The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
<!DOCTYPE html>
    % my $title = stash('exception') ? 'Server error' : 'Page not found';
    <title><%= $title %> (<%= app->mode %> mode)</title>
    <meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache">
    <meta http-equiv="Expires" content="-1">
    %= javascript '/mojo/jquery/jquery.js'
    %= javascript '/mojo/prettify/run_prettify.js'
    %= stylesheet '/mojo/prettify/prettify-mojo-dark.css'
      a img { border: 0 }
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        font-weight: normal;
        line-height: 1.5em;
        margin: 0;
      :not(pre) > code {
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        padding: 0.4em;
      h1 {
        color: #2a2a2a;
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        margin: 0;
      pre {
        font: 0.9em Consolas, Menlo, Monaco, Courier, monospace;
        margin: 0;
        white-space: pre-wrap;
      pre > code {
        display: block;
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      .important { background-color: rgba(47, 48, 50, .75) }
      .infobox { color: #333 }
      .infobox tr:nth-child(odd) .value { background-color: #ddeeff }
      .infobox tr:nth-child(even) .value { background-color: #eef9ff }
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      .more table { margin-bottom: 1em }
      .spaced {
        margin-left: 5em;
        margin-right: 5em;
      .striped { border-top: solid #cce4ff 1px }
      .tap {
        font: 0.5em Verdana, sans-serif;
        text-align: center;
      .value { padding-left: 1em }
      .wide { width: 100% }
      #error {
        font: 1.5em 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, sans-serif;
        font-weight: 300;
        margin: 0;
        text-shadow: #333 0 1px 0;
      #footer {
        padding-top: 0.5em;
        text-align: center;
      #nothing {
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        padding-top: 60px;
      #showcase {
        border-bottom: 0;
        border-top: 0;
      #showcase table { margin-top: 1em }
      #showcase td {
        padding-top: 0;
        padding-bottom: 0;
      #showcase .key { padding-right: 0 }
      #log {
        border-radius: 5px;
        margin-top: 1em;
      #log table { margin: 0 }
      #more, #trace {
        border-bottom-left-radius: 5px;
        border-bottom-right-radius: 5px;
      #more .tap, #trace .tap { text-shadow: #ddd 0 1px 0 }
      #request {
        border-bottom: 0;
        border-top-left-radius: 5px;
        border-top-right-radius: 5px;
        margin-top: 1em;
      #routes {
        border-bottom-left-radius: 5px;
        border-bottom-right-radius: 5px;
        padding-top: 70px;
      #trace { border-top: 0 }
      #wrapperlicious {
        max-width: 1000px;
        margin: 0 auto;
    %= include 'mojo/menubar'
      function mojoDrawer(handle, drawer) {
        $(handle).on('click', function () {
          var text = $(handle + ' div.tap').text();
          text = text == "tap for more" ? "tap for less" : "tap for more";
          $(handle + ' div.tap').text(text);
      $(function () {
        mojoDrawer('#trace', '#frames');
        mojoDrawer('#more', '#infos');
    <div id="wrapperlicious">
      % my $kv = begin
        % my ($key, $value) = @_;
          <td class="key"><%= $key %>:</td>
          <td class="striped value wide"><pre><%= $value %></pre></td>
      % end
      % if (my $exception = stash 'exception') {
        <div id="nothing" class="box spaced"></div>
        % my $cv = begin
          % my ($key, $value, $i) = @_;
          %= tag 'tr', $i ? (class => 'important') : (), begin
            <td class="key"><%= $key %></td>
            <td class="value wide">
              <pre><code class="prettyprint"><%= $value %></code></pre>
          % end
        % end
        <div id="showcase" class="box code spaced">
          <pre id="error"><%= $exception->message %></pre>
          <div id="context" class="more">
              % for my $line (@{$exception->lines_before}) {
                %= $cv->($line->[0], $line->[1])
              % }
              % if (defined $exception->line->[1]) {
                %= $cv->($exception->line->[0], $exception->line->[1], 1)
              % }
              % for my $line (@{$exception->lines_after}) {
                %= $cv->($line->[0], $line->[1])
              % }
