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package PDF::API2::Page;

our $VERSION = '2.019';

use base 'PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Pages';

use POSIX qw(floor);

use PDF::API2::Annotation;
use PDF::API2::Content;
use PDF::API2::Content::Text;

use PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Utils;
use PDF::API2::Util;

no warnings qw[ deprecated recursion uninitialized ];

=head1 NAME


=head1 METHODS


=item $page = PDF::API2::Page->new $pdf, $parent, $index

Returns a page object (called from $pdf->page).


sub new {
    my ($class, $pdf, $parent, $index) = @_;
    my ($self) = {};

    $class = ref $class if ref $class;
    $self = $class->SUPER::new($pdf, $parent);
    $self->{'Type'} = PDFName('Page');
    $self->proc_set(qw( PDF Text ImageB ImageC ImageI ));
    delete $self->{'Count'};
    delete $self->{'Kids'};
    $parent->add_page($self, $index);

=item $page = PDF::API2::Page->coerce $pdf, $pdfpage

Returns a page object converted from $pdfpage (called from $pdf->openpage).


sub coerce {
    my ($class, $pdf, $page) = @_;
    my $self = $page;
    $self->{' apipdf'}=$pdf;

=item $page->update

Marks a page to be updated (by $pdf->update).


sub update {
    my ($self) = @_;
    $self->{' apipdf'}->out_obj($self);

=item $page->mediabox $w, $h

=item $page->mediabox $llx, $lly, $urx, $ury

=item $page->mediabox $alias

Sets the mediabox.  This method supports the following aliases:
'4A', '2A', 'A0', 'A1', 'A2', 'A3', 'A4', 'A5', 'A6',
'4B', '2B', 'B0', 'B1', 'B2', 'B3', 'B4', 'B5', 'B6',
'EXECUTIVE', and '36X36'.


sub _set_bbox {
    my ($box, $self, @values) = @_;
    $self->{$box} = PDFArray( map { PDFNum(float($_)) } page_size(@values) );
    return $self;

sub _get_bbox {
    my ($self, $box_order) = @_;

    # Default to letter
    my @media = (0, 0, 612, 792);

    foreach my $mediatype (@{$box_order}) {
        my $mediaobj = $self->find_prop($mediatype);
        if ($mediaobj) {
            @media = map { $_->val } $mediaobj->elementsof;

    return @media;

sub mediabox {
    return _set_bbox('MediaBox', @_);

=item ($llx, $lly, $urx, $ury) = $page->get_mediabox

Gets the mediabox based one best estimates or the default.


sub get_mediabox {
    my $self = shift();
    return _get_bbox($self, [qw(MediaBox CropBox BleedBox TrimBox ArtBox)]);

=item $page->cropbox $w, $h

=item $page->cropbox $llx, $lly, $urx, $ury

=item $page->cropbox $alias

Sets the cropbox.  This method supports the same aliases as mediabox.


sub cropbox {
    return _set_bbox('CropBox', @_);

=item ($llx, $lly, $urx, $ury) = $page->get_cropbox

Gets the cropbox based one best estimates or the default.


sub get_cropbox {
    my $self = shift();
    return _get_bbox($self, [qw(CropBox BleedBox TrimBox ArtBox MediaBox)]);

=item $page->bleedbox $w, $h

=item $page->bleedbox $llx, $lly, $urx, $ury

=item $page->bleedbox $alias

Sets the bleedbox.  This method supports the same aliases as mediabox.


sub bleedbox {
    return _set_bbox('BleedBox', @_);

=item ($llx, $lly, $urx, $ury) = $page->get_bleedbox

Gets the bleedbox based one best estimates or the default.


sub get_bleedbox {
    my $self = shift();
    return _get_bbox($self, [qw(BleedBox TrimBox ArtBox MediaBox CropBox)]);

=item $page->trimbox $w, $h

=item $page->trimbox $llx, $lly, $urx, $ury

Sets the trimbox.  This method supports the same aliases as mediabox.


sub trimbox {
    return _set_bbox('TrimBox', @_);

=item ($llx, $lly, $urx, $ury) = $page->get_trimbox

Gets the trimbox based one best estimates or the default.


sub get_trimbox {
    my $self = shift();
    return _get_bbox($self, [qw(TrimBox ArtBox MediaBox CropBox BleedBox)]);

=item $page->artbox $w, $h

=item $page->artbox $llx, $lly, $urx, $ury

=item $page->artbox $alias

Sets the artbox.  This method supports the same aliases as mediabox.


sub artbox {
    return _set_bbox('ArtBox', @_);

=item ($llx, $lly, $urx, $ury) = $page->get_artbox

Gets the artbox based one best estimates or the default.


sub get_artbox {
    my $self = shift();
    return _get_bbox($self, [qw(ArtBox TrimBox BleedBox CropBox MediaBox)]);

=item $page->rotate $deg

Rotates the page by the given degrees, which must be a multiple of 90.

