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package pfacter;

BEGIN { unshift @INC, './lib'; }

# pfacter, Collect and display facts about the system.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.

our $VERSION = '1.13';

use Getopt::Long;

use strict;

# Initialize the package
my $self = pfacter->init();

$self->debug( "Output module list: [ @ARGV ]" );

foreach ( @ARGV ) {
    $self->{'pfact'}->{$_} = $self->pfact( $_ ) || next;

    if ( $self->{'var'}->{'xml'} ) {
        print "<fact>\n" . "\t<name>"  . $_ . "</name>\n";
        if (
            ( $self->{'var'}->{'multi'} )
         && ( $self->{'pfact'}->{$_} =~ /.+?\=.+?\s.+?\=.+?/ )
        ) {
            my @facts = split / /, $self->{'pfact'}->{$_};
            foreach my $fact ( @facts ) {
                print "\t<value>" . $fact . "</value>\n";
        else {
            print "\t<value>" . $self->pfact( $_ ) . "</value>\n";
        print "</fact>\n";
    else {
        my $c = $self->{'var'}->{'yaml'} ? ': ' : ' => ';
        if (
            ( $self->{'var'}->{'multi'} )
         && ( $self->{'pfact'}->{$_} =~ /.+?\=.+?\s.+?\=.+?/ )
        ) {
            my @facts = split / /, $self->{'pfact'}->{$_};
            foreach my $fact ( @facts ) {
                print $_ . $c . $fact . "\n";
        else {
            print $_ . $c . $self->{'pfact'}->{$_} . "\n";

# Fetch the LDAP entry to compare against if writing
if ( $self->{'var'}->{'write'} ) {
    $self->debug( "Searching for existing LDAP host" );
    $self->{'ldata'} = $self->fetch(
        source => "ou=Hosts,$self->{'var'}->{'base'}",
        filter => 'cn=' . $self->pfact( 'hostname' )

    if ( $self->{'ldata'} ) {
        # Compare local and LDAP facts for changes
        $self->debug( "Found host in LDAP; checking for changes" );

        my ( $change );

        foreach my $k ( keys %{$self->{'pfact'}} ) {
            if ( $self->{'var'}->{'multi'} ) {
                if (
                    ( ref $self->{'ldata'}->{$k} )
                 || ( $self->{'pfact'}->{$k} =~ /.+?\=.+?\s.+?\=.+?/ )
                ) {
                    if (
                        ( ref $self->{'ldata'}->{$k} )
                     && ( $self->{'pfact'}->{$k} =~ /.+?\=.+?\s.+?\=.+?/ )
                    ) {
                        my ( $facts );
                        foreach ( split / /, $self->{'pfact'}->{$k} ) {
                            $facts->{$k}->{$_} = 1;
                        foreach ( @{$self->{'ldata'}->{$k}} ) {
                            if ( $facts->{$k}->{$_} ) {
                                delete $facts->{$k}->{$_};
                            else {
                                $change->{'delete'}->{$k} = $_;
                        foreach ( keys %{$facts->{$k}} ) {
                            $change->{'add'}->{$k} = $_;
                    else {
                        $change->{'replace'}->{$k} =
                            [ split / /, $self->{'pfact'}->{$k} ];
            else {
                if ( $self->{'ldata'}->{$k} ne $self->{'pfact'}->{$k} ) {
                    if ( $self->{'ldata'}->{$k} ) {
                        $change->{'replace'}->{$k} = $self->{'pfact'}->{$k};
                    } else {
                        $change->{'add'}->{$k} = $self->{'pfact'}->{$k};

        if ( $change ) {
            foreach my $t ( keys %{$change} ) {
                map {
                    $self->debug( "\t$_ => $change->{$t}->{$_}");
                } keys %{$change->{$t}};

                $self->{'LDAP'}->{'error'} = $self->{'LDAP'}->modify(
                  . $self->pfact( 'hostname' )
                  . ",ou=Hosts,$self->{'var'}->{'base'}",
                    $t => $change->{$t}

                if ( $self->{'LDAP'}->{'error'}->{'errorMessage'} ) {
                    print 'Error: (LDAP) ';
                    print $self->{'LDAP'}->{'error'}->{'errorMessage'};
                    exit( 1 );
                else {
                    $self->debug( "LDAP modification successful" );
        else {
            $self->debug( "No changes found" );
    else {
        # No LDAP entry found; add host to LDAP
        $self->debug( "Host not found; adding" );