          % if (defined $exception->line->[2]) {
            <div id="insight" class="more">
                % for my $line (@{$exception->lines_before}) {
                  %= $cv->($line->[0], $line->[2])
                % }
                %= $cv->($exception->line->[0], $exception->line->[2], 1)
                % for my $line (@{$exception->lines_after}) {
                  %= $cv->($line->[0], $line->[2])
                % }
            <div class="tap">tap for more</div>
              var current = '#context';
              function mojoShowcase() {
                $('#showcase').on('click', function () {
                  $(current).slideToggle('slow', function () {
                    current = current == '#context' ? '#insight' : '#context';
                    $(current).slideToggle('slow', function () {
          % }
        <div id="trace" class="box spaced">
          % if (@{$exception->frames}) {
            <div id="frames" class="infobox more">
                % for my $frame (@{$exception->frames}) {
                    <td class="striped value wide">
                      <pre><%= $frame->[1] . ':' . $frame->[2] %></pre>
                % }
            <div class="tap">tap for more</div>
          % }
      % }
      % else {
        <div id="routes" class="box infobox spaced">
          <h1>Page not found... yet!</h1>
            None of these routes could generate a response for your
            <code><%= $c->req->method %></code> request for
            <code><%= $c->req->url->path->to_route %></code>, maybe you need
            to add a new one?
          % my $walk = begin
            % my ($walk, $route, $depth) = @_;
              <td class="striped value">
                % my $pattern = $route->pattern->unparsed || '/';
                % $pattern = "+$pattern" if $depth;
                <pre><%= '  ' x $depth %><%= $pattern %></pre>
              <td class="striped value">
                <pre><%= uc(join ',', @{$route->via || []}) || '*' %></pre>
              <td class="striped value">
                % my $name = $route->name;
                <pre><%= $route->has_custom_name ? qq{"$name"} : $name %></pre>
            % $depth++;
            %= $walk->($walk, $_, $depth) for @{$route->children};
            % $depth--;
          % end
            %= $walk->($walk, $_, 0) for @{app->routes->children};
      % }
      <div id="request" class="box infobox spaced">
          % my $req = $c->req;
          %= $kv->(Method => $req->method)
          % my $url = $req->url;
          %= $kv->(URL => $url->to_string)
          %= $kv->('Base URL' => $url->base->to_string)
          %= $kv->(Parameters => dumper $req->params->to_hash)
          %= $kv->(Stash => dumper $snapshot)
          %= $kv->(Session => dumper session)
          %= $kv->(Version => $req->version)
          % for my $name (sort @{$c->req->headers->names}) {
            % my $value = $c->req->headers->header($name);
            %= $kv->($name, $value)
          % }
      <div id="more" class="box infobox more spaced">
        <div id="infos">
            %= $kv->(Perl => "$^V ($^O)")
            % my $version  = $Mojolicious::VERSION;
            % my $codename = $Mojolicious::CODENAME;
            %= $kv->(Mojolicious => "$version ($codename)")
            %= $kv->(Home => app->home)
            %= $kv->('Template paths' => dumper app->renderer->paths)
            %= $kv->('Template classes' => dumper app->renderer->classes)
            %= $kv->('Static paths' => dumper app->static->paths)
            %= $kv->('Static classes' => dumper app->static->classes)
            %= $kv->(Include => dumper \@INC)
            %= $kv->(Config => dumper app->config)
            %= $kv->(Moniker => app->moniker)
            %= $kv->(Name => $0)
            %= $kv->(Executable => $^X)
            %= $kv->(PID => $$)
            %= $kv->(Time => scalar localtime(time))
        <div class="tap">tap for more</div>
      % if (@{app->log->history}) {
        <div id="log" class="box infobox spaced">
            % for my $msg (@{app->log->history}) {
                <td class="striped value wide">
                  <pre><%= app->log->format->(@$msg) %></pre>
            % }
      % }
    <div id="footer">
      %= link_to '' => begin
          <img src="<%= url_for '/mojo/logo-black.png' %>"
            srcset="<%= url_for '/mojo/logo-black-2x.png' %> 2x"
            alt="Mojolicious logo">
      % end