
    <div>foo <strong>bar</strong>.</div>
    <div>foo<strong>, bar</strong>baz<strong>; yada</strong>.</div>
    <div>foo<strong>: bar</strong>baz<strong>? yada</strong>!</div>
is $dom->find('html > head > title')->[0]->text, 'Real World!', 'right text';
is $dom->find('body > div')->[0]->all_text,      'foo bar.',    'right text';
is $dom->find('body > div')->[1]->all_text, 'foo, barbaz; yada.', 'right text';
is $dom->find('body > div')->[1]->text,     'foobaz.',            'right text';
is $dom->find('body > div')->[2]->all_text, 'foo: barbaz? yada!', 'right text';
is $dom->find('body > div')->[2]->text,     'foobaz!',            'right text';

# Real world JavaScript and CSS
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(<<EOF);
    <style test=works>#style { foo: style('<test>'); }</style>
      if (a < b) {
    < sCriPt two="23" >if (b > c) { alert('&<ohoh>') }< / scRiPt >
is $dom->find('html > body')->[0]->text, 'Foo!', 'right text';
is $dom->find('html > head > style')->[0]->text,
  "#style { foo: style('<test>'); }", 'right text';
is $dom->find('html > head > script')->[0]->text,
  "\n      if (a < b) {\n        alert('<123>');\n      }\n    ", 'right text';
is $dom->find('html > head > script')->[1]->text,
  "if (b > c) { alert('&<ohoh>') }", 'right text';

# More real world JavaScript
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(<<EOF);
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script src="/js/one.js"></script>
    <script src="/js/two.js"></script>
    <script src="/js/three.js"></script>
is $dom->at('title')->text, 'Foo', 'right text';
is $dom->find('html > head > script')->[0]->attr('src'), '/js/one.js',
  'right attribute';
is $dom->find('html > head > script')->[1]->attr('src'), '/js/two.js',
  'right attribute';
is $dom->find('html > head > script')->[2]->attr('src'), '/js/three.js',
  'right attribute';
is $dom->find('html > head > script')->[2]->text, '', 'no text';
is $dom->at('html > body')->text, 'Bar', 'right text';

# Even more real world JavaScript
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(<<EOF);
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script src="/js/one.js"></script>
    <script src="/js/two.js"></script>
    <script src="/js/three.js">
is $dom->at('title')->text, 'Foo', 'right text';
is $dom->find('html > head > script')->[0]->attr('src'), '/js/one.js',
  'right attribute';
is $dom->find('html > head > script')->[1]->attr('src'), '/js/two.js',
  'right attribute';
is $dom->find('html > head > script')->[2]->attr('src'), '/js/three.js',
  'right attribute';
is $dom->find('html > head > script')->[2]->text, "\n  ", 'no text';
is $dom->at('html > body')->text, 'Bar', 'right text';