        $self->{'LDAP'}->{'error'} = $self->{'LDAP'}->add(
          . $self->pfact( 'hostname' )
          . ",ou=Hosts,$self->{'var'}->{'base'}",
            attrs => [
                objectClass  => [ 'top', 'ipHost', 'pfHost' ],
                ipHostNumber => $self->{'pfact'}->{'ipaddress'},


        if ( $self->{'LDAP'}->{'error'}->{'errorMessage'} ) {
            print 'Error: (LDAP) ';
            print $self->{'LDAP'}->{'error'}->{'errorMessage'};
            exit( 1 );
        else {
            $self->debug( "Host successfully added to LDAP" );

sub init {
    my $self = bless {}, shift;

    # Define params for Getopt::Long
        'configfile=s' => \$self->{'var'}->{'configfile'},
        'base=s'       => \$self->{'var'}->{'base'},
        'debug'        => \$self->{'var'}->{'debug'},
        'help'         => \$self->{'var'}->{'help'},
        'moduledir=s'  => \$self->{'var'}->{'moduledir'},
        'multi'        => \$self->{'var'}->{'multi'},
        'password=s'   => \$self->{'var'}->{'password'},
        'server=s'     => \$self->{'var'}->{'server'},
        'ssl'          => \$self->{'var'}->{'ssl'},
        'username=s'   => \$self->{'var'}->{'username'},
        'version'      => \$self->{'var'}->{'version'},
        'write'        => \$self->{'var'}->{'write'},
        'xml'          => \$self->{'var'}->{'xml'},
        'yaml'         => \$self->{'var'}->{'yaml'}
    ) || { $self->{'var'}->{'help'} = 1 };

    # Read configuration from a file if --configfile specified
    if ( $self->{'var'}->{'configfile'} ) {
        $self->{'var'}->{'config'} = $self->readConfig(
            configFile => $self->{'var'}->{'configfile'}
        || do {
            print qq(Error reading configuration file $self->{'var'}->{'configfile'}\n);
            exit( 1 );

        for ( qw( username password server ) ) {
            $self->{'var'}->{$_} ||= $self->{'var'}->{'config'}->{$_}
                if $self->{'var'}->{'config'}->{$_};

    # Make sure all necessary params are specified if writing
    if (
        ( $self->{'var'}->{'write'} ) &&
            ( !$self->{'var'}->{'server'} ||
              !$self->{'var'}->{'username'} ||
              !$self->{'var'}->{'password'} )
            ( !$self->{'var'}->{'configfile'} )
    ) {
        print qq(Error: required argument(s) not found for --write option;\n);
        print qq(please provide --{username, password, server} or --configfile\n\n);

        $self->{'var'}->{'help'} = 1;

    # Display help/usage
    if ( $self->{'var'}->{'help'} ) {
        print qq(Type 'perldoc pfacter' for more options and information.\n\n);
        print qq(USAGE: $0 [option]... [fact] [fact]...\n);
        exit( 1 );

    # Display the version
    if ( $self->{'var'}->{'version'} ) {
        print qq($VERSION\n);
        exit( 0 );

    # Display a (debug) warning to not-root users
    $self->debug( "Executing as unpriviledged user; some facts may not work!" )
        unless getpwnam( $< ) eq 'root';

    # Core modules; used to determine other things within other modules
    foreach ( qw( kernel operatingsystem hostname domain ) ) {
        $self->{'pfact'}->{$_} = $self->pfact( $_ );

    # 3rd party modules
    if ( $self->{'var'}->{'moduledir'} ) {
        $self->debug( "Using moduledir $self->{'var'}->{'moduledir'}" );
        if ( -d $self->{'var'}->{'moduledir'} ) {
            unshift @INC, $self->{'var'}->{'moduledir'};
        else {
            $self->debug( "Moduledir $self->{'var'}->{'moduledir'} not found" );

    # Setup a (bound) LDAP object if writing
    if ( $self->{'var'}->{'write'} ) {
        require Net::LDAP;

        # Guess the base DN if not specified
        if ( !$self->{'var'}->{'base'} ) {
            unless ( $self->{'pfact'}->{'domain'} =~ /.+?\..+?/ ) {
                print qq(Error: domain not found; unable to guess LDAP base DN\n);
                exit( 1 );

            my @domain = split /\./, $self->{'pfact'}->{'domain'};
            foreach ( @domain ) { $self->{'var'}->{'base'} .= "dc=$_," }
            chop( $self->{'var'}->{'base'} );

            $self->debug( "Base DN not specified; using $self->{'var'}->{'base'}" );

