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use Mojo::Base -strict;

BEGIN { $ENV{MOJO_REACTOR} = 'Mojo::Reactor::Poll' }

use Test::More;
use Mojo::ByteStream 'b';
use Mojo::UserAgent::CookieJar;
use Mojolicious::Lite;
use Test::Mojo;


get '/multi' => sub {
  my $c = shift;
  $c->cookie(unsigned1 => 'one');
  $c->cookie(unsigned1 => 'two', {path => '/multi'});
  $c->cookie(unsigned2 => 'three');
  $c->signed_cookie(signed1 => 'four');
  $c->signed_cookie(signed1 => 'five', {path => '/multi'});
  $c->signed_cookie(signed2 => 'six');

get '/expiration' => sub {
  my $c = shift;
  if ($c->param('redirect')) {
    $c->session(expiration => 0);
    return $c->redirect_to('expiration');
  $c->render(text => $c->session('expiration'));

under('/missing' => sub {1})->route->to('does_not_exist#not_at_all');

under '/suspended' => sub {
  my $c = shift;

  Mojo::IOLoop->next_tick(sub {
    return $c->render(text => 'stopped!') unless $c->param('ok');
    $c->stash(suspended => 'suspended!');

  return 0;

get '/' => {inline => '<%= $suspended %>\\'};

under sub {
  my $c = shift;
  $c->render(text => 'Unauthorized!', status => 401) and return undef
    unless $c->req->headers->header('X-Bender');
  $c->res->headers->add('X-Under' => 23);
  $c->res->headers->add('X-Under' => 24);

get '/with_under' => sub {
  my $c = shift;
  $c->render(text => 'Unders are cool!');

get '/with_under_too' => sub {
  my $c = shift;
  $c->render(text => 'Unders are cool too!');

under sub {
  my $c = shift;

  # Authenticated
  my $name = $c->param('name') || '';
  return 1 if $name eq 'Bender';

  # Not authenticated
  return undef;

get '/param_auth';

get '/param_auth/too' =>
  sub { shift->render(text => 'You could be Bender too!') };

under sub {
  my $c = shift;
  $c->stash(_name => 'stash');
  $c->cookie(foo => 'cookie', {expires => time + 60});
  $c->signed_cookie(bar => 'signed_cookie', {expires => time + 120});
  $c->cookie(bad => 'bad_cookie--12345678');

get '/bridge2stash' =>
  sub { shift->render(template => 'bridge2stash', handler => 'ep') };

# Make sure after_dispatch can make session changes
hook after_dispatch => sub {
  my $c = shift;
  return unless $c->req->url->path->contains('/late/session');
  $c->session(late => 'works!');

get '/late/session' => sub {
  my $c = shift;
  my $late = $c->session('late') || 'not yet!';
  $c->render(text => $late);

# Counter
my $under;
under sub {
  shift->res->headers->header('X-Under' => ++$under);

get '/with/under/count';

# Prefix
under '/prefix';

get sub { shift->render(text => 'prefixed GET works!') };

post sub { shift->render(text => 'prefixed POST works!') };

get '/works' => sub { shift->render(text => 'prefix works!') };

under '/prefix2' => {msg => 'prefixed'};

get '/foo' => {inline => '<%= $msg %>!'};

get '/bar' => {inline => 'also <%= $msg %>!'};

# Reset
under '/' => {foo => 'one'};

get '/reset' => {text => 'reset works!'};

# Group
group {

  under '/group' => {bar => 'two'};

  get {inline => '<%= $foo %><%= $bar %>!'};

  # Nested group
  group {

    under '/nested' => {baz => 'three'};

    get {inline => '<%= $baz %><%= $bar %><%= $foo %>!'};

    get '/whatever' => {inline => '<%= $foo %><%= $bar %><%= $baz %>!'};

# Authentication group
group {

  # Check "ok" parameter
  under sub {
    my $c = shift;
    return 1 if $c->req->param('ok');
    $c->render(text => "You're not ok.");
    return !!0;

  get '/authgroup' => {text => "You're ok."};

get '/noauthgroup' => {inline => 'Whatever <%= $foo %>.'};

# Disable format detection
under [format => 0];

get '/no_format' => {text => 'No format detection.'};

get '/some_formats' => [format => [qw(txt json)]] =>
  {text => 'Some format detection.'};

get '/no_real_format.xml' => {text => 'No real format.'};

get '/one_format' => [format => 'xml'] => {text => 'One format.'};

my $t = Test::Mojo->new;