# Inline DTD
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(<<EOF);
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- This is a Test! -->
<!DOCTYPE root [
  <!ELEMENT root (#PCDATA)>
<root att="test">
ok $dom->xml, 'XML mode detected';
is $dom->at('root')->attr('att'), 'test', 'right attribute';
is $dom->tree->[5][1], ' root [
  <!ELEMENT root (#PCDATA)>
]', 'right doctype';
is $dom->at('root')->text, "\n  <hello>world</hello>\n", 'right text';
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(<<EOF);
<!doctype book
SYSTEM "usr.dtd"
  <!ENTITY test "yeah">
<foo />
is $dom->tree->[1][1], ' book
SYSTEM "usr.dtd"
  <!ENTITY test "yeah">
]', 'right doctype';
ok !$dom->xml, 'XML mode not detected';
is $dom->at('foo'), '<foo></foo>', 'right element';
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(<<EOF);
<?xml version="1.0" encoding = 'utf-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE foo [
  <!ELEMENT foo ANY>
  <!ATTLIST foo xml:lang CDATA #IMPLIED>
  <!ENTITY % e SYSTEM "myentities.ent">
]  >
<foo xml:lang="de">Check!</fOo>
ok $dom->xml, 'XML mode detected';
is $dom->tree->[3][1], ' foo [
  <!ELEMENT foo ANY>
  <!ATTLIST foo xml:lang CDATA #IMPLIED>
  <!ENTITY % e SYSTEM "myentities.ent">
]  ', 'right doctype';
is $dom->at('foo')->attr->{'xml:lang'}, 'de', 'right attribute';
is $dom->at('foo')->text, "Check!\n", 'right text';
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(<<EOF);
<!DOCTYPE TESTSUITE PUBLIC "my.dtd" 'mhhh' [
  <!ELEMENT foo ANY>
  <!ATTLIST foo bar ENTITY 'true'>
  <!ENTITY system_entities SYSTEM 'systems.xml'>
  <!ENTITY leertaste '&#32;'>
  <!-- This is a comment -->
  <!NOTATION hmmm SYSTEM "hmmm">
]   >
<?check for-nothing?>
<foo bar='false'>&leertaste;!!!</foo>
is $dom->tree->[1][1], ' TESTSUITE PUBLIC "my.dtd" \'mhhh\' [
  <!ELEMENT foo ANY>
  <!ATTLIST foo bar ENTITY \'true\'>
  <!ENTITY system_entities SYSTEM \'systems.xml\'>
  <!ENTITY leertaste \'&#32;\'>
  <!-- This is a comment -->
  <!NOTATION hmmm SYSTEM "hmmm">
]   ', 'right doctype';
is $dom->at('foo')->attr('bar'), 'false', 'right attribute';

# Broken "font" block and useless end tags
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(<<EOF);
is $dom->at('html > head > title')->text,          'Test', 'right text';
is $dom->at('html body table tr td > font')->text, 'test', 'right text';

# Different broken "font" block
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(<<EOF);
is $dom->at('html > head > title')->text, 'Test', 'right text';
is $dom->find('html > body > font > table > tr > td')->[0]->text, 'test1',
  'right text';
is $dom->find('html > body > font > table > tr > td')->[1]->text,
  "test2\n    ", 'right text';

# Broken "font" and "div" blocks
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(<<EOF);
is $dom->at('html head title')->text, 'Test', 'right text';
is $dom->at('html body font > div')->text, "test1\n      \n  ", 'right text';
is $dom->at('html body font > div > div')->text, "test2\n    ", 'right text';

# Broken "div" blocks
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(<<EOF);
is $dom->at('html head title')->text,                 'Test', 'right text';
is $dom->at('html body div table tr td > div')->text, 'test', 'right text';

# And another broken "font" block
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(<<EOF);
is $dom->at('html > head > title')->text, 'Test', 'right text';
is $dom->find('html body table tr > td > font')->[0]->text, 'test1',
  'right text';
is $dom->find('html body table tr > td')->[1]->text, 'x1',    'right text';
is $dom->find('html body table tr > td')->[2]->text, 'test2', 'right text';
is $dom->find('html body table tr > td')->[3]->text, 'x2',    'right text';
is $dom->find('html body table tr > td')->[5], undef, 'no result';
is $dom->find('html body table tr > td')->size, 5, 'right number of elements';
is $dom->find('html body table tr > td > font')->[1]->text, 'test3',
  'right text';
is $dom->find('html body table tr > td > font')->[2], undef, 'no result';
is $dom->find('html body table tr > td > font')->size, 2,
  'right number of elements';
is $dom, <<EOF, 'right result';

# A collection of wonderful screwups
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(<<'EOF');
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <head><title>Wonderful Screwups</title></head>
  <body id="screw-up">
      <div class="ewww">
        <a href="/test" target='_blank'><img src="/test.png"></a>
        <a href='/real bad' screwup: http://localhost/bad' target='_blank'>
          <img src="/test2.png">
is $dom->at('#screw-up > b')->text, '>la<>la<<>>la<', 'right text';
is $dom->at('#screw-up .ewww > a > img')->attr('src'), '/test.png',
  'right attribute';
is $dom->find('#screw-up .ewww > a > img')->[1]->attr('src'), '/test2.png',
  'right attribute';
is $dom->find('#screw-up .ewww > a > img')->[2], undef, 'no result';
is $dom->find('#screw-up .ewww > a > img')->size, 2, 'right number of elements';

