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# pragmata
use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;

# CPAN modules
use File::Basename;
use File::Which;
use Getopt::Long;
use IO::All;
use Log::Dispatch::Email::MIMELite;
use Log::Log4perl;
use Pod::Usage;
use Switch;
use Template;

our $VERSION = '1.06';

# process command line options
Getopt::Long::GetOptions(\%clo, qw(all|a conf_file|f=s debug|d help|h man|m httpd_opt|o=s template|t=s log_file|l=s))
	or pod2usage(-exitval => 10, -verbose => 0);

my $log = Log::Log4perl->get_logger();

$clo{help} and pod2usage(1);
$clo{man}  and pod2usage(-verbose => 2);
$clo{conf_file} or $log->logdie("You must supply a configuration file!\n");

@ARGV or pod2usage(-exitval => 9, -verbose => 1);

exit httpd_ctl($clo{conf_file});

sub httpd_ctl {
	my($httpdconf) = @_;

	$log->debug("Processing file $httpdconf\n");

	my $httpd_opt    = $clo{httpd_opt} || "";

	unless(-r $httpdconf) {
		$log->warn("HTTPDCONF file $httpdconf is not readable!\n");
		return 1;

	# Pass config file through Template Toolkit if required
	if ($clo{template} or $httpdconf =~ m/\.tt$/) {
		$httpdconf = tt_process_file($httpdconf) or return 1;

	my $httpd     = which('httpd') or $log->logdie('Unable to find httpd executable, please update your path');
	$httpd       .= " -f $httpdconf";

	$log->debug("Using httpd commandline $httpd\n");

	my $arg = $ARGV[0];

	switch($arg) {

		case m/^(?:graceful|restart|start|stop)$/ {
			run_httpd($httpd, $arg) or return 1;

		case /^coldrestart$/ {
			# First stop the server
			run_httpd($httpd, 'stop')  or $log->logwarn("Unable to stop httpd\n") and return 1;
			sleep(5);  #wait a bit for all the children to shutdown
			run_httpd($httpd, 'start') or $log->logwarn("Unable to start httpd\n") and return 1;

		case m/^configtest$/ {
			system("$httpd -t 2>&1 | perl -ne 'print unless /syntax ok/i' 1>&2") == 0
			  or return 1;
			if(grep(/(?>!\#.*)VirtualHost/, io($httpdconf)->slurp)) {
				print "Checking virtual host settings...\n";
				system("$httpd -S 2>&1") == 0 or return 1;

		else {

	return 0;

sub run_httpd {
	my($httpd, $action) = @_;

	$httpd .= " -k $action";

	# If running with the -X option the httpd will not put itself into the
	# background, need to do this ourselves
	$httpd .= " \&";

	if (system($httpd) == 0) {
		return 1;
	else {
		$log->warn("httpd could not be started: $!\n");
		return 0;

sub tt_process_file($) {
	my($infile) = @_;

	my $outfile = "$infile.processed";

	$log->debug("Template Toolkit processing $infile, output to $outfile\n");

	# Process the files
	my $tt = Template->new({
			ABSOLUTE  => 1,
			EVAL_PERL =>1,
			RELATIVE  => 1,

	$tt->process($infile, {}, $outfile) or $log->warn("Template Toolkit Error processing $infile: " . $tt->error . "\n")  and return;

	return $outfile;

#=for internaldocs
#	 setup_logger( $rh_args );
#Setup a Log4perl logger using the specified arguments.
#	 debug         - boolean denoting whether or not to log debugging messages
#	 email         - address to send email including all warnings, errors, and
#									 fatal errors
#	 email_subject - subject of email (default is "$PROGRAM_NAME Errors")
#	 log_file      - file to write logged messages to
#This configuration prefixes each non info message with a symbol depending on its log level:
#=over 4
#=item %
#=item !
#=item !!
#=item !!!
#debug and info level messages which are sent to the screen are sent to STDOUT;
#all higher level messages which are sent to the screen are sent to STDERR.

sub setup_logger {

	my $rh_args = shift;
	my %args    = ref $rh_args ? %$rh_args : ();

	$args{diagnostics} ||= $args{debug};  # alternative name

	my %symbols = (
		WARN  => '! ',
		ERROR => '!! ',
		FATAL => '!!! ',
		DEBUG => '% ',

		sub { $symbols{ $_[3] } || '' },

	my %logger_cfg;

	$logger_cfg{'log4perl.logger'} = 'DEBUG, Stdout, Stderr';

	if ( $args{log_file} ) {
		$logger_cfg{'log4perl.logger'                                   } .= ', Logfile';

		$logger_cfg{'log4perl.filter.MatchLog'                          }  = 'Log::Log4perl::Filter::LevelRange';
		$logger_cfg{'log4perl.filter.MatchLog.LevelMin'                 }  = $args{diagnostics} ? 'DEBUG' : 'INFO';
		$logger_cfg{'log4perl.filter.MatchLog.LevelMax'                 }  = 'FATAL';
		$logger_cfg{'log4perl.filter.MatchLog.AcceptOnMatch'            }  = 'true';

