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package SIAM::Object;

use warnings;
use strict;

use Log::Handler;
use SIAM::Report;

# default log manager
our $logmgr = Log::Handler->new(
                                'screen' =>
                                {'log_to' => 'STDERR',
                                 'maxlevel' => 'warning',
                                 'minlevel' => 'emergency'});

=head1 NAME

SIAM::Object - the base class for all SIAM object (including the root).




=head2 new

  $new_object = new SIAM::Object($driver, $id)

Instantiates a new object. The method expects a driver object and an Object ID.


sub new
    my $class = shift;
    my $driver = shift;
    my $id = shift;

    my $self = {};
    bless $self, $class;

    $self->{'_attr'} = {''    => $id,
                        'siam.object.class' => $class};    
    $self->{'_driver'} = $driver;

    # retrieve attributes from the driver unless I am root
    if( not $self->is_root )
        if( not $driver->fetch_attributes($self->{'_attr'}) )
            SIAM::Object->error('Failed fetching attributes for ' . $id);
            return undef;

        # set siam.object.complete to true if undefined
        if( not defined($self->{'_attr'}{'siam.object.complete'}) )
            $self->{'_attr'}{'siam.object.complete'} = 1;

        # set siam.object.has_reports to false if undefined
        if( not defined($self->{'_attr'}{'siam.object.has_reports'}) )
            $self->{'_attr'}{'siam.object.has_reports'} = 0;
        # check if mandatory attributes are defined by the driver
        if( $self->can('_mandatory_attributes') )
            foreach my $attr (@{ $self->_mandatory_attributes() })
                if( not defined($self->{'_attr'}{$attr}) )
                          ('Driver did not fetch a mandatory attribute "' .
                           $attr . '" for object ID "' . $id . '"');
                    return undef;

    return $self;    

=head2 instantiate_object

Expects the object class and ID. Returns an object retrieved from the driver.


sub instantiate_object
    my $self = shift;
    my $obj_class = shift;
    my $obj_id = shift;

    my $obj = eval 'new ' . $obj_class . '($self->_driver, $obj_id)';
    if( $@ )
        $self->error('Cannot instantiate object of class "' . $obj_class .
                     '" and ID "' . $obj_id . '": ' . $@);
        return undef;
    return $obj;

=head2 get_contained_objects

 my $list = $object->get_contained_objects($classname, $options);

Fetches the list of contained objects of a given class. Returns arrayref of
C<SIAM::Object> instances. This is the preferred method of instantiating new
objects instead of manually calling the C<new> method.

It is assumed that the class name is already known to Perl, and the
corresponding module was loaded with C<use> or C<require>.

Without the options, the method retrieves all available objects. Options may
define a filter criteria as follows:

 my $list =
   $siam->get_contained_objects('SIAM::Contract', {
       'match_attribute' => [ 'siam.object.access_scope_id',
                                 ['SCOPEID01', 'SCOPEID02'] ]

Currently only one filter condition is supported. 


sub get_contained_objects
    my $self = shift;
    my $classname = shift;
    my $options = shift;

    my $driver = $self->_driver;
    my $ids =
        $driver->fetch_contained_object_ids($self->id, $classname, $options);
    my $ret = [];
    foreach my $id (@{$ids})
        my $obj = eval($classname . '->new($driver, $id)');

        if( $@ )
        elsif( defined($obj) )
            push(@{$ret}, $obj);

    return $ret;

=head2 get_objects_by_attribute

  my $list = $siam->get_objects_by_attribute(
       'SIAM::Device', 'siam.device.inventory_id', $id);

The method takes 3 arguments: class name, attribute name, and attribute
value. It returns an arrayref of objects matching the attribute. Empty
arrayref is returned if no objects match the criteria.


sub get_objects_by_attribute
    my $self = shift;
    my $classname = shift;
    my $attr = shift;
    my $value = shift;

    my $driver = $self->_driver;
    my $ids =
        $driver->fetch_object_ids_by_attribute($classname, $attr, $value);
    my $ret = [];
    foreach my $id (@{$ids})
        my $obj = eval($classname . '->new($driver, $id)');
        if( $@ )
        elsif( defined($obj) )
            push(@{$ret}, $obj);

    return $ret;

=head2 deep_walk_contained_objects

 my $list = $object->deep_walk_contained_objects($classname);

The method walks down the tree of contained objects and retrieves a list
of all found objects. It returns an array reference with all found objects;


sub deep_walk_contained_objects
    my $self = shift;
    my $classname = shift;