# Broken "br" tag
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new('<br< abc abc abc abc abc abc abc abc<p>Test</p>');
is $dom->at('p')->text, 'Test', 'right text';

# Modifying an XML document
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(<<'EOF');
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<XMLTest />
ok $dom->xml, 'XML mode detected';
$dom->at('XMLTest')->content('<Element />');
my $element = $dom->at('Element');
is $element->tag, 'Element', 'right tag';
ok $element->xml, 'XML mode active';
$element = $dom->at('XMLTest')->children->[0];
is $element->tag, 'Element', 'right child';
is $element->parent->tag, 'XMLTest', 'right parent';
ok $element->root->xml, 'XML mode active';
$dom->replace('<XMLTest2 /><XMLTest3 just="works" />');
ok $dom->xml, 'XML mode active';
$dom->at('XMLTest2')->{foo} = undef;
is $dom, '<XMLTest2 foo="foo" /><XMLTest3 just="works" />', 'right result';

# Ensure HTML semantics
ok !Mojo::DOM->new->xml(undef)->parse('<?xml version="1.0"?>')->xml,
  'XML mode not detected';
  = Mojo::DOM->new->xml(0)->parse('<?xml version="1.0"?><br><div>Test</div>');
is $dom->at('div:root')->text, 'Test', 'right text';

# Ensure XML semantics
ok !!Mojo::DOM->new->xml(1)->parse('<foo />')->xml, 'XML mode active';
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(<<'EOF');
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
is $dom->find('table > td > tr > thead')->[0]->text, 'foo', 'right text';
is $dom->find('script > table > td > tr > thead')->[1]->text, 'bar',
  'right text';
is $dom->find('table > td > tr > thead')->[2], undef, 'no result';
is $dom->find('table > td > tr > thead')->size, 2, 'right number of elements';

# Ensure XML semantics again
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new->xml(1)->parse(<<'EOF');
is $dom->find('table > td > tr > thead')->[0]->text, 'foo', 'right text';
is $dom->find('table > td > tr > thead')->[1]->text, 'bar', 'right text';
is $dom->find('table > td > tr > thead')->[2], undef, 'no result';
is $dom->find('table > td > tr > thead')->size, 2, 'right number of elements';

# Nested tables
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(<<'EOF');
<table id="foo">
      <table id="bar">
is $dom->find('#foo > tr > td > #bar > tr >td')->[0]->text, 'baz', 'right text';
is $dom->find('table > tr > td > table > tr >td')->[0]->text, 'baz',
  'right text';

# Nested find
my @results;
  sub {
    $_->find('a')->each(sub { push @results, $_->text });
is_deeply \@results, [qw(bar baz yada)], 'right results';
@results = ();
$dom->find('a')->each(sub { push @results, $_->text });
is_deeply \@results, [qw(foo bar baz yada)], 'right results';
@results = ();
  sub {
    $_->find('c a')->each(sub { push @results, $_->text });
is_deeply \@results, [qw(baz yada)], 'right results';
is $dom->at('b')->at('a')->text, 'bar', 'right text';
is $dom->at('c > b > a')->text, 'bar', 'right text';
is $dom->at('b')->at('c > b > a'), undef, 'no result';