		$logger_cfg{'log4perl.appender.Logfile'                         }  = 'Log::Log4perl::Appender::File';
		$logger_cfg{'log4perl.appender.Logfile.Filter'                  }  = 'MatchLog';
		$logger_cfg{'log4perl.appender.Logfile.filename'                }  = $args{log_file};
		$logger_cfg{'log4perl.appender.Logfile.mode'                    }  = 'write';
		$logger_cfg{'log4perl.appender.Logfile.layout'                  }  = 'Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout';
		$logger_cfg{'log4perl.appender.Logfile.layout.ConversionPattern'}  = '%-5p %d{yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss} %m';

	$logger_cfg{'log4perl.filter.MatchInfo'                        } = 'Log::Log4perl::Filter::LevelRange';
	$logger_cfg{'log4perl.filter.MatchInfo.LevelMin'               } = $args{diagnostics} ? 'DEBUG' : 'INFO';
	$logger_cfg{'log4perl.filter.MatchInfo.LevelMax'               } = 'INFO';
	$logger_cfg{'log4perl.filter.MatchInfo.AcceptOnMatch'          } = 'true';

	$logger_cfg{'log4perl.filter.MatchNotInfo'                     } = 'Log::Log4perl::Filter::LevelRange';
	$logger_cfg{'log4perl.filter.MatchNotInfo.LevelMin'            } = 'WARN';
	$logger_cfg{'log4perl.filter.MatchNotInfo.LevelMax'            } = 'FATAL';
	$logger_cfg{'log4perl.filter.MatchNotInfo.AcceptOnMatch'       } = 'true';

	$logger_cfg{'log4perl.appender.Stdout'                         } = 'Log::Log4perl::Appender::Screen';
	$logger_cfg{'log4perl.appender.Stdout.stderr'                  } = 0;
	$logger_cfg{'log4perl.appender.Stdout.Filter'                  } = 'MatchInfo';
	$logger_cfg{'log4perl.appender.Stdout.layout'                  } = 'Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout';
	$logger_cfg{'log4perl.appender.Stdout.layout.ConversionPattern'} = '%S%m';

	$logger_cfg{'log4perl.appender.Stderr'                         } = 'Log::Log4perl::Appender::Screen';
	$logger_cfg{'log4perl.appender.Stderr.stderr'                  } = 1;
	$logger_cfg{'log4perl.appender.Stderr.Filter'                  } = 'MatchNotInfo';
	$logger_cfg{'log4perl.appender.Stderr.layout'                  } = 'Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout';
	$logger_cfg{'log4perl.appender.Stderr.layout.ConversionPattern'} = '%S%m';

	if ($args{email} ) {
		$logger_cfg{'log4perl.logger'                                 } .= ', Email';
		$logger_cfg{'log4perl.appender.Email'                         }  = 'Log::Dispatch::Email::MIMELite';
		$logger_cfg{''                      }  = $args{email};
		$logger_cfg{'log4perl.appender.Email.subject'                 }  = $args{email_subject} || basename( $0 ) . " Errors";
		$logger_cfg{'log4perl.appender.Email.layout'                  }  = 'Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout';
		$logger_cfg{'log4perl.appender.Email.layout.ConversionPattern'}  = '%m';
		$logger_cfg{'log4perl.appender.Email.Filter'                  }  = 'MatchNotInfo';

	Log::Log4perl->init( \%logger_cfg );


=head1 NAME

httpd_ctl - An apache httpd control script that supports Template Toolkit


[B<--conf_file|-f> I<httpd.conf file>]


An apache httpd control script that supports Template Toolkit pre-processing

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 4

=item B<--conf_file|-f> I<httpd.conf file>

If file extension is .tt automatically implies --template

=item B<--debug|-d>

prints debug messages

=item B<--help|-h>

prints out usage information and exits

=item B<--httpd_opt|-o> I<options>

A quoted string specifying any additional options to pass through to the httpd.

=item B<--man|-m>

produces man page

=item B<--template|-t>

Requires the  --conf_file file to be processed  by Template Toolkit. The
processed file will be placed in the same directory .

This allows you to do things like environment variable substitution:

 [% USE env = EnvHash %]
 [% env.MY_LOG_DIR %]

It is that simple!

But, remember  you can do much more  powerful things with  Template Toolkit,
and use variables in control   structures such as if,  for,  foreach and so on.
See to read about Template Toolkit in full.

=item B<start>

start httpd

=item B<stop>

stop httpd

=item B<coldrestart>

stop the httpd and then start it

=item B<restart>

Restart httpd if running by sending a SIGHUP or start if not running

=item B<graceful>

Do a graceful restart by sending a SIGUSR1 or start if not running

=item B<configtest>

Do a configuration syntax test and check virtual hosts.



	0 - Completed Successfully
	1 - Otherwise

=head1 See Also


=head1 AUTHOR

Sagar R. Shah


Copyright 2006-2007 Sagar R. Shah, All Rights Reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