    # id => objref
    # the hash is needed to avoid object duplications
    my $results = {};
    $self->_walk_recursive($classname, $results);

    return [values %{$results}];

sub _walk_recursive
    my $self = shift;
    my $classname = shift;
    my $results = shift;

    my $driver = $self->_driver;
    my $contained_classes = $driver->fetch_contained_classes($self->id());

    foreach my $obect_class (@{$contained_classes})
        my $list = $self->get_contained_objects($obect_class);

        if( $obect_class eq $classname )
            foreach my $item (@{$list})
                $results->{$item->id()} = $item;
        foreach my $item (@{$list})
            $item->_walk_recursive($classname, $results);

=head2 id

Returns a value of C<> attribute


sub id { shift->attr('') }

=head2 objclass

Returns the value of C<siam.object.class> attribute.

sub objclass { shift->attr('siam.object.class') }

=head2 attr

 $val = $contract->attr('siam.contract.inventory_id');

Returns a value of an attribute.


sub attr
    my $self = shift;
    my $key = shift;
    return $self->{'_attr'}{$key};

=head2 attributes

Returns a hashref with copies of all object attributes.


sub attributes
    my $self = shift;

    my $ret = {};
    while( my($key, $val) = each %{$self->{'_attr'}} )
        $ret->{$key} = $val;
    return $ret;

=head2 is_complete

Returns the value of C<siam.object.complete>.


sub is_complete
    my $self = shift;
    my $key = shift;
    return $self->{'_attr'}{'siam.object.complete'};


=head2 computable

 $val = $contract->computable('siam.contract.content_md5hash');

Returns a value of a computable.


sub computable
    my $self = shift;
    my $key = shift;
    return $self->_driver->fetch_computable($self->id, $key);

=head2 set_condition

 $dataelement->set_condition('torrus.import_successful', 1);

The SIAM client application may use this method to send a (key, value)
pair to the driver and tell it about some state update. The condition
names and accepted values are defined by the driver and are
driver-specific. This is a one-way communication, and there is no way to
read the condition value.


sub set_condition
    my $self = shift;
    my $key = shift;
    my $value = shift;
    $self->_driver->set_condition($self->id, $key, $value);

=head2 is_root

Returns true if the object is a root.


sub is_root { (shift->id) eq 'SIAM.ROOT' }

=head2 is_predefined

Returns true if the object is a predefined object (the one with the ID
starting with I<SIAM.>)


sub is_predefined { substr(shift->id, 0, 5) eq 'SIAM.' }

=head2 contained_in

Returns the object that contains this object. Returns undef if container
is the root object.


sub contained_in
    my $self = shift;

    my $attr = $self->_driver->fetch_container($self->id);
    if( $attr->{''} eq 'SIAM.ROOT' )
        return undef;
    return $self->instantiate_object($attr->{'siam.object.class'},

=head2 get_reports

Returns arrayref with contained SIAM::Report objects


sub get_reports
    my $self = shift;

    if( $self->attr('siam.object.has_reports') )
        return $self->get_contained_objects('SIAM::Report');
        return [];


=head2 validate_driver

Takes a driver object as an argument and verifies if it implements all
required methods. returns true if all required methods are present. It
issues error messages in case of missing methods.


sub validate_driver
    my $class = shift;
    my $driver = shift;

    my $ok = 1;
    foreach my $m ('fetch_attributes', 'fetch_contained_object_ids',
                   'fetch_contained_classes', 'fetch_container',
                   'fetch_object_ids_by_attribute', 'set_condition',
                   'manifest_attributes', 'connect', 'disconnect')
        if( not $driver->can($m) )
                  ('The driver of class ' . ref($driver) . ' does not ' .
                   'implement a required method: ' . $m);
            $ok = 0;

    return $ok;

=head2 set_log_manager

Sets a log manager for SIAM objects. Note that it does not set the log
manager for the driver.  The default log manager is a C<Log::Handler>
object with STDERR output of warnings and errors. The method expects one
argument, an object which implements the following methods:

=over 4

=item * debug

=item * info

=item * warn

=item * error


Classes that suit as log managers: C<Log::Handler>, C<Log::Log4perl>, ...


sub set_log_manager
    my $class = shift;
    $logmgr = shift;

=head2 get_log_manager

Returns the current logger object.


sub get_log_manager
    return $logmgr;

=head2 debug, info, warn, error

These methods dispatch a message to the log manager. If the log manager
is undefined, all except C<debug()> print the message to STDERR with a
preceeding timestamp.


sub debug
    my $class = shift;
    my $msg = shift;

sub info
    my $class = shift;
    my $msg = shift;

sub warn
    my $class = shift;
    my $msg = shift;

sub error
    my $class = shift;
    my $msg = shift;


=head2 _driver

Returns the driver object


sub _driver { shift->{'_driver'} }

=head2 _print_stderr

Prints a message to STDERR with a preceeding timestamp


sub _print_stderr
    my $class = shift;
    my $msg = shift;

    print STDERR '[' . scalar(localtime(time())) . '] ' . $msg . "\n";


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