The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
package mop::role;

use v5.16;
use warnings;

use mop::internals::util;

our $VERSION   = '0.03';
our $AUTHORITY = 'cpan:STEVAN';

use parent 'mop::object', 'mop::internals::observable';

mop::internals::util::init_attribute_storage(my %name);
mop::internals::util::init_attribute_storage(my %version);
mop::internals::util::init_attribute_storage(my %authority);
mop::internals::util::init_attribute_storage(my %roles);
mop::internals::util::init_attribute_storage(my %attributes);
mop::internals::util::init_attribute_storage(my %methods);
mop::internals::util::init_attribute_storage(my %required_methods);

sub name                { ${ $name{ $_[0] }             // \undef } }
sub version             { ${ $version{ $_[0] }          // \undef } }
sub authority           { ${ $authority{ $_[0] }        // \undef } }
sub roles               { ${ $roles{ $_[0] }            // \undef } }
sub attribute_map       { ${ $attributes{ $_[0] }       // \undef } }
sub method_map          { ${ $methods{ $_[0] }          // \undef } }
sub required_method_map { ${ $required_methods{ $_[0] } // \undef } }

# temporary, for bootstrapping
sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my %args  = @_;

    my $self = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );

    $name{ $self }      = \($args{'name'});
    $version{ $self }   = \($args{'version'});
    $authority{ $self } = \($args{'authority'});

    $roles{ $self }            = \($args{'roles'} || []);
    $attributes{ $self }       = \({});
    $methods{ $self }          = \({});
    $required_methods{ $self } = \({});


sub BUILD {
    my $self = shift;


    if (my @nometa = grep { !mop::meta($_) } @{ $self->roles }) {
        die "No metaclass found for these roles: @nometa";

sub clone {
    my $self = shift;
    my (%args) = @_;

    die "You must specify a name when cloning a metaclass"
        unless $args{name};

    my $methods = $self->method_map;
    $args{methods} //= {
        map { $_ => $methods->{$_}->clone } keys %$methods

    my $attributes = $self->attribute_map;
    $args{attributes} //= {
        map { $_ => $attributes->{$_}->clone } keys %$attributes

    my $clone = $self->SUPER::clone(%args);

    for my $method (keys %{ $args{methods} }) {

    for my $attribute (keys %{ $args{attributes} }) {

    return $clone;

sub add_role {
    my ($self, $role) = @_;
    push @{ $self->roles } => $role;

sub does_role {
    my ($self, $name) = @_;
    foreach my $role ( @{ $self->roles } ) {
        return 1 if $role->name eq $name
                 || $role->does_role( $name );
    return 0;

sub attribute_class { 'mop::attribute' }

sub attributes { values %{ $_[0]->attribute_map } }

sub add_attribute {
    my ($self, $attr) = @_;
    $self->attribute_map->{ $attr->name } = $attr;

sub get_attribute {
    my ($self, $name) = @_;
    $self->attribute_map->{ $name }

sub has_attribute {
    my ($self, $name) = @_;
    exists $self->attribute_map->{ $name };

sub remove_attribute {
    my ($self, $name) = @_;
    delete $self->attribute_map->{ $name };

sub method_class { 'mop::method' }

sub methods { values %{ $_[0]->method_map } }

sub add_method {
    my ($self, $method) = @_;
    $self->method_map->{ $method->name } = $method;

sub get_method {
    my ($self, $name) = @_;
    $self->method_map->{ $name }

sub has_method {
    my ($self, $name) = @_;
    exists $self->method_map->{ $name };

sub remove_method {
    my ($self, $name) = @_;
    delete $self->method_map->{ $name };

sub required_methods { keys %{ $_[0]->required_method_map } }

sub add_required_method {
    my ($self, $name) = @_;
    $self->required_method_map->{ $name } = 1;

sub remove_required_method {
    my ($self, $name) = @_;
    delete $self->required_method_map->{ $name };

sub requires_method {
    my ($self, $name) = @_;
    defined $self->required_method_map->{ $name };

    my $self = shift;

    mop::internals::util::apply_all_roles($self, @{ $self->roles })
        if @{ $self->roles };

    # XXX gross
    if ($self->isa('mop::class')) {
        die 'Required method(s) [' . (join ', ' => $self->required_methods)
            . '] are not allowed in ' . $self->name
            . ' unless class is declared abstract'
            if $self->required_methods && not $self->is_abstract;


        no strict 'refs';
        *{ $self->name . '::VERSION' } = \$self->version;
        @{ $self->name . '::ISA' } = ($self->superclass)
            if $self->isa('mop::class') && defined $self->superclass;

    for my $method ($self->methods) {
        # XXX
        if ($self->isa('mop::class')) {
            my @super_methods = (
                map { $_ ? $_->get_method($method->name) : undef }
                map { mop::meta($_) }
                @{ mro::get_linear_isa($self->name) }
            shift @super_methods;
            @super_methods = grep { defined } @super_methods;

            if (my $super = $super_methods[0]) {
                mop::apply_metaclass($method, $super);