(This allows you to auto-rotate to landscape without changing the mediabox!)


sub rotate {
    my ($self,$deg) = @_;
    while($deg>4) {
    while($deg<0) {
    if($deg==0) {
        delete $self->{Rotate};
    } else {

=item $gfx = $page->gfx $prepend

Returns a graphics content object. If $prepend is true the content
will be prepended to the page description.


sub fixcontents {
    my ($self) = @_;
    $self->{'Contents'} = $self->{'Contents'} || PDFArray();
    if(ref($self->{'Contents'})=~/Objind$/) {
    if(ref($self->{'Contents'})!~/Array$/) {
        $self->{'Contents'} = PDFArray($self->{'Contents'});

sub content {
    my ($self,$obj,$dir) = @_;
    if(defined($dir) && $dir>0) {
    } else {
    $self->{' apipdf'}->new_obj($obj) unless($obj->is_obj($self->{' apipdf'}));
    $obj->{' apipdf'}=$self->{' apipdf'};
    $obj->{' api'}=$self->{' api'};
    $obj->{' apipage'}=$self;

sub addcontent {
    my ($self,@objs) = @_;
sub precontent {
    my ($self,@objs) = @_;

sub gfx {
    my ($self,$dir) = @_;
    my $gfx=PDF::API2::Content->new();
    $gfx->compressFlate() if($self->{' api'}->{forcecompress});

=item $txt = $page->text $prepend

Returns a text content object. If $prepend is true the content
will be prepended to the page description.


sub text {
    my ($self,$dir) = @_;
    my $text=PDF::API2::Content::Text->new();
    $text->compressFlate() if($self->{' api'}->{forcecompress});

=item $ant = $page->annotation

Returns a new annotation object.


sub annotation {
    my ($self, $type, $key, $obj) = @_;

    $self->{'Annots'}->realise if(ref($self->{'Annots'})=~/Objind/);
    if($self->{'Annots'}->is_obj($self->{' apipdf'}))

    my $ant=PDF::API2::Annotation->new;
    $self->{' apipdf'}->new_obj($ant);
    $ant->{' apipdf'}=$self->{' apipdf'};
    $ant->{' apipage'}=$self;

    if($self->{'Annots'}->is_obj($self->{' apipdf'}))
        $self->{' apipdf'}->out_obj($self->{'Annots'});


=item $page->resource $type, $key, $obj

Adds a resource to the page-inheritance tree.



B<Note:> You only have to add the required resources, if
they are NOT handled by the *font*, *image*, *shade* or *space*


sub resource {
    my ($self, $type, $key, $obj, $force) = @_;
    my ($dict) = $self->find_prop('Resources');

    $dict = $dict || $self->{Resources} || PDFDict();

    $dict->realise if(ref($dict)=~/Objind$/);

    $dict->{$type} = $dict->{$type} || PDFDict();
    $dict->{$type}->realise if(ref($dict->{$type})=~/Objind$/);

    unless(defined $obj) {
        return($dict->{$type}->{$key} || undef);
    } else {
        if($force) {
            $dict->{$type}->{$key} = $obj;
        } else {
            $dict->{$type}->{$key} = $dict->{$type}->{$key} || $obj;

        $self->{' apipdf'}->out_obj($dict) if($dict->is_obj($self->{' apipdf'}));
        $self->{' apipdf'}->out_obj($dict->{$type}) if($dict->{$type}->is_obj($self->{' apipdf'}));
        $self->{' apipdf'}->out_obj($obj) if($obj->is_obj($self->{' apipdf'}));
        $self->{' apipdf'}->out_obj($self);


sub ship_out
    my ($self, $pdf) = @_;

    if (defined $self->{'Contents'})
    { $pdf->ship_out($self->{'Contents'}->elementsof); }

sub outobjdeep {
    my ($self, @opts) = @_;
    foreach my $k (qw/ api apipdf /) {
        $self->{" $k"}=undef;
        delete($self->{" $k"});




=head1 AUTHOR

Alfred Reibenschuh
