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package FCGI::Engine;
use Moose;

use Class::Load ();
use CGI::Simple;

our $VERSION   = '0.22';
our $AUTHORITY = 'cpan:STEVAN';

extends 'FCGI::Engine::Core';

has 'handler_class' => (
    metaclass => 'NoGetopt',
    is        => 'ro',
    isa       => 'Str | Object',
    required  => 1,

has 'handler_method' => (
    metaclass => 'NoGetopt',
    is        => 'ro',
    isa       => 'Str',
    default   => sub { 'handler' },

has 'handler_args_builder' => (
    metaclass => 'NoGetopt',
    is        => 'ro',
    isa       => 'CodeRef',
    default   => sub {
        sub { CGI::Simple->new }

augment 'initialize' => sub {
    my ( $self, %addtional_options ) = @_;

    my $handler_class  = $self->handler_class;
    my $handler_method = $self->handler_method;
    my $handler_args   = $self->handler_args_builder;

    Class::Load::load_class($handler_class) unless blessed $handler_class;

        || confess "The handler class ("
                 . $handler_class
                 . ") does not support the handler method ("
                 . $handler_method
                 . ")";

sub create_environment { \%ENV }

sub handle_request {
    my $self = shift;
    my $method = $self->handler_method;
    $self->handler_class->$method( $self->handler_args_builder->() );




=head1 NAME

FCGI::Engine - A flexible engine for running FCGI-based applications


  # in scripts/
  use strict;
  use warnings;

  use FCGI::Engine;

      handler_class  => 'My::Web::Application',
      handler_method => 'run',
      pre_fork_init  => sub {

  # run as normal FCGI script
  perl scripts/

  # run as standalone FCGI server
  perl scripts/ --nproc 10 --pidfile /tmp/ \
                                  --listen /tmp/my_app.socket --daemon

  # see also FCGI::Engine::Manager for managing
  # multiple FastCGI backends under one script


This module helps manage FCGI based web applications by providing a
wrapper which handles most of the low-level FCGI details for you. It
can run FCGI programs as simple scripts or as full standalone
socket based servers who are managed by L<FCGI::Engine::ProcManager>.

The code is largely based (*cough* stolen *cough*) on the
L<Catalyst::Engine::FastCGI> module, and provides a  command line
interface which is compatible with that module. But of course it
does not require L<Catalyst> or anything L<Catalyst> related. So
you can use this module with your L<CGI::Application>-based web
application or any other L<Random::Web::Framework>-based web app.

=head2 Using with Catalyst, Plack or other web frameworks

This module (FCGI::Engine) is B<not> a replacement for L<Catalyst::Engine::FastCGI>
but instead the L<FCGI::Engine::Manager> (and all it's configuration tools) can be
used to manager L<Catalyst> apps as well as FCGI::Engine based applications. For
example, at work we have an application which has 6 different FCGI backends running.
Three of them use an ancient in-house web framework with simple FCGI::Engine wrappers,
one which uses L<CGI::Application> and an FCGI::Engine wrapper and then two L<Catalyst>
applications. They all happily and peacefully coexist and are all managed with the
same L<FCGI::Engine::Manager> script.

As of version 0.11 we now have L<Plack>/L<PSGI> applications support via the
L<FCGI::Engine::Manager::Server::Plackup> module. See that module for more
information about how it can be used.

=head2 Note about usage

This module uses L<CGI::Simple> as a sane replacement for, it will pass in
a L<CGI::Simple> instance to your chosen C<handler_method> for you, so there is no
need to create your own instance of it. There have been a few cases from users who
have had bad interactions with and the instance of L<CGI::Simple> we create
for you, so before you spend hours looking for bugs in your app, check for this
first instead.

If you want to change this behavior and not use L<CGI::Simple> then you can
override this using the C<handler_args_builder> option, see the docs on that
below for more details.

=head1 CAVEAT

This module is *NIX B<only>, it definitely does not work on Windows
and I have no intention of making it do so. Sorry.