# Preserve stash
my $stash;
$t->app->hook(after_dispatch => sub { $stash = shift->stash });

# Zero expiration persists
  ->header_is(Server => 'Mojolicious (Perl)')->content_is('0');
ok !$t->tx->res->cookie('mojolicious')->expires, 'no expiration';

# Multiple cookies with same name
$t->get_ok('/multi')->status_is(200)->header_is(Server => 'Mojolicious (Perl)')

# Multiple cookies with same name (again)
$t->get_ok('/multi')->status_is(200)->header_is(Server => 'Mojolicious (Perl)')

# Missing action behind bridge

# Suspended bridge
my $log = '';
my $cb = $t->app->log->on(message => sub { $log .= pop });
  ->header_is(Server => 'Mojolicious (Perl)')->content_is('suspended!');
like $log, qr!GET "/suspended"!,      'right message';
like $log, qr/Routing to a callback/, 'right message';
like $log, qr/Nothing has been rendered, expecting delayed response/,
  'right message';
like $log, qr/Rendering inline template "f75d6f5993c626fa8049366389f77928"/,
  'right message';
$t->app->log->unsubscribe(message => $cb);

# Suspended bridge (stopped)
  ->header_is(Server => 'Mojolicious (Perl)')->content_is('stopped!');

# Authenticated with header
$t->get_ok('/with_under' => {'X-Bender' => 'Rodriguez'})->status_is(200)
  ->header_is(Server => 'Mojolicious (Perl)')->header_is('X-Under' => '23, 24')
  ->header_like('X-Under' => qr/23, 24/)->content_is('Unders are cool!');

# Authenticated with header too
$t->get_ok('/with_under_too' => {'X-Bender' => 'Rodriguez'})->status_is(200)
  ->header_is(Server => 'Mojolicious (Perl)')->header_is('X-Under' => '23, 24')
  ->header_like('X-Under' => qr/23, 24/)->content_is('Unders are cool too!');

# Not authenticated with header
  ->header_is(Server => 'Mojolicious (Perl)')->content_like(qr/Unauthorized/);

# Not authenticated with parameter
  ->header_is(Server => 'Mojolicious (Perl)')->content_is("Not Bender!\n");
is $stash->{_name}, undef, 'no "_name" value';

# Authenticated with parameter
  ->header_is(Server => 'Mojolicious (Perl)')->content_is("Bender!\n");

# Not authenticated with parameter
  ->header_is(Server => 'Mojolicious (Perl)')->content_is("Not Bender!\n");

# Authenticated with parameter too
  ->header_is(Server => 'Mojolicious (Perl)')
  ->content_is('You could be Bender too!');

# No cookies, session or flash
$t->get_ok('/bridge2stash' => {'X-Flash' => 1})->status_is(200)
  ->content_is("stash too!!!!!!!!\n");
ok $t->tx->res->cookie('mojolicious')->expires, 'has expiration';
is $stash->{_name}, 'stash', 'right "_name" value';

# Cookies, session and flash
$log = '';
$cb = $t->app->log->on(message => sub { $log .= pop });
  "stash too!cookie!!signed_cookie!!bad_cookie--12345678!session!flash!\n");
like $log, qr/Cookie "foo" is not signed/,       'right message';
like $log, qr/Cookie "bad" has a bad signature/, 'right message';
ok $t->tx->res->cookie('mojolicious')->httponly,
  'session cookie has HttpOnly flag';
$t->app->log->unsubscribe(message => $cb);

# Broken session cookie
my $session = b("☃☃☃☃☃")->encode->b64_encode('');
my $hmac    = $session->clone->hmac_sha1_sum($t->app->secrets->[0]);
$t->get_ok('/bridge2stash' => {Cookie => "mojolicious=$session--$hmac"})
  ->status_is(200)->content_is("stash too!!!!!!!!\n");

# Not collecting cookies
$t->reset_session->ua->cookie_jar->ignore(sub {1});
$t->get_ok('/bridge2stash' => {'X-Flash' => 1})->status_is(200)
  ->content_is("stash too!!!!!!!!\n");

# Still not collecting cookies
$t->get_ok('/bridge2stash' => {'X-Flash' => 1})->status_is(200)
  ->content_is("stash too!!!!!!!!\n");
$t->ua->cookie_jar->ignore(sub {0});

# Fresh start without cookies, session or flash
$t->get_ok('/bridge2stash' => {'X-Flash' => 1})->status_is(200)
  ->content_is("stash too!!!!!!!!\n");

# Random static requests

# With cookies, session and flash again
  "stash too!cookie!!signed_cookie!!bad_cookie--12345678!session!flash!\n");

# With cookies and session but no flash (rotating secrets)
$t->app->secrets(['test2', 'test1']);
$t->get_ok('/bridge2stash' => {'X-Flash2' => 1})->status_is(200)
  "stash too!cookie!!signed_cookie!!bad_cookie--12345678!session!!\n");
ok $t->tx->res->cookie('mojolicious')->expires < time, 'session cookie expires';