# Direct hash access to attributes in XML mode
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new->xml(1)->parse(<<EOF);
<a id="one">
  <B class="two" test>
    <c id="three">bar</c>
    <c ID="four">baz</c>
ok $dom->xml, 'XML mode active';
is $dom->at('a')->{id}, 'one', 'right attribute';
is_deeply [sort keys %{$dom->at('a')}], ['id'], 'right attributes';
is $dom->at('a')->at('B')->text, "\n    foo\n    \n    \n  ", 'right text';
is $dom->at('B')->{class}, 'two', 'right attribute';
is_deeply [sort keys %{$dom->at('a B')}], [qw(class test)], 'right attributes';
is $dom->find('a B c')->[0]->text, 'bar', 'right text';
is $dom->find('a B c')->[0]{id}, 'three', 'right attribute';
is_deeply [sort keys %{$dom->find('a B c')->[0]}], ['id'], 'right attributes';
is $dom->find('a B c')->[1]->text, 'baz', 'right text';
is $dom->find('a B c')->[1]{ID}, 'four', 'right attribute';
is_deeply [sort keys %{$dom->find('a B c')->[1]}], ['ID'], 'right attributes';
is $dom->find('a B c')->[2], undef, 'no result';
is $dom->find('a B c')->size, 2, 'right number of elements';
@results = ();
$dom->find('a B c')->each(sub { push @results, $_->text });
is_deeply \@results, [qw(bar baz)], 'right results';
is $dom->find('a B c')->join("\n"),
  qq{<c id="three">bar</c>\n<c ID="four">baz</c>}, 'right result';
is_deeply [keys %$dom], [], 'root has no attributes';
is $dom->find('#nothing')->join, '', 'no result';

# Direct hash access to attributes in HTML mode
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(<<EOF);
<a id="one">
  <B class="two" test>
    <c id="three">bar</c>
    <c ID="four">baz</c>
ok !$dom->xml, 'XML mode not active';
is $dom->at('a')->{id}, 'one', 'right attribute';
is_deeply [sort keys %{$dom->at('a')}], ['id'], 'right attributes';
is $dom->at('a')->at('b')->text, "\n    foo\n    \n    \n  ", 'right text';
is $dom->at('b')->{class}, 'two', 'right attribute';
is_deeply [sort keys %{$dom->at('a b')}], [qw(class test)], 'right attributes';
is $dom->find('a b c')->[0]->text, 'bar', 'right text';
is $dom->find('a b c')->[0]{id}, 'three', 'right attribute';
is_deeply [sort keys %{$dom->find('a b c')->[0]}], ['id'], 'right attributes';
is $dom->find('a b c')->[1]->text, 'baz', 'right text';
is $dom->find('a b c')->[1]{id}, 'four', 'right attribute';
is_deeply [sort keys %{$dom->find('a b c')->[1]}], ['id'], 'right attributes';
is $dom->find('a b c')->[2], undef, 'no result';
is $dom->find('a b c')->size, 2, 'right number of elements';
@results = ();
$dom->find('a b c')->each(sub { push @results, $_->text });
is_deeply \@results, [qw(bar baz)], 'right results';
is $dom->find('a b c')->join("\n"),
  qq{<c id="three">bar</c>\n<c id="four">baz</c>}, 'right result';
is_deeply [keys %$dom], [], 'root has no attributes';
is $dom->find('#nothing')->join, '', 'no result';

# Append and prepend content
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new('<a><b>Test<c /></b></a>');
$dom->at('b')->append_content('<d />');
is $dom->children->[0]->tag, 'a', 'right tag';
is $dom->all_text, 'Test', 'right text';
is $dom->at('c')->parent->tag, 'b', 'right tag';
is $dom->at('d')->parent->tag, 'b', 'right tag';
is $dom->at('e')->parent->tag, 'b', 'right tag';
is $dom->all_text, 'MojoTest', 'right text';

# Wrap elements
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new('<a>Test</a>');
is "$dom", '<a>Test</a>', 'right result';
is $dom->wrap('<b></b>')->type, 'root', 'right type';
is "$dom", '<a>Test</a>', 'no changes';
is $dom->at('a')->wrap('<b></b>')->type, 'tag', 'right type';
is "$dom", '<b><a>Test</a></b>', 'right result';
is $dom->at('b')->strip->at('a')->wrap('A')->tag, 'a', 'right tag';
is "$dom", '<a>Test</a>', 'right result';
is $dom->at('a')->wrap('<b></b>')->tag, 'a', 'right tag';
is "$dom", '<b><a>Test</a></b>', 'right result';
is $dom->at('a')->wrap('C<c><d>D</d><e>E</e></c>F')->parent->tag, 'd',
  'right tag';
is "$dom", '<b>C<c><d>D<a>Test</a></d><e>E</e></c>F</b>', 'right result';

