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package WWW::Webrobot::Print::Html;
use strict;
use warnings;

# Author: Stefan Trcek
# Copyright(c) 2004-2006 ABAS Software AG

use File::Path;
use WWW::Webrobot::Global;
use WWW::Webrobot::Ext::General::HTTP::Response;
use WWW::Webrobot::XHtml;
use WWW::Webrobot::HttpErrcode;
use WWW::Webrobot::XML2Tree;

=head1 NAME

WWW::Webrobot::Print::Html - write response content to the file system


This module stores received content together with some navigation files
onto your file system.
You can view this site with any ordinary webbrowser
that supports frames
via the C<file://host/filename> protocol
(of course you may easily direct a webserver to show this site).


The output frames are numbered for reference purpose.

 |   |                              |
 |   |               2              |
 |   |                              |
 |   +-----------------+------------+
 |   |                 |            |
 | 1 |                 |            |
 |   |       3         |    4       |
 |   |                 |            |
 |   |                 |            |
 |   |                 |            |

 Frame  Description
 1      Single request/response.
        * select 'all' or 'failed' request
        * lines starting with '...' are dependend requests,
          see L<WWW::Webrobot::pod::Recur>
 2      * Testplan data along with result
        * Redirections and authentification
          * HTTP return code for every single request
          * click selects frames 3-4
 3      Request Header, Response Header, return code and code description
 4      Response content for
                the source of the content
                displayable (most browser don't do their best)
                xhtml if it was converted somewhere

=head1 METHODS

See L<WWW::Webrobot::pod::OutputListeners>.



my $HTTP_ERRCODE = "http_errcode.html";
my $DOCTYPE = <<EOF;
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
my $green = "#808000";
my $SP = '&nbsp;';

=item $obj->new (%parms)

 dir   [optional] Directory name where to put the files
       DEFAULT: output_html/<testplanname>



sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my $self = bless({}, ref($class) || $class);
    init($self, @_);
    return $self;

sub init {
    my $self = shift;
    my %p = (@_);

    $self->{navigation} = $p{navigation};
    $self->{_parm_dir} = $p{dir};

    $self->{entry_count} = 0;
    $self->{list_modes} = [
        [undef, "index.html", "list_all.html"],
        [undef, "index_fail.html", "list_fail.html"],
        [undef, "index_all_long.html", "list_all_long.html"],

sub global_start {
    my $self = shift;

    $self->{dir} = $self->{_parm_dir} ||
        "output_html/" . WWW::Webrobot::Global->plan_name();
    print "# " . __PACKAGE__ . " writing to $self->{dir}\n";
    -d $self->{dir} || mkpath([$self->{dir}], 1, 0777) ||
        die "Can't make dir=$self->{dir} err=$!";

        local *ERRCODE;
        # create http error codes file
        open ERRCODE, ">$self->{dir}/$HTTP_ERRCODE" ||
            warn "Can't write HTTP errcodes";
        print ERRCODE WWW::Webrobot::HttpErrcode::as_html();
        close ERRCODE;

    foreach (@{$self->{list_modes}}) {
        my ($dummy_handle, $index, $filename) = @$_;
        # toplevel frameset containing (1), (2 3 4)
        my $INDEX = open_die(">$self->{dir}/$index");
        print {$INDEX} make_html("WebRobot", <<EOF);
<frameset cols='90,1*'>
  <frame name='planlist' src='$filename'>
  <frame name='planentry' src='0/index.html'>
     For better navigation enable frames in your browser.
     <a href='$filename'>Filename</a><br>
     <a href='0/index.html'>Entry 0</a><br>
        close $INDEX;

        # create frame 1
        my $handle = open_die(">$self->{dir}/$filename");
        $_ -> [0] = $handle;
        my $navigation = $self->{navigation} || "";
        print $handle "$DOCTYPE\n<html>\n<body>\n";
        print $handle "$navigation" if $navigation;
        print $handle
            "<a href='list_all.html'>all</a><br>",
            "<a href='list_all_long.html' target='webrobot_source'>all-long</a><br>",
            "<a href='list_fail.html'>failed</a><hr>";