=head2 Command Line

This module uses L<MooseX::Getopt> for command line parameter
handling and validation.

All parameters are currently optional, but some parameters
depend on one another.

=over 4

=item I<--listen -l>

This should be a file path where the unix domain socket file
should live. If this parameter is specified, then you B<must>
also specify a location for the pidfile.

=item I<--nproc -n>

This should be an integer specifying the number of FCGI processes
that L<FCGI::Engine::ProcManager> should start up. The default is 1.

=item I<--pidfile -p>

This should be a file path where your pidfile should live. This
parameter is only used if the I<listen> parameter is specified.

=item I<--daemon -d>

This is a boolean parameter and has no argument, it is either
used or not. It determines if the script should daemonize itself.
This parameter only used if the I<listen> parameter is specified.

=item I<--manager -m>

This allows you to pass the name of a L<FCGI::ProcManager> subclass
to use. The default is to use L<FCGI::Engine::ProcManager>, and any value
passed to this parameter B<must> be a subclass of L<FCGI::ProcManager>.


=head2 Constructor

In addition to the command line parameters, there are a couple
parameters that the constuctor expects.

=over 4

=item I<handler_class>

This is expected to be a class name, which will be used inside
the request loop to dispatch your web application.

=item I<handler_method>

This is the class method to be called on the I<handler_class>
to server as a dispatch entry point to your web application. It
will default to C<handler>.

=item I<handler_args_builder>

This must be a CODE ref that when called produces the arguments
to pass to the I<handler_method>. It defaults to a sub which
returns a L<CGI::Simple> object.

=item I<pre_fork_init>

This is an optional CODE reference which will be executed prior
to the request loop, and in a multi-proc context, prior to any
forking (so as to take advantage of OS COW features).


=head1 METHODS

=head2 Command Line Related

=over 4

=item B<listen>

Returns the value passed on the command line with I<--listen>.
This will return a L<Path::Class::File> object.

=item B<is_listening>

A predicate used to determine if the I<--listen> parameter was

=item B<nproc>

Returns the value passed on the command line with I<--nproc>.

=item B<pidfile>

Returns the value passed on the command line with I<--pidfile>.
This will return a L<Path::Class::File> object.

=item B<has_pidfile>

A predicate used to determine if the I<--pidfile> parameter was

=item B<detach>

Returns the value passed on the command line with I<--daemon>.

=item B<should_detach>

A predicate used to determine if the I<--daemon> parameter was

=item B<manager>

Returns the value passed on the command line with I<--manager>.


=head2 Inspection

=over 4

=item B<has_pre_fork_init>

A predicate telling you if anything was passed to the
I<pre_fork_init> constructor parameter.


=head2 Important Stuff

=over 4

=item B<run (%addtional_options)>

Call this to start the show.

It passes the C<%addtional_options> arguments to both the
C<pre_fork_init> sub and as constructor args to the


=head2 Other Stuff

=over 4

=item B<BUILD>

This is the L<Moose> BUILD method, it checks some of
our parameters to be sure all is sane.

=item B<meta>

This returns the L<Moose> metaclass assocaited with
this class.


=head1 SEE ALSO

=over 4

=item L<Catalyst::Engine::FastCGI>

I took all the guts of that module and squished them around a bit and
stuffed them in here.

=item L<MooseX::Getopt>

=item L<FCGI::ProcManager>

I refactored this module and renamed it L<FCGI::Engine::ProcManager>,
which is now included in this distro.


=head1 BUGS

All complex software has bugs lurking in it, and this module is no
exception. If you find a bug please either email me, or add the bug
to cpan-RT.

=head1 AUTHOR

Stevan Little E<lt>stevan@iinteractive.comE<gt>

Contributions from:

Marcus Ramberg

Bradley C. Bailey

Brian Cassidy

Johannes Plunien


Copyright 2007-2010 by Infinity Interactive, Inc.


This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