        my $name = $self->name . '::' . $method->name;
        my $body = ref($method) eq 'mop::method' && !$method->has_events
            ? $method->body
            : sub { $method->execute(shift, \@_) };
        no strict 'refs';
        no warnings 'redefine';
        *$name = mop::internals::util::subname($name, $body);

    mop::internals::util::set_meta_magic($self, $self->name);


    my $METACLASS = mop::class->new(
        name       => 'mop::role',
        version    => $VERSION,
        authority  => $AUTHORITY,
        superclass => 'mop::object',

        name    => '$!name',
        storage => \%name,
        default => sub { die "name is required when creating a role or class" },
        name    => '$!version',
        storage => \%version,
        name    => '$!authority',
        storage => \%authority,
        name    => '$!roles',
        storage => \%roles,
        default => sub { [] },
        name    => '$!attributes',
        storage => \%attributes,
        default => sub { {} },
        name    => '$!methods',
        storage => \%methods,
        default => sub { {} },
        name    => '$!required_methods',
        storage => \%required_methods,
        default => sub { {} },

    $METACLASS->add_method( mop::method->new( name => 'BUILD', body => \&BUILD ) );
    $METACLASS->add_method( mop::method->new( name => 'clone', body => \&clone ) );

    $METACLASS->add_method( mop::method->new( name => 'name', body => \&name ) );

    $METACLASS->add_method( mop::method->new( name => 'version', body => \&version ) );

    $METACLASS->add_method( mop::method->new( name => 'authority', body => \&authority ) );

    $METACLASS->add_method( mop::method->new( name => 'roles',     body => \&roles     ) );
    $METACLASS->add_method( mop::method->new( name => 'add_role',  body => \&add_role  ) );
    $METACLASS->add_method( mop::method->new( name => 'does_role', body => \&does_role ) );

    $METACLASS->add_method( mop::method->new( name => 'attribute_class',  body => \&attribute_class  ) );
    $METACLASS->add_method( mop::method->new( name => 'attribute_map',    body => \&attribute_map    ) );
    $METACLASS->add_method( mop::method->new( name => 'attributes',       body => \&attributes       ) );
    $METACLASS->add_method( mop::method->new( name => 'get_attribute',    body => \&get_attribute    ) );
    $METACLASS->add_method( mop::method->new( name => 'add_attribute',    body => \&add_attribute    ) );
    $METACLASS->add_method( mop::method->new( name => 'has_attribute',    body => \&has_attribute    ) );
    $METACLASS->add_method( mop::method->new( name => 'remove_attribute', body => \&remove_attribute ) );

    $METACLASS->add_method( mop::method->new( name => 'method_class',  body => \&method_class  ) );
    $METACLASS->add_method( mop::method->new( name => 'method_map',    body => \&method_map    ) );
    $METACLASS->add_method( mop::method->new( name => 'methods',       body => \&methods       ) );
    $METACLASS->add_method( mop::method->new( name => 'get_method',    body => \&get_method    ) );
    $METACLASS->add_method( mop::method->new( name => 'add_method',    body => \&add_method    ) );
    $METACLASS->add_method( mop::method->new( name => 'has_method',    body => \&has_method    ) );
    $METACLASS->add_method( mop::method->new( name => 'remove_method', body => \&remove_method ) );

    $METACLASS->add_method( mop::method->new( name => 'required_methods',       body => \&required_methods       ) );
    $METACLASS->add_method( mop::method->new( name => 'required_method_map',    body => \&required_method_map    ) );
    $METACLASS->add_method( mop::method->new( name => 'add_required_method',    body => \&add_required_method    ) );
    $METACLASS->add_method( mop::method->new( name => 'requires_method',        body => \&requires_method        ) );
    $METACLASS->add_method( mop::method->new( name => 'remove_required_method', body => \&remove_required_method ) );

    $METACLASS->add_method( mop::method->new( name => 'FINALIZE', body => \&FINALIZE ) );





=head1 NAME

mop::role - A meta-object to represent roles



=head1 METHODS

=over 4

=item C<BUILD>

=item C<clone(%overrides)>

=item C<name>

=item C<version>

=item C<authority>

=item C<roles>

=item C<add_role($role)>

=item C<does_role($role_name)>

=item C<attribute_class>

=item C<attribute_map>

=item C<attributes>

=item C<get_attribute($name)>

=item C<add_attribute($attribute)>

=item C<has_attribute($name)>

=item C<remove_attribute($name)>

=item C<method_class>

=item C<method_map>

=item C<methods>

=item C<get_method($name)>

=item C<add_method($method)>

=item C<has_method($name)>

=item C<remove_method($name)>

=item C<required_methods>

=item C<required_method_map>

=item C<add_required_method($name)>

=item C<requires_method($name)>

=item C<remove_required_method($name)>



=head1 SEE ALSO

=head2 L<Role Details|mop::manual::details::roles>

=head1 BUGS

Since this module is still under development we would prefer to not
use the RT bug queue and instead use the built in issue tracker on

=head2 L<Git Repository|>

=head2 L<Issue Tracker|>

=head1 AUTHOR

Stevan Little <>

Jesse Luehrs <>

Florian Ragwitz <>


This software is copyright (c) 2013-2014 by Infinity Interactive.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