    # print file for undefined frames
    my $FRAME = open_die(">$self->{dir}/frame_undef.html");
    print {$FRAME} make_html("FRAME", "<font size='6' color='green'>FRAME</font>");
    close $FRAME;

sub global_end {
    my $self = shift;
    foreach (@{$self->{list_modes}}) {
        my ($handle, $index, $filename) = @$_;
        print $handle "</body>\n</html>\n";
        close $handle;

sub item_pre {
    #my ($self, $arg) = @_;

sub item_post_change {
    my ($self, $r, $arg, $index) = @_;
    $arg ||= $self->norm_args($r, $arg);
    $self -> item_write($r, $arg || {}, $index);

sub norm_args {
    my ($self, $r, $arg) = @_;
    return {
        fail => ($r->code() =~ m/[45]\d\d/) ? 1 : 0,
        method => $r->request()->method(),
        url => $r->request()->uri(),
        description => "THIRD PARTY USER",
        $arg ? (%$arg) : (),

sub item_post {
    my ($self, $r, $arg) = @_;

    my ($LIST_ALL, $LIST_FAIL, $LIST_ALL_LONG) = map {$_->[0]} @{$self->{list_modes}};
    my $index = $self->{entry_count}++;
    $arg ||= $self->norm_args($r, $arg);

    $self -> item_write($r, $arg || {}, $index);

    print {$LIST_ALL} pr_index_item($r, $arg, $index, 0);
    print {$LIST_FAIL} pr_index_item($r, $arg, $index, 0) if $arg->{fail};
    print {$LIST_ALL_LONG} pr_index_item($r, $arg, $index, 1);

# private
sub item_write {
    my ($self, $r, $arg, $index) = @_;

    my $dir = $self->{dir} . "/" . $index;
    -d $dir || mkdir $dir || die "Can't make dir=$dir err=$!";

    # FILE: Frameset containing (2), (3 4)
    my $INDEX = open_die(">$dir/index.html");
    my $request_body_frame = ($r && $arg->{fail} != 2) ?
        "<frame name='requestbody' src='0/index.html'>" : "";
    print {$INDEX} make_html("Single Request", <<EOF);
<frameset rows='30%, 70%'>
    <frame src='plan_data.html'>
    <a href='plan_data.html'>plan_data.html</a><br>
    close $INDEX;

    # FILE: write frame 2
    my $PLANDATA = open_die(">$dir/plan_data.html");

    # print navigation bar
    my $fail_str = fail2str([qw(Ok FAILED INVALID)], "[no assertion]", $arg->{fail}, ["b"]);
    my $count0 = ($index > 0) ? $index - 1 : 0;
    my $count1 = $index + 1;
    my $url = $arg->{url} || "";
    #???use Data::Dumper; die "R=", Dumper($r), "ARG=", Dumper($arg);
    print {$PLANDATA} <<EOF;
<head><title>Data from Testplan</title></head>
<a href='../$count0/index.html' target='planentry'>prev</a>
<font color='#0000A0'><b>[$index]</b></font>
<a href='../$count1/index.html' target='planentry'>next</a>$SP$SP$SP
<font color='$green'>$arg->{description}</font><hr>

    # print all called requests
    my $subrequest_count = 0;
    my $req = $r;
    while (defined $req) {
        print $PLANDATA
            "<a href='../$HTTP_ERRCODE#$req->{_rc}' target='webrobot_source'>$req->{_rc}</a>",
            "$SP<a href='$subrequest_count/index.html' target='requestbody'>",
        $req = $req -> {_previous};
    print {$PLANDATA} "<hr>\n";

    # print POST data
    if (defined $arg->{data} && %{$arg->{data}}) {
        my @tbl = map {[$_, $arg->{data}->{$_}]} sort keys %{$arg->{data}};
        print {$PLANDATA} pr_table("Data section of GET or POST", ["Attribute", "Value"], \@tbl, alter_colors());
        print $PLANDATA "<br>\n";