# With cookies and session cleared (rotating secrets)
$t->app->secrets(['test3', 'test2']);
  ->content_is("stash too!cookie!!signed_cookie!!bad_cookie--12345678!!!\n");

# Late session does not affect rendering
$t->get_ok('/late/session')->status_is(200)->content_is('not yet!');

# Previous late session does affect rendering

# Previous late session does affect rendering again

# Counter
$t->get_ok('/with/under/count' => {'X-Bender' => 'Rodriguez'})->status_is(200)
  ->header_is(Server => 'Mojolicious (Perl)')->header_is('X-Under' => 1)
is $stash->{_name}, undef, 'no "_name" value';

# Cookies, session and no flash again
$t->get_ok('/bridge2stash' => {'X-Flash' => 1})->status_is(200)
  "stash too!cookie!!signed_cookie!!bad_cookie--12345678!session!!\n");

# With cookies, session and flash
  "stash too!cookie!!signed_cookie!!bad_cookie--12345678!session!flash!\n");

# With cookies and session but no flash
$t->get_ok('/bridge2stash' => {'X-Flash2' => 1})->status_is(200)
  "stash too!cookie!!signed_cookie!!bad_cookie--12345678!session!!\n");

# Prefix
  ->header_is(Server => 'Mojolicious (Perl)')
  ->content_is('prefixed GET works!');

# POST request with prefix
  ->header_is(Server => 'Mojolicious (Perl)')
  ->content_is('prefixed POST works!');

# GET request with prefix
  ->header_is(Server => 'Mojolicious (Perl)')->content_is('prefix works!');

# Another prefix

# Another prefix again
$t->get_ok('/prefix2/bar')->status_is(200)->content_is("also prefixed!\n");

# Reset under statements
$t->get_ok('/reset')->status_is(200)->content_is('reset works!');

# Not reachable with prefix

# Group

# Nested group

# GET request to nested group

# Another GET request to nested group

# Authenticated by group
  ->content_type_is('text/html;charset=UTF-8')->content_is("You're ok.");

# Not authenticated by group
  ->content_type_is('text/html;charset=UTF-8')->content_is("You're not ok.");

# Authenticated by group (with format)
  ->content_type_is('text/plain;charset=UTF-8')->content_is("You're ok.");

# Not authenticated by group (with format)
  ->content_type_is('text/plain;charset=UTF-8')->content_is("You're not ok.");

# Bypassed group authentication
$t->get_ok('/noauthgroup')->status_is(200)->content_is("Whatever one.\n");

# Disabled format detection
  ->content_is('No format detection.');

# Invalid format

# Invalid format

# Format "txt" has been detected
  ->content_is('Some format detection.');

# Format "json" has been detected
  ->content_is('Some format detection.');

# Invalid format

# Invalid format

# No format detected
  ->content_type_is('text/html;charset=UTF-8')->content_is('No real format.');

# Invalid format

# Invalid format

# Format "xml" detected
  ->content_type_is('application/xml')->content_is('One format.');

# Invalid format


@@ not_found.html.epl

@@ multi.html.ep
% my $one   = $c->cookie('unsigned1');
% my $three = $c->cookie('unsigned2');
%= $one // ''
%= $three // '';
% my $unsigned1 = $c->every_cookie('unsigned1');
%= $unsigned1->[0] // ''
%= $unsigned1->[1] // ''
% my $four = $c->signed_cookie('signed1');
% my $six  = $c->signed_cookie('signed2');
%= $four // ''
%= $six // '';
% my $signed1 = $c->every_signed_cookie('signed1');
%= $signed1->[0] // ''
%= $signed1->[1] // ''

@@ param_auth.html.epl

@@ param_auth_denied.html.epl
Not Bender!

@@ bridge2stash.html.ep
% my $cookie = $c->req->cookie('mojolicious');
<%= stash('_name') %> too!<%= $c->cookie('foo') %>!\
<%= $c->signed_cookie('foo') %>!\
<%= $c->signed_cookie('bar')%>!<%= $c->signed_cookie('bad')%>!\
<%= $c->cookie('bad') %>!<%= session 'foo' %>!\
<%= flash 'foo' %>!
% $c->session(foo => 'session');
% my $headers = $c->req->headers;
% $c->flash(foo => 'flash') if $headers->header('X-Flash');
% $c->session(expires => 1) if $headers->header('X-Flash2');

@@ withundercount.html.ep