Locale-TextDomain-OO folder example

This is the explanation which file shows what.

This examples shows you the flexibility how to use different lexicons and
translation methods. So you can run maketext and/or gettext methods in a mix
you want.

The module itself is not touching your machine locale. It is not reading any
locale information of a request or from the operating system. You decide what
you really want.

You are able to bind this module to a perl script and also to a web framework
e.g. Catalyst. Both I do with that module in a productive system. Before
Locale::Maketext was used there. After context problems and plural problems
we changed the used module and step by step the methods we call.

Context problems: This are something like the word "date". You have one word in
the English language and 2 German translations for that. The first is "Datum"
in the datetime context. The second is "Date" for the appointment context.

Plural problems: The plural of the text "There is 1 attachment." is "There are
2 attachments". The Locale::Maketext workaround was "There is/are 1
attachment." and "There is/are 2 attachments.".

    This example shows how to run code after each translation.
    Maybe you want to run any formatter like markdown or and/or encode to UTF-8
    or anything else.

    This example shows how to use the plugin "Language::LanguageOfLanguages".
    This plugin implements the method languages. You can give a lot of
    languages. The first match in lexicon will store that language as the used
    language. If no of that languages is availabe in lexicon that will use
    language "i-default". Maybe you have to blow up that with super and panic
    languages but that depends on your project.

    This example shows how to use the lexicon as JSON for JavaScript. Because
    not the full lexicon is used in JavaScript, you can set the filter.

    This example shows how to format numbers.

   This example shows how to format numbers.

11_gettext_hash.pl, 11_gettext_loc_hash.pl, 11_gettext_named_hash.pl
    This example shows how to create a lexicon from hash.
    And it shows how to run with the different gettext plugins.

    This example shows how to create a lexicon from mo file.
    Also that is using Russian language with 3 plural forms.
    It also shows how to work with grammar attributes.

    It is also possible to read the mo file with Windows charset cp1252.

14_N__.pl, 14_Nloc_.t
    This example shows how to use all the N__... or Nloc_... methods.
    This methods are seen by extractor but doing no translation.
    Maybe there is a mapping and only one translation is used at the end.
    So translate only that one and not all.

    This shows how to use more than one plural form in one phrase. That is a
    special thing but a possible way.

    Also the maketext method is callable. Here you can see, what to do.

    Sometime the maketext method is written as method loc.
    That example also shows the getext writing %1 instead of _1.

    Sometime the maketext method is written as method localize.

    To interpolate all methods inside of a string use the tied stuff.

    There is also a functional Interface.
    Create the object and bind that to the interface.