    # print assertions
    my $fail_out = $arg->{fail_str};
    $fail_out = [ $fail_out ] if ! ref $fail_out;
    my @bool = qw(false true);
    my @failed = map {
        $_->[0] = $bool[$_->[0]] || $_->[0];
    } map {
        (my $tmp = $_) =~ s/</&lt;/g;
        [ split(/\s+/, $tmp, 2) ]
    } @$fail_out;

    print {$PLANDATA} "<table border='0'>\n";
    print {$PLANDATA} "<tr><td valign='top'>\n", print_assert_xml("Define global assertion", $arg->{global_assert_xml}), "</td>\n" if $arg->{global_assert_xml};
    print {$PLANDATA} "<tr><td valign='top'>\n", pr_table("Predicates", [], \@failed, alter_colors()), "</td>\n";
    print {$PLANDATA} "<tr><td valign='top'>\n", print_assert_xml("Assertion (parsed source)", $_), "</td>\n" foreach(@{$arg->{assert_xml}});
    print {$PLANDATA} "</table>\n";

    # print xpath expressions
    my $assert = $arg->{assert};
    if (UNIVERSAL::isa($assert, "WWW::Webrobot::Assert")) {
        my $postfix = (($arg -> {assert} || {}) -> {evaluator} || {}) -> {postfix} || [];
        if ($postfix && scalar @$postfix) {
            my @xpath = ();
            foreach (@$postfix) {
                next if ref $_ ne 'ARRAY';
                my ($predicate, $parm) = @$_;
                next if $predicate ne 'xpath';
                my $xpath_expr = $parm->[0]->{xpath};
                (my $xpath_result = $r->xpath($xpath_expr)) =~ s/\n/<br>/g;
                push @xpath, [$xpath_expr, $xpath_result];
            if (@xpath) {
                print {$PLANDATA} pr_table("XPath expressions", ["XPath", "Value"], \@xpath, alter_colors());
                print $PLANDATA "<br>\n";

    # print variables that have been defined in this entry
    if (defined $arg->{new_properties} && scalar @{$arg->{new_properties}}) {
        print {$PLANDATA} pr_table("Defined variables", ["Name", "Value"], $arg->{new_properties}, alter_colors());
        print $PLANDATA "<br>\n";

    # print caller pages
    if (my $cp = $arg->{caller_pages}) {
        print $PLANDATA "<p><b>This page was called by</b><br>\n";
        foreach (@$cp) {
            print $PLANDATA "$_<br>\n";

    # print elapsed time
    print $PLANDATA "Elapsed time: ", $r->elapsed_time(), " seconds<br>\n" if $r;

    # Finish this frame
    print $PLANDATA "</html>\n";
    close $PLANDATA;

    # FILE: write frame(3): print all subrequests
    $subrequest_count = 0;
    $req = $r;
    while (defined($req)) { # for all subrequests
        # define and make directory
        my $dir = "$self->{dir}/$index/$subrequest_count";
        -d $dir || mkdir $dir || die "Can't make dir=$dir err=$!";

        # write data for frame 3, request header
        my $HEADER = open_die(">$dir/req_head.html");
        my $xhtml_text0 = ($req->content_xhtml(1)) ?
            "<a href='source_xhtml.txt' target='webrobot_source'>source-xhtml</a>" : "";
        my $navi_source = <<EOF;
<a href='source.txt' target='webrobot_source'>source</a>
<a href='display.html' target='webrobot_source'>display</a>
        print {$HEADER} make_html("Request and Response, Header and Data",
                "Request Header",
                ($req->{_request}->{_method} || "no_method") . $SP . ($req->{_request}->{_uri} || "no_uri"),
                "Response Header",
                ($req->{_protocol} || "(no_protocol)") . $SP .
                    "<a href='../../$HTTP_ERRCODE#$req->{_rc}' target='webrobot_source'>$req->{_rc}</a>" . $SP .
                    ($req->{_msg} || "(no_message)"),
        close $HEADER;