# Wrap content
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new('<a>Test</a>');
is $dom->at('a')->wrap_content('A')->tag, 'a', 'right tag';
is "$dom", '<a>Test</a>', 'right result';
is $dom->wrap_content('<b></b>')->type, 'root', 'right type';
is "$dom", '<b><a>Test</a></b>', 'right result';
is $dom->at('b')->strip->at('a')->tag('e:a')->wrap_content('1<b c="d"></b>')
  ->tag, 'e:a', 'right tag';
is "$dom", '<e:a>1<b c="d">Test</b></e:a>', 'right result';
is $dom->at('a')->wrap_content('C<c><d>D</d><e>E</e></c>F')->parent->type,
  'root', 'right type';
is "$dom", '<e:a>C<c><d>D1<b c="d">Test</b></d><e>E</e></c>F</e:a>',
  'right result';

# Broken "div" in "td"
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(<<EOF);
    <td><div id="A"></td>
    <td><div id="B"></td>
is $dom->find('table tr td')->[0]->at('div')->{id}, 'A', 'right attribute';
is $dom->find('table tr td')->[1]->at('div')->{id}, 'B', 'right attribute';
is $dom->find('table tr td')->[2], undef, 'no result';
is $dom->find('table tr td')->size, 2, 'right number of elements';
is "$dom", <<EOF, 'right result';
    <td><div id="A"></div></td>
    <td><div id="B"></div></td>

# Form values
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(<<EOF);
<form action="/foo">
  <input type="text" name="a" value="A" />
  <input type="checkbox" name="q">
  <input type="checkbox" checked name="b" value="B">
  <input type="radio" name="r">
  <input type="radio" checked name="c" value="C">
  <input name="s">
  <input type="checkbox" name="t" value="">
  <input type=text name="u">
  <select multiple name="f">
    <option value="F">G</option>
      <option selected>I</option>
    <option value="J" selected>K</option>
  <select name="n"><option>N</option></select>
  <select multiple name="q"><option>Q</option></select>
  <select name="d">
    <option selected>R</option>
    <option selected>D</option>
  <textarea name="m">M</textarea>
  <button name="o" value="O">No!</button>
  <input type="submit" name="p" value="P" />
is $dom->at('p')->val,                         undef, 'no value';
is $dom->at('input')->val,                     'A',   'right value';
is $dom->at('input:checked')->val,             'B',   'right value';
is $dom->at('input:checked[type=radio]')->val, 'C',   'right value';
is_deeply $dom->at('select')->val, ['I', 'J'], 'right values';
is $dom->at('select option')->val,                          'F', 'right value';
is $dom->at('select optgroup option:not([selected])')->val, 'H', 'right value';
is $dom->find('select')->[1]->at('option')->val, 'N', 'right value';
is $dom->find('select')->[1]->val,        undef, 'no value';
is_deeply $dom->find('select')->[2]->val, undef, 'no value';
is $dom->find('select')->[2]->at('option')->val, 'Q', 'right value';
is_deeply $dom->find('select')->last->val, 'D', 'right value';
is_deeply $dom->find('select')->last->at('option')->val, 'R', 'right value';
is $dom->at('textarea')->val, 'M', 'right value';
is $dom->at('button')->val,   'O', 'right value';
is $dom->find('form input')->last->val, 'P', 'right value';
is $dom->at('input[name=q]')->val, 'on',  'right value';
is $dom->at('input[name=r]')->val, 'on',  'right value';
is $dom->at('input[name=s]')->val, undef, 'no value';
is $dom->at('input[name=t]')->val, '',    'right value';
is $dom->at('input[name=u]')->val, undef, 'no value';

