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#!perl -w

$running_under_some_shell = $running_under_some_shell = 0; # silence warning

##                                                                           ##
##    Copyright (c) 2003 by Steffen Beyer & Gerhard Albers.                  ##
##    All rights reserved.                                                   ##
##                                                                           ##
##    This package is free software; you can redistribute it                 ##
##    and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.                  ##
##                                                                           ##

## Imports: ##

use strict;
use vars qw( @ARGV );

use Config::Manager::Conf qw(whoami);

my $DEFAULT = 'Manager';


$self = $0;
$self =~ s!^.*[/\\]!!;
$self =~ s!\.+(?:pl|bat|sh)$!!i;

foreach (@ARGV)
    if (/^--?(?:h|\?|help|hilfe)/i)
        exit 0; # 0 = OK

if (@ARGV > 2)
    die "$self: wrong number of parameters!\n";

unless (($owner,$which) = &whoami())
    die "$self: can't find your login in the environment!\n";

$scope = shift || $DEFAULT;
$user  = shift || $owner;

$error = '';
$ENV{$which} = $user if ($owner ne $user);
    if (defined ($conf = Config::Manager::Conf->new()))
        if (defined $conf->init( $scope ))
            unless (defined ($list = $conf->get_all()))
                $error = "can't get all config parameters: " . $conf->error();
            $error = "can't initialize new config object: " . $conf->error();
    else { $error = "can't create new config object"; }
$ENV{$which} = $owner if ($owner ne $user);

if (($@ ne '') or ($error ne ''))
    $@     =~ s!\s+$!!;
    $error =~ s!\s+$!!;
    if (($@ ne '') and ($error ne '')) { $error = $@ . ': ' . $error; }
    else                               { $error = $@        . $error; }
    die "$self: $error\n";

unless ((-t STDOUT) && (open(MORE, "| more")))
    unless (open(MORE, ">-"))
        die "$self: can't open STDOUT: $!\n";

$max = 0;
foreach $item (@{$list})
    next if (defined $$item[3] and $$item[3] =~ /^<.*>$/);
    $len = length($$item[1]) + length($$item[2]);
    $len += 2 if ($$item[0]);
    $max = $len if ($len > $max);

foreach $item (@{$list})
    $len = length($$item[1]) + length($$item[2]);
    if ($$item[0]) { $line = '  ' . $$item[1] . ' = "' . $$item[2] . '"'; $len += 2; }
    else           { $line = '! ' . $$item[1] . ' : '  . $$item[2]; }
    if ($$item[3])
        $len = $max if ($len > $max);
        $line .= (' ' x ($max-$len)) . ' => ' . $$item[3];
        if ($$item[4])
            $line .= ' (' . $$item[4] . ')';
    print MORE "$line\n";


exit 0; # 0 = OK

sub Usage
    print <<"VERBATIM";


  $self -h
  $self <scope>
  $self <scope> <login>
  $self    ''   <login>

  Lists all configuration constants of the current
  (or specified) user in the default (or specified)
  scope (i.e., the named chain of configuration files)
  in alphabetical order.