        # FILE: write response body (source)
        my $SRC = open_die(">$dir/source.txt");
        print {$SRC} $req -> content();
        close $SRC;

        # FILE: write response body (xhtml source)
        if ($req->content_xhtml(1)) { #if (exists $req->{_content_xhtml})
            my $XSRC = open_die(">$dir/source_xhtml.txt");
            print {$XSRC} $req -> content_xhtml();
            close $XSRC;

        # FILE: write frame(4): write display version
        my $content_type = norm_content_type($req->{_headers}->{"content-type"});
        my $DISPLAY = open_die(">$dir/display.html");
        SWITCH: for (@{$content_type}) {
            /text\/html/ and do {
                my $frame = "../../frame_undef.html";
                my $txt = $req -> content();
                # <frame ... src=...> in <frame ... src=$frame ...> aendern
                $txt =~ s/(<frame\s+.*?src\s*=\s*['"]).*?(['"].*?>)/$1$frame$2/gsi;
                print $DISPLAY $txt;
            /text\/plain/ || /text\/xml/ || /text\/sgml/ and do {
                my $txt = encode_text($req -> content());
                print {$DISPLAY} make_html("", "<pre>$txt</pre>\n");
            /image\/gif/ and do {
                print {$DISPLAY} make_html("", "<img src='display_1.gif'>");
                my $FILE = open_die(">$dir/display_1.gif");
                print $FILE $req->{_content};
                close $FILE;
            /image\/png/ and do {
                print {$DISPLAY} make_html("", "<img src='display_1.png'>");
                my $FILE = open_die(">$dir/display_1.png");
                print $FILE $req->{_content};
                close $FILE;
            /image\/jpeg/ and do {
                print {$DISPLAY} make_html("", "<img src='display_1.jpeg'>");
                my $FILE = open_die(">$dir/display_1.jpeg");
                print $FILE $req->{_content};
                close $FILE;
            do { # else
                # ??? kann ein array sein!
                my ($type, $charset) = split(/; */,
                    $req->{_headers}->{"content-type"} || "", 2);
                my $mime_info = "";
                $mime_info .= "type='$type'" if $type;
                $mime_info .= " $charset" if $charset;

                my $FILE = open_die(">$dir/any-mime");
                if ($mime_info eq "") {
                    print {$FILE} make_html("EMPTY", "<h1>... Content is empty ...</h1>");
                else {
                    my $txt = <<EOF;
This bodies MIME type is not treated specially.
You must possibly launch an external viewer
if your browser doesn't support this special link.
You may try:
<h1><a href='any-mime' $mime_info>Click me</a></h1>
                    print {$FILE} make_html("Link To Body Of Response", $txt);
                close $FILE;
        close $DISPLAY;

        # write frameset ((3), (4)) [resquest/response]
        my $INDEX = open_die(">$dir/index.html");
        print {$INDEX} make_html("Request and Response, Header and Data", <<EOF);
<frameset cols='60%, 40%'>
    <frame name='requestheader' src='req_head.html'>
    <frame name='responsedatatxt' src='display.html'>
        Follow these links (you'd better enable frames):<br>
        <a href='req_head.html'>Request/Response header</a><br>
        <a href='display.html'>Display response</a><br>
        close $INDEX;

        # set loop control variables
        $req = $req -> {_previous};

### functions ##########################################################

sub print_http_header {
    my ($title, $firstline, $headers) = @_;

    my $color_obj = alter_colors();
    my $color = $color_obj->();
    my @tbl = map {[$_, $headers->{$_}]} sort keys %{$headers};
    my $tmp_table = pr_table("", [], \@tbl, $color_obj);
    my $txt = <<EOF;
<table border='0'>
        <td colspan='2' $color nowrap><font size='-1'><b>$firstline</b></font></td>
    return $txt;

sub autoflush { #static
    my ($handle) = @_;
    my $save_handle = select($handle);
    $| = 1;

sub new_handle {
    do {local *FH; *FH};

sub open_die { #static
    my ($filename) = @_;
    my $handle = new_handle();
    my ($package, $file, $line) = caller();
    open($handle, $filename) or die("line $line: Can't open $filename, err=$!");
    return $handle;