# PoCo example with whitespace-sensitive text
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(<<EOF);
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <displayName>Homer Simpson</displayName>
      <formatted><![CDATA[742 Evergreen Terrace
Springfield, VT 12345 USA]]></formatted>
    <displayName>Marge Simpson</displayName>
      <formatted>742 Evergreen Terrace
Springfield, VT 12345 USA</formatted>
is $dom->find('entry')->[0]->at('displayName')->text, 'Homer Simpson',
  'right text';
is $dom->find('entry')->[0]->at('id')->text, '1286823', 'right text';
is $dom->find('entry')->[0]->at('addresses')->children('type')->[0]->text,
  'home', 'right text';
is $dom->find('entry')->[0]->at('addresses formatted')->text,
  "742 Evergreen Terrace\nSpringfield, VT 12345 USA", 'right text';
is $dom->find('entry')->[1]->at('displayName')->text, 'Marge Simpson',
  'right text';
is $dom->find('entry')->[1]->at('id')->text, '1286822', 'right text';
is $dom->find('entry')->[1]->at('addresses')->children('type')->[0]->text,
  'home', 'right text';
is $dom->find('entry')->[1]->at('addresses formatted')->text,
  "742 Evergreen Terrace\nSpringfield, VT 12345 USA", 'right text';
is $dom->find('entry')->[2], undef, 'no result';
is $dom->find('entry')->size, 2, 'right number of elements';

# Find attribute with hyphen in name and value
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(<<EOF);
  <head><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html"></head>
is $dom->find('[http-equiv]')->[0]{content}, 'text/html', 'right attribute';
is $dom->find('[http-equiv]')->[1], undef, 'no result';
is $dom->find('[http-equiv="content-type"]')->[0]{content}, 'text/html',
  'right attribute';
is $dom->find('[http-equiv="content-type"]')->[1], undef, 'no result';
is $dom->find('[http-equiv^="content-"]')->[0]{content}, 'text/html',
  'right attribute';
is $dom->find('[http-equiv^="content-"]')->[1], undef, 'no result';
is $dom->find('head > [http-equiv$="-type"]')->[0]{content}, 'text/html',
  'right attribute';
is $dom->find('head > [http-equiv$="-type"]')->[1], undef, 'no result';

# Find "0" attribute value
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(<<EOF);
<a accesskey="0">Zero</a>
<a accesskey="1">O&gTn&gte</a>
is $dom->find('a[accesskey]')->[0]->text, 'Zero',    'right text';
is $dom->find('a[accesskey]')->[1]->text, 'O&gTn>e', 'right text';
is $dom->find('a[accesskey]')->[2], undef, 'no result';
is $dom->find('a[accesskey=0]')->[0]->text, 'Zero', 'right text';
is $dom->find('a[accesskey=0]')->[1], undef, 'no result';
is $dom->find('a[accesskey^=0]')->[0]->text, 'Zero', 'right text';
is $dom->find('a[accesskey^=0]')->[1], undef, 'no result';
is $dom->find('a[accesskey$=0]')->[0]->text, 'Zero', 'right text';
is $dom->find('a[accesskey$=0]')->[1], undef, 'no result';
is $dom->find('a[accesskey~=0]')->[0]->text, 'Zero', 'right text';
is $dom->find('a[accesskey~=0]')->[1], undef, 'no result';
is $dom->find('a[accesskey*=0]')->[0]->text, 'Zero', 'right text';
is $dom->find('a[accesskey*=0]')->[1], undef, 'no result';
is $dom->find('a[accesskey=1]')->[0]->text, 'O&gTn>e', 'right text';
is $dom->find('a[accesskey=1]')->[1], undef, 'no result';
is $dom->find('a[accesskey^=1]')->[0]->text, 'O&gTn>e', 'right text';
is $dom->find('a[accesskey^=1]')->[1], undef, 'no result';
is $dom->find('a[accesskey$=1]')->[0]->text, 'O&gTn>e', 'right text';
is $dom->find('a[accesskey$=1]')->[1], undef, 'no result';
is $dom->find('a[accesskey~=1]')->[0]->text, 'O&gTn>e', 'right text';
is $dom->find('a[accesskey~=1]')->[1], undef, 'no result';
is $dom->find('a[accesskey*=1]')->[0]->text, 'O&gTn>e', 'right text';
is $dom->find('a[accesskey*=1]')->[1], undef, 'no result';
is $dom->at('a[accesskey*="."]'), undef, 'no result';