        $self->{'var'}->{'server'} = [ $self->{'var'}->{'server'} ]
            if not ref $self->{'var'}->{'server'};

        foreach my $server ( @{$self->{'var'}->{'server'}} ) {
            # Reformat the server name for Net::LDAP::SSL
            if ( $self->{'var'}->{'ssl'} ) {
                $server = 'ldaps://' . $server . ':636';

            # Create a new Net::LDAP object
            $self->debug( "Connecting to $server" );

            eval {
                local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "\n" };
                alarm( 10 );
                $self->{'LDAP'} = Net::LDAP->new( $server );
                alarm( 0 );
            if ( $@ ) {
                $self->debug( "Timed out connecting to $server" );
            elsif ( $self->{'LDAP'} ) {
                $self->debug( "Connection successful" );
                $self->{'var'}->{'server'} = $server;
            else {
                $self->debug( "Unknown connection error" );

        unless ( $self->{'LDAP'} ) {
            print qq(Unable to connect to LDAP server\n);
            exit( 1 );

        # Attempt to bind
            "Attempting to bind as uid=$self->{'var'}->{'username'},"
                . "ou=People,$self->{'var'}->{'base'}"

        $self->{'LDAP'}->{'error'} = $self->{'LDAP'}->bind(
            password => $self->{'var'}->{'password'}

        # Exit if credentials aren't valid
        if ( $self->{'LDAP'}->{'error'}->code() ) {
            print qq(Error: invalid LDAP credentials\n);
            exit( 1 );

        $self->debug( "Bind successful" );

    # Use all facts in Pfacter's modulelist if none are specified
    unless ( @ARGV ) {
        $self->debug( "No modules specified; using defaults" );

        use Pfacter;
        @ARGV = Pfacter->modulelist( $self->{'pfact'}->{'kernel'} );

        # Read in all facts in --moduledir if specified
        if ( $self->{'var'}->{'moduledir'} ) {
            my $moduledir = $self->{'var'}->{'moduledir'};

            my @files = <$moduledir/*>;

            foreach my $file ( @files ) {
                if ( -d $file ) { push @files, <$file/*>; }

                push @ARGV, $1 if $file =~ /\/(\w+)\.pm$/;

    return $self;

sub debug {
    my $self = shift;

    return unless $self->{'var'}->{'debug'};

    print STDERR 'dbg> ' . shift() . "\n";

sub fetch {
    my $self = shift;

    my ( $arg );
    %{$arg} = @_;

    my ( $r );

    my $result = $self->{'LDAP'}->search(
        base   => $arg->{'source'},
        filter => $arg->{'filter'}

    foreach my $e ( $result->all_entries() ) {
        foreach ( $e->attributes() ) {
            my $ra = [ $e->get_value( $_ ) ];
            $r->{$e->dn()}->{lc($_)} = @{$ra} > 1 ? $ra : $ra->[0];

    ( $r ) = values %{$r};

    return $r;

sub pfact {
    my $self   = shift;
    my $module = shift;

    return $self->{'pfact'}->{lc( $module )}
        if $self->{'pfact'}->{lc( $module )};

    $module = lc( $module );

    $self->debug( "Querying system for $module" );

    unless ( eval "require Pfacter::$module" ) {
        $self->debug( "Pfacter::$module module not found" );
        return 0;

    chomp( my $pfact = "Pfacter::$module"->pfact( $self ) );
    return( $pfact );

sub readConfig {
    my $self = shift;

    my ( $arg );
    %{$arg} = @_;

    my ( $config );

    $arg->{'configFile'} || return( 0 );

    if ( -e $arg->{'configFile'} ) {
        open configFile, $arg->{'configFile'} || return( 0 );

        $self->debug( "Reading configuration file $arg->{'configFile'}:" );

        while( <configFile> ) {
            $config->{$1} = $2 if /^\$(.+?):.+?"(.+?)"/;
            ( @{$config->{$1}} ) = split / /, $2 if /^\@(.+?):.+?"(.+?)"/;

        close configFile;
    else {
        return( 0 );

    map {
        $config->{$_} =~ s/\$(\w+)/$config->{$1}/g;
        if ( ref $config->{$_} ) {
            $self->debug( "\t$_ => [ @{$config->{$_}} ]" );
        else { $self->debug( "\t$_ => $config->{$_}" ); }
    } keys %{$config};

    return $config;

    my $self = shift;

    $self->{'LDAP'}->unbind() if $self->{'LDAP'};