sub alter_colors { #static object factory
    my @colors = @_;
    #@colors = ("#E0E0E0", "#F3F3F3") if ! scalar @colors;
    @colors = ("bgcolor='#E0E0E0'", "bgcolor='#F3F3F3'") if ! scalar @colors;
    my $state = 0;

    return sub {
        $state = 0 if $state >= scalar @colors;
        return $colors[$state++];

sub first_blue { #static object factory
    my $state = 0;

    return sub {
        my $old_state = $state;
        $state = 1;
        return $old_state ? "black" : "blue";

sub make_html { # static
    my ($title, @txt) = @_;
    my $txt = join "", @txt;
    return <<EOF;

sub pr_table {
    my ($title, $header, $tbl, $color_obj) = @_;
    return "" if scalar @$tbl == 0;
    my $ret = "";
    my $columns = scalar(@{$tbl->[0]});
    $ret .= "<table>\n";
    if ($title) {
        my $color = $color_obj -> ();
        $ret .= "<tr $color>\n";
        $ret .= "    <th align='left' colspan='$columns'><font size='-1'>$title</font></th>\n";
        $ret .= "</tr>\n";
    if ($header && scalar @$header > 0) {
        my $color = $color_obj -> ();
        $ret .= "<tr $color>\n";
        $ret .= "    <th align='left'><font size='-1'>$_</font></th>\n" foreach (@$header);
        $ret .= "</tr>\n";
    foreach my $row (@$tbl) {
        my $color = $color_obj -> ();
        my $fb = first_blue();
        $ret .= "<tr valign='top' $color>\n";
        foreach (@$row) {
            my $blue = $fb->();
            my $value = $_;
            $value = "[" . join(", ", @$value) . "]" if ref $value eq "ARRAY";
            $ret .= "    <td nowrap><font color='$blue' size='-1'>$value</font></td>\n";
        $ret .= "</tr>\n";
    $ret .= "</table>\n";
    return $ret;

sub print_assert_xml {
    my ($title, $assert_xml_parm) = @_;
    my $xml = WWW::Webrobot::XML2Tree::print_xml($assert_xml_parm);
    my @assert_html = map {
        $_ = encode_text($_);
        s/ /&nbsp;/g;
        [ "$_" ]
    } split /\n/, $xml;
    return pr_table($title, [], \@assert_html, alter_colors());

sub norm_content_type {
    my ($type) = @_;
    SWITCH: for ($type) {
        !defined       and do { return [ ] };
        ref eq ""      and do { return [ $type ] };
        ref eq "ARRAY" and do { return $type };
    return [ ];

sub encode_text {
    my ($txt, $mode) = @_;
    $txt =~ s/&/&amp;/gs if ! $mode || "" eq "XML";
    $txt =~ s/</&lt;/gs;
    return $txt;

sub pr_index_item {
    my ($r, $arg, $index, $long) = @_;
    # append new entry to frame 1
    my $points = $arg->{is_recursive} ? "...$SP" : "";
    my $link = "<a href='$index/index.html' target='planentry'>$index</a>";
    my $ok = fail2str(["O", "F", "I"], "-", $arg->{fail}, ["b", "tt"]);

    my $long_text = "";
    $long_text = do {
        (my $description = $arg->{description}) =~ s/[\s\n]/\&nbsp;/gs;
        my $url = $arg->{url} || "";
        "$SP$SP<font size='-1'>$arg->{method}$SP$url</font>$SP$SP<font size='-1' color=$green>$description</font>";
    } if $long;

    return "$ok$SP$points$link$long_text<br>\n";

sub fail2str {
    my ($array, $default, $err_code, $type) = @_;
    my $colour = $err_code ? "red" : "green";
    my $text = (defined $err_code) ? ($array->[$err_code] || "") : ($default || "");
    if ($text) {
        $text = "<$_>$text</$_>" foreach (@$type);
        $text = "<font color='$colour'>$text</font>";
    return $text;