# Empty attribute value
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(<<EOF);
<foo bar=>
is $dom->tree->[0], 'root', 'right type';
is $dom->tree->[1][0], 'tag', 'right type';
is $dom->tree->[1][1], 'foo', 'right tag';
is_deeply $dom->tree->[1][2], {bar => ''}, 'right attributes';
is $dom->tree->[1][4][0], 'text',       'right type';
is $dom->tree->[1][4][1], "\n  test\n", 'right text';
is $dom->tree->[3][0], 'tag', 'right type';
is $dom->tree->[3][1], 'bar', 'right tag';
is $dom->tree->[3][4][0], 'text',  'right type';
is $dom->tree->[3][4][1], 'after', 'right text';
is "$dom", <<EOF, 'right result';
<foo bar="">

# Case-insensitive attribute values
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(<<EOF);
<p class="foo">A</p>
<p class="foo bAr">B</p>
<p class="FOO">C</p>
is $dom->find('.foo')->map('text')->join(','),            'A,B', 'right result';
is $dom->find('.FOO')->map('text')->join(','),            'C',   'right result';
is $dom->find('[class=foo]')->map('text')->join(','),     'A',   'right result';
is $dom->find('[class=foo i]')->map('text')->join(','),   'A,C', 'right result';
is $dom->find('[class="foo" i]')->map('text')->join(','), 'A,C', 'right result';
is $dom->find('[class="foo bar"]')->size, 0, 'no results';
is $dom->find('[class="foo bar" i]')->map('text')->join(','), 'B',
  'right result';
is $dom->find('[class~=foo]')->map('text')->join(','), 'A,B', 'right result';
is $dom->find('[class~=foo i]')->map('text')->join(','), 'A,B,C',
  'right result';
is $dom->find('[class*=f]')->map('text')->join(','),   'A,B',   'right result';
is $dom->find('[class*=f i]')->map('text')->join(','), 'A,B,C', 'right result';
is $dom->find('[class^=F]')->map('text')->join(','),   'C',     'right result';
is $dom->find('[class^=F i]')->map('text')->join(','), 'A,B,C', 'right result';
is $dom->find('[class$=O]')->map('text')->join(','),   'C',     'right result';
is $dom->find('[class$=O i]')->map('text')->join(','), 'A,C',   'right result';

# Nested description lists
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(<<EOF);
is $dom->find('dl > dd > dl > dt')->[0]->text, "B\n      ", 'right text';
is $dom->find('dl > dd > dl > dd')->[0]->text, "C\n    ",   'right text';
is $dom->find('dl > dt')->[0]->text,           'A',         'right text';

# Nested lists
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(<<EOF);
is $dom->find('div > ul > li')->[0]->text, "\n      A\n      \n    ",
  'right text';
is $dom->find('div > ul > li')->[1], undef, 'no result';
is $dom->find('div > ul li')->[0]->text, "\n      A\n      \n    ",
  'right text';
is $dom->find('div > ul li')->[1]->text, 'B', 'right text';
is $dom->find('div > ul li')->[2], undef, 'no result';
is $dom->find('div > ul ul')->[0]->text, "\n        \n        C\n      ",
  'right text';
is $dom->find('div > ul ul')->[1], undef, 'no result';

# Unusual order
  = Mojo::DOM->new('<a href="" id="foo" class="bar">Ok!</a>');
is $dom->at('a:not([href$=foo])[href^=h]')->text, 'Ok!', 'right text';
is $dom->at('a:not([href$])[href^=h]'), undef, 'no result';
is $dom->at('a[href^=h]')->text, 'Ok!', 'right text';
is $dom->at('a[href^=h]#foo.baz'), undef, 'no result';
is $dom->at('a[href^=h]#foo:not(b)')->text, 'Ok!', 'right text';
is $dom->at('a[href^=h]#foo:not(a)'), undef, 'no result';
is $dom->at('[href^=h].bar:not(b)[href$=m]#foo')->text, 'Ok!', 'right text';
is $dom->at('[href^=h].bar:not(b)[href$=m]#bar'), undef, 'no result';
is $dom->at(':not(b)#foo#foo')->text, 'Ok!', 'right text';
is $dom->at(':not(b)#foo#bar'), undef, 'no result';
is $dom->at(':not([href^=h]#foo#bar)')->text, 'Ok!', 'right text';
is $dom->at(':not([href^=h]#foo#foo)'), undef, 'no result';

# Slash between attributes
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new('<input /type=checkbox / value="/a/" checked/><br/>');
is_deeply $dom->at('input')->attr,
  {type => 'checkbox', value => '/a/', checked => undef}, 'right attributes';
is "$dom", '<input checked type="checkbox" value="/a/"><br>', 'right result';

# Dot and hash in class and id attributes
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new('<p class="a#b.c">A</p><p id="a#b.c">B</p>');
is $dom->at('p.a\#b\.c')->text,       'A', 'right text';
is $dom->at(':not(p.a\#b\.c)')->text, 'B', 'right text';
is $dom->at('p#a\#b\.c')->text,       'B', 'right text';
is $dom->at(':not(p#a\#b\.c)')->text, 'A', 'right text';

# Extra whitespace
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new('< span>a< /span><b >b</b><span >c</ span>');
is $dom->at('span')->text,     'a', 'right text';
is $dom->at('span + b')->text, 'b', 'right text';
is $dom->at('b + span')->text, 'c', 'right text';
is "$dom", '<span>a</span><b>b</b><span>c</span>', 'right result';

# Selectors with leading and trailing whitespace
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new('<div id=foo><b>works</b></div>');
is $dom->at(' div   b ')->text,          'works', 'right text';
is $dom->at('  :not(  #foo  )  ')->text, 'works', 'right text';

# "0"
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new('0');
is "$dom", '0', 'right result';
is "$dom", '0☃', 'right result';
is $dom->parse('<!DOCTYPE 0>'),  '<!DOCTYPE 0>',  'successful roundtrip';
is $dom->parse('<!--0-->'),      '<!--0-->',      'successful roundtrip';
is $dom->parse('<![CDATA[0]]>'), '<![CDATA[0]]>', 'successful roundtrip';
is $dom->parse('<?0?>'),         '<?0?>',         'successful roundtrip';

# Not self-closing
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new('<div />< div ><pre />test</div >123');
is $dom->at('div > div > pre')->text, 'test', 'right text';
is "$dom", '<div><div><pre>test</pre></div>123</div>', 'right result';
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new('<p /><svg><circle /><circle /></svg>');
is $dom->find('p > svg > circle')->size, 2, 'two circles';
is "$dom", '<p><svg><circle></circle><circle></circle></svg></p>',
  'right result';

# "image"
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new('<image src="foo.png">test');
is $dom->at('img')->{src}, 'foo.png', 'right attribute';
is "$dom", '<img src="foo.png">test', 'right result';

# "title"
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new('<title> <p>test&lt;</title>');
is $dom->at('title')->text, ' <p>test<', 'right text';
is "$dom", '<title> <p>test<</title>', 'right result';

# "textarea"
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new('<textarea id="a"> <p>test&lt;</textarea>');
is $dom->at('textarea#a')->text, ' <p>test<', 'right text';
is "$dom", '<textarea id="a"> <p>test<</textarea>', 'right result';

# Comments
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new(<<EOF);
<!-- HTML5 -->
<!-- bad idea -- HTML5 -->
<!-- HTML4 -- >
<!-- bad idea -- HTML4 -- >
is $dom->tree->[1][1], ' HTML5 ',             'right comment';
is $dom->tree->[3][1], ' bad idea -- HTML5 ', 'right comment';
is $dom->tree->[5][1], ' HTML4 ',             'right comment';
is $dom->tree->[7][1], ' bad idea -- HTML4 ', 'right comment';

# Huge number of attributes
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new('<div ' . ('a=b ' x 32768) . '>Test</div>');
is $dom->at('div[a=b]')->text, 'Test', 'right text';

# Huge number of nested tags
my $huge = ('<a>' x 100) . 'works' . ('</a>' x 100);
$dom = Mojo::DOM->new($huge);
is $dom->all_text, 'works', 'right text';
is "$dom", $huge, 'right result';
